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Hardecker Headlines


A New Year but an old path:

What a blessing to be in the center of Gods will in 2015! As we move forward with great anticipation of what the Lord has in store
for us this year, I just want to reaffirm some Biblical convictions that we as your missionaries stand for: the King James Bible, dress
and music standards (No CCM), separation, soul-winning, the local church, & the family, so that while we live in an apostate day
and age, we never want to violate the Scriptures in any way and compromise with the worldly culture. We still believe in the old
fashioned standards that represent the churches that we have been a part of and desire to reproduce independent, fundamental,
Baptist churches of like faith and practice in the Philippines. Thank you for praying, giving, and being a partner in ministry!

Ministry recommendation: Finish Ministries

Bro. Terry and Wendy Davis and their children Erin, & Josiah are truly big helpers to
me with their ministry of helps. Bro. Davis is a highly accomplished handyman (master
contractor) and is working with me to renovate my house. They have a heart to help
churches with any construction/remodeling building projects and other vital ministry
needs (like Camp, VBS, Missions trips, etc.). Call them at 717-244-7978; email:
twejdavis@outlook.com or contact their home/sending church: Mt. Zion Baptist
Church, Denver, PA (Pastor Keith Sweitzer) at 717-336-5553.

Blessings of being back home for now

Since we are home at this time we have jumped back into the work of the ministry at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. We fill in where we
can and do our best to serve the Lord at our home church. God is good! We are forever thankful for a strong sending church that
believes exactly as we do about the old paths. And God is blessing His work in Brogue, PA with faithful members and new comers.
We pray every day for our Pastor and the church staff and their families.
I was also able to fill a pulpit for a church nearby and of course, at Mt. Zion Baptist Church. Please note that if you contact me
ahead of time and our schedule works, we may be able to come and help with pulpit supply or report to any of our supporting
churches. Priority will naturally be granted to all our supporting churches, but please dont hesitate to communicate if there is a
need and we may be able to help. Please feel free to call or email me. Our contact information is always located in our newsletters.
Our house has now been on the market for two months, please pray that we may be able to sell it and move to the Philippines.
Our support level is nearing 95% and we will go as soon as our house sells and we can schedule a sending service.

Ministry praises: Souls saved!

Mt. Zion Baptist Church (my sending church) hosted a magnificent Christmas Cantata and the Lord blessed with five precious souls
who walked the aisle in order to be dealt with on a one on one basis and all five adults trusted in Christ as Saviour. I was able to
bring a bus family to the Sun. PM Cantata, but the young man (Alex; 12th grader) whom I am praying for didnt get saved. Please
remember him in your prayers. I was able to help as an altar worker and dealt with an older gentleman who humbly prayed and
called upon the name of the Lord for salvation. What a blessing!
On Dec. 21, Mon. I had a small part in a prison ministry where a dear brother preached (Bro. Vinny Mikusow) and God brought
down strong conviction of sin. Thirty-one men were present to hear the good word from God and Bro. Vinnys testimony (The Mad
Russian, his story was featured in Unshackled from the old Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago). The service lasted for 2 hours. There
was hardly a dry eye in the room. The conviction of sin was so thick that men were broken down weeping for their souls, their
families, their Saviour, and their renewal. What a wonderful mini revival we had in the York County prison (could revival really be
mini?). I am still dumbfounded at how God could use a sinner like me. Lets pray, lets go, lets do all we can for God while we can!

Bill, Marcia, W.T., & Joe Hardecker; (717) 880-5011; email: hardecker@gmail.com; www.hardecker.com; I.F.B.
Missionaries on deputation to the Philippines; 111 S. Pine St. Red Lion, PA 17356. Sent by: Mt. Zion Baptist Church,
Brogue, PA; (717) 927-9227; www.mtziononline.org. Missions funds: Central Missionary Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 219228,
Houston, TX 77218; (800) 262-7729; www.cmcmissions.org;
NOTE: If you need a stack of our most recent prayer cards, please communicate.

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