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USES OF si´.

osiem eight. ósmy, ósma, ósme eighth

panna miss, maiden. Virgo


8.A. Nowy dom.

Problem of building one's own house.

8.B. Od dawna.
An introduction of people who already know each other.

8.C. Co za spotkanie!
A surprise meeting.

8.D.1. Nudzisz si´?

How to tell when one is having a "good time"?

8.D.2. Jak to si´ mówi?

How does one say 'computer science' in Polish?

8.E. Poczekamy.
Missing a train.


domek na wsi little house in the country

wieÊ f countryside, village. na wsi in the countryside. Top: a traditional

whitewashed country cottage, except with a corrugated metal roof, not
traditional thatch. Bottom: an example of new construction going up around
Polish towns, with security fence and two-car garage.


8.A. Nowy dom

Joasia: Slysza∏am, ˝e paƒstwo I've heard that you (male+female) are

budujà nowy dom. building a new house.
Janusz: Tak, to prawda. Budujemy Yes, that's right, we have been
go ju˝ prawie rok. Wkrótce building it for almost a year
b´dzie wreszcie gotowy. already, so soon it will be finally
Joasia: Dlaczego budowa trwa tak ready.
d∏ugo? Why is the construction lasting so
Janusz: Bo ciàgle sàk∏opoty, albo long?
z pracownikami, albo z Because there are continually
materia∏ami. problems, either with the workers
Joasia: Kiedy paƒstwo si´ or with the materials.
przeprowadzajà? When are you (male+female) moving?
Janusz: Chyba w nast´pnym Probably next month.


For active learning and dictation practice:

Budujemy go prawie rok. Przeprowadzamy si´ w nast´pnym

Budujemy nowy dom. miesiàcu.
Ciàgle sàk∏opoty z pracownikami. Sà k∏opoty z pracownikami.
Dlaczego budowa trwa tak d∏ugo? S∏ysza∏em (-am), ˝e paƒstwo
Dom wkrótce b´dzie wreszcie budujà nowy dom.
gotowy. Zawsze sà k∏opoty z materia∏ami.
Kiedy paƒstwo si´ przeprowadzajà?

1. Kto buduje nowy dom?
2. Jak d∏ugo trwa budowa domu? Dlaczego budowa trwa tak d∏ugo?
3. Kiedy dom b´dzie gotowy? Kiedy Janusz i ˝ona przeprowadzajà si´?

4. Czy chcia∏(a)byÊ zbudowaç nowy dom? Dlaczego? Gdzie chcia∏(a)byÊ go

zbudowaç? Jaki dom chcia∏(a)byÊ zbudowaç?
5. Jak d∏ugo zwykle trwa budowa nowego domu?
6. Jakie mogà byç k∏opoty z nowym domem? ze starym domem?
7. Czy cz´sto przeprowadza∏eÊ (przeprowadza∏aÊ) si´ w swoim ˝yciu?
8. Z czym jeszcze mo˝na mieç k∏opoty? Masz obecnie jakieÊk∏opoty z czymÊ
czy z kimÊ? Jakie? Mo˝e ze zdrowiem?


budowa f construction, process of obecny aj present. av obecnie

building paƒstwo you-male+female. This word
budowaç -duj´ -dujesz impf, zbudowaç functions as the sum of pan and
impf build pani. See this lesson.
chcia∏(a)bym I would like, chcia∏(a)byÊ przeprowadziç si´ -dz´ -dzisz pf,
you would like, chcia∏(a)by he/she przeprowadzaç si´ impf move
would like trwaç -am -asz impf last
d∏ugi aj long. av d∏ugo zdrowie n health
k∏opoty problems, troubles ˝ycie n life. w swoim ˝yciu in one's
mo˝na +infin one may, one can life




If a negated verb form has one syllable, stress will fall on the negative
particle nie, which, as far as pronunciation is concerned, is part of the verb:
NIE wiem I don't know, NIE chc´ I don't want (to), NIE dam I won't give, NIE
martw si´ don't worry, NIE dziw si´ don't be surprised, NIE bój si´ don't be
afraid, NIE wstydê si´ don't be embarrassed.


Polish verb system, which superficially consists of the cross-cutting categories
of person (1st, 2nd, 3rd) and number (sg. and pl.), in practice makes use of
the 3rd person forms of the verb, both sg. and pl., as de facto 2nd-person
forms of formal or titled address, adding another layer to the system. The
pragmatic Polish conjugational system looks like this:

singular plural
1st person (ja) czytam (my) czytamy
2nd person informal (ty) czytasz (wy) czytacie
2nd person titled (pan, pani) czyta (paƒstwo) czytajà
3rd person (on, ona, ono) czyta (one, oni) czytajà

PLURAL PRONOUNS. The plural personal pronouns are as follows:

1.p.pl. my we 3.p.pl. oni they (masc..pers.)
2.p.pl. wy you (pl., informal) 3.p.pl. one they (non-masc.-pers.).

As with the singular pronouns ja and ty, the plural 1st and 2nd person
pronouns my and wy are usually omitted with a finite verb (i.e., a verb
with personal endings), while the 3rd person pronouns oni and one usually
are used. One uses oni to refer to an all-male or mixed male and female
group. The pronoun one is used to refer to an all-female group or an
inanimate group. For a mixed female and non-female, but still not male,
group (for example, women and children), one uses one:

Idà twoi bracia. Here come your brothers. Oni idà.

Moje siostry si´ Êmiejà. My sisters are laughing. One si´ Êmiejà.
Nasze dzieci si´ bawià. Our children are playing. One si´ bawià.
Idzie moja ˝ona z dzieçmi. Here come my One (not: oni) idà.
wife and children.
Statistically speaking, since most personal groups are of mixed gender, oni
will be encountered more often, but it should not be used as a substitute for
one. The Accusative plurals of oni and one are ich and je, respectively:
Idà moi bracia. Widzisz ich? Czekam na nich. Here come my brothers. Do
you see them? I'm waiting for them.


Idà moje siostry. Znasz je? Czekam na nie. Here come my sisters. Do you
know them I'm waiting for them.


of (ten) pan is (ci) panowie (these, those) gentlemen, and the plural of (ta) pani
is (te) panie (these, those) ladies. The form (ci) paƒstwo (these, those) people is a
singular-looking noun with plural meaning; it is often used in the meaning
'ladies and gentlemen' or 'Mr. and Mrs.' Its Accusative form is paƒstwa; the
Dative is paƒstwu, and the Instrumental is paƒstwem. Here are some notes
on the use of paƒstwo:

1. The word paƒstwo is used as a de facto pronoun of formal 2nd-person

plural address, when the addressees are of mixed gender. In such use,
paƒstwo amounts to a conjunction of pan and pani: Co paƒstwo mówià?
What are you (people) saying? Less formally, paƒstwo may be used with the
2nd pers. pl. form of the verb: Co paƒstwo mówicie?

2. When preceded by ci those, paƒstwo is used as a noun of polite

reference meaning 'people': Co mówià ci paƒstwo? What are those people

3. paƒstwo is used as a title in the sense of 'Mr. and Mrs.': To sà

paƒstwo Klimczakowie That's Mr. and Mrs. Klimczak.

4. paƒstwo is often used in the sense 'ladies and gentlemen': Dzieƒ

dobry paƒstwu Hello, ladies and gentlemen-Dative. Witamy paƒstwa
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!

DIFFERENT WAYS OF SAYING 'YOU'. Polish has a much more complex

system of personal address than does English. Each of the following
sentences can be translated as 'What are you working on?' The verb is
pracowaç -cuj´ -cujesz impf nad+I work on

Nad czym pracujesz? 2.p.sg. informal

Nad czym pan pracuje? 2.p.sg. male formal
Nad czym pani pracuje? 2.p.sg. female formal
Nad czym mama <tata, profesor, etc.> pracuje? 2.p.sg titled address
Nad czym pracujecie? 2.p.pl. informal
Nad czym paƒstwo pracujà? 2.p.pl. masc. pers. formal
Nad czym paƒstwo pracujecie? 2.p.pl. masc. pers. semi-formal
Nad czym panowie pracujà? 2.p.pl. male formal
Nad czym panie pracujà? 2.p.pl. female formal


The Nominative, Dative, Accusative, and Instrumental forms of pronouns

are summarized in the chart below:

Nominative Dative Accusative Instrumental

co what czemu co czym
kto who komu kogo kim
nic nothing niczemu nic niczym
nikt no one nikomu nikogo nikim
ja I mi, mnie mnie mnà
ty you sg ci, tobie ci´, ciebie tobà
on he mu, jemu, niemu go, jego, niego nim
ono it mu, jemu, niemu je, nie nim
ona she jej, niej jà, nià nià
my we nam nas nami
wy you pl. wam was wami
pan male sg. title panu pana panem
panowie pl of pan panom panów panami
pani fem.sg.title pani panià panià
panie pl. of pani paniom panie paniami
paƒstwo m.p.pl.title paƒstwu paƒstwa paƒstwem
oni they m.p.pl im, nim ich, nich nimi
one they non-m.p.pl. im, nim je, nie nimi
reflexive (si´) sobie si´, siebie sobà

Alternate forms beginning with n- are used after prepositions: compare

pomagam im I help them-D to dzi´ki nim thanks to them-D; widz´ ich I see
them-A to czekam na nich I'm waiting for them-A.

Here are three prepositional phrases for eliciting the above oblique cases:
dzi´ki+D thanks to, due to
przez+A on account of, because of
razem z+I together with
Practice: co: dzi´ki czemu due to what
przez co on account of what,
razem z czym together with what
Practice similarly: kto, ja, ty, on, ono, ona, my, wy, pan, panowie, pani,
panie, paƒstwo, oni, one.



