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I. Answer the questions:
1. What are core muscles?
The body's "core" muscles refer to the muscles around the abdomen, pelvis, and back.

2. What is the main function of the core muscles?

They play a role in almost all activities from sitting to standing, walking to running, the core muscles
are at work stabilizing our body from the force of gravity.

3. What are the risks of insufficient core muscles strengthening?

Among the risks of insufficient core muscles strengthening there are: poor posture, back pain, and
injuries during activity.

4. Give examples of two exercises to build abdominal strengthening.

Ab(dominal) crunches and sit ups.

II. Complete with various forms derived from the word written at the end of line:
1. He could not understand the serious gravity of her act. GRAVE
2. Standing was not very painful for her, but sitting was an ordeal due to her sciatica. SIT
3. For maximum of effectiveness in bodily strengthening, perform physical exercises at least three
times a week. EFFECTIVE
4. As a writer, if you want to appeal to the large public you need to write in a variety of styles and
approach various genres. VARY
5. One of the most difficult force movements for babies are the ones involving the muscles in the
abdominal area. ABDOMEN
III. Complete the sentences with various forms of the given words:
a) core (x3);
b) back (x8);
c) play (x5)
1. Someone is playing an instrument; I think its a flute.
2. She turned her back on me when I needed her the most.
3. He likes to play with peoples emotions.
4. He lay on his back and began a series of exercises to relieve his back pain.
5. He played an important part in the victory of his team.
6. He is a supporter of STEAUA to the core. (= pn n mduva oaselor)
7. At the back of the house was a beautiful, secluded garden. (grdin izolat)
8. The treatment plan has the patients benefit at its core. (= n centru)
9. She couldnt get her dress off by herself because it was buttoned at the back.
10. He changed the rhythm of his play very often and this was difficult for his opponent to keep up
11. If you want to carry out the plan in time concentrate first on the core activities and then you
develop them in turn.
12. If we look back at the seasons of fashion, we can see that many times old tendencies come back
For example, this year sideburns/ whiskers (= perciuni) are back after a few decades, but there
are also other tendencies which return with a higher frequency.
13. I received two tickets to a play (= pies de teatru) and I hope Ill be able to make it.
PhD lecturer Andreia Suciu UNIT 4 CORE MUSCLES (exercises with answers)
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