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Annual Reviews


Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1999. 61:14367

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Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1999.61:143-167. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org
by Duquesne University on 05/28/14. For personal use only.

R. D. Foreman
Department of Physiology, The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center,
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73190; e-mail: robert-foreman@ouhsc.edu

visceral pain, heart, cortex, sympathetic afferents, vagus, spinal cord

Angina pectoris often results from ischemic episodes that excite chemosensitive
and mechanoreceptive receptors in the heart. Ischemic episodes release a collage
of chemicals, including adenosine and bradykinin, that excites the receptors of
the sympathetic and vagal afferent pathways. Sympathetic afferent fibers from
the heart enter the upper thoracic spinal cord and synapse on cells of origin of
ascending pathways. This review focuses on the spinothalamic tract, but other
pathways are excited as well. Excitation of spinothalamic tract cells in the upper
thoracic and lower cervical segments, except C7 and C8 segments, contributes
to the anginal pain experienced in the chest and arm. Cardiac vagal afferent
fibers synapse in the nucleus tractus solitarius of the medulla and then descend to
excite upper cervical spinothalamic tract cells. This innervation contributes to the
anginal pain experienced in the neck and jaw. The spinothalamic tract projects
to the medial and lateral thalamus and, based on positron emission tomography
studies, activates several cortical areas, including the anterior cingulate gyrus (BA
24 and 25), the lateral basal frontal cortex, and the mesiofrontal cortex.

Patients with ischemic heart disease usually seek medical care when they experience the symptom of cardiac pain called angina pectoris. Heberden (1),
who experienced angina pectoris, described its most typical manifestation as
retrosternal with a crushing, burning, or squeezing characteristic. Pain may radiate to the throat, neck, or ulnar aspect of the left arm, sometimes reaching to
the little finger. Less often, it radiates to the neck and jaw or either the right or
both arms. Intensity and pain location vary from person to person and from time

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December 18, 1998

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to time. Angina pectoris may also be associated with the subjective sensation
of anguish and fear of impending death.
Pain, however, is an inconsistent indicator of the presence or absence of transient myocardial ischemia because angina pectoris may consist of a continuum
of conditions. These conditions may span a spectrum of patients, from those
revealing no signs of coronary artery disease with a hypersensitive cardiac neural network producing angina pectoris, to those manifesting severe coronary
artery disease with a hyposensitive cardiac neural network and no angina pectoris. One explanation for variation between painful and nonpainful effects of
myocardial ischemia may be that angina pectoris occurs late in the ischemic
cascade (2, 3). The typical sequence after onset of ischemia is left ventricular
dysfunction, electrocardiographic changes, and then onset of pain. Thus, some
ischemic episodes may end before the onset of angina pectoris. When pain is
present in patients, its character is similar for reversible episodes of myocardial
ischemia, acute myocardial infarction, and other causes (4). Nevertheless, pain
can serve as a protective reaction and warning signal that may become alarming
and sometimes disabling.
Coronary artery occlusion and chemical stimulation of receptors excite both
sympathetic and vagal afferent fibers that may be responsible for transmitting
the signals that give rise to pain from the heart during ischemia. The purpose
of this review is to explain how these two afferent pathways from the heart
contribute to the painful experience of angina pectoris. This review addresses
how sympathetic afferent fibers contribute primarily to the usual areas of pain
referral, including the chest and arm. Neural mechanisms are also discussed,
to explain how vagal afferents contribute more to the pain sensed in the neck
and jaw. This chapter also reviews factors activating afferent endings and their
pathways, processing of information in the spinal cord, ascending pathways that
transmit nociceptive information to the thalamus and brainstem, and processing
of information in the limbic and cortical regions that contribute to the perception
of angina pectoris. Not enough space is available to discuss how spinal and
central processing could occur to contribute to silent myocardial ischemia;
however, other reviews have addressed this important issue (58).


Surgical interventions of sympathetic afferent pathways abolished or relieved
angina pectoris (911). These procedures include removal of the superior cervical ganglia and stellate ganglia or the cervical thoracic trunk, and the sympathetic chain; and dorsal rhizotomy from the level of the lower cervical to the
middle thoracic spinal cord. A summary of these studies shows that 5060% of

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Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1999.61:143-167. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

by Duquesne University on 05/28/14. For personal use only.



patients report complete relief from angina whereas 3040% report partial relief
and approximately 1020% report no relief at all (12). Surgical interventions
show that sympathetic afferents contribute to most of the pain experienced during angina pectoris. This does not eliminate the possibility that other afferent
pathways are involved. Partial success in some of these patients could also be
attributed to incomplete surgical sympathectomies. After surgical intervention
of sympathetic afferents was completed, pain was occasionally unmasked in the
neck and jaw or patients continued to experience pain in these regions during
ischemic episodes. It was proposed that the vagus nerve may be contributing to
that painful experience. Although patients experienced this pain, it was more
tolerable than the pain they experienced when sympathetic afferent pathways
were intact.

