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Great post! This info helped me in my first simulation.

I have made a post on my

blog http://strengthofgif.blogspot.com/2013/01/capsim-objectives.html, and a few
helpful youtube videos for other students.
Marketing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDWppBNPQ0w
Production: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W38fyQnnIZ4
R&D: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUgrYFfTbwY
Recommended Links:
Quick Start for Capstone Round 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Capsim 2 - Research and Development Part I: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
Capsim 3 Marketing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VawiU4pllHs
Capsim 4 Production: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUI4-QAQkxY
Capsim 5 Finance: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQdjTC_YLPQ
CAPSIM R&D: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUgrYFfTbwY
CAPSIM marketing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDWppBNPQ0w
CAPSIM production: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W38fyQnnIZ4
here is my results from that round mentioned above. I dominated, but not for the complete reasons
that you think. I decided to not produce 100% second shift on Cedar, my Low-End product. This is
because my capacity is super high at 2,578 from the earlier round increases. So instead of making
5,156 items, I figured what is my middle ground and what can i handle in the worst case scenario of
20% market share if I don't sell. I made a low price, maybe to low, of $16.00 cause i wanted to be sure
I would sell that extra 1,863 that I didn't sell the round before. Once I knew I could handle that 20%
worst case, then I gave my self 2 extra months of inventory to help my inventory out. I did that by
(projected unit sales * .16) which gave me an inventory to sell up to 30% market share. I was able to
cover that cost in my worst case scenario as well. Every other product was easy to figure. Here was
my exact results:
Traditional - Sold 3,043 (29%) - left over inventory 611 - sold at $26.00
Low-End - Sold 3,756 (27%) - left over inventory 450 - sold at $16.00 (maybe to low, but it worked)
High-End - Sold 1,036 (22%) - left over inventory 152 (perfect) - sold at $38.00
Pfmn - Sold 1,145 (29%) - Stocked outed!!! (my capacity was 600 so i lost a few sales) - sold at

Size (my worst market) - Sold 349 (9%) - left over inventory 328 (bad) - sold at 33.00

1. Low-End Automation 10
2. Pay expenses:
a. Max Bond: 18,994,000
b. Stock 5% = 3425
c. A/P increase to 60
a. Traditional MTBF 14,000
b. Low-End MTBF 12,000
c. Performance MTBF 27,000
d. Size MTBF 16,000
4. Promo/Sales Budget
a. $2,000 each
b. Excluding maybe Performance/Size
1. HR!
a. Recruiting Cost: $5,000
b. Training Hours: 80
2. Promo/Sales Budget
a. Every segment to $2,000
i. Once 100% reached, $1,400
3. Max Investment
a. Increase Capacity of Low-End
4. Max Bond again
a. No Harm in this!
5. Low-End CM = 58%
1. May need a bond, I didn't
2. Low-End CM: 61%
1. TQM
a. EVERYTHING at $1,500
b. EXCEPT Benchmarking
2. Shouldn't need a Bond at this point
(Last Round's Total Industry Unit Demand) x (Segment Growth Rate) x (Last Round's Sales) =

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a243Uf9Fs5g capstone tips (watch this

video for all rounds)
https://caps1mstrat.wordpress.com/ - Awesome site

new product strategy


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