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Hay and Imogene Carlson

Cebu Christian Mission
P. 0. Box 41

Cebu City, Philippines

March 23, 1959

Dear Friendsj

JPhe Aparri Bible Soninary on the northernmost tip of the Fhilippine group in
vited me to speak for their canmencenent on the 18th of this month. Taking advantage
of the hospitality of Charles and Hoberta Selby, I am staying on for a few days of
rest and fellowships Ihe cool breeze and the giant, rolling breakers a couple of
blocks away are most rela:dng Brother and Bister Faustina Peneyra have shown me
evezy courtesy and invited us all to dinner the other ni^t. Brother Peneyra has
long been the bulwark of faith in this Ilocano section.

Wednesday, I hope to visit horval and uondena Can^Jbell at idgan in their newlyopened Philippine BLble Soninary.

April 3-5 1 will be in Manila for the Fiftieth

Annual CJonvention of the Qiurches of Christ.

Barton and Betty McBlroy with Willis

and Velraa Hale lead the work of evangelism at this center with the Manila Bible Semi

The convention at Balamban, Cebu follows immediately afterward on April 10-12.

This means tirat I must scamper back to Cebu. on April 6th to help prepare. The school
authorities in Balamban will allow us to use some of their facilities across the

street fran the chapel so we can be sure of having enou^ housing and space for visi

tors. The theme that

be presented at this our Seventh annual Convention of the

CSiurches of Christ in the southern Philippines will be:

"Living the Christian Life."

We are earnestly praying that many of you will find it in your hearts to send a
special offering for some needs that are pressing upon us. About #500 is needed for

our evangelistic program tlds summer. Three teams avera^ng four workers in a team
are ready to go into three provinces for two months of effort in which vacation Bi
ble schools will be presented with ni^tly preaching, dome of our Soninary girls are
willing to give their time for 50^ a day to teach the Word of Life. We certainly
should back them to this extent.

Other programs that

eminently reconmend as worthy of your help is that of the

Cebu Bible Seminary building program which is still inadequately housed and the

church erection^ plan whereby worthy congregations are aided in the building of needed
housing, ^/e think that you understand how our usual reluctance in emphasizing money
needs makes this call deserving of your particular attention.

An unusual privilege was mine recently in connection with the 16 mm. color film
we were shooting of Cebu and our work for John Hasty. A mutual friend introduced me
to the retired President of the Philippines and his wife,
and i-irs, Sergio Csmena. This man who was Vice Presideiit from the founding of the Commonwealth and
v;ar-time President after the death of -Quezon received us graciously and allowed us

to take pictures of my presenting him with a Visayan Bible.

He was ^/dth I'iacArthur

in the Leyte landing.

iie urgently request your prayers to the end that many pranising opportunities

mi^t be used advantageously around us in the Philippines for the extension of God*s
Kingdom and the glory of His Son.
Ray Carlson

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