8.1. 'Here come my brother and sister.' Choosing between oni and one.
brat, siostra: a. Idzie brat z siostrà. Here comes my brother with my sister.
b. Oni idà. They are coming.
c. Czekam na nich. I'm waiting for them.

siostra, córka; wujek, ciocia; ˝ona, kole˝anka; syn, kolega; sàsiadka, sàsiad;
kolega, narzeczona; kole˝anka, dziecko; znajoma, matka


8.2. 'Zbyszek and I'

Zbyszek, a. Zbyszek to mój stary przyjaciel. Zbyszek's my old
stary przyjaciel: friend.
b. Zbyszek jest moim starym przyjacielem. Zbyszek is
my old friend.
c. Zbyszek i ja jesteÊmy starymi przyjació∏mi.
Zbyszek and I are old friends.

Jar(e)k, dobry kolega; Zenon, bliski krewny; Anna, stary znajomy; Zosia,
nowy sàsiad.


8.3. Instrumental vs. Accusative vs. Dative of pronouns:

on: a. Cz´sto go widz´. I see him often.
b. Cz´sto z nim si´ spotykam. I often meet with him.
c. Cz´sto mu pomagam.
ona, ja, ty, oni, my, pan, pani, kto, co, one, wy, paƒstwo, panowie, panie.


8.4. Review of Instrumental of personal nouns. razem z together with

mój kolega: a. razem z moim kolegà together with my colleague
b. razem z moimi kolegami together with my colleagues.

nasz sàsiad, mój przyjaciel, moja znajoma, moje dziecko, moja siostra, nasz
znajomy, mój brat, ten pan, ta pani.




8.5. Compound future tense, first-person singular:
pami´tam to: B´d´ to pami´ta∏ (pami´ta∏a). I will remember that.
pytam o coÊ, dziwi´ si´, umiem to robiç, mam czas, siedz´ w domu, robi´
zakupy, ciesz´ si´, zwiedzam muzeum, mog´ to zrobiç, jestem ca∏y czas w


8.6. Compound future of musieç have to. Preserve the person of the cue. Use both
masculine and feminine gender. Alternatively, use the future of móc or chcieç.
musz´ d∏ugo czekaç: B´d´ musia∏(a) d∏ugo czekaç. I will have to wait a long
singular cues: musz´ tu czekaç, on musi du˝o pracowaç, ona musi tu zostaç,
musisz coÊ kupiç, musisz przyjÊç na moje przyj´cie, musz´ gdzieÊ pójÊç, on
musi jechaç taksówkà.


8.7. Present imperfective to future perfective; 1st person sg. (review).

robiç to: a. Ju˝ to robi´.
b. Zaraz to zrobi´.
mówiç to, braç to, wracaç tam, dawaç to, widzieç to, pytaç o to, czytaç to,
pisaç to.


8.8. Answers to Z czym masz k∏opoty? What do you have problems with?
mieszkanie: Mam k∏opoty z moim mieszkaniem. I have problems with my
dom, praca, zadanie, ˝ycie, pralka, telewizor, samochód, kot, pies,


8.9. Answers to Z kim masz k∏opoty? With whom do you have problems?
sàsiad: Mam k∏opoty z moim sàsiadem. I have problems with my neighbor.

profesor, sàsiadka, przyjaciel, dziecko, siostra, brat, rodzice parents, dzieci.



pub "pab" (violating the principles of final-consonant devoicing). w pubie

"fpabie". The name pub has caught on all over Poland as a name for a
better-class drinking establishment.

In a Lublin pub.

8.B. Od dawna
A social gathering. One person is surprised that two others know each other from
somewhere else.

Anna: Andrzej, czy znasz Bo˝en´? Andrzej, do you know Bo˝ena?

Andrzej: OczywiÊcie, znamy si´ od dawna. Of course, we've known each
for a long time.
Anna: Naprawd´? Really?
Andrzej: O tak, Bo˝ena i ja jesteÊmy starymi przyjació∏mi. Oh yes, we're
old friends.
Anna: Ciekawa jestem, skàd wy si´ znacie? I'm curious, where do you
know each other from?
Andrzej: Naprawd´ nie pami´tam. I really don't remember.


For active learning and dictation practice:

Bo˝ena i ja znamy si´ od dawna.

Ciekaw(a) jestem, skàd wy si´ znacie?
Czy wy si´ znacie?
JesteÊmy starymi przyjació∏mi.
Naprawd´ nie pami´tam.
Skàd wy si´ znacie?


1. Czy Andrzej i Bo˝ena si´ znajà?

2. Skàd oni si´ znajà? Czy dobrze si´ znajà? Czy znajà si´ od dawna?
3. Czy Andrzej pami´ta, gdzie si´ poznali?

4. Czy pami´tasz, gdzie pozna∏eÊ (pozna∏aÊ) swojego najlepszego

przyjaciela (swojà najlepszà przyjació∏k´)?


od dawna since a long time ago, for a each other well, gdzie si´
long time poznaliÊcie where did you meet
przyjació∏mi. Ipl of przyjaciel each other? The use of si´ in the
wy si´ znacie you-pl. know each sense 'each other'.
other. dobrze si´ znamy we know


FULL PRESENT TENSE OF VERBS. The citation form of the verb (the form
used by dictionaries) is the infinitive, which in Polish ends either in -ç (as
pytaç ask, iÊç go) or, with a very few verbs, in -c (as pomóc help, móc be able).
In combination with each infinitive, one needs to learn the corresponding 1st
person and 2nd person singular forms. The other forms of the present tense
may be predicted from the 1st and 2nd-person forms.

The 2nd person sg. is used as a memorization form, rather than

some other form, because it is the logically sequential form after the 1st
person sg. Also, some verbs occur only in the 3rd person, so the citation of a
verb in the 3rd person can be used to indicate such verbs, cf. wydawaç si´
wydaje si´ seem, appear.


Verbs are classified according to the present-tense endings. Distinct

ending-sets are referred to as 'conjugations':

1. First Conjugation: Verbs in -´ -esz:

singular plural
1st person -´ -emy
2nd person -esz -ecie
3rd person -e -à

For example:
chcieç chc´ chcesz want
chc´ I want chcemy we want
chcesz you want chcecie you want-pl
chce he, she wants chcà they want

If there is a change in the stem between the 1st person and the 2nd person,
then the 3rd person plural will have the same stem as the 1st person
singular, while the other forms will have the same stem as the 2nd person
singular, as with

iÊç id´ idziesz go (on foot; det.); stem in id- or idê-.

id´ I go idziemy we go
idziesz you go idziecie you go-pl
idzie he, she, it goes idà they go

móc mog´ mo˝esz be able; stem in mog- or mo˝-.

mog´ I can mo˝emy we can
mo˝esz you can mo˝ecie you can-pl
mo˝e he, she, it can mogà they can

braç bior´ bierzesz take; stem in bior- or bierz-.

bior´ I take bierzemy we take
bierzesz you take bierzecie you take-pl
bierze he, she, it takes biorà they take.

The First Conjugation contains a great many subtypes, with which one will
gradually become familiar. One major subtype, containing thousands of
verbs, consists of verbs in -owaç -uj´ -ujesz, for example

ca∏owaç ∏uj´ -∏ujesz kiss

ca∏uj´ I kiss ca∏ujemy we kiss
ca∏ujesz you kiss ca∏ujecie you kiss-pl
ca∏uje he, she, it kisses ca∏ujà they kiss.


2. Second Conjugation: Verbs in -´ -isz or -´ -ysz:

2a. Verbs in -´ -isz:
singular plural
1st person -(i)´ -imy
2nd person -isz -icie
3rd person -i -(i)à

For example:
lubiç lubi´ lubisz like
lubi´ I like lubimy we like
lubisz you like lubicie you like-pl
lubi he, she, it likes lubià they like

As with verbs of Conjugation 1, if there is a change in the stem between the

1st person and the 2nd person, then the 3rd person plural will have the
same stem as the 1st person singular, while the other forms will have the
stem of the 2nd person singular:
musieç musz´ musisz have to; stem in musz- or muÊ-.
musz´ I have to musimy we have to
musisz you have to musicie you have to-pl
musi he, she, it has to muszà they have to.

In the illustrated verb, the stem alternates between sz in the 1st pers. sg.
and 3rd pers. pl., and Ê (si-) in the other forms.

2b. Verbs in -´ -ysz do not exhibit stem-consonant changes.

singular plural
1st person -´ -ymy
2nd person -ysz -ycie
3rd person -y -à

For example:
s∏yszeç -sz´ -szysz hear
s∏ysz´ I hear s∏yszymy we hear
s∏yszysz you hear s∏yszycie you hear-pl
s∏yszy he hears s∏yszà they hear


CONJUGATIONS. The stems of the 1st person sg. and 2nd person sg. do not
always differ, but they often do. The following routine will ensure that all
forms are produced correctly:

a. The 1st person sg. and 2nd person sg. form will generate the
following matrix, to be filled in:


chodziç singular plural

1st person chodz´
2nd person chodzisz
3rd person

b. The 3rd person pl. is filled in by looking at the 1st person sg.,
replacing -´ with -à:
chodziç singular plural
1st person chodz´
2nd person chodzisz
3rd person chodzà

c. The 3rd person sg. is filled in by looking at the 2nd pers. sg. and
dropping -sz: chodzisz: chodzi. The 1st and 2nd person pl. endings are then
added to this stem: chodzi-my, chodzi-cie, giving the complete conjugation:
chodziç singular plural
1st person chodz´ chodzimy
2nd person chodzisz chodzicie
3rd person chodzi chodzà

3. Third Conjugation: Verbs in -am -asz:

singular plural
1st person -am -amy
2nd person -asz -acie
3rd person -a -ajà

For example:
czekaç wait
czekam I wait czekamy we wait
czekasz you wait czekacie you wait
czeka he, she, it waits czekajà they wait

mieç have
mam I have mamy we have
masz you have macie you have
ma he, she, it has majà they have

The verb daç dam dasz give (pf) has the irregular 3rd person pl. form
daç pf give
dam I'll give damy we'll give
dasz you'll give dacie you'll (pl.) give
da he, she, it will give dadzà they'll give.


