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Epithelial tissue

Epithelial tissue
is the tissue that lines the surface of the body and limit the body cavity. This tissue
is found throughout most body.Jaringan surface epithelium lining the outer layer of
the body is called epithelium, epithelial tissue that limits the body cavity called
mesotelium and the epithelial tissue that limits the organ called the endothelium.
Epithelial tissue consists of cells that condense and are held together tight. At the
apical surface (top) have several types of epithelial microvilli (protrusion from the
cell surface that looks like a finger) or cilia. Basal surface (bottom) binding to
epithelial tissue network tie. Epithelial tissue and connective tissue underneath are
connected the basic membrane and the lamina basalis retikularis. Epithelial tissue
has a variety of functions, including protect the underlying tissues from damage and
transport of substances inter-network or the separation cavity. In addition, the
network epithelium of the digestive tract published various kinds of enzymes. Based
on the structure, epithelial tissue was divided into three kinds, namely:
· Epithelium flat, shaped like a flat layer, round nucleilocated in the middle.
· Epithelial stem (cylindrical), shaped like a rod, round nuclei located at the bottom
of the cell.
· Epithelium cubes, shaped like a cube, round nuclei, largelocated in the middle.
Based on the constituent layers, epithelial tissue was divided into
several types, namely as follows:
1. A fine Pipih epithelial
Thin layer of epithelial tissue prepared by a layer of cells that form flat. Cells in a
layer of flattened epithelial tissue is very tightly structured.Location: a flat
epithelium layer of epithelial tissue found in lymph vessels (lymph nodes), capillary
blood vessels, heart wrapping membrane, lungs,kidney, and stomach lining.
Function: This network function in the process of diffusion, osmosis, filtration, and
2. Many epithelial Pipih Layer
Flat-coated epithelial tissue composed of many more than one cell flat
shaped. Cells in epithelial tissue and flat-lined lot very tightly structured.
Location: a flat epithelium-lined networks are scattered on the network
epithelium oral cavity, nasal cavity, esophagus, feet, and vagina. Function:
The function of this network is as protectors.
3. A fine Cylindrical epithelium
Cylindrical layer of epithelial tissue prepared by a layer of cells that form
cylindrical. location: The network is present in the digestive gland
epithelium, tuft intestine, gall bladder, stomach (ventrikulus), and colon
(intestinum).Function: Network epithelium functions to absorb nutrients in
the gut and secretion.

4. Many Layer
Cylindrical epithelium Cylindrical layered epithelial tissue composed of
many more than one silindria shaped cell layers. Location: The network is
present in epithelial tissue of the larynx, pharynx, trachea, and salivary
glands. Function: Network layered cylindrical epithelium in the secretion of
many functions and as a protector.

5. A fine epithelial Cube Layer of epithelial tissue cubes prepared by a layer

of cells that form cube. Location: The network is present in ovarian surface
epithelium, lens of the eye, kidney nephron, and the thyroid gland.
Function: Network epithelial layer of the cube functions in secretion and as
6. Many epithelial Cube Layer Layered epithelial tissue cube composed by
many more than one layer cube-shaped cells. Location: The network is
present in ovarian follicle epithelium, the surface ovary, testis, channels oil
glands, and sweat glands in the skin. Function: Network epithelium-lined
cube many functions in the secretion and absorption, and protect from
friction and peeling.
7. Transitional epithelium
Transitional epithelial tissue composed of multiple layers of cells. This
network can not be grouped by shape because of the network epithelial
transition may be changed and the surface layers can be inflated. Location:
Network transition epithelium present in the ureter epithelium, urethra,
respiratory tract, and bladder.

8. Epithelial glands
Glandular epithelial tissue is a specialized epithelial tissue role in the
secretion of compounds to help the physiological process. Compounds
secreted in the cell stored in the form of granules of secretion. Gland can be
classified into two groups, namely gland endocrine and exocrine glands. An
endocrine gland that has no dead ends channel. The results of endocrine
secretion directly into the circulatory system blood. The resulting
compounds called hormones. Examples of endocrine glands is the thymus
gland, adrenal gland, parathyroid glands, and glands thyroid. Exocrine
gland is a secretory gland through the channel special. This gland helps
metebolisme and communication. Examples of exocrine glands that helps
metabolize the salivary glands, sweat glands, and pancreas. Examples of
exocrine glands that play a role go round in pheromone communication.

