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Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (2012) 61146121

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Applied Mathematical Modelling

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Solving fully fuzzy matrix equations

Mahmood Otadi 1, Maryam Mosleh
Department of Mathematics, Firoozkooh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh, Iran

a r t i c l e

i n f o

Article history:
Received 12 May 2011
Received in revised form 19 January 2012
Accepted 3 February 2012
Available online 14 February 2012
Fuzzy numbers
Fully fuzzy matrix equations
Linear programming

a b s t r a c t
In this paper, a new method is proposed to nd the fuzzy optimal solution of fuzzy linear
programming problems.
Recently, fuzzy linear systems are considered by Kumar et al. [14]. In this paper, we
employ linear programming (abbreviated to LP) with equality constraints to nd a noneX
e and B
e which satises A
e B,
e where A
e are two fuzzy
negative fuzzy number matrix X
number matrices. To illustrate the easy application of the proposed method, numerical
examples are given and the obtained results are discussed.
2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction
The concept of fuzzy numbers and fuzzy arithmetic operations were rst introduced by Zadeh [2], Dubois and Prade [3].
We refer the reader to [4,5] for more information on fuzzy numbers and fuzzy arithmetic. Fuzzy systems are used to study a
variety of problems including fuzzy topological spaces [6], fuzzy differential equations [7], fuzzy equations [8], fuzzy linear
and nonlinear systems [913] and fuzzy linear programming [14].
Treating fuzzy linear systems is one of the major applications of fuzzy arithmetic [1517]. Many problems in various
areas such as economics, engineering and physics boil down to the solution of a linear system of equations. In many applications, at least some of the parameters of the system should be represented by fuzzy numbers rather than crisp ones. Thus,
it is immensely important to develop numerical procedures that can appropriately treat fuzzy linear systems and solve them.
Friedman et al. [18] introduced a general model for solving a fuzzy n  n linear system whose coefcient matrix is crisp
and the right-hand side column is an arbitrary fuzzy number vector. They used the parametric form of fuzzy numbers and
replaced the original fuzzy n  n linear system by a crisp 2n  2n linear system and studied the duality fuzzy linear system
~ where A, B are real n  n matrices, the unknown vector ~
~ both consist of fuzzy numbers
x B~
x and the constant vector y
[19]. In [9,10,12] the authors presented conjugate gradient and LU decomposition method for solving general symmetric
fuzzy linear systems. Also, Wang et al. [20] presented an iterative algorithm for solving the dual linear system of the form
~ , where A is a real n  n matrix, the unknown vector ~
~ both consist of fuzzy numbers.
x A~
x and the constant vector u
Abbasbandy et al. [21] investigated the existence of a minimal solution for the general dual fuzzy linear system of the form
x ~f B~
x ~c, where A, B are real m  n matrices and the unknown vector ~
x consists of n and the constant vectors ~f ; ~c con~1 A
e 1~
sist of m fuzzy numbers. Recently, Muzziloi et al. [22] considered fully fuzzy linear systems of the form A
~1 ; b
~2 fuzzy number vectors. Dehghan et al. [23] considered fully fuzzy
e1; A
e 2 square matrices of fuzzy coefcients and b
with A

Corresponding author. Tel.: + 98 912 6076308.


E-mail addresses: otadi@iaufb.ac.ir (M. Otadi), mosleh@iaufb.ac.ir (M. Mosleh).

Tel.: + 98 912 6964202.

0307-904X/$ - see front matter 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

M. Otadi, M. Mosleh / Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (2012) 61146121


~ where A
~ is a known positive fuzzy
e ~
e is a positive fuzzy matrix, ~
linear systems of the form A
x is an unknown and b
vector respectively.
e B
e B,
e where A;
e are n  n
Our purpose in this paper is to solve the fully fuzzy matrix equations (FFME) such as A
e is a matrix consisting of n2 positive fuzzy numbers. Note
arbitrary triangular fuzzy number matrices and the unknown X
however that the positivity assumption is not so restrictive in applied problems [1,24,23,25].

