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daptive relaying

A new direction in power system protection

Modern electric power systems can

deliver energy to users very reliably.
Protective relays in the power system
play an important role in assuring this
continuous service. Relays monitor the
status of the system continuously and
detect failures or abnormalities within
their assigned zone of protection. The
control action takes place by opening a
minimum number of circuit breakers to
isolate the defective element. An element that would have otherwise caused
excessive damage or possibly collapse
of the power system.
Although protective relays should
detect all system abnormalities quickly,
other considerations might detract from
this primary objective. In general, a
relay system is designed to achieve the
highest levels of speed, reliability,
selectivity, simplicity, and economics.
Since it is impractical to satisfy all
requirements simultaneously, compromises must be made.
A typical conflictory objective is
embedded in the reliability of a relay
system. The dependability and security
of a relay system establish its reliability. Dependability is a measure of the
relay system to perform properly in
removing system faults. Security is a
measure of the relay tendency in not
initiating an incorrect trip action. There
is always a compromise between security and dependability. The dependability or security can be enhanced
significantly by utilizing redundant
relays. If the contact of the redundant
relay is connected in parallel with the
original relay, then the dependability is
increased. On the other hand, if the contacts are connected in series, the security is enhanced.
With conventional relays, the protective system design is either biased
toward the dependability or the securty. Therefore, the highest levels of


dependability and security cannot be

achieved at the same time.
In addition, the compromises among
the desirable characteristics will lead to
a reIay system design which is far from
optimum. Performance degradation will
become more transparent as the network
topology changes. h general, the tendency of a relay system not perfomsing
in an optim~~rn
manner is attributed to:
1. Evolving relaying philosophies
over the past 80 years.
2. Designs heavily relying on
electromechanical technologies.
3. Limitation in use of local variables, such as current or voltages, as the
relay inputs.
The major weaknesses are the hardwares inadequacy and limited capability in adapting to the changing
environment of a power system.

Adaptive relaying
Adaptive relaying considers the fact
that the status of a power system can
change. Thus, the setting of relays will
be changed on-line to accommodate
these changes.
The adaptive relaying concept
requires the microprocessor-based digital relays. The digital relays are pro-

0278-6648/96/$5.00 0 1996 IEEE

grammable devices with extensive

logic, memory, data transfer, communication, and reporting capabilities. These
features make them excellent candidates for implementing the adaptive
relaying concepts.
However, this concept poses new
challenges in developing algorithms
that allow proper adaptability to
changes in system conditions. Additionally, since a power system is highly
integrated, it might not be possible to
detect all system loading and topological changes at a local bus within the
power system. Therefore, system-wide
communication capability might
become a fundamental requirement.

Application areas
A recent paper summarized the
results of a survey on satisfaction of
practicing relay engineers with the
existing relays. In addition, this paper
investigated the areas where improvements are desirable, and reliability
enhancements which can be made by
incorporating the adaptive features.
The following summarizes the 16 identified areas:
1. Operating time as a function of
the distance to fault,


2. Mutual coupling compensation in

ground impedance protection,
3. High source impedance ratio
4. Remote-end open-breaker detection for high-speed sequential tripping,
5. Load flow compensation,
6. Fault type changing speed of operation,
7. Multi-terminal distance relay coverage,
8. Variable breaker failure timing,
9. Permissive reclosing,
10. Adaptive reclosing,
11. Sympathy trip reclosing,
12. Adaptive synchronism check
angle for reclosing,
13. Proactive load shedding,
14. Adaptive transformer differential
15. Voltage change supervision of
differential unit,
16. Bus protection restraint for
arrester applications.

Adaptive digital
distance protection
In a digital relaying scheme, voltage
and current samples are taken at the
relaying point and used to compute the
apparent impedance of the line seen by
the relay. If the impedance is inside a
predetermined boundary, the decision is
made to disconnect or trip the line. This
system works well for a zero-resistance
fault situation. The voltage and current
samples are taken and the apparent
impedance is determined to be the
impedance of the line from the relay
point to the fault. If this impedance is
less than the expected line impedance,
the line is tripped.
The problem occurs in the case of
non-zero resistance fault situations. The
voltage that is sampled is the sum of the
line voltage and the fault voltage. The
voltage drop across the fault is a function of the current from the relay terminal and the current from the remote-end
terminal. The current contribution from
the remote end cannot be measured at
the relaying point. It is possible to measure the remote-end current and send it
back to the relay end by a high speed
communication channel; however, this
has not been very practical.
Traditional systems only incorporated a margin of error to account for the
unknown current in order to keep the
relay from overreaching. This resulted
in a certain amount of the line at the far
end not being protected by the first zone