4. Conjugation 4: Verbs in -em -esz:

singular plural
1st person -em -emy
2nd person -esz -ecie
3rd person -e -ejà

There are very few such verbs. Among them are:

umieç know how
umiem I know how umiemy we know how
umiesz you know how umiecie you know how
umie he, she, it knows how umiejà they know how.

Similarly: Êmieç Êmiem Êmiesz dare.

A few fourth-conjugation verbs have 3.p.pl. in -dzà:

wiedzieç know (information)
wiem I know wiemy we know
wiesz you know wiecie you know
wie he, she, it knows wiedzà they know.

powiedzieç powiem powiesz powiedzà pf say
jeÊç jem, jesz, jedzà, jad∏, jedli eat.


CONJUGATIONS. For these two conjugations, with 1st person sg. in -m, it is
usually possible to rely only on the form of the 1st person sg.; the other
forms follow from it. However, for the sake of uniformity with Conjugations
1 and 2, it helps to recite and learn these verbs too in the first two forms of
the present.
a. The stem may be obtained by dropping -m from the 1st person
sg. or -sz from the 2nd person sg.:

pytaç singular plural

1st person pyta-m
2nd person pyta-sz
3rd person

b. To this stem, add the endings:

pytaç singular plural
1st person pyta-m pyta-my
2nd person pyta-sz pyta-cie
3rd person pyt-a pyta-jà


Except for the 3rd person pl. ending -jà, these are the same endings as for
conjugations 1 and 2. Observe that in the 3rd and 4th conjugations, the
plural forms are all one syllable longer than the corresponding singular

c. One verb of Conjugation 3, and two verbs of Conjugation 4 (and

other verbs based on them), have the 3rd person pl. ending -dzà instead of -
jà. These are daç: dam, dasz, da, dadzà give (pf), wiedzieç wiem wiesz
wiedzà know (information), jeÊç: jem, jesz, jedzà eat.

5. Only the verb byç be is irregular in the present tense:

byç be
jestem I am jesteÊmy we are
jesteÊ you are jesteÊcie you are
jest he, she, it is sà they are.

The verb byç is the only Polish verb which has an expressly future form:
b´d´ I will b´dziemy we will
b´dziesz you will b´dziecie you will
b´dzie he, she, it wil b´dà they will.

Notes on b´d´:
1. Forms of b´d´ are most often used as the future tense of the link-verb
Zaraz b´d´ gotowa. I will be ready (f.) right away.
O której b´dzie koncert? At what time will the concert be?
The future of byç does not combine with itself, hence never *b´d´ byç, but
only b´d´.

2. Forms of b´d´ are often used without an accompanying adverb in the

sense 'to be in a place':
Czy Adam b´dzie? Will Adam be there (i.e., will he be coming)?

3. Forms of b´d´ are used as a future Imperfective auxiliary verb in the

senses 'will, will be, be going to, intend to' :
B´d´ czeka∏a przed kinem. I (f.) will be waiting in front of the movie-
Czy b´dziesz tam siedzia∏ ca∏y wieczór? Do you intend to sit there all

4. Forms of b´d´ may never be used with a Perfective verb, hence

either b´d´ pyta∏(a) I'm going to ask or zapytam I'll ask, never: *b´d´



8.10. First-person plural and third-person plural of verbs, with and without si´,
present tense.
dobrze si´ czuj´: a. Dobrze si´ czujemy. We feel fine.
b. Oni dobrze si´ czujà. They feel fine.
serdecznie dzi´kuj´, troch´ si´ Êpiesz´, cz´sto go widz´, dobrze jà pami´tam,
wcale si´ nie nudz´, nic nie rozumiem, id´ do domu, ch´tnie chodz´ na
filmy, ca∏y czas si´ ucz´, chc´ ci coÊ powiedzieç, mieszkam tu bardzo blisko,
bardzo si´ martwi´, nic nie robi´, wcale si´ nie przejmuj´, cz´sto jà
odwiedzam, jestem lekarzem, mam ochot´ na odpoczynek, nie mam poj´cia,
zgadzam si´ z tobà, witam pana w Warszawie; nie wiem, spóêniam si´ o


8.11. Second-person plural of verbs, present tense:

chcieç: Co chcecie? What do you want?
mówiç, lubiç, robiç, rozumieç, pami´taç, mieç, wiedzieç, widzieç, piç, jeÊç.


8.12. Vary the person in the response, as long as it is in the plural.

chc´ ci coÊ pokazaç: Chcemy ci coÊ pokazaç. We want to show you something.
or: Oni chcà ci coÊ pokazaç. They want to show you something.
nie mog´ przyjÊç na twoje przyj´cie, id´ na zaj´cia, mam ochot´ gdzieÊ pójÊç,
zamykam drzwi, otwieram okno, jem Êniadanie, pij´ mleko, pisz´ list,
czytam gazet´, Êpiewam piosenk´, jestem w Poznaniu, robi´ zakupy, mam
w∏asne zdanie, jad´ do ¸odzi.


8.13. Perfective future, first-person plural; 'right away', 'gladly'. Use either zaraz
or ch´tnie:
daç ci: Zaraz ci damy. We'll give (it) to you right away.
(Ch´tnie ci damy. We'd be glad to give it to you.)
pokazaç ci to, powiedzieç ci to, pójÊç tam, zobaczyç jà, wziàç to, zapytaç go,
zrobiç to, wróciç do domu.



8.14. Plural of verbs, present tense. Transfer from singular to plural, preserving
the person of the verb. Supply a brief complement:
dzi´kuj´: Serdecznie dzi´kujemy. We sincerely thank you.

on si´ Êpieszy, widzisz, ona pami´ta, jesteÊ, pan mówi, nudz´ si´,
rozumiesz, on idzie, chodz´, uczysz si´, ona chce, pani si´ zgadza,
mieszkam, p∏aczesz, on si´ martwi, wiesz, ona umie, robisz, pisz´, pani


8.15. Perfective future from Imperfective present. Based on verbs from lesson 7.E.
pomagam ci: Zaraz ci pomog´. I'll gladly help you.

kupuj´ to, gotuj´ obiad, robi´ Êniadanie, otwieram okno, czytam ten artyku∏,
widz´ jà, pokazuj´ ci coÊ, dzi´kuj´ mu, oglàdam ten program, bior´
aspiryn´, p∏ac´ jej, pisz´ o tym, zamykam drzwi, mówi´ panu, daj´ to pani.


8.16. Review of case forms of pronouns.

1. Lubi´ z (ty, on, ona, wy, pan, pani, paƒstwo) rozmawiaç.
2. Ch´tnie (pan, ty, pani, paƒstwo, oni, wy) pomog´.
3. Ch´tnie (one, on, ona, oni) poznam.
4. Chcesz pójÊç z (my, ja, oni) do kina?
5. Czy mo˝esz (ja, my, on, ona) pomóc?
6. Dobrze (ty, oni, wy, paƒstwo, pan, pani) rozumiem.

8.17. Eleven ways of saying 'what are you working on?' (using pracowaç -cuj´
-cujesz nad+I work. The first one is done for you.

a. sg. informal: Nad czym pracujesz? What are you working on?
b. sg. male formal: g. pl. female formal
c. sg. female formal: h. pl. titled formal (use mama,
tata, ciocia, or wujek)
d. pl. informal i. pl. mixed gender semiformal
e. pl. mixed gender formal j. pl. male semiformal
f. pl. male formal k. pl. female semiformal


8.C. Co za spotkanie!
Two acquaintances unexpectedly meet on a street near one of their homes. The first
person is disappointed to learn that the other person is not a neighbor.

Kasia: CzeÊç! Hi!

Kazik: CzeÊç! Co za spotkanie! Hi! What a (surprise) encounter!
Kasia: RzeczywiÊcie. (Fancy meeting you here.)
Kazik: Nie wiedzia∏em, ˝e Really.
jesteÊmy sàsiadami.
Kasia: W∏aÊciwie nie jesteÊmy. I didn't know we are neighbors.
Odwiedza∏am kogoÊ, kto tu Actually we're not. I have been
mieszka. visiting someone who lives here.
Kazik: Rozumiem. <MyÊla∏em, ˝e I see. <I thought that now we would
teraz b´dziemy si´ cz´Êciej
widzieli.> see each other more often.>

For active learning and dictation practice:

Co za spotkanie! W∏aÊciwie nie jesteÊmy sàsiadami.

Nie wiedzia∏em (wiedzia∏am), ˝e
jesteÊmy sàsiadami. Rozumiem.
Odwiedza∏em (odwiedza∏am) RzeczywiÊcie.
kogoÊ, kto tu mieszka. Teraz b´dziemy si´ cz´Êciej


1. Dlaczego Kazik zdziwi∏ si´, kiedy spotka∏ Kasi´? Czy on ucieszy∏ si´,
kiedy jà zobaczy∏? Czy ona si´ cieszy?
2. Czy Kasia i Kazik sà sàsiadami? Dlaczego Kazik myÊli, ˝e Kasia
mieszka blisko?
3. Jak reaguje Kazik, kiedy dowiaduje si´, ˝e Kasia tylko odwiedza
kogoÊ? Czy jest rozczarowany?
3. Gdzie Kasia mieszka? Co ona tu robi?

4. Czy mieszkasz blisko stàd, czy raczej daleko? Czy chcia∏(a)byÊ

mieszkaç bli˝ej? Dalej?
5. Czy dobrze znasz ka˝dego swojego sàsiada (ka˝dà swojà sàsiadk´)?



bli˝ej comp av of blisko closer when the antecedent is a pronoun,

cieszyç si´ -sz´ -szysz impf, pf ucieszyç as here.
si´ be glad odwiedziç -dz´ -dzisz pf, impf
dalej comp av of daleki farther odwiedzaç visit (a person). As
dowiadywaç si´ -duj´ -dujesz impf find distinct from zwiedzaç -am -asz visit
out, learn a place.
dziwiç si´ -wi´ -wisz impf, pf +D odwiedza∏am kogoÊ, kto tu mieszka
zdziwiç si´ be surprised When the antecedent is a person
Kasia diminutive or familiar form of pronoun, kto will be used as a
Katarzyna. relative pronoun instead of który.
Kazik diminutive or familiar form of rozczarowany disappointed
Kazimierz rozumiem I understand is often used
ktoÊ, kto tu mieszka someone who in the sense of 'oh, I see'.
lives here. kto is regularly used as rzeczywiÊcie really, indeed
a relative pronoun instead of który w∏aÊciwie av actually.