Characterization and Localization of Sensory Endings

The anatomical organization and functional characteristics of sensory nerve
endings that may contribute to angina pectoris have been studied. However,
much more research is required to understand how these endings contribute to
variable consequences of ischemia and other forms of heart disease that lead to
pain. Afferent fibers in the heart have diffuse or compact uncapsulated sensory
nerve endings that are branched and found primarily in the epicardium (13, 14).
The myocardium does not appear to contain sensory endings, but mixed myelinated and unmyelinated nerves forming bundles are traced through connective
tissues of the septa between the muscles (13). Reflex activation of renal nerves
shows that sympathetic afferent endings in the ventricle generally appear to be
close to the epicardial surface whereas vagal afferent endings are closer to the
endocardial surface (15, 16). It is also proposed, based on reflex responses, that
sympathetic afferent fibers may be distributed over the wall of the left ventricle
whereas vagal afferent fibers are distributed preferentially to the inferoposterior
wall (1720). Anatomical studies show that dorsal root afferent fibers innervate
predominantly the anterior portion of the left ventricle, and nodose ganglion
afferent fibers are concentrated in the inferoposterior wall (21, 22). Although
these findings agree with the reflex responses, this homogeneity could not be
confirmed when recordings were made directly from nodose ganglion afferent
fibers (23) and cardiac sensitive dorsal root ganglion cells of sympathetic afferent fibers (24). Thus, reflexes may evoke responses that do not necessarily
define how pain is generated from nociceptors in the heart. Direct recordings of
afferent fibers agree with observations made in patients that patterns of anginal
pain do not vary with different ischemic sites in the heart (4, 25). The emerging field of the intrinsic nervous system of the heart adds to the complexity
about the processing of afferent information arising from the heart (26, 27).
Much more needs to be learned before we understand how this processing of

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by Duquesne University on 05/28/14. For personal use only.

afferent information locally affects symptomatic and asymptomatic episodes of

myocardial ischemia.
Excitation of terminal sensory nerve endings may occur because of at least
two separate processes (28). One process may have a channel-linked receptor,
producing a spatially precise, immediate, and rapid response. The other process
may result from a nonchannellinked receptor causing synaptic modulation that
is slow and requires several hundred milliseconds to produce its effect. This
process most likely involves G-proteins and enzymatic reactions mediating
changes in the metabolism of the neuron and producing modulatory processes
that are spatially diffuse.

Visceral Sensory Encoding

Intensity and specificity theories have been proposed to describe stimulus transduction in visceral afferent fibers (29). The specificity theory accounts for receptor encoding mechanisms responding to specific stimulus intensities. This
theory is based on the idea that one population of receptors responds to lowintensity innoxious stimuli and another population responds to noxious stimuli.
The intensity theory describes receptors that respond to a wide range of stimulus
intensities. These receptors discharge at low frequencies and, as the stimulus intensity increases, increase their discharge rate until frequency reaches a threshold, producing pain sensations. Both theories have supporters (29). Recently,
studies have shown that both specific nociceptors and intensity receptors exist in
the esophagus and urinary bladder (3032), but the existence of these two types
has not been clearly delineated for the heart. Separation of sympathetic afferents into intensity and specificity categories is attractive, but the concern is that
the curves of individual receptors show a continuum of responses when each
stimulus response curve is plotted. Also, the number of nociceptive-specific
fibers may be far fewer than those that participate in intensity coding.

Adequate Stimuli for Angina Pectoris

Debates about mechanical and chemical mechanisms to activate sensory receptors generating pain symptoms have continued for years. The mechanical
hypothesis centered on the idea that distension of the ventricular wall resulted
in pain (33). Clinical studies showing that painful and painless episodes of transient ischemia are produced by similar patterns of ventricular dilation do not
support this hypothesis (3). In addition, acute ventricular failure, valvuloplasty,
and myocardial biopsy all produce nonpainful ventricular dilation. Thus, the
general sense is that mechanical stimulation does not play a major role in the
pain associated with myocardial ischemia (3).
Both mechanosensitive and chemosensitive sympathetic afferent fibers exist in the heart. Mechanosensitive endings display a regular pattern of activity

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December 18, 1998


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Annual Reviews


Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1999.61:143-167. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

by Duquesne University on 05/28/14. For personal use only.



with each cardiac cycle and respond vigorously and immediately to gentle
movement of a fine probe or bristle on the receptor field (34). Chemosensitive endings discharge irregularly and infrequently without cardiac modulation (35). A common feature of these two classes of cardiac afferent fibers
is that both respond to bradykinin; however, only chemosensitive endings are
sensitized with prostaglandins, especially PGE1 (36, 37). After sensitization,
bradykinin increases the magnitude and duration of chemosensitive endings
but does not affect mechanosensitive endings. Because chemical stimuli activate mechanosensitive endings, they are classified as polymodal receptors (34).
These receptors discharge spontaneously when hemodynamic conditions are
normal and possess some degree of sensitivity (34). Their activity increases
during coronary artery occlusion or intracoronary injections of small amounts
of bradykinin. Malliani (34) argues that cardiac nociception occurs when a spatially restricted population of polymodal nociceptors is strongly excited. Based
on recent evidence, however, it appears that chemical effects of these neurons
are far more dramatic than are mechanical effects for producing pain of angina
pectoris. Thus, chemosensitive endings are better candidates for carrying information that leads to pain perception. Often the environment around receptors
is sensitized because the release of chemicals changes the responsivity of the
afferent endings.

