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***Correct answers highlighted in green***
1. The law of constant composition applies to
A. Heterogeneous mixtures
B. Homogeneous mixtures
C. Solutions
D. Solids
E. Compounds

2. An element cannot
A. Be a pure substance
B. Interact with other elements to form compounds
C. Be part of a heterogeneous mixture
D. Be part of a homogeneous mixture
E. Be separated into other substances by chemical means

3. Which one of the following is not an intensive property?

A. Density
B. Melting point
C. Boiling point
D. Mass
E. Temperature

4. Osmium has a density of 22.6 g/cm3. What volume (in cm3) would be occupied by a
21.8 g sample of osmium?
A. 0.965
B. 493
C. 1.04
D. 2.03 x 103
E. 2.03 x 10-3

5. Accuracy refers to
A. How close a measured number is to infinity
B. How close a measured number is to the calculated value
C. How close a measured number is to zero
D. How close a measured number is to other measured numbers
E. How close a measured number is to the true value

6. Expressing a number in scientific notation

A. Changes its value
B. Removes significant zeros
C. Allows to increase the numbers precision
D. Removes ambiguity as to the significant figures
E. All of the above

7. Which one of the following is not one of the postulates of Daltons atomic theory?
A. Each element is composed of extremely small particles called atoms
B. Compounds are formed when atoms of more than one element combine; a
given compound always has the same relative number and kind of atoms
C. All atoms of a given elements are identical; the atoms of different elements
are different and have different properties
D. Atoms are composed of protons, neutrons, and electrons
E. Atoms of an element are not changed into different types of atoms by
chemical reactions: atoms are neither created nor destroyed in chemical

8. The charge on an electron was determined in the

A. Millikan oil drop experiment
B. Rutherford gold foil experiment
C. Atomic theory of matter
D. Cathode ray tube, by J. J. Thomson
E. Dalton atomic theory

9. The gold foil experiment performed in Rutherfords lab
A. Confirmed the plum-pudding model of the atom
B. Utilized the deflection of beta particles by gold foil
C. Was the basis for Thomsons model of the atom
D. Proved the law of multiple proportions
E. Led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus

10. Of the following, the smallest and lightest subatomic particle is the
A. Proton
B. Electron
C. Nucleus
D. Alpha particle
E. Neutron

11. Which pair of atoms constitutes a pair of isotopes of the same element?
A. 146 126
B. 10
C. 146 147
D. 179 178
E. 20

12. An atom of the most common isotope of gold,

and electrons.
A. 197, 79, 118
B. 79, 118, 118
C. 79, 197, 197
D. 79, 118, 79
E. 118, 79, 39


, has protons, neutrons,

13. The element X has three naturally occurring isotopes. The isotopic masses (amu)
and % abundance of the isotopes are given in the table below. The average atomic
mass of the element is amu.



A. 55.74

B. 33.33

C. 56.11

D. 57.23

14. Which formula/name pair is incorrect?

A. Fe2(SO3)3
iron(III) sulfite
B. FeSO4
iron(II) sulfate
C. Fe2(SO4)3
iron(III) sulfide
D. FeSO3
iron(II) sulfite
E. FeS
iron(II) sulfide

15. Which of the following are combination reactions?

1. CH4 (g) + O2 (g) CO2 (g) + H2O (l)
2. CaO (s) + CO2 (g) CaCO3 (s)
3. Mg (s) + O2 (g) MgO (s)
4. PbCO3 (s) PbO (s) + CO2 (g)
A. 1, 2, and 3
B. 4 only
C. 2 and 3
D. 1, 2, 3, and 4
E. 2, 3, and 4

E. 56.29

16. The formula weight of ammonium sulfate ((NH4)2SO4), rounded to the nearest
integer, is amu.
A. 116

B. 100

C. 118

D. 132

E. 264

17. The mass % of Al in aluminum sulfate (Al 2(SO4)3) is

A. 15.77

B. 35.94

C. 7.886

D. 45.70

E. 21.93

18. A sample of CH2F2 with a mass of 19 g contains atoms of F.

A. 3.3 x 1024 B. 9.5

C. 4.4 x 1023 D. 38

E. 2.2 x 1023

19. Propane (C3H8) reacts with oxygen in the air to produce carbon dioxide and water.
In a particular experiment, 38.0 grams of carbon dioxide are produced from the reaction
of 22.05 grams of propane with excess oxygen. What is the % yield in this reaction?
A. 94.5

B. 66.0

C. 57.6

D. 38.0

E. 86.4

20. The net ionic equation for the reaction between aqueous nitric acid and aqueous
sodium hydroxide is
A. H+ (aq) + Na+ (aq) + OH- (aq) H2O (l) + Na+ (aq)
B. H+ (aq) + OH- (aq) H2O (l)
C. H+ (aq) + HNO3 (aq) + 2OH- (aq) 2H2O (l) + NO3- (aq)
D. HNO3 (aq) + OH- (aq) NO3- (aq) + H2O (l)
E. HNO3 (aq) + NaOH (aq) NaNO3 (aq) + H2O (l)

21. In which species does sulfur have the highest oxidation number?
A. S8 (elemental form of sulfur)
B. H2SO3
C. H2S
D. K2SO4
E. SO2

22. Oxidation is the and reduction is the

A. Gain of oxygen, loss of electrons
B. Loss of electrons, gain of electrons
C. Loss of oxygen, gain of electrons
D. Gain of oxygen, loss of mass
E. Gain of electrons, loss of electrons

23. What are the respective concentrations (M) of Fe 3+ and I- afforded by dissolving
0.200 mol FeI3 in water and diluting to 725 mL?
A. 0.276 and 0.828
B. 0.145 and 0.435
C. 0.828 and 0.276
D. 0.276 and 0.276
E. 0.145 and 0.0483

24. What volume (mL) of 0.135 M NaOH is required to neutralize 13.7 mL of 0.129 M
A. 0.24

B. 14.3

C. 0.076

D. 13.1

E. 6.55

25. What volume (mL) of 7.48 x 10-2 M phosphoric acid can be neutralized with 115 mL
of 0.244 M sodium hydroxide?
A. 75.0

B. 375

C. 188

D. 750

E. 125

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