2. Preliminaries
In this section the basic notations used in fuzzy operations are introduced.
~ a; b; c where b denotes a modal value. The
Denition 1 [4]. A popular fuzzy number is a triangular fuzzy number u
membership function of a triangular fuzzy number is dened by:

8 xa
; a 6 x 6 b;
< ba
lu~ x bc ; b 6 x 6 c;
Denition 2 [4]. A triangular fuzzy number (a, b, c) is said to be non-negative if a P 0.
~ a; b; c and v
~ e; f ; g are said to be equal if and only if a = e, b = f and
Denition 3 [4]. Two triangular fuzzy number u
c = g.
e is a fuzzy number.
e a~ij is called a fuzzy number matrix, if each element of A
Denition 4 [26]. A matrix A
e will be a positive (negative) fuzzy matrix and denoted by A
e  0 A
e  0 if each element of A
e is positive (negative). NonA
negative and non-positive fuzzy matrices are similarly dened.
~ a; b; c and v
~ e; f ; g be two triangular fuzzy numbers. Then [4]:
Denition 5. Let u

~  v~ a e; b f ; c g;
1: u
~ c; b; a;
2:  u
~  v~ a  g; b  f ; c  e;
3: u
Considering the fuzzy multiplication, some computational expense problems can be investigated. The result of a fuzzy
multiplication is a fuzzy number in LR representation, but it is difcult to compute the new functions L and R because they
are not necessarily linear. We approximate this fuzzy multiplication such that it computes a triangular fuzzy number too.
This fuzzy multiplication is denoted by ^ [27].
This fuzzy multiplication is based on the extension principle but is a bit different from the classical fuzzy multiplication.
This operation is performed via the following equation:

~ ^v~ l; m; r

m b:f ;
l : mina:e; a:g; c:e; c:g;
r : maxa:e; a:g; c:e; c:g:
The use of these fuzzy operations has some advantages:

The distributivity of these operations is retained. This is very important for our theoretical considerations.

The computational expense is acceptable.

The idea of fuzzy sets is preserved even if a fuzzy number is characterized by only three values.
~ is any triangular fuzzy number and v
~ is a non-negative one, then we have:
If u

ae; bf ; cg; a P 0;
~ ^v~ ag; bf ; cg; a < 0; c P 0;
ag; bf ; ce; a < 0; c < 0;


M. Otadi, M. Mosleh / Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (2012) 61146121

3. General fully fuzzy matrix equation

A matrix system such as:


B ~21
B .
B .
B .


~2n CB ~x21
... a
.. C
CB ..
. CB
... a
... a


1 0~
. . . ~x1n
. . . ~x2n C
.. C
B ..
. C
@ .
. . . ~xnn


... b

~2n C
... b
.. C
. C
... b

~ij in the right-hand matrix are fuzzy numbers

^ij ; 1 6 i; j 6 n, are arbitrary triangular fuzzy numbers, the elements b
where a
and the unknown elements ~
xij are non-negative ones, is called a general fuzzy matrix equation (GFME).
Using matrix notation, we have

e ^X
e B:

A fuzzy number matrix:

~x ~x1 ; ~x2 ; . . . ; ~xn ;

given by ~
xj y1j ; x1j ; z1j ; y2j ; x2j ; z2j ; . . . ; ynj ; xnj ; znj T ; 1 6 j 6 n; is called a solution of the fuzzy matrix system (1) if

e ^~xj b

1 6 j 6 n;

e M; A; N where M, A and N are three crisp matrices, with the same size of A
e and
with new notation A
~j g ; b1j ; h1j ; g ; b2j ; h2j ; . . . ; g ; bnj ; hnj T is the jth column of fuzzy matrix B.
e X
e and B
e is a non-negative fuzzy number, then we call the sysIf in the n  n fully fuzzy matrix Eq. (1), each element of A;
tem (1) a non-negative FFME.
e is a solution if:
Denition 6. Consider a non-negative FFME (1). We say that X

< MY G;
e is a consistent solution of the non-negative FFME or, a conMoreover, if Y P 0, X  Y P 0 and Z  X P 0, then we say that X
sistent solution in short.
e M; A; N P 0; B
e G; B; H P 0, and each of the matrices M,A,N be a product of a permutation matrix by a
Theorem 1. Let A
diagonal one. Also, let M1G 6 A1B 6 N1H. Then, the non-negative FFME (1)has a non-negative consistent fuzzy solution.
Proof 1. Our hypotheses on M, A, N, imply that M1, A1, N1 exist as non-negative matrices [28]. So Y = M1G P 0,
e is a non-negative fuzzy solution of the FFME
X = A1B P 0, Z = N1H P 0. Also with M1G 6 A1B 6 N1H, we have that X
(1). h
3.1. Shortcomings of the existing methods
In this section, the shortcomings of the existing methods [23,29] for solving fuzzy linear systems and fuzzy matrix equations, respectively are pointed out.
~ where A
e is a fuzzy n  n matrix, the
1. Dehghan et al. [23] considered fully fuzzy linear systems (FFLS) of the form A
~ is a vector consisting of n fuzzy numbers. The existing
unknown vector ~
x consists of n fuzzy numbers and the constant b
method [23] is applicable only if all the elements of the coefcient matrix and those of the right-hand side vector are
non-negative fuzzy numbers. But if this is not case, then as the Example 1 below shows (in which (-2, -1,2) and (13, 1,29) are not non-negative fuzzy numbers) the existing method is incapable to nd a solution for the FFLS in

