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Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei

Pedagogia invatamantului scolar si prescolar

Enache P. Raluca an I - PIPP


Retell in writing a dream you, or someone you know, can remember. Use beyween 120 and 180
words. In retelling this dream, try to answer the following questions:
- What happened the scene (when, where, why)?
- What happened (why)?
- How did it end?
- If possible, try to offer an interpretation of this dream.
The word dream is the most likely related to the West Germanic draugmus (meaning
deception, illusion or phantom) or from the Old Norse draugr (ghost) or the Sanskrit druh.
The dream can be a positive one or a nightmare. This word, nightmare derives from the AngloSaxon word mare, meaning demon which is related to the Sanskrit mara, meaning destroyer.
The quality of dreams depends, at least in part, on the stage of sleep in which the dreams occur.
Dreams during REM tend to be more bizzare and detailed and have story line. Dreams in stage one or two
of sleep are simpler and shorter. Deep-sleep dreams tend to be difused and may be about nothing more
than a color or emotion.
I will tell about my dream and Ill try to give an interpretation of it.
It is dark and stormy night. Im driving along a lonely road in the country.
Its windy and raining, lightning and thunder split the night. A tree falls across the road, crushing
the back of my car. I manage to open the door and get out and find myself frightened and alone. Im
soaking wet with nowhere to go. The storm gathers strength.
I start to wander along the road. Im in a strange place, nothing is familiar. I see a light on in a
house in the distance so I make my way along the road and up the drive away. I must be injued because I
have to crawl, actually drag myself forward. It takes a long time and Im filthy, cold and scared. I manage
to get to the steps of the porch but no further. I cant drag myself up the stairs.
I have no strength to call out for help. I feel as if all hope is gone. This is when I wake up.
Accident dreams represents my fears or my emotional state. Alternately, the accident may
symbolize an error or mistake I have made.
To see a falling tree means that Im feeling off balance and out of sync.
To dream that Im calling for help suggests that Im feeling lost and/or inadequate.

Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei

Pedagogia invatamantului scolar si prescolar
Enache P. Raluca an I - PIPP
Choose the one word or phrase that best complete the sentence.
1. Kim likes ice cream, but ____B____ makes her cold.
(A) she

(B) it

(C) he

(D) you

2. Artie and Gilberto go ______C____ London every year.

(A) in

(B) on

(C) to

(D) at

3. Monica flies ____A_______ San Antonio every week.

(A) out of

(B) out on

(C) out off

(D) out at

4. Please, _____C______ find my keys.

(A) me help

(B) you help me

(C) help me

(D) help you

5. The teacher walked ___C______ the classroom.

(A) on

(B) through

(C) off

(D) over

6. Drink water instead of cole. It is more healthy for _____C______.

(A) me

(B) him

(C) you

(D) them

7. Betty has a problem with her daughter. She is always thinking about ___D____.




8. Ricardo plays the guitar and practices ____A____ every day.


(B)onto it

(C)on them

(D)to it

Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei

Pedagogia invatamantului scolar si prescolar
Enache P. Raluca an I - PIPP
9. _____A_____! That car is out of control!
(A)Watch out

(B)Please, turn right

(C)Put on your blinker when you turn

(D)Please, try my new car

10. The marathon race goes ____C______ the cener of the city and _______C______ the bridge.




11. The rice is always overcooked. Please, ____A_____ more carefully.

(A)watch it

(B)watch them

(C)you watch them

(D)watch you it

12. A hurricane can blow a roof ____A______ a house.

(A)out of

(B)off of



13. ______A_____First Street.

(A)Turn left on

(B)You turn

(C)Turn left into

(D)Turn you on

14. There are many fast-food restaurants ____B_____ the highway.




(D)out of

15. When the cat and the dog need food I give _____C_____ some




Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei

Pedagogia invatamantului scolar si prescolar
Enache P. Raluca an I - PIPP

Identify the one underlined word of phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be
grammatically correct.

16. Enrique has many new books; he can read it during the winter break. (THEM)

17. How often do you call your parents? I call him all the time. (THEM)

18. Excuse me, how do I get to the park? Go straight. Walk one block. Then turn in the corner of the
Central Ave.

D (turn on)

19. Please, has some more juice. Thanks, its delicious. Where did you buy it? At the fruit stand.

B(give me)

20. How do I get there? Walk at the corner and turn left. (TO THE)

21. Who likes action movies? Mona likes they; she watches them often. (THEM)

22. After they climb up the mountain, the explorers climb off of the mountain. (CLIMB OFF )

23. This is my best advice about learning a new language. Dont afraid to use it even if you make a

mistake. (DONT BE AFRAID)

Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei

Pedagogia invatamantului scolar si prescolar
Enache P. Raluca an I - PIPP

24. The helicopter always flies up the city. The pilot looks for the traffic accidents. He tells the drivers on

the ground how to get away from traffic jams. (TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS)

25. The dog likes to play with the cat, but when the dog comes into the house the cat runs away it.


Answer the following questions in writing:

