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Vimala McClure also observed massage techniques used by Indian mothers along roadsides.

When these mothers had very little in the way of material wealth, they appeared to have,
and give, an abundance of nurturing love. This love was expressed through their caring
touch with their child.

Infant Massage uses strokes based on the principles used on the principles of Indian and
Swedish Massage, Reflexology and Yoga.
Infant massage can promote the kind of parenting that the attentive mother was able to
provide. Its benefits go far beyond the immediate physiological gains. As you massage your
baby regularly, you will discover that you develop a bond with your child that will last a
- Vimala McClure
Leduc believes babies are intuitively aware of their surroundings. Massage, as introduced in Baby Massage: A Video
for Loving parents, allows silent, intuitive behavior, and fulfills a baby's inborn need to be touched. It assists with the
bond of trust and confidence between caregiver and child. She also feels it is a very important way to teach children
"healthy touching."

bonding | intuition | specials | spiritual connection

benefits to baby | benefits to you | wisdom | adoption
premature babies | sleep

1. Why learn a particular massage routine?

To a baby, touch is talk. The routine taught in the video has been passed down from mother to daughter in India
for centuries. There is a rhythm to it that is hard to duplicate in other ways. Why reinvent the wheel? It can be a
daily ritual that lets you center yourself, and connect deeply to your baby.
2. Why follow a set routine?
The value of doing the same thing over and over exactly the same is that you can forget about "how" to do it and
just flow with the rhythm. Following a set routine will help your baby know what to expect, and the massage will
be deeply satisfying and relaxing for both of you. All loving touch is beneficial, and you must touch your baby in
new and interesting ways, too, but at times other than during the massage. There may come a time when the
child's life is disrupted. Perhaps a move, a hospitalization, some upheaval in the child's world. You will be able to
use your routine to connect with, and settle the child.
3. Why every day?
A day is a very long time to a baby. Remember when you were 12, and time moved more slowly? That was
because one year was 1/12th of your life experience. Have you noticed how time seems to move faster as the
denominator changes? (When you are 28, a year is 1/28th of your life, for example). A baby gains a huge amount

of life experience EVERY DAY. To a baby, touch is important for growth, and for developing an understanding;
slowly, that they HAVE a body with arms and legs.
4. How long does it take?
20 to 30 minutes! A baby isn't very big, you can do a complete massage in that time. But give yourself, and your
baby, time to learn the strokes. At first, you will be referring to the video, which covers 5 sessions worth of
information. You will watch the complete massage, at the end of the video, to get a sense of the rhythm. Then,
you will be referring to the grease-proof card, provided in the video as you practice. And finally, you - and your
baby; will develop your own rhythm.
5. My baby doesn't seem to like massage, now what?
How to start slowly, with the legs, is discussed in the video. You may have to be persistent to get your child into a
massage rhythm with you. This child needs it even more than others, it is worth persisting. A baby can't even turn
over, or can't move about as we do if their muscles get sore and cramped. They may be uncomfortable, and at
first, just as when you get a back-rub, they become MORE aware of the discomfort in their body. Follow your
baby's lead, continue to offer small amounts of massage a few times a day.
6. What happens when they get older?
The two of you will modify the routine to something that works for you. You may find as they go through important
developmental stages that they won't want a massage, as they are concentrating on whatever task they are
trying to learn. When they have passed this particular stage they may settle into the massage routine again. It
may depend on their personality. Some children never stop once they are up and running, others will still want
the bedtime routine of the massage. Some mothers just massage whatever part appears in front of them as the
child moves around (see this in the introduction of the video). They may act like they aren't noticing but they are.
Toddlers like to rub themselves with lotion. Older children may want a back-rub or leg rub as part of the goodnight routine.

Baby Massage: A Video for Loving Parents shows an oil massage.

Why? Research on hospitalized babies showed they did BETTER with an oil versus a dry massage. Here is the
research from the Touch Research Institute:
Massage with oil has more positive effects of neonatal infants: Infants showed fewer stress behaviors (e.g. grimacing
and clenched fists) and lower cortisol levels (stress hormones) following massage with oil versus massage without oil.
What oil to use? Use an edible oil.
Why? Oil on the baby's hands and feet will get into their mouth. (Watch for that cute scene In the video. While the
narrator explains that you will want an edible oil, a baby pops a nearby shoelace into his mouth).
Grapeseed and almond oil, often sold as massage oils, are great.
Oil from your kitchen is OK, too.
Use an unscented oil for your newborn.
Why? Because YOU have a personal scent that your baby will recognize shortly after birth. Your baby will become
deeply attached to you, and this recognition is an important part of that. The massage time can promote this

Later, when you are massaging a toddler you can be more casual - use Aunt Ada's hand-cream while you are visiting
her, and coconut oil at the beach. The world is full of wonderful scents.
While you are learning to massage, and while your baby is learning to trust the massage as a reliable connection to
YOU, stick with unscented oil.
We will add links below to sites that offer a plain, unscented, edible oil, and also carry the Video Baby Massage: A
Video for Loving Parents.
A word of caution: Put some thought into using scents. A true story:

Obsession perfume sells well in the US. It doesn't sell well in the U.K.

Obsession perfume has an "olifactory note" that is similar to Johnson's Baby Oil's scent - sold in the US
when people who are adults now were babies.

In the UK, grown-ups did NOT grow up with Johnson's Baby Oil, and Obsession doesn't sell particularly well.
In the US, strangers will stop you and ask what you are wearing (author's personal experience with

The moral of this story? Your kid is going to respond strongly to the smells associated with YOU for LIFE.
Links to places to buy oil:
To purchase oil visit Infant Massage USA

The Touch Research Institute is dedicated to studying the effects of touch therapy. The TRIs
have researched the effects of massage therapy at all stages of life, from newborns to senior
citizens. In these studies theTRIs have shown that touch therapy has many positive effects.
For example, massage therapy:

1. Facilitates weight gain in preterm infants

2. Enhances attentiveness
3. Alleviates depressive symptoms
4. Reduces pain
5. Reduces stress hormones
6. Improves immune function


The first connection between the parent and child is physical.

Relatiile de dragoste servesc ca exemplu. Intre sot si sotie, iubit,iubita.. atingerile

sunt esenta, sunt una din cele mai importante modalitati de a comunica
sentimentele..o mangaiere pe spate, tinerea de mana, imbratisarile, saruturile, sunt
atingeri afectuoase. Pe aceasta se bazeaza si masajul bebelusului. Pentru bebelusi
nu sunt suficiente atingerile de la baita, de la schimbatul scutecului. Este bine sa fie
atinsi direct pe piele. Diferentele intre masajul uscat si masajul cu ulei!
Infant massage: A handbook for loving parents by Vimala Mcclure
Infant massage helps you to understand your babys particular nonverbal language
and respond with love and respectful listening. (creeaza ocazia ca bebelusul sa se
exprime pri mimica si alte semne nonverbal iar mama le va descperi si va incerca
sa le inteleaga sis a le raspunda).
It empowers you as a parent, it gives you the means by which yo become an expert
on your own child and therefore you can respond according to your babys unique
Rather than growing up selfish and demanding (though all kds go trhough such
stages, a child whose voice is heard, whose heart is full will unconsciously give of
himself to others.
He learns what healthy, respectful touch is, he learns self discipline by watching his
parents and imitating them
The deep emotional bounds formed in nfancy lay a foundation for a lifetine of trust,
curage, dependability, faith and love.

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