M. Otadi, M. Mosleh / Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (2012) 61146121


Example 1. Consider the system:

1; 2; 3 ^~x1  2; 3; 5 ^~x2 4; 19; 46;

2; 1; 2 ^~x1  1; 2; 3 ^~x2 13; 1; 29;

where ~
x1 ; ~
x2 are non-negative triangular fuzzy numbers.

2. Abbasbandy et al. [21] investigated the existence of a minimal solution of a general dual fuzzy linear equation system of
the form A~
x ~f B~
x ~c, where A and B are real m  n matrices, the unknown vector ~
x consists of n fuzzy numbers and
the constants ~f and ~c are vectors consisting of m fuzzy numbers. The existing method [21] is applicable only if all the elements of the coefcient matrix are real numbers.
e B,
e where A is a real m  n
3. Zengtai and Xiaobin [29] investigated the m  n inconsistent fuzzy matrix equation A X
e and the constant B
e are fuzzy matrices. The existing method [29] is applicable only if all
matrix, the unknown matrix X
the elements of the coefcient matrix are real numbers.
Example 2. Consider the system:

1; 2; 3 1; 2; 4
2; 3; 4 3; 4; 5



3; 10; 29

5; 16; 39

8; 18; 37 13; 28; 50


where ~
x11 ; ~
x12 ; ~
x21 ; ~
x22 are non-negative triangular fuzzy numbers.
3.2. The model
In this subsection, a new method of nding a fuzzy solution of an FFME is proposed.
~ are represented by triangular fuzzy numbers (m , a , n ),
~ij ; ~
Consider the FFME (2) where all the parameters a
xij and b
ij ij ij
(yij, xij, zij) and (gij, bij, hij) respectively. Then this FFME may be written as

M; A; NY; X; Z G; B; H:

wik ; qik ; uik ;

^ kj ; xkj ; zkj
Assuming mik ; aik ; nik y
number the FFME (2) may be written as:

wik ; qik ; uik

g ij ; bij ; hij ;

1 6 i; j; k 6 n, where each, (ykj, xkj, zkj) is a non-negative triangular fuzzy

1 6 i 6 n:


Using arithmetic operations, dened in section 2 and the phase 1 of the two-phase method, we have the following linear
programming. In which, we have added the articial variables ri, i = 1, 2, . . . , 3n2.

Minimize r1 r2 . . . r3n2 ;

subject to

8 n
P 1
w1k r1 g 11 ;
w2k r2 g 21 ;
wnk rn g n1 ;

w1k rn1 g 12 ;
> ..
unk r 3n2 hnn ;
y ; z ; x P 0; xkj  ykj P 0;
> kj kj kj
r p P 0; 1 6 i; j; k 6 n; 1 6 p 6 3n2 :

There are various methods for eliminating these articial variables. One of these methods consists of minimizing their
sum, subject to the constraints Eq. (4) and ri P 0, i = 1, 2, . . . , 3n2. If the original FFME (1) has a solution, then the optimal value
of this problem is zero, where all the articial variables drop to zero [1,25].