Rozbójnik brigand, robber. Bar Rozbójnik Robber's Roost.

This roadside bar shows promise of living up to its name.



PLURAL FORMS OF THE PAST TENSE. The singular forms of the past
tense of the verb are given in Lesson 5. The past tense endings are similar to
those of the present tense of the verb byç (-em -eÊ -Êmy -Êcie):

masculine feminine neuter
1.pers. -∏em -∏am
2.pers. -∏eÊ -∏aÊ
3.pers. -∏ -∏a -∏o

non-masc. pers. masc.pers.
1.pers. -∏yÊmy -liÊmy
2.pers. -∏yÊcie -liÊcie
3.pers. -∏y -li

Verbs ending in vowel plus -ç (by far most verbs, i.e. -aç, -àç, -eç, -iç, -uç, -yç
) drop ç and add endings. Here are the past-tense forms of selected verbs:
by-ç be:
sg. pl.
masc. fem. neut. non-masc.p. masc. pers.
1.pers. by∏em by∏am by∏yÊmy byliÊmy
2.pers. by∏eÊ by∏aÊ by∏yÊcie byliÊcie
3.pers. by∏ by∏a by∏o by∏y byli

czeka-ç wait
sg. pl.
masc. fem. neut. non-masc.p. masc. pers.
1.pers. czeka∏em czeka∏am czeka∏yÊmy czekaliÊmy
2.pers. czeka∏eÊ czeka∏aÊ czeka∏yÊcie czekaliÊcie
3.pers. czeka∏ czeka∏a czeka∏o czeka∏y czekali

pi-ç drink
sg. pl.
masc. fem. neut. non-masc.p. masc. pers.
1.pers. pi∏em pi∏am pi∏yÊmy piliÊmy
2.pers. pi∏eÊ pi∏aÊ pi∏yÊcie piliÊcie
3.pers. pi∏ pi∏a pi∏o pi∏y pili

psu-ç spoil
sg. pl.
masc. fem. neut. non-masc.p. masc. pers.
1.pers. psu∏em psu∏am psu∏yÊmy psuliÊmy
2.pers. psu∏eÊ psu∏aÊ psu∏yÊcie psuliÊcie
3.pers. psu∏ psu∏a psu∏o psu∏y psuli



a. Verbs ending in -eç retain e in the masc. pers. pl., but otherwise
change e to a:
widzie-ç see
sg. pl.
masc. fem. neut. non-masc.p. masc. pers.
1.pers. widzia∏em widzia∏am widzia∏yÊmy widzieliÊmy
2.pers. widzia∏eÊ widzia∏aÊ widzia∏yÊcie widzieliÊcie
3.pers. widzia∏ widzia∏a widzia∏o widzia∏y widzieli

b. Verbs ending in -àç retains à in the masc.pers. sg., but otherwise

change à to ´:
wzià-ç take (pf):
sg. pl.
masc. fem. neut. non-masc.p. masc. pers.
1.pers. wzià∏em wzi´∏am wzi´∏yÊmy wzi´liÊmy
2.pers. wzià∏eÊ wzi´∏aÊ wzi´∏yÊcie wzi´liÊcie
3.pers. wzià∏ wzi´∏a wzi´∏o wzi´∏y wzi´li

c. Verbs endings in -Êç, -êç, -c add past endings to a stem which often
looks like the stem of the 1.p.sg. present, but which can show certain stem

móc mog´ mo˝esz be able:

sg. pl.
masc. fem. neut. non-masc.p. masc. pers.
1.pers. mog∏em mog∏am mog∏yÊmy mogliÊmy
2.pers. mog∏eÊ mog∏aÊ mog∏yÊcie mogliÊcie
3.pers. móg∏ mog∏a mog∏o mog∏y mogli

nieÊç nios´ niesiesz carry:

sg. pl.
masc. fem. neut. non-masc.p. masc. pers.
1.pers. nios∏em nios∏am nios∏yÊmy nieÊliÊmy
2.pers. nios∏eÊ nios∏aÊ nios∏yÊcie nieÊliÊcie
3.pers. niós∏ nios∏a nios∏o nios∏y nieÊli

d. Irregular past tenses

iÊç id´ idziesz, szed∏ sz∏a go (on foot):
sg. pl.
masc. fem. neut. non-masc.p. masc. pers.
1.pers. szed∏em sz∏am sz∏yÊmy szliÊmy
2.pers. szed∏eÊ sz∏aÊ sz∏yÊcie szliÊcie
3.pers. szed∏ sz∏a sz∏o sz∏y szli

jeÊç jem, jesz, jedzà, jad∏, jedli eat:


sg. pl.
masc. fem. neut. non-masc.p. masc. pers.
1.pers. jad∏em jad∏am jad∏yÊmy jedliÊmy
2.pers. jad∏eÊ jad∏aÊ jad∏yÊcie jedliÊcie
3.pers. jad∏ jad∏a jad∏o jad∏y jedli

znaleêç znajd´ znajdziesz, znalaz∏ znaleêli pf find

sg. pl.
masc. fem. neut. non-masc.p. masc. pers.
1.pers. znalaz∏em znalaz∏am znalaz∏yÊmy znaleêliÊmy
2.pers. znalaz∏eÊ znalaz∏aÊ znalaz∏yÊcie znaleêliÊcie
3.pers. znalaz∏ znalaz∏a znalaz∏o znalaz∏y znaleêli


colloquial speech, the 1st and 2nd personal plural past-tense verb endings
may be detached from the verb and attached to an earlier-occurring
pronoun, adverb, or subordinating conjugation:
GdzieÊcie si´ poznali? instead of Gdzie poznaliÊcie si´? Where did you
MyÊmy dopiero wczoraj wrócili instead of My wczoraj dopiero
wróciliÊmy. We only returned yesterday.

While the standard verb forms are never incorrect, the consistent avoidance
of detached 1st and 2nd personal PLURAL verb forms can sound artificial. By
contrast, the detachment of the 1st and 2nd personal SINGULAR endings is
highly colloquial and can always be safely avoided.

Piwo Grodziskie

Zdrowy i orzeêwiajàcy napój. A healthy and refreshing beverage.



8.17. 1st person plural past

dobrze si´ czuj´: Dobrze si´ czuliÊmy (czu∏yÊmy). We felt fine.

troch´ si´ Êpiesz´, cz´sto go widz´, dobrze jà pami´tam, wcale si´ nie nudz´,
nic nie rozumiem, id´ do domu, ch´tnie chodz´ na filmy, ca∏y czas si´ ucz´,
chc´ ci coÊ powiedzieç, mieszkam tu bardzo blisko, nic nie robi´.


8.18. Compose a short sentence with the verb, using the 2nd personal plural past
tense of the verb.
chcieç: Co chcieliÊcie (chcia∏yÊcie) mi pokazaç? What did you want to show
mówiç, lubiç, robiç, rozumieç, pami´taç, mieç, wiedzieç, widzieç.


8.19. Past tense. Vary the person from one response to another. It can be any person
or number other than 1st pers. sg (one response per cue).
chc´ ci coÊ pokazaç: On chcia∏ (ona chcia∏a) ci coÊ pokazaç.
or, say, Chcia∏eÊ (chcia∏aÊ) mi coÊ pokazaç?

nie mog´ przyjÊç na twoje przyj´cie, id´ na zaj´cia, mam ochot´ gdzieÊ pójÊç,
zamykam drzwi, otwieram okno, jem Êniadanie, pij´ mleko, pisz´ list,
czytam gazet´, Êpiewam piosenk´, jestem w Poznaniu, robi´ zakupy, mam
w∏asne zdanie, jad´ do ¸odzi.


8.20. Give 1st and 2nd person pl. responses, varying the pronoun as necessary.
dam ci to: a. DaliÊmy wam to. We gave that to you.
b. DaliÊcie nam to. You-pl. gave that to us.
poka˝´ ci to, powiem ci to, rozmawiam z tobà, zobacz´ ci´, zapytam ci´,
pomog´ ci.



8.21. Compound future, first-person plural:

pami´tam to: B´dziemy to pami´tali (pami´ta∏y). We will remember
pytam o coÊ, dziwi´ si´, umiem to robiç, mam czas, siedz´ w domu, robi´
zakupy, ciesz´ si´, zwiedzam muzeum, mog´ to zrobiç, jestem ca∏y czas w


8.22. Compound future of musieç have to. Preserve the person of the cue. Use both
masculine and feminine gender.
musz´ d∏ugo czekaç: B´dziemy musieli (musia∏y) d∏ugo czekaç. We will
have to wait a long time.
musz´ tu czekaç, on musi du˝o pracowaç, ona musi tu zostaç, musisz coÊ
kupiç, musisz przyjÊç na moje przyj´cie, musz´ gdzieÊ pójÊç, on musi jechaç


8.23. 'each other'. If you can, add an aadverbial phrase to fill out the sentence.
Bo˝ena, Bogdan, understand: Bo˝ena i Bogdan (dobrze) si´ rozumiejà.
Bo˝ena and Bogdan understand each other (well).

Adam, Ewa, know; Krystyna, Janek, see; Zosia, Zenon, like; Leon, Jola,
meet; Kazik, Kasia, kochaç.


8.24. 'not at all' with si´ verbs

dziwiç si´: Wcale si´ nie dziwi´. I'm not at all surprised.

martwiç si´, przejmowaç si´, nudziç si´, wstydziç si´, dobrze si´ bawiç, baç
si´, cieszyç si´, denerwowaç si´.



