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Criminal behavior results from environmental rather than genetics influences.

To what
extent do you agree?
Nowadays, it is certainly recognised that criminal behavior are focused on the
interface between both genetics and the environment influence factors (Robinson, 2010).
Both factors have been playingas the important roles in criminal behavior. According to
Wright et al. (2008), in the behavioral selection from the previous population, the genetics
evolutionary are captured by Genes. Animals are allowed by the environmental flexibility
with the opportunity to adapt with changes in their lifetime (Beaver, 2009). In several of
scientific disciplines, the debate that keeps spawning the controversy is raised from the
heredity topic and the genetics influenced on the whole character in human being. As more
generally referring as the environmental influences versus genetics influences debate, the
population in average or the scientists are intrigued as the personal character shape
determinants and the personal behavior. It is indicated in the latest findings that the
environmental factors and genes usually interact and one is able to boost the effects of the
other (Fishbein, 2001). This essay focuses on opinion of criminal behavior that has been
important the approach in examining environmental and genetic influences on human
behavior. The author believes that environmental influences can cause anindividual to
obligate crime more than genetic influences

acid(DNA)(Rowe, 2002).Thesequenceofnucleotidesorthegeneticcodeiscontainedin
Therefore, it leads the protein synthesis through the translation and transcription
(Fishbein, 2001).Recently,itwasfoundby( Beaver, 2009)thattheinfanttemperaments
are more influenced by the biology compare to experiences ( Robinson, 2010). The
kinds as we can be endlessly experienced. As exemplified by Anon (2010), it is
impossible to experience any of new emotion unless it is coded inside our genetic
material Thus, none of conclusive evidence is found on a human criminal gene,
however it is in particular evident that the some people nature can be the factor of
criminogenic(Fishbein, 2001).

ineveryhumanbeingsandthiscouldarousesomepeopletoactcriminally( Raine, 1993).
forsuchhormones,whichaccordingto( Walsh and Kevin, 2009),thiscanbecomethecase
ofviolentbehaviorstimulatinghormones(Fishbein, 2001).

However,criminal behavior can result from environmental influenceswhich areParental affect

and a self-fulfilling prophecy. The parental marital status can affect on the criminogenic
factors. The serious offenders can stereotypically result from the broken homes from the
divorced of parents. The highly prominent example for this is the young offender perceived
stereotype as the trouble making, teenager who wear hood with common objection to society

(Beaver, 2009). The concept of self-fulfilling prophecy can be connected to the development
of kid and the criminal activity as affected from the stereotyping (Wright et al., 2008).
Therefore, criminal behavior may be generated from the parental influences and the selffulfilling prophecy. We cannot accept this as the criminogenic factors prominent since
nowhere is near to where most of people conduct crimes.
In additions, education has been also found to have an effect on criminals. The key
point is that the educational levels have been seen as the essence of criminal behavior
manifestation. Individuals who present with disabilities to learn found to be more prone for
violent habits (Anon, 2010). The key reason to this is interrelate provided with the causal
events patterns with the center education.
In conclusion, although it is quite exactly that the genetic variety is presented among
the individuals and giving raises to some people to be likely the crimes committing in natural.
The major criminogenic factors depend on how the kid is brought up, while it is traditionally
involves with the family life aspects, plus the resorting of illegal behavior such as crying for
attention against brother or sister, or suffered abuse, and things observed from home. Parental
effect can stimulate the criminal behavior as well as the self-fulfilling prophecy and
education. Again, we cannot take this as the prominent criminogenic factors, since nowhere
near that most people conduct crimes. Thus, criminal behavior definitely results from
environmental rather than genetics influences.

Anon. (2010). Sociological and Environmental Factors of Criminal Behavior. [online].
Available at: <http://www.udel.edu/chem/C465/senior/fall00/GeneticTesting/enviro.htm>
[Accessed on July 25, 2013].
Beaver, K.M. (2009).Biosocial criminology: A primer. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.
Fishbein, D. (2001). Biobehavioral
Wadsworth/Thomson Learning.






Raine, A. (1993). The psychopathology of crime: Criminal behavior as a clinical disorder.

San Diego, CA: Academic Press.
Robinson, A. (2010). To what extent doesnurture cause a childto grow up to be acriminal?.
Waynflete Project: Nature vs. Nurture. pp. 1-15.
Rowe, D.C. (2002). Biology and crime. Los Angeles: Roxbury.
Walsh, A., and Kevin, M.B. (2009).Biosocial criminology: New directions in theory and
research. New York: Routledge.
Wright, J.P., Stephen G.T., and Leah E.D. (2008). Criminals in the making: Criminality
across the life course. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

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