Silent Nociceptors and Receptor Sensitization

Activation of silent nociceptors during myocardial ischemia also may contribute to angina pectoris. These receptors were first identified in joints (38),
but they have also been observed in the urinary bladder (32) and just recently
were recorded in the heart (39). The main characteristic of these receptors is
that they do not become activated until an organ or tissue is inflamed. Studies of the urinary bladder show that a population of unmyelinated and small
myelinated bladder afferent fibers respond weakly, if at all, to intense bladder
distension under normal conditions, but the rate of discharge increases dramatically after acute inflammation. In a preliminary study (39), silent receptors
in the left ventricle responded to ischemia and bradykinin, but to date no one
has created inflammatory conditions in the heart to activate these receptors.
Possibly symptomatic and asymptomatic symptoms may occur because there
may be variability in the inflammation that may or may not activate silent nociceptors. Thus, a population of fibers in the heart may be activated when the
heart undergoes inflammation resulting from myocardial ischemia. Indeed,
the heart does become inflamed during some of these ischemic episodes and
changes the characteristics of the fibers to respond to the stimulus. Sensitization of nociceptors after injury or inflammation occurs when prostaglandins,
leukotrienes, substance P, and other chemical mediators are released from

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local tissue damage. It is possible that intimal rupture or erosion of thrombosed

coronary atherosclerotic plaques releases sensitizing chemicals that inflame
the adventitia of coronary arteries, activate silent nociceptors, and sensitize
chemosensitive receptors (4042). The release of substances such as substance
P may sensitize nociceptors to intensify the pain experience felt in patients who
are infused with substance P and adenosine (43). Future studies will need to
find out if sympathetic afferent fibers are sensitized during inflammation of the
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by Duquesne University on 05/28/14. For personal use only.

Chemical Stimulation of Sensory Endings

Unmyelinated sympathetic afferent fibers respond vigorously to chemical substances such as bradykinin, potassium, adenosine, acids, and veratridine when
applied to the epicardial surface and injected directly into coronary arteries
(36, 4450). Several chemicals have been examined for their role in activating
afferent fibers during myocardial ischemia; however, bradykinin has long been
used as a chemical of choice to produce nociceptive responses. Bradykinin is
an endogenous algesic chemical that results in pain in animals (51, 52) and in
humans, particularly in the cutaneous receptor fields (5360). Early reports suggest that bradykinin is increased in the effluent of the coronary sinus following
coronary artery occlusion (61, 62). However, occlusion of the left anterior descending coronary artery with percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
occlusion elicits signs of myocardial ischemia, but no bradykinin was detected
in the coronary sinus (63). Human studies and animal experiments (64) show
that bradykinin, by itself, may not be sufficient to produce or mimic the pain of
angina pectoris. Intracoronary injection of bradykinin in patients does not lead
to angina-like pain (65, 66). These patients describe an unspecific discomfort or pain that is sensed over the whole body. Only a few patients experienced
chest pain. It is likely that a collage of substances, including bradykinin, adenosine, lactate, and potassium, excite cardiac receptors that transmit nociceptive
information to the central nervous system. Pagani et al used this information,
coupled with the finding that conscious dogs do not respond in any specific way
to pain with bradykinin injections, to formulate or reformulate the intensity hypothesis (67). They suggested that a specific code be based on a specific spatial
temporal activation sequence where a discrete limited amount of myocardium
is activated. Sylven proposes an alternative hypothesis based on the nonlinear
sensitive dependence of angina pectoris on initial conditions (68). He proposes
that a model should be based on the deterministic, chaotic dynamics rather than
require classical mechanical and cause/effect relationships. The variability of
the pain sensation and its lack of direct relationship with myocardial ischemia
shows that a complex system may be operating in a way not yet discovered
because little is known about receptor characteristics of the heart and how they
are influenced by their environment.

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December 18, 1998


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Annual Reviews


Annu. Rev. Physiol. 1999.61:143-167. Downloaded from www.annualreviews.org

by Duquesne University on 05/28/14. For personal use only.



Recent studies have shown that adenosine may be an important component

of the chemicals contributing to cardiac pain. Adenosine causes anginal-like
pain in healthy volunteers (69) and in patients suffering from ischemic heart
disease and those having angina pectoris (70) without any electrocardiographic
changes. A dose-dependent relationship exists between adenosine and pain
intensity (71). The adenosine receptor antagonist theophylline counteracted
the pain experience, and inhibition of the cellular uptake of adenosine with
dipyridamole increased pain. Intracoronary infusion of adenosine in patients
with chronic stable angina causes pain that mimics many aspects of the pain
experienced during daily life episodes of patients with transient myocardial
ischemia (72). This pain most likely originates from the heart because a similar
dose of adenosine infused into the right atrium did not evoke any pain.
Excitation of sympathetic afferent fibers with adenosine strongly supports
the results of human and receptor studies. The first report of the excitatory effects of adenosine on cardiac sympathetic afferents of the third thoracic rami or
the sympathetic chain was done by Uchida & Murao (48). In a more detailed
study, afferent fibers responding to coronary artery occlusion are excited when
adenosine is applied to the epicardium (73). These results show that adenosine
activates afferent fibers that very likely are important for transmitting information that leads to pain perception. In contrast, Pan & Longhurst (74) show that
afferent fibers cannot be activated by adenosine but only by bradykinin; therefore, they argue that other mechanisms account for activation of the receptors
by adenosine. Differences in anesthesia, animal preparation for exposing the
heart, length of coronary occlusion, and sites for recording afferent activity
might contribute to the conflicting results between these two studies. Support
for activation of cardiac sympathetic afferent fibers with adenosine also comes
from the work of Huang et al (24), who show that adenosine also excites dorsal
root ganglion cells that respond to coronary occlusion. Thus, there is strong evidence to suggest that sympathetic afferent pathways are activated by adenosine
and can play an important role in generation of angina pectoris.
Surface membrane P1 receptors have at least two subtypes (A1 and A2)
that adenosine stimulates to produce cardiac effects (75). Several studies suggest that A1 receptors are the primary mediators of the effects of endogenous
adenosine on pain (76, 68); however, Huang et al (24) suggest that A1- and A2receptor effects and substance P receptors are present on sensory nerve endings
in the epicardium of the ventricle.


