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St. Joseph Catholic Church

100 South 8th Street

Arma, KS 66712
(620) 347-4525
Pastor: Fr. Roger Lumbre


4:00 pm
8:00 am

2:00-2:30 pm 3:15-3:45 pm
Weekdays before Mass
Anytime by appointment
Wednesdays 9:00 am - Noon
STAFF Pastor: Fr. Roger Lumbre
Secretary: Georganne Galichia
Bookkeeper: Janel Scales
Bulletin Editor: Nancy Bauer

Fr. John Fogliasso Celebrating our Weekend Masses this January 31st and February 1st
I am blessed to be asked to officiate at the wedding of Vince and Carla. I will be leaving for Mexico City with
the Hofer family on Thursday, January 29 and will be back Monday, February 2nd. In my absence Fr. John
Fogliasso agreed to cover for my masses. It is a blessing in disguise as he has been planning to celebrate mass
here in Girard and Arma in thanksgiving to God. This place is a part of his formative years, being an alumnus
of Girard High School. Please pray for our trip to Mexico City and welcome Fr. John. Consequently there will
be no 2PM confession next Saturday, January 31st. Our 2PM Confession in Girard will resume the following
Saturday, February 7th. Armas Confession will continue as scheduled.

Thursdays from 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Finance Council
Parish Council
After 5:30 mass

!St. Ann Altar Society

Next meeting in Feb.

Date TBA

More Reflection on the Popes Visit to the Philippines

On the Popes flight back to Rome, there were with him some journalists who were given about an hour
interview. A representative of the Spanish language group, from a newspaper called La Nacion, asked him the
question, what was for you the most moving moment in this visit. His reply was The most moving moment
For me the mass in Tacloban was very movingTo see all of Gods people standing still, praying, after this
catastrophe, thinking of my sins and those people, it was moving, a very moving moment. In the moment of the
mass there, I felt as though I was annihilated (wiped out), I almost couldnt speak. I felt very little, I dont
know what happened to me, maybe it was the emotion, I dont know. But I didnt feel another thing, it was quite
something. And then the gestures were moving. Every gesture. When I passed and a father would make this
(gesture) and I blessed him, he would say thank you butfor them, a blessing was enough. I thought, but I who
have so many expectations, I want this and I want that. This was good for me, no? Moving moments. After I
found out that in Tacloban we landed with winds at 70 miles per hour, I took seriously the warning that we
needed to leave no later than one oclock because there was a danger. But I wasnt afraid. As for the great
turnout, I felt annihilated. These were Gods people, and God was present, and the joy of the presence of God
which tells us - think on it well - that you are servants of these people, they are the protagonists. Something like
Vince Hofer Wedding with Carla Odonel in Mexico City
Congratulations to Vince Hofer and Carla Odonel who will be joined together in the sacrament of Marriage in
Iglesia de(church of) San Fracisco de Asis in Mexico City this Saturday, January 31st. Vince is the son of Chris
and Nancy Hofer. Carla, the bride, is from Mexico City. They met in Cargill, Iowa where they work together.
Please pray for Vince and Carla, for a happy and blessed married life!


Knights of Columbus
1st Tuesday of Month
7:00pm, St. Michael hall

Retreat on February 9 to 13
I will be having a 5 day personal retreat together with my seminary classmates one serving in New Jersey, and
one now serving in Tampa, Florida. I am gone on these days, and I am telling you in advance in case you might
have some plans that might involve me. In case of emergency as always we rely on the priests at Our Lady of
Lourdes for support. The Code of Canon Law 533, par 2 stipulated a 5-day compulsory annual retreat for
priests. Though it is compulsory, I dont regard it as such. I am looking forward to it as another opportunity for
spiritual renewal. Maybe you can call it a time for relaxation as you dont do what you routinely do. It is a time
set aside for prayers and reflection. A time for introspection, to look into your inner self and with the grace of
God be able to see whats the condition of your spiritual life, what are your strengths, and what are your
weaknesses, where do you fail, what can you improve especially your relationship with God. These and many
other questions can be reflected and may be answered in the retreat and hence gain new insights and a chance
for spiritual renewal and growth. For those who have not done any retreat, I would suggest that you would find
some time to make it. Start with a short retreat, maybe an overnight retreat. There are several retreat
opportunities offered at the Spiritual Life Center in Wichita. Some of our parishioners have availed of this
opportunity and find them very helpful for spiritual regeneration. I can give you more information if you are

Mass Schedule and Intentions for Jan. 24 - Feb. 1

Jan. 24 Saturday
Feb. 1

Wednesday 6:30 pm
Thursday 8:00am
Saturday 4:00pm

Mary Ginardi
Ed Perrin
Clifford & Sylvia Endicott
Pro Populo
Edwin Madl
No Intention
Verdan Davied
No Mass
No Adoration
No Mass
No Adoration
Mary Ginardi
Frank & Barbara Doue
Pro Populo


Altar Ministers for Jan. 31 & Feb. 1

Next Saturday (1/31/15)

!Altar Servers:
!Gift Bearers:

