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TP-CASTT Title- clues the title gives

Paraphrase- basic plot or meaning

Connotation- figurative meaning, “meat”
of story, characterization, irony, point of
Attitude- tone, word choice
Symbols- what do they add to
Title- look again, meaning? Symbol?
Theme- author’s message
Speech Concepts
Denotation Dictionary meaning of a word
Connotation Personal meanings people attach to a
Communication model

Sender Receive
(Encodes) r


Communication  Non-verbal – tone, body language

 Verbal – using written word
 Speech – transmitting words with

Speech communication • Intrapersonal – inward talking you

do w/ yourself
• Interpersonal – communication w/
2 or more people

Speech Writing
Choose topic  Limit, be specific

Define purpose  General – what you intend to achieve

• Inform, persuade, entertain,
demonstrate, etc.
 Specific – goal, 1 major idea

Thesis  Sentence, shares important idea &

major sub points
 Guides in development

Support thesis  Facts, opinions, examples, anecdotes

(brief amusing story), stats,
comparisons, definitions,
descriptions, quotes

Types of organizational patterns  Chronological – in order

 Spatial – where, locations
 Topical – main points in logical order

Developing main points  Work for unity

 Transitions
 Repetition
 Parallel structure
 Restatement of thesis
 Closing statement

Planning intro  Attention getter

 Develop interest
 State thesis

Intro techniques  Startling statements

 Rhetorical question
 Anecdote (story)
 Quotes
 Personal reference
 Audiovisual

Literary Terms
Symbol  material object representing
something immaterial

Theme  Overall message the author is trying

to convey
 1 word or phrase
 Used to state specific theme of
 No character names or specific

Plot  Storyline – plan, scheme, or main

story of a literary or dramatic work

Tone  particular quality, way of sounding,

modulation, or intonation of the voice
as expressive of some meaning

Irony  technique of indicating intention or

attitude opposite to what is actually

Setting  Surroundings of environment of


Dramatic irony  Reader knows more than character

Antagonist  Person who opposes hero (bad guy)

Protagonist  Main character, hero

Satire  use of irony, sarcasm, ridicule, etc. in

exposing, denouncing, or deriding
vice, folly, etc.

Metaphor  Comparison w/o using like or as

Paradox  Statement that seem contradictory

but is actually true

Foreshadowing  Hints to an upcoming event

Frame tale structure  narrative technique w/ introductory

main story for setting the stage or
a set of shorter stories, each of which
is a story within a story

Iambic pentameter  Line of 10 syllables w/ 5 beats


Heroic couplet  stanza w/ 2 rhyming lines in iambic


Parallel structure  comparing items or ideas in a sentence

using the same grammatical pattern
Chorus  Dancers and singers in Greek drama

Comedy  Light & humorous dramatic work,

usually has happy resolution of
thematic conflict

Tragedy  Serious drama, main character

usually important & heroic – meets w/

Soliloquy  Longer speech when character is

alone & speaks to himself

Beast fable  Used to comment satirically on

contemporary issues

Mock epic  Form of satire that threats trivial

subject on heroic plane
 Lowly characters contrast elevated
 References to famous people

Epic  Poem in elevated or dignified

language, celebrating the feats of a

Humors of Chaucer  Blood

 Sanguine – amorous, happy,
 Phlegm
 Phlegmatic – dull, pale,
 Black bile
 Melancholic – gluttonous, lazy,
 Yellow bile
 Choleric – violent, vengeful

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