M. Otadi, M. Mosleh / Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (2012) 61146121

Let us consider the FFLS with arbitrary coefcientsintroduced in Example 1:

1; 2; 3 ^~x1  2; 3; 5 ^~x2 4; 19; 46;

2; 1; 2 ^~x1  1; 2; 3 ^~x2 13; 1; 29;

Letting ~
x1 y1 ; x1 ; z1 and ~
x2 y2 ; x2 ; z2 , where (y1,x1,z1) and (y2,x2,z2) are non-negative triangular fuzzy numbers. The
given FFLS is written as:

^ 1 ; x1 ; z1  2; 3; 5 y
^ 2 ; x2 ; z2 4; 19; 46;
1; 2; 3 y
^ 1 ; x1 ; z1  1; 2; 3 y
^ 2 ; x2 ; z2 13; 1; 29;
2; 1; 2 y


y1 2y2 ; 2x1 3x2 ; 3z1 5z2 4; 19; 46;

2z1 y2 ; x1 2x2 ; 2z1 3z2 13; 1; 29:

Now using the proposed method, the above FFLS is converted into the following crisp system:

y1 2y2 4;
2x1 3x2 19;
< 3z1 5z2 46;
2z1 y2 13;
x1 2x2 1;
2z1 3z2 29:
Now using the LP:

Minimize r1 r 2 . . . r6 ;
y1 2y2 r 1 4;
2x1 3x2 r2 19;
< 3z1 5z2 r 3 46;
subject to
> 2z1 y2 r4 13;
x1 2x2 r 5 1;
2z1 3z2 r 6 29;
where r1, r2, . . . , r6, y1, y2, x1  y1, x2  y2, z1, x1, z2, x2 P 0, we can solve the above linear system. The optimal solution of the
LP problem is y1 = 2, y2 = 1, x1 = 5, x2 = 3, z1 = 7, z2 = 5. Therefore, the required fuzzy solution is given by
x1 2; 5; 7; ~
x2 1; 3; 5.
Let us now consider the FFME in Example 2:

1; 2; 3 1; 2; 4
2; 3; 4 3; 4; 5





3; 10; 29

5; 16; 39

8; 18; 37 13; 28; 50


Letting ~
x11 y11 ; x11 ; z11 ; ~
x12 y12 ; x12 ; z12 ; ~
x21 y21 ; x21 ; z21 and ~
x22 y22 ; x22 ; z22 , where (y11,x11,z11), (y12,x12,z12),
(y21,x21,z21) and (y22,x22,z22) are non-negative triangular fuzzy numbers, the given FFME is written as:

^ 11 ; x11 ; z11  1; 2; 4 y
^ 21 ; x21 ; z21 3; 10; 29;
1; 2; 3 y
< 2; 3; 4 y
^ 11 ; x11 ; z11  3; 4; 5 y
^ 21 ; x21 ; z21 8; 18; 37;
^ 22 ; x22 ; z22 5; 16; 39;
^ 12 ; x12 ; z12  1; 2; 4 y
1; 2; 3 y
^ 22 ; x22 ; z22 13; 28; 50;
^ 12 ; x12 ; z12  3; 4; 5 y
2; 3; 4 y

y11 y21 ; 2x11 2x21 ; 3z11 4z21 3; 10; 29;
< 2y11 3y21 ; 3x11 4x21 ; 4z11 5z21 8; 18; 37;
y12 y22 ; 2x12 2x22 ; 3z12 4z22 5; 16; 39;
2y12 3y22 ; 3x12 4x22 ; 4z12 5z22 13; 28; 50;

M. Otadi, M. Mosleh / Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (2012) 61146121


Now using the proposed method, the above FFME is converted into the following crisp system:

y11 y21 3;
2x11 2x21 10;
3z11 4z21 29;
2y11 3y21 8;
11 4x21 18;
< 4z11 5z21 37;
y12 y22 5;
2x12 2x22 16;
> 3z 4z 39;
2y12 3y22 13;
3x 4x22 28;
> 12
4z12 5z22 50:
Now using the LP

Minimize r1 r2 . . . r12 ;
y11 y21 r 1 3;
11 2x21 r 2 10;
4z21 r 3 29;
11 3y21 r 4 8;
> 3x 4x r 18;
< 4z 5z r 37;
subject to
> y12 y22 r 7 5;
> 2x12 2x22 r 8 16;
3z12 4z22 r 9 39;
2y12 3y22 r 10 13;
12 4x22 r 11 28;
4z12 5z22 r 12 50;
where r1, . . . , r12, y1i, y2i, x1i  y1i, x2i  y2i, z1i, x1i, z2i, x2i P 0 for i = 1, 2, we can solve the above linear system. The optimal
solution of LP problem is y11 = 1, y12 = 2, y21 = 2, y22 = 3, x11 = 2, x12 = 4, x21 = 3, x22 = 4, z11 = 3, z12 = 5, z21 = 5, z22 = 6. Therefore, the required fuzzy solution is given by ~
x11 1; 2; 3; ~
x12 2; 4; 5; ~
x21 2; 3; 5; ~
x22 3; 4; 6.
Example 3. Consider the following FFME with arbitrary coefcients,