8.D.1. Nudzisz si´?

A friend seems not to be enjoying him(her)self.

Pawe∏: Nudzisz si´ tu chyba. You're probably bored here.

Paulina: Nie, wcale si´ nie nudz´. No, I'm not at all bored.
Pawe∏: Naprawd´ si´ nie nudzisz? Are you really not bored?
Paulina: Nie martw si´ <Nie Don't worry (Don't be concerned).
przejmuj si´>. Nieêle si´ bawi´. I'm having a pretty good time.
Pawe∏: Ciesz´ si´. Mam nadziej´, I'm glad. I hope you're telling the
˝e mówisz prawd´. truth.
Paulina: Zawsze mówi´, co myÊl´. I always say what I think.


For active learning and dictation practice:

Ciesz´ si´. Nie przejmuj si´.

Mam nadziej´, ˝e mówisz Nieêle si´ bawi´.
prawd´. Nudzisz si´ chyba.
Nie martw si´. Wcale si´ nie nudz´.
Zawsze mówi´, co myÊl´.


1. Kto w tej rozmowie: nudzi si´? marti si´? ciesz si´?

2. O co si´ martwi Pawe∏? Dlaczego tak si´ martwi? Dlaczego sie cieszy?
3. Czy Paulina si´ nudzi? Czy mo˝emy jej wierzyç, kiedy mówi, ˝e nie
nudzi si´? Czy mo˝emy jej wierzyç, kiedy mówi, ˝e zawsze mówi prawd´?

4. Gdzie lub kiedy cz´sto si´ nudzisz? Gdzie prawie zawsze si´ nudzisz?
Gdzie nigdy si´ nie nudzisz?
5. Czy ty zawsze mówisz prawd´? Kiedy nie mówisz prawdy?
6. Komu zawsze mo˝na wierzyç? Komu nigdy nie mo˝na wierzyç?


bawiç si´ -wi´ -wisz play. dobrze si´ najcz´Êciej av most often
bawiç have a good time. nieêle nudziç si´ -dz´ -dzisz be bored
si´ bawi´ have a good-enough prawda f truth. mówiç prawd´ tell
time the truth
cieszyç si´ -sz´ -szysz impf be glad przejmowaç si´ -muj´ -mujesz +I be
dziwiç si´ -wi´ -wisz be surprised concerned about. nie przejmuj si´
lub conj or don't be concerned.
martwiç si´ -wi´ -wisz impf worry wcale nie not at all
mo˝na +infinitive one can, one may


Jak to si´ mówi? How does one say that?

TP: Telekomunikacja Polska. Much of Polish computer and

telecommunications vocabulary is borrowed straight from English; see
internet, e-mail on the sign above. The word for laptop is laptop "leptop".

8.D.2. Jak to si´ mówi?

Two students converse about how to render 'computer science' into Polish.

Darek: Jak si´ mówi po polsku How does one say 'computer science' in
"computer science"?
Danka: Nie mam poj´cia. Trzeba Polish?
zapytaç profesora. On na pewno I don’t have any idea. We should ask the
b´dzie wiedzia∏. professor. He surely will know.
Darek: Nie, nie chc´. Troch´ si´
No, I don’t want to. I’m a little
Danka: To ja go zapytam. Ja si´ nie embarrassed.
boj´. Then I'll ask him (her). I'm not afraid.


For active learnings and dictation practice:

To ja go zapytam. Nie mam poj´cia.

Ja jà zapytam. Ona b´dzie wiedzia∏a.
Ja si´ nie boj´. Trzeba zapytaç profesora.
Jak to si´ mówi po polsku? Troch´ si´ wstydz´.
On na pewno b´dzie wiedzia∏.


1. Czy Darek wie, jak si´ mówi po polsku 'computer science'? A Danka?
2. Kto na pewno b´dzie wiedzia∏?
3. Dlaczego Darek nie chce zapytaç profesora? Co zamierza zrobiç

4. Czy wiesz, jak si´ mówi po polsku 'business'? A 'library science'? Kto
b´dzie wiedzia∏? Kogo mo˝na zapytaç? Wstydzisz si´ go (jà) zapytaç?
5. Czy chcesz wiedzieç, jak si´ mówi jakieÊ inne wyrazy po polsku?
6. Czy profesor wszystko wie? Czy profesor mo˝e si´ myliç? Czy
profesor zawsze ma racj´? Czy zawsze mo˝na mu wierzyç i ufaç?


'Computer science' is usually Darek diminutive or familiar form of

rendered as informatyka Dariusz
information science (which has a jak to si´ mówi? how does one say
different meaning in English). that?
Note in this dialogue the use of the jakieÊ inne wyrazy any other
pronoun ja with the verb in an expressions
emphatic function: ja go zapytam mo˝na zapytaç one may ask
"I'll ask him. ja si´ nie boj´ "I'm not racja. mieç racj´ be right
afraid". t∏umaczyç -cz´ -czysz impf,
If the professor in this dialogue were a przet∏umaczyç pf translate
woman, one would refer to her with trzeba zapytaç one should ask
pani profesor, and decline for case wstydziç si´ -dz´ -dzisz be
only pani: trzeba zapytaç embarrassed
paniàprofesor. wyraz mi expression
Danka diminutive or familiar form of zamierzaç -am -asz +infin intend
Danuta. zapytaç -am -asz pf ask



SUMMARY OF USES OF si´ (one)self. The following remarks will help one
understand the occurrence of the reflexive particle si´ in its various

1. REFLEXIVE. The basic meaning of the reflexive particle si´ is 'oneself'

in literal reflexive uses (where the action comes back upon the actor). This is
not necessarily the most frequent usage of this particle, but it is the one on
which most other uses are based. Frequently encountered are verbs of
personal grooming:
czesaç (si´) czesz´, czeszesz comb (oneself)
kàpaç (si´) kàpi´, kàpiesz bathe (oneself)
myç (si´) myj´, myjesz wash (oneself)
goliç (si´) gol´, golisz shave (oneself).
Compare the two sentences:
Musz´ umyç r´ce. I have to wash my hands. Transitive without si´.
Musz´ si´ umyç. I have to wash up. Intransitive reflexive with si´.

Verbs of this sort occur with si´ more often than not:
Codziennie si´ kàpi´. I take a bath every day.
Gol´ si´ przed Êniadaniem. I shave before breakfast.

2. RECIPROCAL USE. The reflexive particle si´ can be used with

any verb where the action can be considered reciprocal (back and forth), in
which case the particle si´ takes on the sense 'each other,' 'one another':
Dobrze si´ znamy. We know each other well.
Bardzo si´ lubimy (kochamy). We like (love) each other a lot.
Cz´sto si´ spotykamy. We met each other often.

The verb must have Accusative syntax for the si´ construction to be possible.
Otherwise, one uses the appropriate case-form of the reflexive pronoun. For
example, since pomagaç pomagam pomagasz help takes the Dative case,
one expresses 'help one another' with the Dative reflexive sobie:
Cz´sto sobie pomagamy. We often help one another.


whether a given verb is used transitively (with a direct object), or
intransitively (without a direct object). If a verb can be used transitively in
its basic sense, its intransitive counterpart will be formed with si´.
transitive: intransitive:
koƒczyç koƒcz´, koƒczysz end, finish koƒczyç si´ come to an end
nazywaç nazywam, nazywasz call, name nazywaç si´ be called
otwieraç otwieram, otwierasz open otwieraç si´
Êpieszyç Êpiesz´, Êpieszysz hurry (someone) Êpieszyç si´ be in a hurry.
zamykaç zamykam, zamykasz close zamykaç si´
zaczynaç zaczynam, zaczynasz begin zaczynaç si´


trans. Jak oni nazywajà dziecko? What are they calling their child?
intrans. Jak ich dziecko si´ nazywa? What's their child's name??

trans. Zamykamy ksià˝ki. We are closing (our) books.

instrans. Drzwi si´ zamykajà. The door is (lit. doors are) closing.

trans. Zaczynamy lekcj´. We are beginning the lesson.

instrans. Lekcja ju˝ si´ zaczyna. The lesson is already beginning.

4. DEPERSONAL USE. With the 3rd pers. sg. form of the verb, the
particle si´ can express the idea of impersonal 'one', as though it were the
subject of the sentence. Its occurrence in this use is frequent, much more so
than the corresponding use of one in English.
Jak to si´ mówi (pisze)? How does one say (write) that?
Jak tam si´ idzie (jedzie)? How does one go there?
Tam zawsze d∏ugo si´ czeka. One always waits a long time there.
Impersonal verbs take the Accusative of a direct object the same way as
other verbs:
Kiedy si´ ma temperatur´, trzeba zostaç w domu. When one has a
temperature, one should stay at home.

In English the 2nd pers. sg. form of the verb is often used impersonally,
as in How do you say that? The comparable use should not be used in Polish,
since it is apt to be taken for informal speech. Hence it is safest to express the
phrase 'How do you get to Lodz?' as Jak si´ jedzie do ¸odzi?

Almost any verb may be depersonalized by adding si´ and putting its
subject into the Dative case. There is no good straightforward way to
translate such sentences in English; see
Dobrze mi si´ z tobà pracuje. I work well with you.
Przyjemnie mi si´ z tobà rozmawia. It's pleasant conversing with you.

5. IMPERSONAL VERBS. The particle si´ is used with some verbs to

derive impersonal verbs (verbs which in English have as subject an empty
wydawaç si´ wydaje si´ it seems
chcieç si´ chce si´ +D it feels like to me, I feel like
rozumieç si´ rozumie si´ it is understood.

Impersonal verbs typically take the Dative case:

Wydaje mi si´, ˝e ju˝ widzia∏em ten film. It seems to me I've already seen
this movie.
Nie chce mi si´ iÊç na oper´. I don't feel like going to the opera.