of protection. In
order to protect the
40 ..
line properly, the
amount of unprotected line must be
An alternative
method is to determine the apparent
line impedance as a
function of known
R (ohms)
parameters such as
positive and zero
sequence imped- Fig. 1 R-Xplane of distance relay
ance components,
terminal voltages, and the unknown
it is possible to develop control rules for
fault resistance. Computer simulation
automatically adapting to the system
may then be performed to determine an
changes. Components are added to the
ideal trip boundary, for several fault
control law aimed at unpredictable facresistance values. A typical example of
tors that affect the states of the protected
these boundaries is shown in Fig. 1.
line. This improves the effectiveness of
Multi-terminal lines can be protected
a distance protection scheme.
in a similar manner as two terminal
Power system frequency deviations
lines. The difference is that the apparent
are expected within certain limits. Two
impedance as seen at a relay location is
undesirable consequences of frequency
not just a function of the parameters of
excursions in digital distance protection
are the influence on sampling period
one line and two terminals, but a funcand the computed value of the reaction of two or more lines and three or
tance. To translate the input signals
more terminals. These line and terminal
parameters can be determined in
properly, the digital signals after sampling should be sinusoidal sequences
advance. Computer simulation may
then be used to determine ideal trip
with a period of N when line currents or
boundaries for several fault resistances
voltages are sinusoidal. In the case of
in different parts of the line. These
frequency deviations, the sampIe signals
boundaries do change with changing
will not belong to a 50 or 60 Hz signal.
system conditions.
As a result, the computations will be in
Thus, the adaptive approach of meaerror.
suring system conditions and updating
Also, when the frequency of the line
the ideal trip boundaries can be very
varies by a certain percentage, the reacuseful. The protection algorithm will
tance of the line will also change by a
measure the voltage and current samproportional amount. To correct for this,
ples at the relay location. The apparent
adaptive revising of sampling period
impedance is then calculated and the
and line reactance calculation on the
computer refers to the most recent trip
basis of frequency measurement should
boundaries and determines occurrence
be considered. This is accomplished by
calculating the period increment. The
of a fault and its locations.
sampling period is then adaptively
Relays should adapt to ever changrevised for use of the next cycle of the
ing system conditions, whether it is a
two-terminal or multi-terminal line. By
waveform. Accordingly, a new setting
using a computer or microprocessor
can be computed. The reactance setting
based detection scheme, the reliability
can also be revised adaptively.
and system stability is greatly
Single-phase to ground faults may
have a major effect on the performance
During the normal operation of a
of the protective devices. The most serisystem, unexpected events can affect
ous and instantaneous faults are faults in
the overall performance of the system.
the vicinity of the switch-gear in the
protected direction, and faults in the
If an abnormal condition should arise,
vicinity of the end of the protected line.
such as frequency deviations, the proFaults in these areas may lead to the
tective devices may not be prepared to
handle the obscurity of parameter
changes due to the pre-set inputs.
A solution is to use real-time data to
reset any relay input settings. Therefore,