2; 3; 4

1; 2; 4

2; 1; 1 2; 1; 2



5; 14; 32

4; 17; 36

16; 2; 13 18; 1; 14


~22 are non-negative triangular fuzzy numbers.

where ~
x11 ; ~
x12 ; ~
x21 ; x
Letting ~
x11 y11 ; x11 ; z11 ; ~
x12 y12 ; x12 ; z12 ; ~
x21 y21 ; x21 ; z21 and ~
x22 y22 ; x22 ; z22 , the given FFME is written as:

^ 11 ; x11 ; z11  1; 2; 4 y
^ 21 ; x21 ; z21 5; 14; 32;
2; 3; 4 y
^ 11 ; x11 ; z11  2; 1; 2 y
^ 21 ; x21 ; z21 16; 2; 13;
2; 1; 1 y

12 12 12
22 x22 ; z22 4; 17; 36;
^ 12 ; x12 ; z12  2; 1; 2 y
^ 22 ; x22 ; z22 18; 1; 14:
2; 1; 1 y

2y11 y21 ; 3x11 2x21 ; 4z11 4z21 5; 14; 32;
< 2z  2z ; x x ; z 2z 16; 2; 13;
21 11
> 2y12 y22 ; 3x12 2x22 ; 4z12 4z22 4; 17; 36;
2z12  2z22 ; x12 x22 ; z12 2z22 18; 1; 14:


M. Otadi, M. Mosleh / Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (2012) 61146121

Now using the proposed method, the above FFME is converted into the following crisp system:

2y11 y21 5;
3x11 2x21 14;
4z 4z21 32;
> 11
11  2z21 16;
x x21 2;
> 11
< z 2z 13;

22 4;

21 17;

22 36;

22 18;
> x12 x22 1;
z12 2z22 14:
Using the LP:

Minimize r1 r 2 . . . r12
> 2y11 y21 r 1 5;
> 3x11 2x21 r 2 14;
4z11 4z21 r3 32;
11  2z21 r 4 16;
x21 r 5 2;
< z 2z r 13;
subject to
2y12 y22 r 7 4;
> 3x11 2x21 r 8 17;
> 4z12 4z22 r9 36;
> 2z12  2z22 r 10 18;
> x12 x22 r 11 1;
z12 2z22 r 12 14;
where r1, . . . , r12, y1i, y2i, x1i  y1i, x2i  y2i, z1i, x1i, z2i, x2i P 0 for i = 1, 2, we can solve the above linear system. The optimal
solution of this LP problem is y11 = 1, y12 = 1, y21 = 3, y22 = 2, x11 = 2, x12 = 3, x21 = 4, x22 = 4, z11 = 3, z12 = 4, z21 = 5, z22 = 5.
Therefore, the required fuzzy solution is given by ~
x11 1; 2; 3; ~
x12 1; 3; 4; ~
x21 3; 4; 5; ~
x22 2; 4; 5.
4. Summary and conclusions
In this paper, we reviewed existing methods in fuzzy linear systems. Then we employ linear programming (abbreviated to
e and B
e which satises A
e B,
e where A
e are two
LP) with equality constraints to nd a non-negative fuzzy number matrix X
fuzzy number matrices. If, after solving this problem we have a positive articial variable, then the original system has no
e In this method, we reduce articial variables to value zero or conclude that the original system has
non-negative solution X.
no non-negative solution (for more details, see [1,25]) also the Eq. (5) obtain the non-negative solution of original system.
Please pay attention that rstly, assuming non-negative, has no restriction in applied problems [1,24,23,25], secondly, this
structure of equations which is proposed in the paper, is a generalization and more suitable of other paper in this eld (see
subSection 3.1). To illustrate the proposed method, we will give a number of solved numerical examples. In the case which X
is arbitrary and also the A matrix is not squared, any method is not still available. We may be able to solve such fuzzy linear
systems by means of pseudo inverse.
We would like to offer our particular thanks to Dr. M. A. Rezvani for having edited this paper. We would also like to present our sincere thanks to the referees and Prof. Turner for their valuable suggestions.
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M. Otadi, M. Mosleh / Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (2012) 61146121



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