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John Goulter Secondary Methodology Assignment 1

Objective: The students will discover the rhythmic element tikatika.

Song used to teach: Dinah
Warm-up: Teacher to get students to clap with the students and echo clap some
basic rhythms using ta, titi, and zar. Some examples: ta ta titi ta, ta titi titi ta , titi
ta titi ta, ta titi ta zar.
Teacher to sing the song Dinah and invite the children to join. Once all are
singing appropriate melody and rhythm go on to next step.
They sing the song whilst clapping the beat on their knees, with the teachers help
at first and then without if possible.
They continue to sing the song but clap the rhythm on their knees instead of the
beat. Once again with the teachers help first and then without if possible.
If the skill level of the children permits they should attempt to walk the beat in
one spot whilst clapping the rhythm with their hand and sing. Once again aiming
for performance without the teachers aid.
The teacher says Can anybody tell me if there are different rhythms in this song
compared to some of the rhythms we clap earlier?
Teacher performs and selects students to answer. Ask, What is the difference in
rhythm and which beat is it on?
If students cant hear the new rhythmic element then give hints and perform
again with emphasis on the certain phrase. Student answers correctly and class
check together.
Count through the beats of the song on the fingers whilst singing. Ask students
how many beats there are.
Add the rhythm of the song to the fingers. Ask students what the different
rhythm is and which beat it is on.
Finish focus by singing song the song with the words.

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