operation of the wrong relays. To avoid

erally, thiis inrush current is prevented
these false operations, an adaptive
from being recognized as a fault condimethod will change the operating chartion by the fact that the inrush current is
acteristics of the relays on-line.
dominated by the second harmonic. The
Power swings may cause improper
rnagnitudle of the second harmonic
operation of distance protection. An
depends on residual magneiism and the
adaptive method can be used to immovoltage switching angle.
bilize the protection during power sysCurrent differential relays, however,
tem swings. This method is called the
are affected by factors such as i m s h
incremental rate discrimination of
current, ewer excitation, transformer
instantaneous current values. The printaps, and current transformer mismatchciple is that the rate of change of instanes. A digital scheme for differential protaneous value of line current has a limit
tection would be the ideal way to
account for these affects, and to control
under normal conditions but increases
suddenly when faults occur. According
ratio mismatches. Such a digital system
to such a difference in changing rates,
also could be faster, and can make decione may distinguish the fault condition
sions that ;Iremuch more secure.
from a no-fault condition.
The rate-of-change of current feature can classify the status of the power system to
normal operation, swing condition, and faulted condition.
During normal conditions, the
current and its rate of change
both vary sinusoidally, and thelr
amplitude values are level with
each other. The current is nearly periodic under power swing
conditions. The amplitude of
the rate change per cycle varies
slowly as an envelope curve of
the current.
For a fault, the current
increases suddenly and the rate
change will be large. The adapmethod suggests that a
Fig, 2 Six step loud shedding scheme
detecting unit be used and its
setting adjusted adaptively in real-time
Recent work has proposed such a
according to the change in current
computer algorith that is adaptive and
amplitude Therefore, the protection
utilizes Kalman filtering. The computer
will be able to differentiate between the
algorithm relies on the monitoring of
faults and power system swings. This
transformer currents to determine the
will involve measunng and also memostate of thle transformer. Different order
nzing the amplitude of the load current
Kalman filters are then initialized
per cycle, and adaptively resetting the
depending on the state of the transprotecbon devices.
former. A de-energized transformer is
monitored until switchng occurs. Upon
switching, a five state Kalman filter is
Protecting power
used to estimate the dc, fundamental,
and second harmonic components of the
Differential protection has become
current. Tlhe fundamental component is
the standard protection method for
used for the differential protection. If
power transformers over 10 MVA. It is
the differential current exceeds a prewell known that the fundamental comdetermined percentage of the through
ponent of the differential current during
current, a ]possiblefault condition exists.
an internal fault becomes much greater
The second harmonic component of the
than during normal loading conditions.
current is then compared to the fundaAnother aspect of differential protecmental of the differential current. If the
tion deals with the transformer during a
second harmonic content of the current
switching period. During this switching
is not high enough, then an internal fault
period, inrush current will also create a
has occuned and a trip signal is issued.
discrepancy in the current balance. GenIf the second harmonic criteria is met,


then the algorithm transfers control to

the two state filter.
Once the transformer is operating
under normal conditions, a two state
Kalman filter samples the primary and
secondary currents and creates a reference phasor for each. These phasors are
rotated with respect to time and then
compared to new current measurements.
If a significant difference exists, a transient is detected and control is transferred to the three state Kalman filter
that uses estimates from the two state filters. The three state filter creates estimates of the fundamental component of
the differential current. These estimates
are then used in a differential motection
equation similar to the one used
by the five state filter. If no
fault is detected, new samples
are taken and the process is
repeated by the three state filter
until a set time period has
elapsed. If no trip signal is
issued, the control is transferred
back to the two state filter.
By changing monitoring
states, the algonthm can adapt to
different operating conditions
and apply the precise model
needed. Test results for such a
scheme have been promsing on
a 1 KVA, 120 VI120 V single
phase transformer.
Different voltage taps were
used at the secondary of this
transformer to simulate internal
faults in conjunction with an
electronic switch to select different taps.
Current and voltage transducers were
used to supply current signals to a data
acquisition system and host computer.
The algorithm was executed at 16 samples/cycle. A fault decision had to be
consistent for at least three samples
before trip signals were issued. In sixteen test cases involving internal faults
across the secondary during switching
conditions, the algorithm initiated a trip
signal in 3/4 to 1 cycle. In nearly one
hundred tests involving internal faults,
turn-to-tum faults, and capacitor switching operations, the average correct operating time for the algorithm was 5 ms
with minimum and maximum times of
3 ms and 9 ms, respectively.

Adaptive reclosing
Despite attempts to maintain impeccable reliability in a high voltage transmission system, faults will and do
occur. To minimize their effect and the
consequent interruption of service, the