6. REFLEXIVE VERBS OF EMOTION. A number of verbs of emotion take

si´, a use which has no good translation into English. Among such verbs
baç si´ boj´ si´, boisz si´ +G be afraid
bawiç si´ bawi´ si´, bawisz si´ +I play, amuse o.s. with. dobrze si´ bawiç
have agood time
cieszyç si´ ciesz´ si´, cieszysz si´ z+G be glad of
denerwowaç si´ denerwuj´ si´, denerwujesz si´ +I be upset
dziwiç si´ dziwi´ si´, dziwisz si´ +D be surprised at
martwiç si´ martwi´ si´, martwisz si´ +I or o+A worry about
nudziç si´ nudz´ si´, nudzisz si´ +I be bored by
podniecaç si´ -am -asz +I become excited by
przejmowaç si´ przejmuj´ si´, przejmujesz si´ +I be concerned about
wstydziç si´ wstydz´ si´, wstydzisz si´ +G be embarrassed by, ashamed of
Most such verbs occur more frequently in the emotive sense, with si´, than
without it. Thus, Martwi´ si´ o to. I'm worried about that occurs more often
than To mnie martwi. That worries me.

The following negated imperative forms of reflexive verbs of emotion are

common (the imperative is discussed in Lesson 11):
nie bój si´ be afraid
nie martw si´ don't worry
nie denerwuj si´ don't be upset
nie dziw si´ don't be surprised
nie przejmuj si´ don't be concerned
nie wstydê si´ don't be embarrassed.

7. REFLEXIVE-ONLY VERBS. Some verbs occur only with si´, at least in

the given meaning, for example,
baç si´ boj´ si´, boisz si´ be afraid, fear
dziaç si´ dzieje si´ go on, happen
k∏óciç si´ -c´ -cisz z+I quarrel
podobaç si´ podoba si´ be pleasing
staraç si´ staram si´, starasz si´ try
Êmiaç si´ Êmiej´ si´, Êmiejesz si´ laugh
wydawaç si´ wydaje si´ seem
zdarzyç si´ zdarzy si´ happen, occur (pf.)

WAYS OF SAYING 'I AM'. Polish has a variety of constructions

corresponding to English sentences beginning with 'I am…' ('you are', etc.).
Here is a list of most phrases encountered so far:

I am afraid. Boj´ si´. I am busy. Jestem zaj´ty (-a).

I am angry. Jestem z∏y (z∏a). I am certain. Jestem pewien (pewna).
I am bored. Nudz´ si´. Jest mi I am cold. Jest mi zimno.
nudno. I am concerned. Przejmuj´ si´.


I am curious. Jestem ciekaw(a). I am sad. Jest mi smutno.

I am embarrased. Wstydz´ si´. I am satisfied. Jestem zadowolony
I am glad. Ciesz´ si´. (-a).
I am lucky. Mam szcz´Êcie. I am sick. Jestem chory (-a).
I am hot. Jest mi goràco. I am sorry. Jest mi przykro.
I am hungry. Jestem g∏odny. I am surprised. Dziwi´ si´.
I am late. Jestem spóêniony. or: I am thirsty. Chce mi si´ piç.
Spóêniam si´. I am tired. Jestem zm´czony (-a).
I am lazy. Jestem leniwy. I am warm. Jest mi ciep∏o.
I am queasy. Jest mi niedobrze. I am well. Jestem zdrowy (-a)
I am right. Mam racj´. I am worried. Martwi´ si´.


8.25. Reflexsive verbs of emotion. Use the 1.p.sg. past.

dziwiç si´: Wcale si´ nie dziwi∏em (dziwi∏am). I wasn't at all surprised.

martwiç si´, przejmowaç si´, nudziç si´, wstydziç si´, dobrze si´ bawiç, baç
si´, cieszyç si´, denerwowaç si´.


8.26. Reflexive verbs of emotion. Translate into Polish:

a. I'm worried. g. Are you bored?
b. Don't be worried. h. I'm not at all bored.
c. Are you having a good time? i. Don't be embarrassed.
d. I'm having a very good time. j. Were you surprised?
e. I'm a little concerned. k. Don't be upset.
f. Don't be concerned.


8.27. 'I'm surprised'

martwiç si´: Dziwi´ si´, ˝e si´ nie martwisz. I'm surprised that you're not

przejmowaç si´, nudziç si´, wstydziç si´, dobrze si´ bawiç, baç si´, cieszyç
si´, denerwowaç si´.



8.28. boisz si´? a. Tak, bardzo si´ boj´. Yes, I'm very afraid.
b. Nie, wcale si´ nie boj´. No, I'm not at all afraid.

dobrze si´ bawisz?, cieszysz si´?, denerwujesz si´?, dziwisz si´?, martwisz
si´?, nudzisz si´?, wstydzisz si´?


8.29. Reciprocal si´. Put each phrase into the 1st person plural, with appropriate

Cz´sto go widz´: Cz´sto si´ widzimy. We see each other often.

Bardzo go lubi´. Dobrze go znam.
Bardzo jà kocham. Zawsze k∏óc´ si´ z nim.
Nigdy si´ z nià nie zgadzam. Rzadko rarely ja widz´.
Cz´sto ich spotykam. Pozna∏em ich kiedyÊ.


8.30. Impersonal si´ in 'how' questions. Translate into Polish:

a. How does one go there? e. When does one return?
b. How long does one wait? f. How does one write that?
c. How does one go to Lodz? g. Why does one say that?
d. How does one do that? h. Where does one buy that?


8.31. 'As soon as'. Use the future tense, and the perfective aspect if possible.
pisaç list, wracaç do domu: Napisz´ ci list, jak tylko wróc´ do domu. I'll
write you a letter you as soon as I return home.
a. urzàdzaç przyj´cie, sprzàtaç i. czytaç ten artyku∏, paliç papierosa
mieszkanie; j. dawaç ci gazet´, czytam jà
b. pytaç profesora, widzieç go k. pomagaç ci, móc
c. kupiç sobie nowà koszul´, mieç l. iÊc z tobà na kaw´, pisaç ten list
czas m. zapraszaç Ew´ na przyj´cie,
d. robiç Êniadanie, braç prysznic znajdowaç jej adres
e. gotowaçobiad, robiç zakupy n. mówiç ci, wiedzieç
f. piç mleko, jeÊç p∏atki n. poznawaç twojego koleg´, byç
g. jechaç do Warszawy, jeÊç wolny (wolna)
Êniadanie o. wracaç do domu, koƒczyç t´
h. iÊç do pracy, znaleêç parasol prac´


Bramy raju gates of paradise

Bar "Raj" Paradise Bar. One wonders what behind these gates justifies this
hangout's name.


dworzec kolejowy train station, na dworcu kolejowym

The fancifully designed Wroc∏aw main (g∏ówny) train station (dworzec).

8.E. Poczekamy
We've missed the train. Let's go to a bar and wait for the next one.

Piotr: Która jest godzina? What time is it?

Patrycja: Nied∏ugo b´dzie dziewiàta.
Soon it will be nine.
Piotr: Ojej! Nie zdà˝ymy na pociàg.
Patrycja: Nie bój si´. B´dzie Oh dear! We won't make the train.
nast´pny. Never fear. There will be another one.
Piotr: Nast´pny b´dzie dopiero za The next one will be only in two hours.
dwie godziny.
Patrycja: Nie ma problemu. Pój- No problem. We'll go into the bar and
dziemy do baru i poczekamy. wait.


For active learning and dictation practice:

Kiedy b´dzie nast´pny pociàg?

Która jest godzina?
Nast´pny pociàg b´dzie dopiero za dwie godziny.
Nie bój si´!
Nie ma problemu.
Nie zdà˝ymy na pociàg.
Nied∏ugo b´dzie godzina dziewiàta.
Poczekamy w barze.
Pójdziemy do baru i poczekamy.


1. Która jest teraz godzina? Która godzina b´dzie za dwie godziny?

2. Na co czekajà Piotr i Patrycja? Czy oni zdà˝à na ten pociàg?
3. Czy to jest ostatni pociàg? Kiedy b´dzie nast´pny? Czy wiemy, dokàd
oni jadà?
4. Gdzie Patrycja proponuje pójÊç i poczekaç na nast´pny pociàg?

5. Czy jest dworzec kolejowy w twoim mieÊcie? Cz´sto jeêdzisz

pociàgiem? Kiedy ostatni raz jecha∏eÊ (jecha∏aÊ) pociàgiem?
6. Jak najlepiej zabiç czas, kiedy trzeba na coÊ poczekaç?


bar m bar. fast-food place. baru: The nie bój si´ never fear. The imperative
Genitive after do 'to' (Lesson 9). of baç si´.
dopiero av only (in time expressions) ostatni aj last. ostatni raz last time
dworzec kolejowy train station. na zdà˝yç -˝´ -˝ysz pf manage to do on
dworcu kolejowym time. zdà˝yç na pociàg make a
nast´pnyaj next, subsequent train
nie ma problemu no problem.
problemu: The Genitive after nie
ma 'there isn't any'; (Lesson 9).



WAYS OF SAYING 'WHY'? The neutral word for inquiring as to reason or

cause is dlaczego. The phrase po co how come, what for? is colloquial and
somewhat accusatory. The word czemu why, how come expresses sympathy;
Dlaczego si´ Êmiejesz? Why are you laughing? (earnest inquiry)
Po co pytasz? What are you asking for? (accusatory).
Czemu p∏aczesz? Why are you crying? (sympathetic).

The use of co or czego in the sense of 'why' is rude:

Co ty tak Êmiesznie wyglàdasz? What you do you look so ridiculous for?
Czego tak narzekasz? What are complaining for?


