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: STAIN Bengkulu

Program Studi

: Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Mata Pelajaran

: Writing III


: Argumentative Essay


: C/IV


: 1-2

Alokasi Waktu: 2 x 50 menit


Standar Kompetensi

Mengungkapkan makna teks tulis essai sederhana dan kompleks dalam konteks kehidupan


Kompetensi Dasar

Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika dengan bahasa tulis yang lancar,
akurat, dan berterima dalam essai yang berbentuk argumentatif.


Siswa dapat:
1. Mengidentifikasi struktur umum (organisasi) dari essai argumentatif.
2. Menggunakan kata dengan tepat dalam essai argumentatif.
3. Menulis kalimat dengan struktur yang tepat dan dapat membuat thesis

4. Menggunakan mekanik dengan benar meliputi penggunaan tanda baca, ejaan,

dan sebagainya.
5. Menemukan topik yang sesuai dengan essai argumentatif


6. Membuat paragrap awal dengan benar.


Materi Ajar

: Terlampir


Metode Pembelajaran

: Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC)


Langkah-Langkah Pembelajaran
A. Kegiatan Awal
1) Salam dan tegur sapa
2) Berdoa
3) Guru memeriksa kehadiran siswa.
4) Guru menjelaskan topik yang akan dibahas
5) Guru menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran
6) Guru menjelaskan pentingnya pembelajaran
7) Guru membagi kelompok


Kegiatan Inti
1. Basal-Related Activities
1) Guru memberikan materi (pengertian, tujuan, dan struktur umum essai
argumentatif) (terlampir hal. 4-9)
2) Guru menjelaskan materi.
3) Guru dan siswa mendiskusikan materi dan menemukan topic-topik/isu-isu yang

sesuai (the hottest issues).

2. Direct Instruction in Reading Comprehension
1) Guru memberikan sebuah essai lengkap (tapi lebih ditekankan pada introduction).
2) Siswa membaca essai tersebut dalam kelompok
3) Siswa berdiskusi tentang apa yang mereka baca dan menjawab pertanyaan,
sementara guru berkeliling dan membantu jika siswa kesulitan (terlampir hal.10)
4) Semua kelompok menyampaikan hasil diskusi.


3. Integrated Language Arts and Writing

1) Guru meminta siswa untuk mengoreksi essay yang diberikan (correct punctuation
and capitalization, vocabularies, and grammar). (terlampir hal.10)
2) Guru meminta siswa untuk menulis kalimat-kalimat dengan benar (correct
punctuation and capitalization, vocabularies, and grammar).
3) Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat paragraph awal berdasarkan topik yang
C. Kegiatan Akhir
1) Guru menyimpulkan materi yang telah disampaikan
2) Siswa bertanya tentang materi yang belum dipahami.
3) Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi kegiatan pembelajaran yang telah berlangsung.
4) Guru dan siswa membuat rencana untuk pertemuan selanjutnya.
5) Salam penutup dari guru.

VII. Media dan Sumber Belajar:

1. Media: LCD Proyektor
2. Sumber Belajar
a. Oshima Alice and Ann Hogue. 2006. Writing Academic English, Third

Edition. London and New York: Longman.

b. Smalley L. Regina, Mary K Ruetten, and Joann Rishel Kozyrev. 2001.

Refining Composition Skills Rhetoric and Grammar. Australia: Heinle &

Heinle Thomson Learning.

VIII. Penilaian

Jenis Penilaian

: Formatif



: Memantau kemajuan belajar dan memberikan umpan balik

kepada peserta didik berdasarkan hasil pantauan


: Pengamatan, hasil kerja siswa

Fokus Penilaian

: Proses dan capaian hasil kerja siswa

Output Penilaian

: Catatan






Tindak Lanjut

: Pemberian tugas tambahan bagi siswa yang belum







pengembangan bagi siswa yang telah memenuhi standar

kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar

: terlampir (hal. 10-12)