1. Epithelial Pipih A fine

2. Many epithelial Pipih Layer
3. Cylindrical epithelium A fine
4. Many Layer Cylindrical epithelium
5. A fine epithelial Cube
6. Many epithelial Cube Layer
7 Transitional epithelium
8. Epithelial glands

Connective tissue network that is most numerous in net of body tie in
developing mesenchyme derived from the mesoderm (middle layer of the
embryo). Forms of cells that make up the network belt has various
functions, namely to support and strengthen the other networks, protect
organs, store energy, form the body structure (bone), and arrange the
circulation system. Consists of connective tissue matrix and cells making up
tissue. Matrix Is the basic ingredient where something is attached. Matrix
consists of the fibers and raw materials. Binding fibers to the matrix fill
cavity between the cells that will form a network. Network supporting
connective tissue function. The matrix consists of several types of fiber the
collagen fibers, elastin fibers and reticular fibers. Collagen fibers Having a
strong character, low flexibility, but the gap is high, composed of collagen
fibers kalogen proteins. Protein many contained in the body that is about
25% of the total protein. Fiber present in bone tendon and skin. Elastin
fibers Memilikio high elasticity properties, composed of mokopolisakarida
and a protein called elastin. Gliko elastin protein surrounded by a is
contained in hibrilin and blood vessels, and membrane legamen Larin

Reticular fibers Possess low flexibility, ukuranya thinner than fibers

composed of collagen and collagen coated by gliko protein. Fiber serves to
bind a connective tissue with other tissue. Reticular fibers found in the
liver, spleen and lymph nodes. Cells of connective tissue Connective tissue
consists of several types of sl. These cells are in matrix and are responsible
for the fibers and raw materials. Some examples of connective tissue cells
are as follows. Fibrolas Is the connective tissue cells that form fibers and
serves to secrete the protein. In the connective tissue, mesenchyme cells
differentiate fibrolas forming a matrix. Fat cell Cells are specialized to store
fat. A tissue fat tissue is called, if there is an abundance of fat cells. Fat cell
easily distinguished if it has been stockpiling since the previous fat cells
fibrolas like. Plasma cells Plasma cells can be found in abundance under
wet epithelial membrane, for example in the digestive tract and breathing.
These cells produce antibodies specific for antigens (foreign protein).
Macrophages Is a connective tissue cell shape changes. Cells specialized
macrophages to phagocytosis that these cells actively take