Imperfective Perfective
bathe kàpaç si´ kàpi´, kàpiesz wykàpaç si´
brush teeth myç z´by myj´, myjesz umyç
comb one's hair czesaç si´ czesz´, czeszesz uczesaç si´
do homework odrabiaç -am -asz lekcje odrobiç bi´ -bisz
do the dishes zmywaç -am -asz naczynia zmyç zmyj´, zmyjesz
do the wash robiç -bi´ -bisz pranie zrobiç pranie
drink (tea) piç pij´, pijesz (herbat´) wypiç
eat breakfast jeÊç jem, jesz, jedzà Êniadanie zjeÊç
fall asleep zasypiaç -am -asz zasnàç zasn´, zaÊniesz
get dressed ubieraç si´-am -asz ubraç si´ -bior´ -bierzesz
get undressed rozbieraç si´ -am -asz rozebraç si´ -zbior´ -zbierzesz
get up wstawaç wstaj´, wstajesz wstaç wstan´, -niesz
leave the house wychodziç z domu -dz´ -dzisz wyjÊç z domu wyjd´ -dziesz
lie down k∏aÊç si´ k∏ad´, k∏adziesz po∏o˝yç si´ -˝´ -˝ysz
play with ball bawiç si´ -wi´ -wisz z pi∏kà ubawiç si´
put on (coat) wk∏adaç -am -asz (p∏aszcz) w∏o˝yç -˝´ -˝ysz
shave goliç si´ -l´ -lisz ogoliç si´
sleep spaç Êpi´, Êpisz pospaç sleep a bit
take a shower braç prysznic bior´, bierzesz wziàç wezm´, weêmiesz
tidy up sprzàtaç -am -asz posprzàtaç
wake up budziç si´ -dz´ -dzisz obudziç si´
wash (self) myç si´ myj´, myjesz umyç si´
wash myç myj´, myjesz umyç
wipe face wycieraç -am -asz twarz wytrzeç wytr´, wytrzesz


Co ona robi?

Describe the pictures, using the verbs of everyday activity above (or other
verbs and words you know). A number of the verbs are reflexive. Feel free
to comment on the gender stereotyping, and on whether this girl is an
orphan (sierota).



8.32. Review of words for means of transportation:

bus: a. Pojedziemy autobusem. We'll go by bus.
b. Nie zdà˝ymy na autobus. We won't make the bus.
train, taxi, trolley.

8.33. Statements and Responses

1. Are you building a new house? 11. Are you worried?

Yes' we've been building one for Yes, I'm very worried.
three years already.
12. You should ask the professor.
2. Why is the construction taking No, I'm a little embarrassed.
so long?
There are problems with the 13. Do you want to meet him?
workers and the materials. Yes, I'd gladly meet him.

3. When are you moving? 14. When will you tell me?
Next week. I'll tell you tomorrow.

4. Do you know each other? 15. When will you do that?

Yes, we've known each other for a I'll do it in a moment.
long time. 16. Here come my brothers.
Yes, I see them.
5. I'm surprised you're not bored.
Why? I'm really having a good
17. Here come my sisters.
Yes, I see them.
6. I'm curious where you met each 18. What were you doing when I
other. saw you yesterday?
That's our secret. I was visiting my friend.
7. We like each other a lot. 19. Do you live near here?
I'm not at all surprised. No, I'm here by accident
8. What a nice (mi∏y) surprise! (przypadkiem).
Yes, really. 20. We'll miss the train.
9. It turns out (Okazuje si´) that No problem, there'll be another
we're neighbors. one.
Actually not. I don't live very 21. The next train is in two hours.
close to here. Then we'll go to a bar and wait.
10. I'm surprised you're not 22. How does one say 'sunscreen'
happy. in Polish?
I don't understand why. I have no idea.


23. You're probably bored.

No, I'm not at all bored. 29. Do they always quarrel?
No, not always, but often.
24. I'm having a good time.
I'm glad. 30. Who were you quarreling
25. Here come my sisters. Do you With my neighbor.
know them?
Yes, I often see you together. 31. Where did you meet each
26. Who is that? That's our secret.
That's Mrs. Klimczak.
32. I didn't know that you knew
27. When do you usually shave? each other.
I usually shave before breakfast. Yes, we've known each other for a
long time.
28. When does the lesson begin?

8.34. Fill in the blanks:

are you crying
1. Anna i ja jesteÊmy ---. 14. Czy panowie ---?
old friends smoke
2. Bardzo ---. 15. Czy ty i Anna ---?
like each other know each other well
3. B´d´ czeka∏a na ciebie ---. 16. Ju˝ nie zdà˝ymy ---.
in front of the movie theater for the train
4. ---, gdzie si´ poznaliÊcie? 17. Cz´sto ---.
I'm curious (we) see each other
5. Co (wy) ---? 18. Cz´sto ---.
are you reading (we) meet each other
6. Co mówià ---? 19. Cz´sto ---.
those people (we) help each other
7. Co panie ---? 20. Nast´pny pociàg b´dzie ---.
are reading in three hours
8. Co paƒstwo ---? 21. Dlaczego ---?
are saying are you laughing
9. Co paƒstwo tu ---? 22. Drzwi ---.
are doing is (are) closing
10. Czy ty ---? 23. Dzi´kuj´, ale teraz ---.
having a good time I don't have time
11. Co za ---. 24. --- idziemy na zakupy.
an encounter Ewa and I
25. Gol´ si´ ---.
12. Codziennie ---. before breakfast
bathe 26. By∏y k∏opoty ---.
13. Czemu ---? with the workers.


27. Dlaczego praca ---? 44. Zawsze mówi´ ---.

take so long the truth
28. Idzie moja ˝ona ---. 45. Znamy si´ ---.
with the children for a long time
29. Ja jestem tu ---. 46. Nie ---.
by chance be afraid
30. Ja mieszkam tu --- . 47. Nie ---.
very near worry
31. Jak dziecko ---? 48. On (ona) na pewno ---.
is called will know
32. --- po polsku "computer science"? 49. Oni zawsze ---.
How does one say are quarreling
33. Jak tam ---? 50. Nast´pny pociàg b´dzie ---.
does one go in two hours
34. Jak to ---? 51. Przedstawi´ ci´ ---.
does one write to them
35. Trzeba --- 52. Ja go ---.
stay at home will ask
36. Kot ---. 53. To nasza ---.
is washing itself secret
37. Lekcja ---. 54. Pójdziemy do baru i ---.
is beginning wait
38. Mam nadziej´, ˝e ---. 55. Troch´ ---.
you are telling the truth I am embarrassed
39. Moje siostry ---. 56. Dopiero ---.
are laughing we have just met
40. Mo˝e ---. 57. Ju˝ nie --- na pociàg.
another time (we) won't make
41. Id´ tam ---. 58. Kiedy paƒstwo ---?
together with my neighbors are moving?
42. Nasze dzieci ---. 59. Zawsze sàk∏opoty ---.
are playing with materials
43. Trzeba zapytaç ---. 60. Ci paƒstwo --- nowy dom.
the professor are building

8.31. brakujàce wyrazy



baç si´ boj´ si´, boisz si´ impf be afraid. k∏óciç si´ -c´ -cisz impf, pf sk∏óciç si´
nie bój si´ don't be afraid quarrel
bawiç si´ bawi´ si´, bawisz si´ impf koƒczyç (si´)-cz´ -czysz impf, pf
play. dobrze si´ bawiç have a skoƒczyç finish
good time. martwiç si´ -wi´ -wisz impf, pf
bliski aj near. comp bli˝szy zmartwiç si´ worry. Nie martw si´.
adv blisko, comp av bli˝ej Don't worry.
braç bior´, bierzesz impf take. pf wziàç materia∏ mi material
budowaç -duj´ -dujesz impf, pf my pron we GA nas
zbudowaç build myç (si´) myj´ si´, myjesz si´ impf,
ca∏owaç -∏uj´ -∏ujesz impf, pf umyç (si´) wash (oneself)
poca∏owaç kiss na pewno av phr surely, for sure
chcieç chc´, chcesz want najnowszy sup aj newest, latest
chcieç si´ 3p-only (+D) feel like. nast´pny aj next (in a series)
Nie chce mi si´. I don't feel like it. nazywaç si´ -am -asz impf be called
chodziç -dz´ -dzisz impf indet go on niespodzianka f surprise
foot, walk nieÊç nios´, niesiesz impf det carry
cieszyç si´ -sz´ -szysz impf, pf ucieszyç nudziç si´ -dz´ -dzisz impf
si´ be glad be bored
codziennie av every day obecny aj present. av obecnie
czemu D of co. why, how come? od dawna av phr for a long time
czesaç si´ -sz´ -szesz impf, pf uczesaç odwidziç -dz´-dzisz pf, impf
si´ comb (oneself), do one's hair odwiedzaç visit (a person)
czuç si´ czuj´ si´, czujesz si´ impf feel oglàdaç -am -asz impf, pf obejrzeç -rz´ -
denerwowaç si´ -wuj´ -wujesz impf, rzysz watch, view
zdenerwowaç pf be upset okazywaç si´ -zuje 3p-only turn out
dowiedzieçsi´ -wiem -wiesz -wiedzà pf, one pron non-masc.pers they
dowiadywaç si´ -duj´ -dujesz impf oni pron masc.pers they
learn, find out osiem oÊmiu num eight
dziaç si´ dzieje si´ impf go on, happen otwieraç (si´) -am asz impf, pf
dziedzina f field, area. w dziedzinie otworzyç (si´) open
dziwiç si´ -wi´ -wisz impf, pf zdziwiaç ósmy num aj eighth
si´ +D be surprised at panowie pron gentlemen (pl. of pan)
goliç (si´) -l´ -lisz impf, pf panie pron ladies (pl. of pani)
ogoliç (si´) shave (oneself). paƒstwo pron formal, masc. pers. pl.
indziej av part else. gdzie indziej you, ladies and gentlemen,
somewhere else. kiedy indziej some Mr. and Mrs. ci paƒstwo those
other time people
informatyka f computer science patrzeç -rz´ -rzysz (na +A) look (at)
jak tylko conj as soon as. jak tylko go p∏akaç p∏acz´, p∏aczesz impf, pf zap∏akaç
skoƒcz´ as soon as I finish it cry
jeÊç jem, jesz, jedzà, jad∏, jedli impf, pf po co why?, how come? what for?
zjeÊç eat poj´cie n idea, concept. Nie mam
kàpaç (si´) kàpi´, kàpiesz impf, pf poj´cia. I have no idea.
wykàpaç (si´) wash (oneself)
k∏opot mi problem, trouble