1. Why is it so important to protect the environment?

Like it or not, we all live on this planet. We are part of something bigger than ourselves; we are
part of the environment. We all breathe the same air and drink the same water. We all walk on the same
ground and experience the same sunshine and moonlight. Earth is something that we all have in common.
It is our home and we have to preserve it.
We should protect the environment because it will be beneficial for those who live in the Earth.
We need to save trees and keep the air clean to prevent global warning which could cause dangerous
weather patterns over the globe.
We must protect the environment, because we use energy which is everywhere. We use energy to
jump, walk and run. Also, the radiant energy from the sun enables the vegetables, plants, trees to live and
grow. We must protect the environment because of the big pollution which is caused when harmful and
poisonous substances are released or found in the air, rivers, seas, plant or even our bodies.
We cant live without food! Our food comes from all over the world the green beans might
come from Egypt, coffe maybe from Africa, perhaps bananas have travelled from Ecuador and apples
flew across the Pacific Ocean from New Zealand. All of these food miles amounts to a lot of transports
and them means fuel and fuel means pollution.
In this case, we must plant more vegetablr which have no insecticides and pesticides added to

Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei

Pedagogia invatamantului scolar si prescolar
Enache P. Raluca an I - PIPP

2. What will happen if forests continue to be damaged?

Rainforests represent a valuable and usually irreplaceable habitat for wildlife. But beyond that,
trees control erosion and soil runoff, provide a buffer against excessive evaporation, and return oxygen to
the atmosphere. The immediate effects of deforestation are loss of wildlife and of some soil and water
Many animals who make their homes in the forests will also disappear, and so will the animals
who feed on these animals. This devastation will travel all the way up the food chain. In addition, our
source for lumber will disappear.
First of all, all the plants and animals which depend completely on forests will become extinct.
Soil erosion will increase. More and more amount of the topsoil will be carried away by rain water.
There will be a considerable reduction in rainfall as forests both aid vapourization and attract clouds.
It is trees that absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen. Due to deforestation, there will be a significant
increase in the proportion of carbon dioxide in the air and a significant decrease in the proportion of









making of




Many medicinal plants will become extinct. This will have a big impact on the pharmaceutical industry.

3. What materials can be recycled?

Recycling is a way to convert discarded items into new goods. Not everything can be recycled (yet),
but you should be able to find recycling facilities for these six main categories of household waste:
Most household glass can be recycled over and over again; just rinse or wash out the container and
recycle. Glass is one of the easiest materials to recycle, so buy products packaged in glass if you can.
Some glass items, such as car windshields, cooking dishes, and light bulbs, aren't usually accepted by
local recycling systems, so check with your local government's waste office to find out how to recycle
these items.
Metal food and drink cans made from aluminum or steel are recyclable, and aluminum cans in
particular are very valuable. You can even recycle used aluminum foil; just be sure cans and foil are

Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei

Pedagogia invatamantului scolar si prescolar
Enache P. Raluca an I - PIPP

Some recyclers include organic materials, such as yard and kitchen waste, in their regular
services, whereas others offer seasonal organics recycling, such as Christmas tree drop-off locations after
the holiday season.
Nearly every paper item is recyclable, though you should check with your local recycling service
provider before you bring in your milk and juice cartons. These cartons are made of cardboard
sandwiched between very thin layers of plastic, so not all the material is recyclable and not all centers
accept them. If you have a garden, you can recycle your own paper in your compost pile.
Each plastic product has a Plastic Identification Code - a triangle with a number from 1 to 7
inside - usually on the bottom. Most recycling services accept plastics with codes 1 or 2, which include
beverage bottles and containers used for milk, juice, and body-care products.
Many charitable and nonprofit organizations operate drop-off points for textiles like clothes and
shoes. You usually find these sites in supermarket parking lots and in the organizations' own business
locations. What the groups can't reuse they generally sell to private firms that deal in textiles.
4. How can individuals cut down on household waste?
Recycling if a very important step towards protecting and preserving our planet, and anything you
recycle will be reused, so you can stop thinking of it as waste. Try having separate trash cans in your
house; one for paper and cardboard, one for plastic, one for metal and one for food waste. Just a simple
step like this makes a huge difference, and lets your children learn about the steps of recycling too.
When you go to the supermarket to buy your weekly shop, be sure to take your reusable bags for
life with you. By doing this youll be avoiding the waste of all those little plastic bags which youd be
using otherwise. Next, try and use little baskets or papers bags for bagging your vegetables and fruit, this
will save you throwing away the disposable clear plastics bags.
With items like washing detergent, shampoo, toilet roll, etc try and buy them in bulk. Dont
worry if buying in bulk costs you more because it will last much longer than buying some every week and
will save on waste hugely. By purchasing one large packet of 24 toilet rolls, you are saving the waste of
buying little packets of 4 every week.
Instead of going through a roll of kitchen towel every week but some kitchen cloths instead.
You can wash them quickly and easily and it saves on so much paper and waste.

Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei

Pedagogia invatamantului scolar si prescolar
Enache P. Raluca an I - PIPP
If you have old magazines that need chucking away, old toys, clothes or even shoes check the
condition of them before you throw them out. If the quality is still good and youve simply outgrown
them, then why not hand them over to a local charity shop or hospital? Places like this always welcome
donations and youll feel great for doing your part.