Sympathetic afferent fibers from the heart and coronary arteries have their cell
bodies generally in the dorsal root ganglia of the C8 to T9 spinal segments.

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December 18, 1998

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The major concentration, however, is found between the T2 and T6 segments

(77, 78). These dorsal root ganglion cells have axons entering the tract of
Lissauer and terminating in the same segment or ascending and descending a
few segments before they penetrate into the spinal cord (77). Axons course over
the dorsal rim of the gray matter and terminate primarily in lamina I, whereas
others slide along the lateral edge of the gray matter and terminate primarily in
laminae V, VII, and X. It should be noted that the density of visceral termination
sites is much less than those of the somatic afferent fibers. Diffuse pain experienced with cardiac ischemia may occur because sympathetic afferent axons
are a small percentage of the fibers that enter the spinal cord, and they have
a broad rostral to caudal distribution. This extensive and diffuse arrangement
of visceral afferent fibers innervates second-order neurons in several segments,
thus contributing to the diffuse and poorly localized nature of angina pectoris.

Central Sensitization of Visceral Afferent Information

Continual bombardment of neurons in the gray matter of the spinal cord can activate mechanisms in cells of the spinal cord that provide a functional substrate
for hyperalgesic states resulting from injury to visceral organs. The primary
focus of the previous studies was to study central sensitization for somatic
components, but the visceral effects lagged behind (79). Studies of other visceral organs provide insight into the changes that may occur in the thoracic
segments of the spinal cord during angina pectoris. Repeated noxious balloon
distensions of the colorectal region in humans evoke painful responses that
increase pain sensitivity and expand the area of pain referral to the overlying
somatic areas of the body (80). Animal models support the findings observed
in human studies. Recordings made from neurons in the lower thoracic gray
matter during gall bladder distension show that some neurons respond only
to somatic input and not to the visceral stimulus whereas another population
responds to both somatic input and distension (81). The somatic receptive field
enlarges only for spinal neurons that receive input from noxious stimulation of
the gall bladder. Thus, the conditioning visceral stimulus is selective because
only those neurons responsive to a visceral afferent input change their sensitization to the somatic input. An additional important characteristic of these
responsive neurons is that the somatic referral of visceral pain that produced
the changes tends to outlast the duration of the noxious visceral stimulus. This
observation correlates well with the clinical experience that hyperalgesia is felt
after the painful episode has passed. These results raise the possibility that
central sensitization of spinothalamic tract (STT) cells and neurons in the gray
matter can intensify the pain experience resulting from cardiac pain.
gray matter is made up of cells serving as interneurons and as the origin of

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by Duquesne University on 05/28/14. For personal use only.

ascending pathways that transmit visceral information to areas of the brain

processing sensory information and participating in pain perception (Figure 1).
Of the ascending pathways, the STT is the most studied system for transmitting
visceral afferent information to the brain. Axons of STT cells generally cross
over to the contralateral side within one or two segments and then ascend
generally in the anterolateral quadrant. Recent studies, however, have shown
that some axons remain on the ipsilateral side and some are in the dorsolateral
quadrant (82). Visceral information from the upper thoracic segments usually
converges with input from somatic structures and ascends to the lateral and
medial thalamus (8386).

Spinothalamic Tract Organization and Characteristics

of Angina Pectoris: Chest and Arm
Patients with angina pectoris express three main clinical characteristics to describe their symptoms: (a) Pain from the heart is generally referred to somatic
structures innervated by the same spinal segments that innervate the heart (87);
(b) pain of angina pectoris is referred to proximal and axial body areas but generally not to distal limbs (88); and (c) angina pectoris is generally felt as deep
and not superficial or cutaneous pain (89). In this section, neurophysiological
mechanisms are described to support the patient observations of the referred
pain associated with myocardial ischemia and other cardiac diseases.
VISCEROSOMATIC CONVERGENCE Electrophysiological studies show that electrical stimulation of cardiopulmonary afferent fibers excites STT cells in the
T1 to T6 segments of the spinal cord (90). Approximately 80% of the cells
recorded in these segments are strongly activated with cardiopulmonary afferent stimulation, and all these cells receive convergent input from somatic
structures. It is interesting that cardiopulmonary afferent stimulation has little
effect on the activity of cells in the C7 and C8 segments, where the major innervation is to the distal forelimb and hand. This fits with the clinical observations
that anginal pain is usually not referred to the hand and distal forelimb (9193).
Thus, lack of responsiveness of these cells agrees with clinical observations.
Once past the cervical enlargement, STT cells of the C5C6 segments are
again primarily excited by cardiopulmonary sympathetic afferent and somatic
stimulation. In these segments, cardiopulmonary afferent stimulation excited
approximately 60% of the cells and inhibited 16%. Somatic fields for these cells
are primarily from the chest. An interesting feature of these segments is that
they do not receive cardiac input directly from their dorsal root ganglion cells;
in fact, the afferent input is a few segments away. Some evidence suggests
that cardiopulmonary afferent fibers may activate cell bodies of a propriospinal
path where it directly or indirectly makes synaptic connection with STT cells in
the cervical region (94). It is also possible that afferent branches of the T2 and

