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Waste Disposal The Journey

From Point of Use







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Types of Waste ............................................................................................... 3


Point of Generation ......................................................................................... 4


Special Waste ................................................................................................. 7


Final Disposal ................................................................................................. 8

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1. 1.)
1. Types of Waste

Waste is expected to be generated in six main categories. These are traditionally

allocated a particular coloured bag to identify what they are. These are as follows:-



'Mast", whkh requlre-s dispo$i11 by indn"'mtkm

Indio:cltivO' trO'atment/dispoS.ll rO'quired is in,:ineration in



sUit.,bly permitted Qr licensf'd

!1M)' be "treatetr
Indicati'lf' treatment/disposal required is to be "rendered safe in a suitably F,errnitted or
licensed b:illty, lt5UaUy .dternatlvt' outment plants (ATPs)). HoweVer this waste may
also be disposed of by j nclnen triOIl.



Cytol':})dc a.nd cytO$tatk wllisle

Indicative treatmenUdisposal required is incineration ill ,1 sUiLlbly permitted or Ikensed



Offensive/hygiene wllste"

Illdicath{O' treatmo-ntldispos.\1 required is landfill in ,\ suitably pO'rmitted or

licensed site. This.vaste sh,:;,uld not be cornp.1cted in unlkemed/pemlltted

Domestic (mu nidpal) vnste

Minimum tr~J.tmenUd~pc>s.ll requil.:d is landfill in J. suitably I:,.:rmitted or

licensI'Xj site. Re.:yclable e.;::.mponents should be r':lnoved through segreg<:ttion.

ClearlopJ.qlle re(eptJ.d~$ may alsl) be used for domestic w.J.ste.

jNhite j

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2. Point of Generation

CLINICAL WASTE (That needing incineration). This will be generated

in all clinical areas. It will be placed into item HOL006 BIN WASTE which should
have yellow coloured bags.

The waste may also be sorted in Dirty Utility areas

where it will be taken from used procedure trolleys. Full bages of Clinical Waste will
then be held in DISPOSAL HOLD rooms that are available in all departments and

From here the CLINICAL WASTE bags will be collected by FM portering

services and taken, via the FM lifts, in designate waste trolleys to the waste holding

From here the waste will be incinerated in accordance with the local

schedule of incineration.

CLINICAL WASTE (That can be treated). This will be generated in all

clinical areas. It will be placed into item HOL006 BIN WASTE which should have
orange coloured bags. The waste may also be sorted in Dirty Utility areas where it
will be taken from used procedure trolleys. Full bages of Clinical Waste will then be
held in DISPOSAL HOLD rooms that are available in all departments and Wards.
From here the CLINICAL WASTE bags will be collected by FM portering services
and taken, via the FM lifts, in designate waste trolleys to the waste holding

From here the waste will be taken away by an approved "Waste

Treatment Contractor" to be disposed of. However this waste can be incinerated in

accordance with the local schedule of incineration if no local waste treatment
contractor is available.

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No Cytotoxic waste is expected to be generated on these sites.

OFFENSIVE/HYGIENE WASTE - (includes items such as disposable

baby nappies and femine sanitary towel). The bins HOl9000 & HOl003 provided in
designate staff or female WC's.

This type of waste is also generated in Nappy

Change rooms. Both types of waste should be emptied into appropriatley coloured
sacks to be carried on Domestic Cleaning staff work trolleys during their regular
cleaning rounds. When cleaning round is completed the appropriately coloured bag
will be sealed and placed in the local DISPOSAL HOLD room.

From here the

OFFENSIVE/HYGIENE WASTE bags will be collected by FM portering services and

taken, via the FM lifts, in designate waste trolleys to the waste holding compond.
From here the waste will be taken away by an approved "Waste Disposal
Contractor" and treated (if necessary) to an appropriate landfill site. Waste could
also be taken to a municipal incineration site for processing.

GENERAL WASTE - (includes general paper and other waste).


bins HOl004 & HOl006 provided in all areas should be emptied into appropriatley
coloured sacks to be carried on Domestic Cleaning staff work trolleys during their
regular cleaning rounds.

When cleaning round is completed the appropriately

coloured bag will be sealed and placed in the local DISPOSAL HOLD room. From
here the GENERAL WASTE bags will be collected by FM portering services and
taken, via the FM lifts, in designate waste trolleys to the waste holding compond.
From here the waste will be taken away by a "Waste Disposal Contractor" to an
appropriate landfill site. Waste could also be taken to a municipal incineration site
for processing.

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IWhite I
AMALGAM WASTE (as generated in Dental Units). This waste will be
dealt with by separation in the dental suction unit system. The collection units will
be emptied periodically by the Dental Technician and placed in a marked white bag.
This will be taken to the disposal hold room in the dental department where it will be
collected for appropriate recycling by a local recycler by the FM portering service.

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3. Special Waste


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RADIOACTIVE WASTE (generated in the Nuclear Medicine suite). A

designate radioactive waste bin is provided (BIN025) which is lead lined. Waste is
taken by Clinical staff to the appropriate disposal hold room within the department.
This room is secure and is only accessible by authorised persons. The Radioactive
Waste should be taken from this room by a licensed radioactive waste disposal




SHARPS WASTE (Needles and used glass ampuoles). This will be

generated in all clinical areas.

It will be placed into yellow coloured rigid plastic

disposable bins held in item HOL020 HOLDER, sharps bins. The plastic bins, when
full, will be taken to DISPOSAL HOLD rooms that are available in all departments
and Wards.

From here the bins will be collected by FM portering services and

taken, via the FM lifts, in designate waste trolleys to the waste holding compond.
From here the waste will be incinerated in accordance with the local schedule of

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4. Final Disposal
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A central waste compound will be the main collection point for all forms of waste
generated by the hospital - Sharps clinical waste; clinical waste (infectious);
hazardous waste; domestic; confidential and re-cycle-able. The estates department
also require an area for electrical and estates generated waste. The external waste
compound will accommodate the following equipment:




Cardboard Bailer

Safe storage of 60 bins/820Kg capacity 770 Litres bins










requirements/regulation/opportunity. The area will be accessible for vehicles of all

sizes re various collections. The total external collection area will be secure with
fence and controlled entrance.
All waste will be secured in a dedicated area within all wards and departments. All
waste collections will be via service corridors / dedicated FM lifts. A central waste
compound for all waste types, appropriately segregated and secured is provided.
Further details of waste management is given in Operational Policy No 18 - Facilities

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