waste substances, dead cells and bacteria. Macrophages are near blood
vessels. Tues pole Tues pole function produces heparin and histamine.
Heparin is an anticoagulant of the polysaccharide. While histamine is a
substance released by mast cells degranulasi as a reaction to the
appropriate antigen. Heparin functions in blood clotting Connective tissue
network called supporters. Connective tissue consists of various types,
including the following: 1. Loose Tie Network Loose connective tissue
characterized largely composed of matrix that contains collagen fibers,
reticular, and elastin. This network consists of several cells, like
macrophages, plasma cells, mast cells, and fat cells. Loose connective tissue
wrapping function (support) body organs and parts connecting other
networks. Network This is in mesentrium (the lining of the abdominal
organs linked the abdominal cavity), under the mucosal epithelium of the
digestive tract, wrapping blood vessels, nerve axons, and the subcutaneous
layer of skin. 2. Solid Tie Network Dense connective tissue characterized by
a dense arrangement of fibers and cell number decreased. This network is
dominated by collagen fibers. In between the collagen fibers are fibroblasts
cells. Tissue properties solid is not elastic. Dense connective tissue serves to
connect between a single organ with the other organs. Dense connective
tissue composed of two types, namely: First, regular dense connective
tissue found in ligaments and tendon. Tendons are the connecting tissue
between the muscles with bone, while ligaments that connect the bone
tissue with bone. Second, dense connective tissue disorder found in
wrapping bone and dermis layer of the skin. 3. Fat tissue (adipose) Fat
tissue is composed of fat cells that do not form serst-interseluler fiber or
matrix, but is specialized for accumulation of fat. Fat tissue derived from
mesenchyme cells. This network serves as a cushion to protect the organs
mechanically from impact, as a reserve supply of food, and as a regulator
heat in ways that help maintain body temperature, especially in infants
new born. Fat tissue found in all parts of the body, namely the under the
skin around the joints, and around the internal organs such as the kidneys
and heart. 4. Tulang Rawan Network Basic materials cartilage tissue
contains a complex protein-carbohydrate known as kondromukoid. Prone
bone cell kondrosit called, works to synthesize the matrix. Cartilage in
children develop from mesenchyme cells. Mesenchyme cells are forming the
fibers and the solid matrix. Each mesenchyme cells form a matrix layer
around it, so wrapped up in small spaces called lacunae. In adults, cartilage
tissue derived from the lining of the bone vulnerable (perikondrium). If the
cartilage continues to grow and develop, the number of inter-cell matrix will
increase, thus pushing the cells separated away from each other. Based on
the content of matrix compounds, cartilage tissue can be grouped into
three, namely as follows: Hyaline cartilage Hyaline cartilage is white and
transparent blue. In hyaline cartilage matrix in the concentration of fibers
that have the power high elasticity. Hyaline cartilage is the cartilage most
many in the body, but the weakest of the cartilage others. At this stage
human embryos, hyaline cartilage is the framework temporary body.
Whereas, in adults, this tissue was found in sternum, and respiratory tract.
Elastic cartilage In the matrix of elastic cartilage found in elastin fibers
colored yellow and the perikondrium. Elastin fibers are functioning provide
flexible resources and support networks. Elastic cartilage found in embryos,
larynx, external ear, epiglotis, and ears. Cartilage fibroblasts In the
cartilage matrix of collagen fibers in fibroblasts. Matrix on fibroblasts
cartilage dark and cloudy. This network cartilage tissue is the most
powerful that it serves as patron and supporters network. Cartilage tissue
fibroblasts are the inter-bone hubungsn vertebrae (back bones) and
5. True Bone tissue Bone tissue prepared by bone cells called osteosit.
Osteosit formed from osteoblasts. Osteoblasts are the cells of berasl
fibroblasts and participate in bone formation. Basic unit of bone called
Havers system. Havers system composed of lamella, lacuna, kanalikuli, and
Havers channels. Lamela Lamela is a matrix of concentric layers of salt
mineral and collagen fibers. Mineral salt works to make the bone become
hard. Functional collagen fibers to make strong bones. Lacunae is a small
space between the lamella in which contains osteosit. Kanalikuli is a
channel that serves to channel the food and excrete the rest. Havers
channels Havers channels containing blood vessels and nerves. In the
channel There Havers Volkman channels, namely channel connecting the
two Havers channels. Bone is a very tough organ. Constituent compounds is
calcium chloride (CaCl2), calcium phosphate (Ca2PO4), magnesium chloride
(MgCl2), barium chloride (BaCl2), and barium sulfate (BaSO4). Bone
function as a means of movement, backers of the body, where the muscles
attach, and protect organs are soft. Differences of bone cells grown in the
bone cartilage adults have experienced mineralization. Mineralization is a
process changes in the preparation of organic material into inorganic
material. Minerals very high concentration in the bone is calcium and
phosphate. Based on the structure, the bone is divided into two groups,
namely compact bone and bone spongiosa. Compact bone is bone that is not
has a cavity, whereas bone spongiosa (spongy bone) is a bone who have
cavities. 6. Blood tissue Network of blood could be called a specialized
connective tissue formed from free cells and a liquid matrix (plasma). Blood
cells developed and entered into the bloodstream as cells are fully formed.
Function of blood tissue saris carrying food, hormones, oxygen, and the
remnants of metabolism, and prevent infection. Network consists of blood
erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets, and plasma. Erythrocytes (red blood
cells) Shaped like a plate of erythrocytes bikonkaf (biconcave) with a
diameter of approximately 8 μm. Erythrocytes do not have a nucleus of the
cell (nucleus). Erythrocyte cytoplasm contains a protein called hemoglobin.
Hemoglobin binds with oxygen to form oxyhemoglobin. If the oxygen
content of a network lower body than the oxygen content in the lungs,
oxyhemoglobin will be broken so that the oxygen released for use in the
process of cell metabolism. Hemoglobin also plays an important role for
transport carbon dioxide from tissue to the lungs. Leukocytes (white blood
cells) Leukocytes have a nucleus and does not contain hemoglobin.
Movement is done leukocytes amuboid movement. Based granules (pellets)
in the cytoplasm, leukocytes are divided into two types, namely: ·
Granulocytes, leukocytes have a granule protein in the cytoplasm.
Granulocytes up 60-70% of the total leukocytes. Granulocytes consist of
neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils. · Agranulosit, the leukocytes that do
not have granules in the cytoplasm. Agranulosit consisting of lymphocytes
and monocytes. Platelets (platelets) Platelet-shaped plate with a diameter of
2-4 μm. Within numerous granules of platelets, but there is no nucleus.
Platelets helps stop bleeding due to damage to the vessel blood. Plasma The
liquid part of blood and a solution containing electrolytes and proteins
called plasma. Plasma protein consists of albumin, globulin, and fibrinogen.
In addition, plasma also contains some dissolved substances, such as
substance food, hormones, and factors of blood clotting. 7. Lymph tissue
(lymph nodes) There lymph tissue-organ like padaorgan thymus, lymph
nodes, tonsils, and spleen. Consist of lymph tissue cells and reticular fibers
which became the framework for supporting the pile of lymphocytes and
macrophages. In body parts of some, lymphocytes tend to group into one
the concentration of so-called nodulus. Nodulus can be found in the tonsils,
spleen, thymus, and widely dispersed throughout the digestive tract.
FIGURES AND matrix cells making up the connective tissue: 1. Matrix and
cells making up the connective tissue
2. Collagen fibers

3. Elastin fibers
4. Reticular fibers


1. loose connective tissue.

2. Fat tissue (adipose)

3. CartilageNetwork

4. Bone tissue True

5. Blood tissue

6. Lymph tissue (lymph nodes)

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