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T3 sympathetic fibers may travel in the zone of Lissauer for several segments
(95). Thus, convergence of visceral and somatic input onto a common pool of
STT cells provides a substrate for explaining the referral of pain to somatic
PROXIMAL AND AXIAL SOMATIC INVOLVEMENT Neurophysiological mechanisms also provide a basis for the proximal nature of the referred pain of angina
pectoris. Electrophysiological studies of the STT show that cardiopulmonary
afferent input most commonly excites cells with proximal somatic receptive
fields (90). Cardiopulmonary input strongly excites approximately 80% of
the STT cells with proximal somatic receptor fields but only weakly excites
35% of the cells with distal somatic input. Thus, the relationship of cells with
excitatory visceral input and proximal axial fields is highly significant. These
neurophysiological observations support the human studies that angina pectoris
is most commonly felt in the proximal and axial regions of the left arm and
chest. The frequency distribution of angina pectoris shows that the chest is involved more than 95% of the time, and the pain radiates 3060% of the time to
the left proximal shoulder and less involvement occurs down the arm (92, 96).
DEEP, DULL, DIFFUSE, ACHING PAIN The final characteristic of angina pectoris
is the deep, diffuse, dull nature of the symptoms. These sensations are comparable to muscle pain. That is, the pain is typically deep and aching and is
often associated with referred muscle hyperalgesia. The similarity of muscle
pain and visceral pain was shown in patients who suffer frequently from angina
pectoris referred unilaterally to the chest and radiating down the inner aspect
of the left arm (89). These patients were asked to compare their sensations
of angina pectoris with those provoked when a hypertonic saline solution was
injected into the interspinus ligament of the left eighth cervical or first thoracic
spinal segment. These patients explained that the pain was felt in the upper interscapular region, over the left chest, and then radiated down the inside aspect
of the left arm. These patients stated that the onset, continuation, segmental

Figure 1 Schematic diagram showing functional organization to explain characteristics of referred

pain of angina pectoris in the chest and arm (C5C6, T1T5) and the neck and jaw (C1C2). The
spinothalamic tract (solid line) ascends from each of the spinal segments to the lateral (VPLc,
caudal ventral posterolateral nucleus) and medial (CL, nucleus centralis lateralis; CM-Pf, centrum
medianum-parafascicularis nucleus) nuclei of the thalamus. Afferent pathways from the somatic
structures (dashed line) and the cardiopulmonary sympathetic afferent fibers (dotted line) and vagal
fibers (dotted/dashed line) converge on cell bodies of the spinothalamic tract. Blackened regions on
the figures represent somatic fields. NTS, nucleus tractus solitarius; VPM, ventral posteromedial
nucleus; VPI, ventral posteroinferior nucleus; VPMpc, ventral posteromedial nucleus, parvocellular

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localization, and character closely mimicked their anginal pectoris. The pain
is diffuse, continuous, and difficult to describe, although it can be identified as
causing suffering (89).
Human studies show that referred muscle hyperalgesia resulting from a diseased visceral organ is a common presentation in the clinic (97). Although this
section focuses on the results of hyperalgesia from different visceral organs,
the possibility of hyperalgesia resulting from angina pectoris should also be
considered. Patients suffering pain caused by calculosis of the upper urinary
tract experience muscular hyperalgesia with less involvement of overlying cutaneous structures (98, 99). Experimental studies also show that stimulation
of the ureter results in muscular hyperalgesia and central sensitization of dorsal horn cells (100102). Their results show that muscle and deep structures
make contributions to referred pain resulting from visceral diseases, and cutaneous pain plays a much smaller role. Muscle hyperalgesia associated with
visceral pain leads to the suggestion that the STT plays a role in processing
sensations associated with muscle changes resulting from cardiac pain. This
led to the hypothesis that STT cells excited by visceral stimulus are more likely
to be excited with deep, i.e. muscle, input than cutaneous input (90, 103).
This hypothesis was tested by recording STT cell activity during stimulation of
cardiopulmonary afferent fibers and pinching the skin and muscle of somatic
receptor fields in the hands and the proximal arm and chest (90). In the hand
and fingers, the strongest response of STT cells is elicited when the skin alone is
pinched and does not increase when skin and muscle are stimulated together. In
these neurons, cardiopulmonary afferent fiber stimulation minimally increases
cell activity to approximately 10% of the maximal response to cutaneous stimulation. When STT cells receive their input primarily from the proximal arm and
chest region, they are most often excited powerfully during muscle stimulation.
Their overall response reaches 88% of the maximal somatic response that can
be elicited from all neurons with proximal somatic input. Cutaneous stimulation alone only achieves less than 33% of the maximal somatic response. These
muscle responsive cells are strongly excited during cardiopulmonary afferent
stimulation, with their activity reaching 68% of the maximal somatic response.
These observations provided support for our hypothesis that muscle and visceral afferent fiber input converged most commonly onto the same STT cells,
whereas cells with primarily cutaneous input were not very responsive to the
visceral stimulus. Thus, converging input from deep tissue and visceral afferent fibers onto STT cells may provide a basis for explaining why visceral pain,
such as that resulting from myocardial ischemia, is felt predominantly as a deep
or localized suffering pain, generally in proximal structures such as muscles,
tendons, and ligaments. It also supports the idea that some hyperalgesia may
remain after episodes of angina pectoris.