Lampiran (Materi):
The definition and purpose:
1. According to Oshima (2006: 142) an argumentative essay is an essay in which you agree
or disagree with an issue, using reasons to support your opinion. Your goal is to convince
your reader that your opinion is right. Argumentation s a popular kind of essay question
because it forces students to think on their own: they have to take a stand on an issue,
support their stand with solid reasons, and support their reasons with solid evidence.
2. Macdonald and Macdonald (1996: 388) state that the argumentative essay is designed to
focus on controversial issues, particularly ones frequently and recently in the public eye.
3. Smalley, Ruetten, and Kozyrev (2001: 282) state that an argumentative essay is one that
attempts to change the readers mind, to convince the reader to agree with the point of
view or opinion of the writer. The kind of issue can be argued logically is one based on an
opinion that can be supported by evidence such as facts, examples, and the opinion of
experts or logical reasoning. The purpose of an argumentative essay is to convince the
reader that your position s the better one.
4. An argumentative essay is your opinion about a topic that are have been made from the
given evidence and supporting proof. Moreover, in this kind of essay, we not only give
information but also present an argument with the PROS (supporting ideas) and CONS
(opposing ideas) of an argumentative issue. we should clearly take our stand and write as

if we are trying to persuade an opposing audience to adopt new beliefs or behavior. the
primary objective is to persuade people to change beliefs that many of them do not want
to change.
5. An argumentative essay consists of offering a chosen concept (preferably a controversial
one, which may be interesting and challenging for readers), stating the writers opinions
concerning the topic (either supporting or disclaiming them), and finally making
conclusions towards the concept and the writers arguments concerning it summarized.
6. What for we write an essay: In general, it will give you practice in the process of clear
and logical reasoning. And it also will make you a better thinker.

Elements of arguments:
The writer or argument should be sure to include each of the following elements:
1. Thesis: the writer should clearly present his main idea, expressing his stand on the issue
he is addressing.
2. Supporting evidence: the writer should supply statements or data sufficient to persuade
the reader of the correctness of his stand.
3. Recognition of objections: the writer must show the reader that he is aware of the
arguments generally made against his stand.
4. Answer the objections: the writer must invalidate the objections he has recognized by
showing that they are either false (refutation) or, though true, less significant that his
supporting evidence (concession).
The outline of argumentative essay:



Body paragraphs


Organization of argumentative essay:

We can use a point-by-point pattern to organize an argumentative essay.
They are:

Explanation of the issue, including a summary of the other sides arguments
Thesis statement


A. Statement of the other sides first argument and rebuttal with your own
B. Statement of the other sides second argument and rebuttal with your own
C. Statement of the other sides third argument and rebuttal with your own



may include a summary of your point of view

Organization: All argumentative topics have PROs and CONs. Before starting writing, it is
imperative to make a list of these ideas and choose the most suitable ones among them for
supporting and refuting.
There are three possible organization patterns:
Pattern 1:
Thesis statement:
PRO idea 1
PRO idea 2
CON(s) + Refutation(s)

Pattern 2:
Thesis statement:
CON(s) + Refutation(s)
PRO idea 1
PRO idea 2

Pattern 3:
Thesis statement:
CON idea 1



CON idea 2




CON idea 3




Meeting 2:
Introduction paragraph
This question/matter/subject can be looked at from several points of views.
This problem should be considered in relation to . . . .
State a strong, Firm opinion
e.g.: There is no doubt that woman are more intelligent than men . . . .
I believe that by the year 2000, every home will have a computer . . . .
Address the reader directly
e.g.: Have you ever considered . . . .?
Has it ever occurred to you that computers will one day organize your life?


Start with the problem that needs a solution

e.g.: More and more species are becoming extinct . . . .
As time passes, our lives will be controlled by computers.

Meeting 2
Why Women Should Not Have an Abortion
Many women in the entire world have abortions. Women believe there are many reasons to
abort such as of having or raising a child, rape, or not having enough money. But whatever
the situation, there is never an acceptable reason to get an abortion. Although some people
may say that abortion is possible to do, here are some important reasons why women should
not abort have to do with human values, religious values, and values of conscience.
The first reason why women should not have an abortion is related to basic human values.
Women need to think about their unborn babies who are not responsible for this situation.
These unborn babies should have the privilege to live and grow into a normal person. Women
need to be humanitarian and less egoistic with these babies. On the other hand, the baby
doesnt know how or why he is here. It is not necessary to kill a life; there are many other
solutions to resolve this problem short of abortion.


