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The Theory of Life

The Theory of Life states that to find the meaning of Life/God Purpose, one must first
understand The Law of Humanity.
The Law of Humanity states that Enlightenment is the cause of behaviors.
What is behavior?
the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.
ex: Andrew has been paranoid. Andrew was scared. Andrew punched
Sally. Andrew takes drugs.
What is Enlightenment?
Enlightenment is a Value/Sense of Self that is reached by the research and analysis
of both Knowledge and Understanding.
What is Value/Sense of Self?
How one perceives Truth or Deception.
ex: Christians perceive the afterlife to exist as another universe.
Some spiritualists believe the afterlife means reincarnation.
Atheists believe that you just die and are whatever people make you
afterwards (buried/burned/used for science)
What is Knowledge?
What we know. Pure data.
ex: Alcohol limits and degrades body and mental functions. People
get drunk.
What is Understanding?
The application of data based upon the principles of Truth and Deception.
ex: Why do people get drunk? What causes them to believe that?
What lead to that reasoning/the cause?
What is Truth?
of great significance or value; likely to have a profound effect on
success, survival, or well-being. Complete Honesty.
ex: People drink alcohol with the knowledge that it could
kill them.
What is Deception?
of little or no significance or value; also likely to have a profound
effect on success, survival, or well-being. Incomplete Honesty.
ex: Alcohol advertisements mention how it's fun instead of
how it could kill you.

What is Complete Honesty?

The application of Knowledge and Understanding that is
ex: Admitting there is a mistake.
What is Imcomplete Honesty?
The application of Knowledge and Understanding that is
ex: Not admitting there is a mistake.
What is a force?
strength or energy as an attribute of action or movement.
ex: Gravity/Friction/ and emotion as a cause of which attribute to
The Law of Humanity states that forces can be physical or mental.
What is mental?
of or relating to the mind.
ex: Psychology/Shamanism/Meditation/Reflecting/Studying/Mental actions.
What is physical?
of or relating to the body.
ex: Biology/Chemistry/Kinestheiseology/Exercising/Physical actions.
The Law of Humanity states that the only causes of Human Experience is caused by Human
What is Human Intent?
A plan of Humanity based off Reasoning/Why people do. This leads to Human
ex: I did this action because of "...."
What is Human Interaction?
What people do.
ex: The people of Earth pollute their home (Earth).
What is Reasoning?
The data of knowledge and understanding being applied to action.
ex: I drink alcohol because I think it is fun to get wasted.
What is Experience?
The combination of Selfishness and Selflessness and Self.
What is Selfishness?
an uncontrollable action or emotion that causes great damage or loss of life.
Pulls toward Impure Experience.
ex: Sin/Greed/Selfishness/Asteroid Collisions/War/Actions that are

intended/unintended to help only certain people without concern

of everyone's well being.
What is Selflessness?
an uncontrollable action or emotion that causes enjoyment. Pushes toward
Pure Experience.
ex: Love/Content/Happiness/Joy/Actions that are intended to help
everyone's well being.
What is Self?
a controllable action or emotion that can manage disaster/chaos and
pleasure/love to lead to either Impure Experience or Pure Experience.
ex: Learning/Educating/Experience/Ego/Self/Individuality that has
no intention other than to understand/ignore.
The Law of Humanity states that Selfishness will always exist. This is what Christians call
Satan's curse.
The Law of Humanity states that Selflessness can not exist without the application of Self. This
is what Christians call the gift of Christ.
The Law of Nature states that to reach Pure Experience, one must have Pure Resource
What is Pure Experience?
Understanding and Knowledge with Pure Selflessness for the intent of Unity.
What is Pure Selflessness?
The complete absence of Selfishness.
What is Unity?
All for one and one for all. The collective Knowledge and Understanding of
the population that is of Pure Intent.
What is Pure Intent?
Actions and emotions that are only intended for Unity for the goal of
a United Population with complete Understanding without
ex: People don't understand Chinese culture, so I must
educate them to understand.
What is United Population?
A population of complete Unity. Reachable due to The Force
of Self.
Observation: United Populations are scarce.

What is Pure Resource Management?

