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Socially and economically, beginning year 1000, most people in
western Europe are tied and work the soil
90% of population are tired to the land
tied by duties and tribute
life of peasantry is absolutely abysmal 11th century
most people die early in their life
famine occur in every part of Europe
o killed vast population
tremendous lack of protein
people age very differently back them from now
but then changes in plows, agriculture
more people start to survive
chopped and burned forest
this created a middle class during the 12th century
direct change from economic and social changes
there is no civilizations during this time
middle class comes from trading, money lending
comes to bring great trouble
contracts with the ideas of the church
o the place between hell and heaven was invented during the
12th century
Change in mentality (middle class)
Not dependent on land but not nobles
Hate nobles because they disturb the trade
In the end, many middle class would enter the nobles

In a village community, you either live together or die separately

This begins to erode but the intrusion of urban and rise of a new
social class
This also brings poverty
The ideal in Christianity is the idea of charity
The roman had extensive system of welfare and patronage
o Political and social nature
o Aim to create extensive and network of patronage and
Different from charity
Ideal is that the poor are the Christ so when one comes to your door,
and begs for food, he or she is Christ.
Should not only help the poor, but you should love them
The poor has been integrated to society
Around the 15th century, there is a dramatic transformation of
economy and with that, an incredible the ____ of villages
Creates pain and anxiety to which everyone is aware
16 century marks the beginning of capitalism
Capitalism minimum effort with maximum output
Until almost the enlightenment, the bulk of the culture were in the
hands of the divine and clergymen
a revival of culture in france, Germany, England
a very broad program
o included epic poetry in the language of the people (not latin)
Courtly love
In the 12th century, after the first crusade, peace was restored
A return to order
Emergence of ___ that wrote in vernacular, poems that celebrated
aristocratic women in their lives
The position of women in western civilization is poor
Bible and greek writing
Place women in subordinate position

Eve is responsible for all our misery

1. talk about in general about being human
2. talk about religion, how it comes about and what it is
3. religion of the west, Christianity
Humans are caught between two positions
Inside ourselves, the world is arbitrary
o we could be dead at any time
o we know that no matter how much order we want, the more
arbitrary it becomes
Life is and can be sweet embrace it
This is tension between the Apollo and Dioecism
Sense of ____
o Nothing in access
o Know thy self
Sense of self is associated with music and ____
Think it can be __
The ultimate truth is that we will die
The question is not whether or not we will die but WHEN

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