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by Duquesne University on 05/28/14. For personal use only.

Spinothalamic Tract Organization and Characteristics

of Angina Pectoris: Neck and Jaw Pain
Surgical sympathectomy reduces the incidence of refractory angina pectoris, but
pain referred to the neck and jaw sometimes remains or appears after extensive
sympathectomy. This pain led to the suggestion that vagal afferent fibers,
which commonly are thought to transmit non-nociceptive sensory information,
may produce referred pain associated with myocardial ischemia (9, 12, 10). A
particularly interesting study would be one that noted the incidence of jaw or
neck pain in patients who are quadriplegic because of a lower cervical segment
injury and who have coronary artery disease. Presumably these patients would
not have sympathetic afferent input to the upper cervical segments, thereby
eliminating the sympathetic component as a factor in jaw pain. Stimulation of
the vagal or sympathetic afferent fibers and chemical stimulation of the heart
excites STT neurons in the C1C3 segments (104, 105). Thus, these afferent
pathways are candidates for transmitting noxious cardiac information to these
segments. Vagal stimulation serves as a more potent stimulus than the input
from cardiopulmonary afferent fibers. Vagal stimulation markedly increases
cell activity with C-fiber input more often than does cardiopulmonary afferent
stimulation. Somatic receptive fields for these C1C3 STT neurons are found
most commonly on the neck, jaw, ear, and upper arm. Overlapping terminations
of primary afferent fibers from different regions could explain why the receptive
fields of the head and upper body have variable locations. Somatic fields from
the ipsilateral neck and/or shoulder regions enter the spinal cord at the upper
cervical dorsal root ganglia (106). The more caudal somatic fields may result
from projections of somatic afferent fibers from the C5C7 segments on the
upper cervical segments (107, 108). Although cardiopulmonary afferent input
seems to play a subordinate role, this pathway nevertheless excites neurons
in the C1C3 segments. These cells are far removed from the entry zone of
the cardiac afferent fibers, which is primarily in the T2T6 dorsal root ganglia
(109, 77). Most likely, cardiac afferent input enters the spinal cord and ascends
in a pathway in the ventrolateral quadrant and synapses on these C1C3 neurons (110). Such a pathway likely exists in monkeys as well as in rats. This
suggestion is based on information that excitation of the T1T5 STT cells by
splanchnic nerve stimulation is abolished when the ventrolateral part of the cord
is cut rostral to the T7 segment (111). The splanchnic nerve has its primary point
of entry in the T9T11 segments of the spinal cord. Thus, it is likely that this
pool of neurons in the C1C3 segments of the spinal cord provides a neural
substrate for referred pain originating from the heart and being perceived in the
neck and jaw region. The exact mechanism has not been defined to explain
why some patients feel neck and jaw pain with angina and others do not.

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The Anterolateral Pathways

Other ascending tracts besides the STT in the anterolateral quadrant of the spinal
cord may be important for transmission of noxious information that ascends to
the brain and leads to the perception of pain (112114). A prominent pathway
is the parabrachial region of the pons, which that may serve as an important
relay for processing visceral somatic nociceptive information. A major projection of axons originates from lamina I and enters the lateral parabrachial area
(115118). This information is relayed to the amygdala (119), the ventromedial
nucleus, and the retrochiasmatic area of the hypothalamus (120). This system
might contribute to the emotional-affective behavioral and autonomic reactions
to noxious events. Future studies need to address similarities and differences of
information transmitted via the parabrachial relay versus the medial thalamic
relay nucleus for cardiac input.
Other pathways, including the spinoreticular pathway (121) and the spinomesencephalic (122, 123), spinosolitary (124), and spinohypothalamic tracts
(125), may all be involved with conveying visceral information from the heart,
but much less is known about the visceral responsiveness of these pathways.
Future studies will help to determine how these particular pathways contribute
to the overall cardiac pain experience during myocardial ischemia.

The Dorsal Column Pathway

Recent studies also suggest that the dorsal column pathways play an important
role in transmitting nociceptive visceral information, particularly from pelvic
organs (126130). The role of the dorsal columns became known when it was
shown that eight patients were successfully relieved of their pelvic cancer pain
following a midline lesion of the dorsal column at the T10 spinal level (131).
This limited myelotomy only penetrated the dorsal columns and not other areas
of the spinal cord. In animal studies, gentle or noxious stimulation of reproductive organs or noxious colorectal distension excited gracile nucleus neurons
that most likely reach this pathway via the postsynaptic dorsal column pathway
(126, 130). The limited dorsal column lesion also reduced their response of
cells in the ventroposterolateral nucleus of the thalamus in rats, showing that
visceral input could be transmitted via the dorsal columns (127). Less work
has been done for the afferent input from the heart. Recordings from neurons
of the ventroposterolateral nucleus of the thalamus show that both STT and
dorsal column pathways play a role in transmitting information from the heart
and thoracic region to the thalamus (132). Thus, multiple ascending pathways
transmit visceral information, but the content of the coded visceral messages in

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the somatic information that each pathway contributes to the processing of the
thalamus must be evaluated to understand their respective roles in sculpting visceral sensation. In comparison to the STT tract neurons, a smaller percentage
of cells of the cuneothalamic neurons respond with significantly fewer evoked
action potentials and a shorter latency to activation (133). Furthermore, most
cuneothalamic neurons respond primarily to innocuous somatic stimuli whereas
STT neurons respond primarily or solely to noxious pinches of somatic fields.
Neurons that responded to cardiopulmonary input most often have somatic
fields on the proximal arm and chest. Thus, differences in neuronal responses
to noxious stimulation of the cardiopulmonary afferent fibers suggest that a dorsal column pathway and the ventrolateral pathways to the ventroposterolateral
thalamus may play different roles in the transmission and integration of pain
associated with coronary artery disease. Much more work needs to be done to
understand how these different contributions can explain the characteristics of
cardiac pain.


