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ATTENTION CDA TRAINERS: Use this monthly training tool to help you plan group training sessions for

your CDA
candidates. These sessions can be counted as seminar training hours.

T r ai ni ng Mo dul e *

Language Development

The important thing to remember is that

language development begins at birth and
continues throughout our lives. As an
educator, you must remember that children
imitate behavior. Therefore, if you speak to a
child in baby talk, he/she is likely to talk
that way. If, however, you speak to the child
normally, he/she is likely to imitate your
speech. Research has shown that the more a
child is encouraged to talk, the more highly
developed their language skills will be. In
addition, reading to children, exposing them
to new experiences, and encouraging them
to share their thoughts and ideas are
excellent ways to enhance language

To explore the meaning and importance of

language development as it relates to young
children ages two to five.

Before we begin, lets take a minute to define
the term language development. Language
development can be defined as acquiring the
ability to communicate effectively through
spoken or written words. Although language
includes the areas reading, writing, and listening,
this training module will focus mainly on
Language development actually begins at birth.
Even the smallest infants learn early on that
they must communicate in order to have their
needs met. Of course, we all know what their
method of communication is crying! Although
infants do not express their needs through
spoken words, they are still successful at
communicating their needs. In addition, babies
also learn language through listening. From the
moment children are born, they are absorbing
every spoken word. Although they may not
initially understand what is being said, they are
developing the basic understanding that
communication is based on spoken words.

Now that you have a better understanding

of language development, lets take a look at
how young children demonstrate this skill.

As an educator, it is up to you to observe
each child on a continuing basis in order to
note his/her level of language development.
Often children of the same chronological age
will be on differing developmental levels. Lets
take a look at several specific examples of
language development to help clarify this

As children begin to grow and develop, their

language skills begin to grow and develop also.
For instance, a two-year-old child may have a
two hundred word vocabulary and may
speak in two word phrases such as, Car go.
By age three, a child generally has a
vocabulary of one thousand words and now
uses two, three, and four word sentences.
Quite an accomplishment for one year!

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All Rights Reserved.

Tony, a two year old, announces, Me go! as he

prepares to leave for the day.
Marion, a three year old, expresses, See the car,
while taking a walk outside.

*ATTENTION TEXAS CUSTOMERS: This training module is considered

self-instructional material.


Jose, a four year old, exclaims, Teacher, look

what I made! while building in the BLOCKS center. When
asked about his creation, Jose gives a lengthy explanation.

2. Timing Reading books is an activity that works best

when the children are calm. Many people find that right
before nap or early in the morning are good times for
reading books.

In the cases mentioned above, each child

demonstrated a different level of language
development. Tony is obviously just beginning to
work with language while Jose is already quite
accomplished in this area. Keep in mind, though, that
children of the same chronological age may be on
different developmental levels.

3. Size of the Group In general, the fewer the

children, the easier it will be for them to pay attention
and participate. In a smaller group, it is easier for the
children to look at the pictures and follow along as you
read. In addition, you can ask more questions and elicit
more involvement.

Now that you have a better understanding of

language development, lets take a look at how you
can help each child build his/her language skills on a
daily basis.

4. Book Selection Always read any book you are going

to share with the children ahead of time. That way you
can prepare questions and activities that relate to the
book. Also, it will help you to analyze whether the book
is appropriate for your group. Ask yourself questions such
as, Is the vocabulary appropriate?, Are the illustrations
eye-catching? or, Is the book entertaining?


There are many different ways to integrate activities
that build language skills into your daily routine. The
following are just a few. See how many you are
currently incorporating into your program.

Finally, when presenting any type of language activity,

be sure that you always model appropriate language.
Speak clearly, slowly, and use expression. Remember
children imitate everything!

Reading books
Asking questions
Role-playing puppet shows
Sharing felt board stories
Participating in role-plays
Reciting nursery rhymes
Singing songs

Language development is one of the most important
skills learned during a childs early years. Children need
time to work with language through activities that
encourage speaking, reading, writing, and listening. As
you begin to explore the realm of language
development, keep in mind that young children of the
same chronological age are often on many different
developmental levels. As an educator, it is up to you
to observe each child carefully to see how you can
adapt daily activities to meet his/her individual needs.

Each of the activities mentioned above can help your

children develop language skills. Lets take a look at
one of the activities in more detail.

Reading books to young children is perhaps the best
way to promote language development. Research has
shown that reading to children regularly helps them
become better readers later in life. Therefore, it is
important for you, as an educator, to recognize the
importance of books in the classroom. When sharing
books with young children, there are several factors
you should keep in mind.
1. The Age of the Children The basic principle to
remember is the younger the child, the shorter the
book. For instance, two year olds will sit still for only a
very short period of time. Therefore, the books you
choose for these children need to be short and simple.
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ATTENTION CDA TRAINERS: Have each CDA candidate complete this Follow-up Evaluation individually after your group
presentation. Evaluate his/her performance and then discuss the results together. This evaluation does not need to be reviewed by
HighReach Learning.

Follow-up Evaluation
Language Development
Name ______________________________________________ HRL Customer Number ________________
Address ________________________________________________________

Phone _________________

School Name _____________________________________________________ Phone _________________

School Address __________________________________________________________________________
Who is responsible for payment?


Other __________________________________________ ________

Complete the following to the best of your ability.

1. Define language development.


2. Why is language development important to the young child?


3. What types of activities can be used to help the young child develop language skills?


4. Choose one of the activities listed on page 2 that can be used to develop language skills. Detail how you would
use it to encourage language development.

2007 HighReach Learning Inc.
All Rights Reserved.


5. Choose your favorite book and detail how you could use it to enhance language development.

6. Look through the curriculum you use in your classroom and identify two activities the children completed during
this month that helped to build language skills. If you cannot find two, design two yourself.


7. Choose a book to read to the children in your group. Detail below the steps you take to prepare for sharing this
book with the children. Note the setting, time, number of children, etc. Below, write your observations of the
childrens reactions to the book.


This Training Module is designed to be used in conjunction with the curriculum you are currently using in the
classroom. Prior to completing the module, explore your curriculum plans and think about how the topic of the
module fits into those plans. Throughout the coming months, consider ways in which you can apply the training
topic to a variety of classroom activities. As with children, practicing new skills on a daily basis makes a big
In order to receive credit:

Read the Training Module and complete the Follow-up Evaluation.

Enclose check or money order in the amount of $18.00
$12.50 (payable to HighReach Training Program) and your
completed Follow-up Evaluation.
Mail to:
HighReach Learning
Attn: Training Department
5275 Parkway Plaza Blvd, Suite 100
Charlotte, NC 28217

Attention Customers: These modules have been approved as training credit in many states.
Call 1-800-729-9988 or visit our Web site at www.highreach.com to see how many hours YOU can earn!
New states are added throughout the year, so check back often for updates!
2007 HighReach Learning Inc.
All Rights Reserved.


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