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Literary Manipulation

Power/Ability Manipulate books, scripts and text


The power to manipulate books, manuscript pages, and text paper. Variation of Art
Manipulation and Object Manipulation.


Also Called

Book Control/Manipulation
Literature Control/Manipulation


User can create, shape and manipulate all forms of physical literary objects that are printed,
written or drawn (books, comics, magazines, etc.), including their physical forms/materials
and anything written, printed, illustrated, or drawn in them.
In extreme cases the user may have access even to the media that doesn't truly exist, but is
only mentioned in other media or imagined to exist.

Physical objects:

Create/generate/multiply books.
o Object Creation Touch
Shape, compress, liquefy and/or otherwise manipulate books.
o Efficacy Manipulation including speed, density, hardness and/or sharpness.
o Repair books.
Constructs Creation using books, including weapons/missiles, walls, armor or
Control Manipulation
Improbable Weapon Proficiency - By using a books as a weapon.
Move/lift books at nearly any speed whether in/on surface, air or water. One could
even do this on vacuum of space if one has way to survive the experience.
o Flight using books.
o Matter Surfing by riding books.
o Projectile Enhancement

Object Possession


Literary Animation - project narrative stories into reality by reading. May include
Illusion Manipulation.
Dimensional Storage - to trap people/objects in the books.
Dimensional Travel - between different books, Ex: If there was a book of the world
one could use it to travel by themselves or maybe with others. May accompany Time
Travel if it's a history based book.
Linguistic Intuition - to read every language.
Omnilegence - know all currently written material (this updates constantly).
Summoning books, items or monsters and/or casting spells from the books.


Book Physiology
Enhanced Forgery
Knowledge Replication to absorb information from books.
Letter Empowerment to be empowered by letters.
Lexiconicy to transform a written word into the actual object.
Melanokinesis to manipulate text including removing it.
Narrative Teleportation
Papyrokinesis to control paper.
Sonography to read printed words by feeling ink impressions on paper.
Reading Empowerment
Repair books into pristine form.
Projected Thermography to write without scribing tools.
Script Manipulation to write verses in other languages or ways of writing, and enchant
Speed Reading
Story Manipulation to create literary works
Storybook Mimicry to copy traits and abilities of character from a book.
Writing Manifestation to make written words manifest into physical/energy

Following may need specific Books or tools to use:

Rewriting History
Writing Future


Card Manipulation
Character Manipulation
Script Manipulation


Art Manipulation
Architecture Manipulation to manipulate libraries, archives, book stores an/or other
buildings that are connected to literature.
Artistic Creation
Author Authority
Data Manipulation allows manipulation of data and digital information.
Drawing Creation
Calling and/or Summoning books. May also allow the user to go to the books instead
of summoning them.
Earth Manipulation allows manipulation of records in stone, metal, jewels and clay.
Electronic Communication allows manipulation of digital and electronic records.
Electronic-Media Jumping allows manipulation of electronic media.
Encyclopedic Knowledge
Entertainment Materialization
o Cartoon Materialization
o Animation & Comics Materialization
Fictional Mimicry
Genre Embodiment
Inscriptive Spell Casting
Knowledge Manipulation allows manipulation of information/knowledge.
Linguistic Manipulation
Magic Books
Object Manipulation
Paint Manipulation allows manipulation of painted art, they were the first form of
writing after all.
Paper Charm Magic
Projected Thermography could also play a role when creating the words to be used as
Reading Empowerment
Story Manipulation
True Omnilegence know all every-when and everywhere written material or
Omniscience using books.


May be unable to create books, being limited to manipulating only from already
existing sources.
User who doesn't have a book at hand is helpless.
Books aren't the most portable or compact objects.
Usefulness depends of the quality (fashion magazine vs RPG Bestiary) and quantity
(single book vs library).

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