LATERAL THALAMUS The lateral thalamus is composed primarily of the ventroposterolateral and posteromedial nuclei. Cells of the lateral thalamus relay
information to the primary somatosensory cortex and possibly to the secondary
somatic cortex (Figure 2). Little information exists about processing of visceral information in the somatosensory cortex, but there is some evidence to
suggest that this information can project to this region (134136). This region
is important for processing information that would be interpreted as sensory
discriminative because it refers to the capacity to analyze location, intensity,
and duration of the nociceptive stimulus (137, 138).
MEDIAL THALAMUS Ascending pathways carrying visceral and somatic input also project to the medial thalamus (Figure 2). The medial thalamus is
primarily the centralis lateralis and centrum medianum-parafascicularis nuclei
(139, 140). These nuclei send information to the association cortex, including
the insular cortex, amygdala, and cingulate gyrus (141144). These nuclei may
be primarily responsible for the motivational affective components of pain,
including autonomic adjustments (145147, 137).

Higher Central Integration

Information on higher central integration is sketchy. Much less is known
about processing of noxious visceral information in cortical structures. The

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Figure 2 Generalization of supraspinal organization of cardiac nociceptive (solid line) and other
noxious visceral (dashed line) afferent inputs in the cortex from the lateral and medial thalamus.
This organization is based primarily on positron emission tomography studies (151, 148150, 152).
Brodmanns Area (BA) 2,1,3, postcentral gyrus; 10, medial orbitofrontal cortex; 13/14, anterior
insula; 24, anterior cingulate gyrus; 25, ventral cingulate gyrus; and 47, lateral basal frontal cortex.
Post., posterior; Ant., anterior. Abbreviations for the thalamus are defined in the legend of Figure 1.

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information described here resulted from positron emission tomography (PET)

studies and functional magnetic resonance imaging in patients. To date, few
laboratories have used PET studies to determine the cortical areas that are involved with angina pectoris (148, 149, 150). In addition, these techniques were
used to study brain blood flow changes resulting from gastrointestinal distension in healthy volunteers (151) and patients with irritable bowl syndrome (152).
Far more studies with PET have been done to examine brain responses during
noxious somatic stimulation (153).
Ascending pathways transmit noxious somatic and cardiac information to the
lateral and medial thalamus (83) as well as to both the reticular formation and
the thalamus (121). In addition, convergent input from the dorsal column postsynaptic pathway transmits information at least to the lateral thalamus (127).
Cells of the lateral thalamus respond to cardiac afferent input (132, 154). Other
visceral stimuli, such as colorectal distension and urinary bladder distension,
also excite the VPL neurons (136, 128). Human studies also suggest that thalamic nuclei are activated during angina pectoris (149).
Cells of the lateral thalamus project primarily to somatosensory cortex, particularly areas 1 and 3 (Figure 2). This region of the cortex is activated during
painful esophageal distension in healthy patients (151). Nonpainful distension
produces bilateral activation of the central sulcus, and the response is intensified during painful esophageal distension. Activation of these areas contributes
to the spatial localization and encoding intensity discrimination of the stimulus. It should be noted that this area did not show changes in patients with
irritable bowel syndrome and angina pectoris (152, 149). Because visceral information changes cell activity, it is possible that angina pectoris reaches the
region, but the effects are not observed because excitation of one pool of neurons
is counterbalanced by inhibition of another pool of neurons. Thus, activity of
visceral input from myocardial ischemia cannot be ruled out for this region of
the cortex.
The medial thalamus projects its information to those areas of the cortex
that are important for cognitive-evaluative and affective-motivational aspects
of the pain experience (Figure 2). Angina pectoris increases thalamic blood flow
bilaterally, but the sensitivity of PET is not sufficient to identify the specific
nuclei involved. Based on previous studies, angina pectoris most likely activates the medial thalamus. Noxious visceral information resulting from angina
pectoris projects bilaterally to the ventral cingulate cortex (BA 25) [BA stands
for Brodmanns areas (see 155157 for a description of these areas) and the
numbers identify surface regions of the cortex], the lateral basal frontal cortex
(BA 47), and the mesial orbitofrontal cortex (BA 10) (149). The ventral cingulate gyrus increases its blood flow [in the 1994 study of Rosen et al (148), the
increase occurred only in the left gyrus, but a bilateral increase was reported