system must be brought back on-line as

quickly and effortlessly as possible. It is
in this capacity that automatic reclosing
of circuit breakers are employed.
If a fault was determined to be permanent, the recloser would lockout after
a predetermined number of operations,
eventually isolating the faulted segment.
However, the vast majority of faults are
temporary in nature. The recloser usually will close the line without having to
The two main methods of reclosing
are high speed reclosing (HSR) and
delayed reclosing. In the first case, the
line is reclosed as quickly as possible
with no checking of voltage magnitudes
or phase angles. The only delay introduced in this fashion is that required for
extinguishing the arc.
On the other hand, delayed automatic reclosing imposes more of a delay.
This allows for adequate checking to
determine if desirable system conditions
are present. Although both methods
have fulfilled their purposes, the advent
of the digital computer can take this
ability one step further.
Conventional methods are limited by
their inability to adjust their actions to
real-time changes in the system. Adaptive
reclosing allows a safer and more easily
monitored method of closing onto faulted
sections of a system. By applying adaptive techniques, the voltage of a faulted
system can be utilized to determine the
severity as well as the location of the
fault, and further, whether or not the system should be brought back online. In
fact, adaptive relaying could effectively
prohibit closing into any fault unless it is
a line to ground or line to line fault.
Adaptive reclosing involves detecting the nature and location of a fault by
re-energizing an unfaulted (or presumably unfaulted) phase and observing the
phase voltages on the other unenergized
lines. Simple logic can be employed to
determine which phase should be initially reclosed. Any given fault can be
classified into one of the following four
1. three-phase,
2. line-to-line,
3. line-to-ground,
4. internal.
In the case of a three-phase fault, the
selection of the initial phase to reclose is
purely arbitrary. When a line-to-line
fault occurs, obviously the third, uninvolved, phase would be chosen. In the
third case, either of the two other phases
could be re-energized. The final case


implies a permanent fault, which would

warrant the recloser to lockout, isolating
the defective equipment.
After the single-phase reclosing
action, the voltages of the other phases
can be monitored to determine the nature
and seventy of the fault. A variety of scenarios can arise after the initial reclosing:
a. If the reclosed line voltage equals
the source voltage and the voltage on
either of the remaining phases is zero,
then there is obviously a line-to-ground
fault on that respective phase.
b. If the reclosed line voltage equals
the source voltage and the voltage on
either of the other two is equal to the
reclosed line, then we can assume a
line-to-line fault between this phase and
the initial reclosed line.
c. If the reclosed line voltage equals
the source voltage and the voltage of the
other two phases are equal, then a lineto-line fault exists between them.
d. If the reclosed line voltage equals
the source voltage and the voltages on
the other two phases non zero and neither equal to each other or to the reenergized phase, then the system is
normal and the phases can be reclosed
Since these measurements can be
made almost instantaneously, the effect
of an incorrect trip can easily be minimized. Another issue is not only which
phases to reclose, but at what time to
reclose them. In order to minimize the
dc offset in case of permanent fault, the
initial reclosing should occur at maximum voltage across the breaker. On the
other hand, the other phases should be
reclosed at the minimum voltage across
the breaker to eliminate the arc and prolong the life of the contacts.
Adaptive reclosing also helps protect
the breakers upon opening. Digital
relays allow precise control of the opening as well as the reclosing operations
of circuit breakers. If the breakers are
opened when the current is zero, this
eliminates not only system transients,
but also eradicates arcing which minimizes maintenance and prolongs the life
of the device. Also, digital control aids
in disbursing the workload among various breakers to balance out the wear
and tear imposed on each. This is most
advantageous in the ring bus situation,
where it is very difficult to apportion
the reclosing action equally by the conventional methods.

Underfrequency protection
As a consequence of switching large

loads or loss of generation, a power system can experience a decay in the system frequency. When the total load is
greater than the total generation, the
generator speed will decrease causing
the system frequency to decrease.
One major concern during low frequency periods is the safety of the turbine-generators. Operating in low
frequency regions for a prolonged period of time will damage the turbine
blades. Electric utility companies use
underfrequency load shedding relays to
prevent drastic drops in the system frequency.
The current method of preventing the
frequency decay is to shed a predetermined amount of load when the system
frequency drops below a preset value.
Typically 57 Hz will be used as the
lowest safe operating level. (This value
was chosen from an industry survey in
1966 by the IEEE Power System Relaying Committee-57 Hz being the most
popular value.)
The problem with shedding a pre-set
amount is that each system disturbance
is different. For a particular disturbance,
the amount of load that needs to be shed
to correct the problem may be different
than what the company has specified for
other conditions.
If the amount of load shed is not
enough to correct the problem, the frequency will continue to decline until the
next load shedding step is initiated. Due
to the large inertia of the turbine-generators, the frequency will continue to
decline for a short time after the abnormality has been corrected. This may
cause the frequency to decay past the
minimum value, even though the
amount of load shed is sufficient. Fast
and efficient load shedding is required
to account for both the generator inertia
and various system disturbances.
If the frequency is not monitored
throughout the system, load shedding
outside the disturbance area will reduce
the system reliability. Another problem
with local frequency measurement is
that the frequency at one end of the system could be below 57 Hz, while the
frequency at the other end could be
above 57 Hz.
A large integrated system consists of
many interconnected systems. When
there is a major disturbance in one of
the smaller systems, the last line of
defense is to isolate this system from
the main system via the existing interties. As a result, an island is formed.
The smaller system that experienced an