The second reason why women should not abort has to do with religious values. In almost all
religions, a woman is not permitted to have an abortion. If they do, their religious will punish
them. In some religions, for example, a woman cannot take communication after having an
abortion, and before taking communication again, she must do many things as a form of
penitence. In whatever religion, abortion is punished and for this reason, women should not
Finally, the third and most important reason why women should not abort is the related to her
conscience. When a woman has an abortion, she will always think about the baby she might
have had. She will always believe about the future that could have happened with her baby
which will always remind her that she killed it. Because she has had an abortion, she will
never have a good life, and her conscience will remind her of what she had done. Because a
woman who has an abortion cant forget about what she has done, these thoughts will always
be with her, and the results can be calamitous.
In conclusion, there are many reasons why women should not have an abortion such as
human values, religious values, and values of conscience. The truth is that women need to
think about the consequences that can occur before having sexual relations. I think that the
effects of an abortion can be very sad for everyone involved, both for the women who has the
abortion and for the family who lives with her.
Sub-ordinate conjunction: Although, though, even though, while, whereas, and etc.

Assignment (Meeting 1):

1. Identify the organization of an argumentative essay
1. Identify the organization of this essay,Why Women should not have an
Abortion (introduction, body paragraph(s) and conclusion)
2. Identify thesis statement
2. Correct the punctuation and capitalization!


why women should not have an abortion

Many women in the entire world have abortions. Women believe there are many reasons to
abort such as of having or raising a child, rape, or not having enough money, But whatever
the situation, there is never an acceptable reason to get an abortion. although some people
may say that abortion is possible to do, here are some important reasons why women should
not abort have to do with human values, religious values, and values of conscience?
The first reason why women should not have an abortion is related to basic Human Values.
Women need to think about their unborn babies who are not responsible for this situation.
These unborn babies should have the privilege to live and grow into a normal person. Women
need to be humanitarian, and less egoistic with these babies. On the other hand, the baby
doesnt know how or why he is here. It is not necessary to kill a life: there are many other
solutions to resolve this problem short of abortion.


The second reason why women should not abort has to do with Religious values. In almost
all religions: a woman is not permitted to have an abortion. If they do, their religious will
punish them. In some religions, for example. a woman cannot take communication after
having an abortion, and before taking communication again, she must do many things as a
form of penitence. In whatever religion, abortion is punished and for this reason, women
should not abort.
Finally, the third and most important reason why women should not abort is the related to her
Conscience. When a woman has an abortion, she will always think about the baby she might
have had. She will always believe about the future that could have happened with her baby
which will always remind her that she killed it. Because she has had an abortion, she will
never have a good life, and her conscience will remind her of what she had done. Because a
woman who has an abortion cant forget about what she has done, these thoughts will always
be with her and the results can be calamitous.
In conclusion, there are many reasons why women should not have an abortion such as
human values; religious values; and values of conscience. The truth is that women need to
think about the consequences that can occur before having sexual relations. I think that the
effects of an abortion can be very sad for everyone involved, both for the women who has the
abortion, and for the family who lives with her.

2. Write five sentences by using the correct punctuation and capitalization, vocabulary
and grammar!
1. __________________________________________
2. __________________________________________
3. __________________________________________
4. __________________________________________
5. __________________________________________

3. Homework:
Find out the hottest issues that you are interested in.


Assignment (Meeting 2):

1. Write three sentences consisting of co-ordinate conjunction!
1. _______________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________

2. Write an introduction paragraph based on your topic consisting of the issue

(including a summary of the other sides arguments) and thesis statement.

Readability test

Write an argumentative essay about 350 words consisting of introduction, body paragraph(s), and
the conclusion. Your essay will be evaluated based on five elements of writing namely:
mechanics, content, organization, grammar, and vocabulary.

The questions for the instruction are:


Do you understand about this instruction?



Give your opinions, if you can not understand this instruction!

Give your suggestions, if you think this instruction is not clear!


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