July 2014 to date

not available


Childrens Offering

Notes from the Pastor

5:30 pm
10:00 am

Last Week

4:00 pm

Elana Bonine
Fred Bogina
Anna Meyer
Mike & Virginia
Pat Westhoff &
Emil Pronier

Next Sunday (2/1/15)

8:00 am

Cody Burns &

Grant Waterman
Joan Black
Ron Pommier
Henry & Jill
Ashbacher family
Joe Broyles &
Bill Harman


Pat Westhoff - Chair, Dustin
Ashmore, Joe Broyles, Debbie
Amershek, Karen Pryer Secretary

A Story of Life After Birth

A former student of mine sent me the following story of twin
babies in the womb having a conversation about what will happen to
them. Since Thursday marked the 42nd year that we have tolerated
the killing of more than 55 million children in the womb in the U.S.,
I thought this tale was appropriate. It could be the story of two old
people near death discussing what their fate will be.
In a mothers womb were twin babies. One asked the other: Do
you believe in life after delivery? The other replies, Why, of course.
There has to be somethingafter delivery. Maybe we are here to
prepare ourselves for what we will be later. Nonsense, says the
other. There is no life after delivery. What would that life be? I
dont know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will
walk with our legs and eat with our mouths. The other says, That
is absurd! Walking is impossible. And eat with our mouths?
Ridiculous. The umbilical cord supplies nutrition. Life after delivery
is to be excluded. The umbilical cord is too short. The other replies,
I think there is something and maybe its different than it is here.
The first one retorts, No one has ever come back from delivery.
Delivery is the end of life and nothing follows it. Well, I dont
know, says the other, but certainly we will see mother and she will
take care of us. Mother?? You believe in mother? Where is she
now? She is all around us. It is in her that we have life. Without her
there would be nothing. I dont see her, so its only logical that she
doesnt exist. To which the other replied, I dont agree with you. In
fact, sometimes when its quiet, you can hear her sing and feel her
caress our world. You know, I believe were here to prepare for the
life to come, and our true life starts after birth.
See what I mean? That could easily be two people near death
talking about what is to come. But, since the subject this past week
has been on respecting life, all of us need to be reminded that
abortion hasnt gone away. Recently, the National Right to Life
Committee released a report on the nations single largest abortion
business, known as Planned Parenthood. Frankly, I never understood
the name. Theres nothing in that title that has ANYTHING to do
with parenting! In Kansas, we have one such clinic located in
Overland Park and two reproductive clinics (Wichita and Hays).
Nationally, PP does an abortion every 94 seconds. And this is by their
own admission! Last year, they did nearly 334,000, which is about
25% of the estimated total of abortions performed annually in this
country. At going rates for a standard surgical abortion performed at
10 weeks to be $451, those 334,000 recently done shows an income
for them of at least $150 million annually. You can see that this is no
small business venture.
Some criticize right-to-lifers for being too harsh and judgmental
against pro-choice people. Can we be too harsh or judgmental in
condemning slavery, or genocide, or the Holocaust? No, we cant
because what they are doing is evil incarnate. Abortion is no
different. They can rationalize what theyre doing by saying they are
keeping the population in check, thus preventing poverty. They can
wash their hands of it as Pilate did, but the bottom line is: IT IS
to uphold a holocaust of innocents.
- Marcel Normand

Chair - Karen Pryer
EMEs - Joann Black
Ushers/Greeters - Bill Harman
Altar Society - Judy Smerchek
Lectors - Marcel Normand
Music - Jan Harman


Fred Bogina - Chair, Members: Joe Polhlopek, Judy Wingebach,
Linda Broyles
End of the Year Contribution Summary

Just a reminder: If you need your tax deductible gifts summary for
2014, you can either write your name on the sign up sheet at the
entrance of the Church, or you can call the parish office and leave
your name and we can print and mail your summary. This will save
time and resources. Thank you for your understanding.

Knights of Columbus Baby Shower

The Girard-Arma Knights of Columbus Council 7607 will be
conducting the 16th annual Pro-Life baby shower during the month
of January. This is a Pro-Life clothing & supply drive to benefit
mothers-to-be who might otherwise choose abortion, and also to
benefit the unborn that might not otherwise be given the Right-ToLife". Parishioners are asked to donate new or used baby or
maternity clothing, baby and pregnancy supplies, diapers, bottles,
formula, etc. Receptacles will be placed in both churches for
depositing items. Thank you for your support!

St. Michael PSR: No Class Jan. 28

Wednesday, Jan 28 is a half day of school for USD 248 so there will
be no PSR classes held on that day. PSR classes for all grades will
resume Wednesday, Feb. 4 with PSR for grades 1-8 & CYM for high
school youth. Thank you to all the students who attend class each
week and especially all the middle and high school students who
attend Mass each Wednesday! May God bless you in the new year!

Video Message Featuring Kaylee Bogina

For those of you who are not aware of it. There is a beautiful video
presentation of Kaylee Bogina entitled State champion Kaylee
Bogina overcomes Crohn's disease. I posted it in our Facebook page
but you may access the video with this link: http://www.flotrack.org/
- Fr. Roger


Please continue to include in your prayers the

sick members of our parish community. God
bless you all! Fr. Roger

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