abnormality and was isolated from the

integrated system might not survive
without tripping large amounts of load.
The isolated system generators might be
required to shut down in a short time to
prevent permanent damage to the turbine blades. This problem calls for the
use of an adaptive method that will take
into account the dependency of the
smaller system on its own generation
Measurement of the system frequency at each essential bus will allow constant monitoring of the rate of change of
frequency by a central computer. From
the performed simulations, safe operation limits can be established, enabling
the computer to respond quickly to dangerous levels of frequency by implementing a tripping action.
One adaptive method also suggests
that shedding the largest amount of
load as the initial response to the disturbance will quickly stabilize the system,
by counteracting the influence of inertia. This method of load shedding has
been investigated using a frequency
response model. The results of a six
step load shedding scheme are shown
in Fig. 2.
In this case, the initial response was
at 0. 1 seconds, and the following load
shedding steps were delayed by 0.1 seconds. The system frequency did not
decline below the 57 Hz value, as
expected. Note that the largest amount
of load was shed initially. It is also
important to determine the total amount
of load to be shed at the onset of a system disturbance, before the frequency
drop to very low levels. The recommendation was that half of the load be shed
in the initial step of load shedding.
This scheme will allow for monitoring of the essential system buses, and
determining the location of the overload
conditions. As a result the load can be
shed near this location. Monitoring of
the important system buses will keep
unnecessary shutdowns to a minimum.

Computational issues
The three relevant characteristics of
the protective system are sensitivity,
selectivity, and speed. In coordinating
and setting the relays, the pick-up setting, instantaneous setting, and time-dial
setting are the three parameters that
relay engineers must consider.
At present, the proper setting must
take into account many possible and
credible worst-case conditions. The
problem is making sure that the worst
case scenario has been correctly identi-


fied. In addition, all the calculation is

done off-line. This process is very time
This is where an adaptive protection
scheme can be beneficial. With the application of digital relays, the relays can
respond to changes of the existing network conditions. Therefore, relays will
change their setting as the network conditions change from time to time. This
enables the relay settings to change online, thus becoming more sensitive to
various types of contingencies and fault
conditionswithout loss of selectivity.
There are four main elements of an
adaptive protection scheme: hardware,
communication and control, software,
and human factors. Hardware refers to
digital relays. Communication and control refer to the computational systems
used to monitor the relays and coordinate the changes needed in the face of
changing network conditions. Software
refers to algorithms the control systems
use to coordinate relays. With
improved algorithms and computational architecture, the coordination of
relays in an existing protection system
can be upgraded, transforming the protection scheme from conventional to
Along with the various techniques
involved, the complex problem of coordinating relays in a suitable amount of
time still exists. The developed computational methods have been given close
attention to improve their execution time.
The Computer-Aided Protection
System, a collection of many sub-programs, is a good representation of the
programs being considered for use in
power industry. There are two main
issues of focus: the TAP program whch
enumerates all the primary and backup
relays into pairs called SSPs (Set of
Sequential Pairs); and the Overcunent
(OCCORD) which coordinates the
relays using these SSPs.
The first step is to enhance the algorithms used by the TAP and OCCORD
programs. The TAP program spends
most of its computational time enumerating the loops of a system. In a complex system, there may be as many as
1500 loops. To reduce its execution
time, a new method of reducing the
number of loops was examined. A simple process of enumerating loops and
breakpoint relays suggests that out of
the four relays involved in a pair of parallel lines, one pair must be selected as
breakpoint relays. This will enable both

of the directional loops to be opened in

the computation process, which will
reduce the amount of calculations.
The OCCORD program uses an iterative process to coordinate the relays of
a system. Therefore, in order to increase
the speed of this program, the SSPs not
required in all iterations can be eliminated. This will make each following
iterative step smaller than the first. This
is possible because when a primary
relay operates in the instantaneous
mode, its operating time is zero. In the
first iteration, the time dial of the backup relays are then set at a level greater
than the Required Coordination Time
Interval. During the following iterations, the backup relays time dial setting can only increase, which will not
impact any of the previous calculations.
Therefore, this pair need not be considered after the first iteration.
The way in which the above
enhancements are incorporated can also
increase the computational time. Instead
of x c e s s i n g data on disk, all the
required data should be kept in the main
memory. Although this is a simple principle, it dramatically increases the execution time.
Multi-processing and supercomputing can increase the overall computational speed of the previously
mentioned programs. With the everdecreasing cost of computers, this
approach should become more attractive in the near future.

