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How to build: Configure and make


FreeTDS User Guide: A Guide to Installing, Configuring, and Running FreeTDS


Chapter 2. Build FreeTDS


How to build: Configure and make

If you've built other GNU projects, building FreeTDS is a fairly straightforward process. We have a terse and verbose description.
FreeTDS is known to build with GNU and BSD make. If you encounter a large number of build errors, and your operating
system's make is not GNU make (as is the case on most non-GNU/Linux systems), you may wish to install GNU make from

For Experts
$ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
$ make
$ su root
$ make install

Building from CVS is described in the file INSTALL.CVS.

For Everyone Else

The GNU development system can generate code for a wide variety of hardware architectures and operating systems, virtually all of
which can run FreeTDS in consequence. The work of building and installing the FreeTDS libraries begins with the command
configure, which generates the Makefile that governs how the code is compiled, linked, and installed. Once you've "configured" the
project, make will manage the rest of the build.

ODBC Preparation
If you intend to build the FreeTDS ODBC driver and want to use a Driver Manager (DM), as most people do install the Driver
Manager before configuring FreeTDS. configure will detect the the DM and use its header (.h) files for ODBC constants and such.
If your DM is installed in an unusual directory, you may have to provide the directory name as a parameter to configure.
FreeTDS doesn't require a DM. You can build the ODBC driver without one, as long as you have the requisite header files: sql.h,
sqlext.h and sqltypes.h. These can be taken from either the iODBC or UnixODBC distributions. Put them wherever you like (e.g.,
/usr/local/include). Because FreeTDS won't detect your (missing) DM, it won't automatically build the ODBC driver, so you'll
have to tell configure what to do and where to look. Cf. --with-odbc-nodm.

The simplest form of running configure is:

$ ./configure

and sometimes that's enough. configure accepts command-line arguments, too, and you may need to provide some, depending on
your environment.
There are a few optional arguments to configure that may be important to you. For a complete list, see configure --help.

configure options
Directories and TDS version

install architecture-independent files in PREFIX. When you run make install, libraries will be placed in PREFIX/lib, executables
in PREFIX/bin, and so on.
The default is /usr/local if this argument is not passed to configure.

read-only single-machine data in DIR

The default is PREFIX/etc (PREFIX being the value of --prefix=PREFIX, above) if this argument is not passed to configure.


How to build: Configure and make


Specifies the location of the iconv library to use. configure will search for libiconv in the usual places; use --with-libiconvprefix if it's unsuccessful (assuming you want to use iconv, of course). Overridden by --disable-libiconv, below.

Specifies the default TDS version. (There are a couple of ways to set the TDS version at run-time. This parameter takes effect if
no run-time settings are provided.) Acceptable values of VER are 4.2, 4.6, 5.0, 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2.
The default is 5.0 if this argument is not passed to configure.

ODBC Driver Managers

--with-iodbc=DIR , --with-unixodbc=DIR

Specify directory of iODBC or unixODBC support, and use it as the Driver Manager. As of version 0.62, the ODBC Driver
Manager is detected by configure, so use this parameter only if yours is installed in a nonstandard path. (Requires iODBC or
unixODBC to have already been installed.)

If you're building the ODBC driver and not using a Driver Manager, use this option to indicate the location of the .h files.
configure will not cause the ODBC driver to be built unless this option is used or a DM is detected/specified.

Things you can turn off


Do not attempt to detect ODBC, and do not build the ODBC driver. In case you don't care about ODBC.

Do not attempt to build applications like tsql.


Do not attempt to build server stuff.


Do not attempt to build pool stuff.


By default, configure will search your system for an iconv library for use with Microsoft servers (because TDS 7.0 employs
Unicode). This switch prevents that search. If no iconv library is used, FreeTDS relies on its built-in iconv emulation, which is
capable of converting ISO-8859-1 to UCS-2, sufficient for many applications.

Force FreeTDS not to use threadsafe versions of functions such as gethostbyname_r() where available. Rely instead on the
older and non-threadsafe ones such as gethostbyname(). configure tests some of these functions. If the tests are successful,
FreeTDS will use threadsafe functions throughout.
Threadsafe operation has been tested on Linux, FreeBSD, and HP-UX. It should work on Solaris, Tru64, and (reportedly) IRIX.
Not expected to work on non-unixy systems. It is a good idea to enable threadsafe operation if you configure Apache with multithreading support.

Debug-mode compiles are enabled by default, and will remain so at least until version 1.0. You can speed things up ever so
slightly by disabling it.

Things you can turn on


Enable Microsoft behavior in the DB-Library API where it diverges from Sybase's. Use this option if you are replacing
Microsoft's libraries with FreeTDS
This option specifies default behavior. Programs can change the default at compile time by defining MSDBLIB or SYBDBLIB
(for Microsoft or Sybase behavior, respectively).



How to build: Configure and make


Enable close compatibility with Sybase's ABI, at the expense of other features. Currently, this enables the generation of a
dbopen() entry point in DB-Library, which may clash with the DBM function with the same name. Absolutely not required for use
with other free software.

Enable Kerberos support. With Kerberos you can connect to server using your stored Kerberos ticket. Obviously requires
Kerberos be configured on the machine.

Enable SSPI support. SSPI is a Micrsoft library that allows you to use your current logged-in account for authentication. With this
option enabled, FreeTDS supports "trusted logins" for Win32/64, just as Microsoft's own implementations do.

Intended for debugging purposes, enables certain internal consistency checks against problems like memory corruption and
buffer exhaustion.

Enable some code still in development. Should be used only by a developer or a brave user :)

SSL support

Enable SSL using GnuTLS. Use version 1.2.3 or newer.


Enable SSL using OpenSSL. Unlike FreeTDS, OpenSSL does not use the LGPL. Please read the OpenSSL license before
distributing binaries compiled with this option.

Now you're ready to build. Follow these easy steps.
1. Download the tarball and unpack it.
Alternatively, get the latest build from CVS [1] .
2. Change to the freetds directory.
3. run ./configure with any options you need.
4. make; make install; make clean
You normally need to be root to make install, unless you used the --prefix option during configuration to install into your own
With any luck, you've built and installed the FreeTDS libraries.

Two bits of advice, if you like to keep things tidy and keep track of what you did.
Create a file to hold your configure options called, say, .build_options.
Create a build directory for the binaries, and invoke ../configure $(cat ../.build_options).
This approach lets you remove the binaries at any time and rebuild from scratch using the same options.

CVS users will need the GNU autotools: Autoconf, Automake, and libtool.
What to build: Packages, Tarballs, and the
CVS repository



OS-specific Issues


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