5. What measures should the government take to reduce pollution?

Every action or inaction of any person in regard to her or his surroundings has an effect- be it good,
neutral or bad- on the environment. Nature already provides for our needs.Whatever we do to it gets back
to us. If we are friends of the earth, it will also be friendly to us. By becoming aware and doing the right
action, we choose to be part of the solution. What comes to mind now to serve as reminders include the

Stop smoking or at least follow the No Smoking sign.

Use unleaded gasoline in your cars.

Keep your car properly maintained to keep it in good running condition to avoid smoke emissions.

Share a ride or engage in car pooling.

Instead of using your cars, choose to walk or ride a bicycle whenever possible. With this ecofriendly practice, you will also be healthier and happier by staying fit.

Never use open fires to dispose of wastes.

Adopt the 3Rs of solid waste management: reduce, reuse and recycle. Inorganic materials such as
metals, glass and plastic; also organic materials like paper, can be reclaimed and recycled. This
takes into account that the proven solution to the problem of proper waste management (especially
in third world countries) is proper disposal (in waste bins for collection and not in the street where it
could fall into drains), waste segregation and collection, and recycling.

Start composting brown leaves in your yard and green scraps from your kitchen. It will reduce waste
while improving your yard and garden soils.

Reconnect with nature. Live green by using green power supplied abundantly and freely by wind
and the sun. Hang your laundry to dry to minimize use of gas or electricity from your dryers. Enjoy
fresh air from open windows to lessen the use of air conditioning system.

Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei

Pedagogia invatamantului scolar si prescolar
Enache P. Raluca an I - PIPP
Patronize local foods and goods. In this manner, transporting goods and foods prepared with GMOs
which uses fuel from conventional energy sources will be minimized.

Use eco-friendly or biodegradable materials instead of plastic which are made up of highly toxic
substances injurious to your health.

Create your green space. Value your garden. Plant more trees and put indoor plants in your
homes.They clean the air, provide oxygen and beautify your surrounding. Thus, care for them and
by protecting them, especially the big trees around and in the forest, you protect yourself and your
family, too.

Have a proper waste disposal system especially for toxic wastes

Take very good care of your pets and their wastes.

Never throw, run or drain or dispose into the water, air, or land any substance in solid, liquid or
gaseous form that shall cause pollution.

Do not cause loud noises and unwanted sounds to avoid noise pollution.

Do not litter in public places. Anti-litter campaigns can educate the populace.

Industries should use fuel with lower sulphur content.

Industries should monitor their air emissions regularly and take measures to ensure compliance with
the prescribed emission standards.

Industries should strictly follow applicable government regulations on pollution control.

Organic waste should be dumped in places far from residential areas.

Say a big "NO" to GMOs or genetically modified organisms. Genetically engineered crops are not
only bad for the environment since they require massive amount of fungicides, pesticides, and
herbicides; but GMO altered foods are also health risks and negatively impact farmers' livelihood.

Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence.
1 (B) Can you play a musical instrument?
2 I can sing, but I (C) cant play a musical instrument.
3 Many of my friends play music (B) beautifully.
4 Do they (C) know how to play the guitar?

Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei

Pedagogia invatamantului scolar si prescolar
Enache P. Raluca an I - PIPP
5 My friend, Simon, plays (B) professionally guitar.
6 He (B) practices every day. In fact, he is practicing right now.
7 Where (D) is he practicing?
8 He (D) usually practices at his mothers house.
9 (D) Every weekend he lays in an elegant bar.
10 Simon (C) prefers to play Spanish guitar music.
11 Now he (A) is working on some new songs.
12 Right now he is playing guitar at the bar on the wekeends, but he (A)s not playing at the bar during
the week.
13 (B) Is he enjoying his job? Yes, he is.
14 His boss pays him (D) very well, but he must work late.
15 Thats great. He can enjoy his work (A) and make a lot of money.

Identify the one word or phrase that must be changed in order fir the sentence to be
grammatically correct.
16 Were going to the beach. Can Ellen come? Does she can swim? (CAN SHE SWIM?)

17 Ellen is afraid of water, but this week she are bravely learning how to swim. (IS)

18. Where is she taking lessons? At the pool; she is going there every day. (GOES)

19. Every morning, she walks to the pool. She timidly puts her toe into the water. (?)

20. At first, she is hating the water, but once she jumps in, she splashes happily. (HATES)

Facultatea de Psihologie si Stiinte ale Educatiei

Pedagogia invatamantului scolar si prescolar
Enache P. Raluca an I - PIPP
21. She can no swim perfectly, but she is learning quickly.(CANT)

22. She knows how to breathe. Now she is learning how to breathe when she is swimming. (?)

23. She can goes to the beach, but please watch her carefully. (GO)

24. She cannot swim good. She needs someone near her when she is swimming. (well)

25. We always stay in shallow water and we always are watching little children very carefully. (?)
26. Can you brother makes model airplanes? Yes, this week he is building a new model. (now)
27. He can put the pieces together, and he cant paint the model by himself. He needs help. (but)

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