Adaptive relaying is a new philosophy in protecting electric power systems. Adaptive relaying utilizes the
continuous changing status of the power
system as the basis for on-line adjustment of the power system relay settings.
Consequently, it provides the required
flexibility for obtaining very high levels
of system reliability. Digital relays with
adequate software and communication
capability make these devices ideal for
implementing adaptive relaying concepts.

Read more about it

Phadke, A.G., Horowitz, S.H.,
Adaptive Relaying, IEEE Computer
Applications in Power, July, 1990.
Rockefeller, G.D., Wagner, C.L.,
Linders, J.R., Hicks, K.L., Rizy, D.T.,
Adaptive Transmission Relaying Concepts for Improved Performance, ZEEE
Transactions on Power Delivery. Vol.
3, No. 4, October 1988.


S.H. Horowitz, A.G. Phadke, and

J.S. Thorp, Adaptive Transmission

Relaying, IEEE Transactions on
Power Delivery, Vol. 3, No. 4, October
1988, pp. 1436-1445.
M. Adamiak, et. al, Feasibility of
Adaptive Protection and Control, IEEE
PES 1992 Summer Meeting Paper.
Y.Q. Xia, K.K. Li, A.K. David,
Adaptive Relay Setting for StandAlone Digital Distance Protection,
IEEE PES 1993 Winter Meeting.
Zhizhe, Zhang, Deshu, Chen, An
Adaptive Approach in Digital Distance
Protection, IEEE Transactions on
Power Delivery, Vol. 6, No. 1, January
1991, pp. 135-141.
Chang, W.B., Girgis, Adly A., and
Hart, D. David, An Adaptive Scheme
for Digital Protection of Power Transformers, IEEE Transactions on Power
Delivery, Vol. 7 , No. 2, April 1992.
Girgis, Adly A., Brown, R. Grover,
Adaptive Kalman Filtering in Computer Relaying: Fault Classification Using
Voltage Models, IEEE Transactions
on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol.
PAS-104, No. 5, May 1985.
P.M. Anderson and M. Mirheydar,

An Adaptive Method for setting

Underfrequency Load Shedding
Relays, Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 7 , No. 2, May 1992.
Jampala A.K., Venkata S.S.,
Damborg M.J., Adaptive Transmission
Protection: Concepts and Computational Issues, IEEE Transactions on Power
Delivery, Vol. PD-4, January 1989, pp.

About the authors

Jamie Codling is an undergraduate
student at Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology. He will be receiving a B.S.
in Electrical Engineering and would like
to work in the power engineering field.
Spencer House is a senior Electrical
Engineering student at Rose-Hulman
Institute of Technology. Upon completing his degree he would like to obtain
employment in the power industry. Joe
Joice is a member of IEEE and a member of IEEE Power Engineering Society. He will receive his B.S. degree in
Electrical Engineering in May of 1994
from Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. Upon graduation he wishes to
work for a power engineering consult-

ing fm.Kenneth M. Labhart is a senior

at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
pursing a B.S. in Electrical Engineering.
He is an IEEE student member and a
member of the IEEE Power Engineering Society. Jon Richards is a student of
Electrical Engineering at Rose-Hulman
Institute of Technology. After completing his schooling, he would like to work
in the power engineering field. John
Tenbush is an Electrical Engineering
student at Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology. After graduation, he wishes to work for an automotive company
in the area of product design and development. Matthew D. Tullis is presently
finishing his undergraduate studies at
Rose-Hulman. After receiving a B.S.
degree in Electrical Engineering, he
plans to work for a public utility. Todd
Wilkerson is presently finishing his B.S.
in Electrical Engineering at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology. Upon his
graduation, he plans to join the Technical Services division of Anderson Consulting in Chicago, IL. Dr. Rostamkolai
is the Associate Professor of Electrical
Engineering at Rose-Hulamn Institute
of Technology.


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d Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, Microwave
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