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in their 1996 study (149)]. Other visceral studies have shown that the anterior
cingulate gyrus (BA 24) is strongly activated by a visceral stimulus (151, 152).
The 1994 study of Rosen et al (148) shows a decrease in regional blood flow in
BA 24 whereas the later study shows that blood flow in this region increased,
although the change was substantially less than for BA 25. These results, in
general, show that the anterior cingulate gyrus appears to be activated during
noxious visceral stimulation. This region of the gyrus is most closely related
to visceromotor responses (158). In rats, this general area connects with the
nucleus of the solitary tract (159), dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, and sympathetic thoracic intermediolateral cell columns (160). This region generates
affective and cognitive responses to pain (161).
Angina pectoris also activates the prefrontal (BA 47) and mesial orbitofrontal
(BA 10) cortices. This general area is also activated in patients with irritable
bowel syndrome (152). In general, noxious cardiac information may cause
responses in these regions as a consequence of planning that has resulted
from behavioral and attentional organization (153, 162164). This general area
may also be associated with emotional vocalization and verbalization (158),
as well as recall of negative affectively charged memories (152). In contrast,
esophageal pain in healthy volunteers did not activate this region (151). The
reason for this difference is unclear, but one difference may be that chronic
pain patients use this region to plan a strategy that helps them to cope with
their pain whereas healthy patients are not required to evoke these behavioral
The insular cortex is another important association area for coordinating
visceral sensory and motor information that project from thalamic nuclei, the
nucleus of the solitary tract, via the parabrachial nucleus and via reciprocal
efferent projections to these areas (165167). Painful esophageal distention
activated the insular cortices (151). It is therefore somewhat surprising that
angina pectoris did not evoke activity in this region, even though angina is a
visceral stimulus and cardiovascular afferent fibers innervate the insula (165).
One reason for the difference may be that esophageal pain is an acute stimulus
and angina pectoris is a chronic condition.
A number of discrepancies and differences exist among the studies that have
been done using PET and magnetic resonance imaging scans to examine the
effects of visceral input. Future studies must be done to elucidate the spatial and temporal processing of neural mechanisms that underlie the changes
observed with this technology. These studies, however, have provided an important catalyst to study these areas in the future using electrophysiological,
neuroanatomical, and inmunocytochemical techniques as well as refined PET
scans and other research strategies. Elucidation of how these areas function
will facilitate ways to treat chronic pain of visceral origin.

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I thank Ms. Carrie Hulka for typing the manuscript and Mr. Patrick Whelan
for preparing the figures. This work was supported by the National Institutes
of Health grants HL22732, HL52986, and NS35471 and by the Presbyterian
Health Foundation.
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Annual Review of Physiology

Volume 61, 1999

Pulling the Cart and Enjoying the Ride, Carlton C. Hunt
Cellular and Molecular Basis for Electrical Rhythmicity in
Gastrointestinal Muscles, Burton Horowitz, Sean M. Ward, Kenton M.
Ionic Conductances in Gastrointestinal Smooth Muscles and Interstitial
Cells of Cajal, G. Farrugia

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Excitation-Contraction Coupling in Gastrointestinal and Other Smooth

Muscles, T. B. Bolton, S. A. Prestwich, A. V. Zholos, D. V. Gordienko
INTESTINAL MOTILITY, W. A. A. Kunze, J. B. Furness
Mechanisms of Cardiac Pain, R. D. Foreman
Desensitization of G Protein-Coupled Receptors in the Cardiovascular
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Regulation of Natriuretic Peptide Secretion by the Heart, G. Thibault, F.
Amiri, R. Garcia
Myoblast Cell Grafting into Heart Muscle: Cellular Biology and Potential
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Heat-Shock Proteins, Molecular Chaperones, and the Stress Response:
Evolutionary and Ecological Physiology, Martin E. Feder, Gretchen E.
Genetic Diseases and Gene Knockouts Reveal Diverse Connexin
Functions, Thomas W. White, David L. Paul
Localized Intracellular Calcium Signaling in Muscle: Calcium Sparks and
Calcium Quarks, Ernst Niggli
ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels: A Model of Heteromultimeric
Potassium Channel/Receptor Assemblies, Susumu Seino
Adrenomedullin and the Control of Fluid and Electrolyte Homeostasis,
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Pathophysiology of Endothelin in the Cardiovascular System, Takashi
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Gene Interactions in Gonadal Development, Keith L. Parker, Andreas
Schedl, Bernard P. Schimmer
Synchronous Activity in the Visual System, W. Martin Usrey, R. Clay
Timing in the Auditory System of the Bat, Ellen Covey, John H.
Synaptic Mechanisms for Coding Timing in Auditory Neurons, Laurence
O. Trussell
The Role of Timing in the Brainstem Auditory Nuclei of Vertebrates, D.
Structure, Strength, Failure, and Remodeling of the Pulmonary Blood-Gas
Barrier, J. B. West, O. Mathieu-Costello
Evolution of Vertebrate Cardio-Pulmonary System, C. G. Farmer


Mouse Models of Airway Responsiveness: Physiological Basis of

Observed Outcomes and Analysis of Selected Examples Using These
Outcome Indicators, J. M. Drazen, P. W. Finn, G. T. De Sanctis

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Sodium Channels in Alveolar Epithelial Cells: Molecular

Characterization, Biophysical Properties, and Physiological Significance,
Sadis Matalon, Hugh O'Brodovich
Sodium-Coupled Transporters for Krebs Cycle Intermediates, Ana M.
Modulation of Vasopressin-Elicited Water Transport by Trafficking of
Aquaporin2-Containing Vesicles, Donald T. Ward, Timothy G.
Hammond, H. William Harris
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SYSTEMS: A Critical Appraisal, Julia Avery, Reinhard Jahn, J. Michael
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Ion Channels of Nociception, Edwin W. McCleskey, Michael S. Gold


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Cellular Mechanisms of Taste Transduction, M. Scott Herness, Timothy
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