poznaç si´ -am -asz pf, impf poznawaç umieç -em -esz +infin know
si´ -aj´ -ajesz meet, get to know (one how
another) usiàÊç usiàd´, usiàdziesz, usiaìl, usiedli
pracownik mp worker. f pracownica pf sit down. impf see siadaç
przejmowaç si´ -muj´ -mujesz impf be wierzyç -rz´ -rzysz impf +D believe
upset someone
przeprowadziç si´ -dz´ -dzisz pf, witaç -am -asz impf greet, welcome
impf przeprowadzaç si´ move w∏aÊciwie av actually
przyjechaç ^jechaç pf, impf wstydziç si´ -dz´ -dzisz
przyje˝d˝aç arrive (by vehicle) impf be embarrassed
przypadek -dku mi chance. wy pron you pl. (informal)
przypadkiem by chance wydawaç si´ wydaje si´ 3p-only +D
raczej av rather. raczej nie probably seem
not wyglàdaç -am -asz impf look, appear.
rozczarowany aj disappointed Êmiesznie wyglàdaç look silly
rozumieç si´ rozumie si´ 3p only it is wyraz mi expression
understood wziàç wezm´, weêmiesz weê pf take.
rzadki aj rare, seldom. comp rzadszy impf see braç
adv rzadko zabiç -bij´ -bijesz pf, impf zabijaç kill.
rzeczywiÊcie av indeed, why really zabiç czas kill time
s∏yszeç -sz´ -szysz impf, pf us∏yszeç zaczàç (si´) -czn´ -czniesz pf, impf
hear zaczynaç (si´) -am -asz begin
spokój -koju mi peace. Daj spokój. zamknàç (si´) -n´ -niesz pf, impf
Give it a rest. Give me a break. zamykaç (si´) close, shut
spotkanie n meeting zdarzyç si´ zdarzy si´ 3p-only pf
spotkaç -am -asz pf, impf spotykaç happen, occur
meet, encounter. ~ si´ meet one zdà˝yç -˝´ -˝ysz pf manage, make on
another time. zdà˝yç na pociàg make a
staraç si´ -am -asz impf, pf postaraç si´ train
try, attempt zdrowie n health
Êmiaç si´ Êmiej´ si´, Êmiejesz si´ impf zgadzaç si´ -am -asz impf z+) agree
laugh (with)
Êmieç Êmiem, Êmiesz impf dare znaç si´ -am -asz impf know one
Êmieszny aj funny, silly. adv another
Êmiesznie znaleêç znajd´, znajdziesz znalaz∏
Êniadanie n breakfast znaleêli pf, impf znajdowaç -duj´ -
Êpieszyç si´ -sz´ -szysz be in a hurry dujesz find
t∏umaczyç -cz´ -czysz impf, pf zostaç -stan´, -staniesz pf, impf
przet∏umaczyç translate zostawaç -aj´-ajesz
trwaç -am -asz impf last. d∏ugo trwaç remain, be left over, become
take a long time zostawiç -wi´ -wisz pf, impf zostawiaç
tydzieƒ mi week. w tygodniu. w leave behind
nast´pnym tygodniu next week

8. s∏owniczek.


Konwersacje uzupe∏niajàce

A. Jeszcze Êpi´
What time do you get up in the morning?

- O której codziennie wstajesz? What time do you get up every day?

- Zwykle o siódmej. Usually at seven.
- Dlaczego wstajesz tak wczeÊnie? Why do you get up so early? At that
O tej porze ja jeszcze Êpi´.
time I'm still asleep.
- To wcale nie jest wczeÊnie.
- Dla mnie jest. That's not at all early.
For me it is.
codziennie av every day spaç Êpi´, Êpisz sleep

B. Nie widz´ nic dziwnego

There's nothing strange about watching TV in bed.

- O której k∏adziesz si´ spaç? What time do you go to bed?

- K∏ad´ si´ o dziesiàtej, potem I go to bed at ten, then I watch
oglàdam telewizj´ jakiÊ czas.. television for a while.
- Oglàdasz telewizj´ w ∏ó˝ku? You watch televison in bed?
- Tak, a co? Nie widz´ w tym nic Yes, so what? I don't see anything
dziwnego. unusual in that.

k∏asç si´ k∏ad´, k∏adziesz, k∏ad∏ impf ∏ó˝ko n bed. w ∏ó˝ku in bed
lie down

C. CoÊ okropnego
How do you take your coffee?

- Jakà kaw´ lubisz? Czarnà? What kind of coffee do you like? Black?
- Nie, kaw´ pij´ z mlekiem i No, I drink coffee with milk and sugar.
cukrem. Do you also drink tea with milk and
- Herbat´ te˝ pijesz z mlekiem i sugar?
cukrem? No, I usually drink tea with lemon and
- Nie, herbat´ pij´ z cytrynà i honey.
miodem. Ugh. How awful.
- Fuj. CoÊ okropnego.

coÊ okropnego something terrible fuj ugh, phooey

cukier -kru mi cukru sugar kawa f coffee
cytryna f lemon miód miodu mi honey
herbata f tea mleko n milk


Przygody biura podró˝y "Zefir"

Rozdzia∏ ósmy. Mi∏oÊçod pierwszego wejrzenia
Alicja D´bicka pozna∏a Juliana Czy˝a par´ dni temu na przyj´ciu, i od
razu zakocha∏a si´ w nim. By∏a to po prostu klasyczna mi∏óÊç od pierwszego
wejrzenia. Pan Julian spojrza∏ na Alicj´, pog∏aska∏ swojà d∏ugà sztucznà
brod´, i powiedzia∏, ˝e jej oczy przypominajà mu oczy wielkiego kota
syjamskiego. Alicja przyj´∏a to porównanie za bardzo pochlebne. Julian
zapyta∏, czy móg∏by jà kiedyÊ namalowaç. Ona odpowiedzia∏a, ˝e mo˝e
kiedyÊ. Umówili si´ na nast´pny dzieƒ w kawiarni.
Kilka dni póêniej Alicja odby∏a powa˝nà rozmow´ z panem
Kowalczykiem. Powiedzia∏a mu, ˝e ju˝ go nie kocha. Zawsze b´dzie go
szanowa∏a, ale ju˝ nie mo˝e go poÊlubiç. Chcia∏aby zostaç jego najlepszym
przyjacielem. Kiedy pan Kowalczyk zapyta∏ Alicj´, co si´ sta∏o,
odpowiedzia∏a, ˝e nie jest jeszcze gotowa, ˝eby to wyt∏umaczyç. Jest jeszcze
za wczeÊnie. Pan Józef by∏ smutny, ale nie by∏ zrozpaczony. Nawet poczu∏
pewnà ulg´. Zawsze wiedzia∏ w g∏´bi duszy, ˝e Alicja jest dla niego zbyt
wielkà intelektualistkà. Przygryz∏ dolnà warg´, ˝yczy∏ jej wszystkiego
najlepszego i natychmiast wróci∏ do pracy.
Tej nocy Pan Kowalczyk mia∏ straszny sen. Âni∏o mu si´, ˝e goni go
przez ca∏y czas jakieÊ dzikie ma∏e zwierz´ przypominajàce kota, tylko z
d∏u˝szymi i ostzejszymi k∏ami. Józef nie znosi kotów. Nast´pnego dnia
zauwa˝y∏, ˝e przed pójÊciem spaç zostawi∏ na ogniu czajnik z gwizdkiem.
Ca∏e szcz´scie, ˝e mieszkanie si´ nie spali∏o.
by conj = ˝eby in order to powa˝ny aj serious
czajnik mi –a tea kettle przed pójÊciem spaç phr before
dolny aj lower going to bed
dusza f soul przygryêç -gryz´ -ziesz -gryz∏ -gryêli
dziki aj wild pf bite
g∏askaç -am -asz impf, pf pog∏askaç przyjàç –jm´ -jmiesz pf accept, receive
stroke przypominaç –am –asz impf recall,
g∏àb g∏´bi f depth remind one of, resemble
goniç -ni´ -nisz impf chase raz. od razu immediately
gwizdek –dka mi whistle smutny aj sad
kie∏ klà mi animal tooth, fang spaliç si´ -l´ -lisz pf burn down
kilka kilku indef num several spojrzeç -rz´ -rzysz pf na+A glance at
mi∏oÊç f love straszny aj terrible
natychmiast av immediately szanowaç –nuj´ -nujesz impf respect
nie znosiç –sz´ -sisz impf not abide szcz´Êcie n good luck, fortune,
odbyç -b´d´ -b´dziesz pf, impf happiness. ca∏e szcz´Êcie, ˝e…
odbywaç. ~ rozmow´ hold a fortunately…
conversation Êlubiç -bi´ -bisz impf, pf poÊlubiç
ogieƒ ognia mi fire. wed
oko n eye. pl oczy Êniç si´ Êni 3.p. +D have a dream
pochlebny aj complimentary tej nocy av phr that night
poczuç –uj´ pujesz pf feel ulga f relief
pomalowaç –luj´ -lujesz pf paint umówiç si´ -wi´ -wisz pf z+I make a
porównanie n comparison date with


warga f lip znieÊç ^nieÊç pf, impf znosiç stand,

wejrzenie n glance, glimpse abide, endure.
wielki aj great zostawiç –wi´ -wisz pf leave
wszystkiego najlepszego phr all the zrozpaczony aj in despair
best ˝yczyç -cz´ -czysz impf +G wish
wyt∏umaczyç –cz´ -czysz pf explain
zakochaç si´ -am –asz pf w+L fall in
love with
zauwa˝yç -˝´ -˝ysz pf notice Rozdzia∏ ósmy

Polish beer labels. piwo jasne lager.


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