Supply is greater than or equal to Demand. Production is greater than Consumption.
ex: I can't eat all of the bread so I put the rest in storage for later.
The Law of Humanity states that to reach Impure Experience, on must have Impure Resource
What is Impure Experience?
Understanding and Knowledge with Pure Selfishness for the intent of Solitude.
What is Pure Selfishness?
The complete absence of Selflessness
What is Solitude?
Individuals or a group of Individuals which label themselves different from
some other individual or group of individuals. The uncollective Knowledge
Understanding of the population that is of Impure Intent.
What is Impure Intent?
Actions and emotions that are or are not intended for United
Population without complete Understanding without Selflessness. It
doesn't lead to United Population but instead leads to Divided
What is Divided Population?
A population not of complete Unity. Reachable due to The
Force of Self.
Observation: Divided populations are plentiful.
What is Impure Resource Management?
Supply is less than Demand. Consumption is greater than Production.
ex: Fossil Fuels are being used faster than they can be produced.
The Law of Humanity states that emotions that are synonomous are of the same Forces of
What are The Forces of Humanity?
The forces that control the application of Human Emotions and Actions.
They are composed of two contrasting forces, The Force of Selflessness/The Force
of Selfishness, and one neutral force, The Force of Self.
What is The Force of Selflessness?
It is an uncontrollable mental Force of Humanity that pushes towards Pure
Experience and pulls away from Impure Experience.
What is The Force of Selfishness?
An uncontrollable mental Force of Nature of which pushes towards Impure

Experience and pulls away from Pure Experience.

What is The Force of Self?
A controllable mental Force of Nature of which can be lead to either
Impure or Pure Experience. The only control of this is human
The Law of Humanity states that there is no such thing as Good vs. Evil. The Force Selfishness
can be used to reach Pure Experience. The Force of
Selflessness can be used to reach Impure Experience. This is due to the potential applications of
the neutral Force of Self.
The Law of Humanity states that synonomous emotions/actions are of the same Forces of
The Theory of Life
No new research in necessary to prove this true. Humanity has always had these answers.
The Force of Selfishness is currently greater than The Force of Selflessness.
This is due to Incomplete Honesty and The Force of Self.
Humanity is both a gift and a curse to Life.
Forces can only be applied by intelligence.
This must mean that if a Force is uncontrollable by Humanity, there must be a greater
This is the connection between Religion and Science.
The meaning of Life/God's purpose is to:
Understand/Remain Ignorant
Create War/Create Peace
Enjoy Life/Regret Life
Enjoy Experience/Regret Experience
Move/Remain Stagnant
Be Selfish/Be Selfless

This can be explained why Jesus (The Son of God/Life) went to find 12 disciples.
Disciples have discipline.
Discipline requires knowledge and understanding.

Enlightenment requires knowledge and understanding.

This explains how Jesus is The Son of God(Life) and how we are just like Jesus as we are God's
Chrildren(The creation of Life). The mistake Religions made was thinking that Jesus was
actually better than any other human.
Jesus couldn't literally be born of a virgin, so if it's not true there must be a lack of application or
Obviously virgin in that context doesn't literally mean today's definition of it.
This can be explained by Linguistics and Literary Analysis.
This can explain how Religion/Science/History are tools of knowledge, not truths.
One can't have Enlightenment without knowing and understanding all truths and all deceit.
Words literally have Power.
Emotions are Forces of Humanity/Spirits/Angels/Demons some of which we can't control
(Selfless/Selfish), and some of which we can (Self).
The emotions that can be controlled can manage/steer/direct the emotions that can't be
The emotions that can be controlled are emotions that are of The Neutral Force of Self.
When anyone thinks that something is "bad" they either don't fully Understand it, the only way
to fully Understand it is to know how to use empathy, or they need to actually experience it as
the people who think it's "good" does.
This means that drugs aren't bad. If they were, we wouldn't have medicine. It just means either
the application is incorrect or the understanding is incomplete.
"Don't knock it until you try it."
The only thing that can change Human Processes/Thought/Actions are Human
Knowledge is no longer enough to get to Enlightenment. One must now have complete
To get complete Understanding, one must use ALL TOOLS OF LEARNING.
What are tools of learning? Religion, Science, History, Experience, Dreams, The Subconscious,
Literature, Language (What feels correct vs. what is told to be correct)
There is not two sides to a coin, there are 3.
Good vs. Evil doesn't exist, it is a figment of our imagination.

There is still no one or nothing else to blame for what's wrong/right with the world other than
Humanity itself. However, blame is not suffice. It doesn't solve the problems, it only causes
For ex: We blamed 9/11 on Terror....not a group of individuals not controlling a country.
Terror is a concept...not a real thing.
There is still more to Understand.
Such as, if there is a greater intelligence, how does it work? Where is it? How do we get there?
According to shamans and Native Americans, to see God, one must do what Jesus did.
What did Jesus do?
He had visions?
How do Shamans and Native Americans have visions?
Psychedelic Substances/Isolation/Fasting/Praying/etc.
I do not know these to be true, I just know that's how/why they do what they do.
If you believe this Theory of Life/The Law of Humanity to be self evident, please spread it. If
you believe it to be incorrect, please contact me at (901)-833-6385 or at Frost769@yahoo.com.
This is all in the name of Understanding. I will be quick to admit that I am wrong, once proven

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