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Dictionary of Slang
33 n
Dictionary of Slang

Here we’ve got some examples of how to say things in different situations.

Situation Formal Relaxed Informal

A baby is crying
That infant child
has tears streaming That baby is crying That kid is bawling
FREE coffee
very loudly in a
public place.
profusely from his
a lot. his eyes out.
with Hot
Your friend is He is completely He’s really mad He’s miffed; He’s
Get a 25% discount
very angry about incensed about and upset. livid; He’s fuming; on your copy of Hot
something. what happened. He’s hopping mad. English, and buy
yourself a coffee with
the change. Buy your
That curious copy of Hot English at
You heard a sound frightened I’m totally freaked the Hot English shop
noise and you are me to the very I’m really scared. out; I’m wiggin’ out, (C/Fernández de los
scared. core. man. (US) Ríos 98, 2A – metro
Moncloa) and pay just
You are convinced 4 euros (retail price
that your employee I believe you have I don’t believe Quit giving me the 5.50). With the 1.50
has been lying to uttered a series of you’re telling me run-around; Be euros you save, you
you and you want to falsehoods. the truth. straight with me. can buy a lovely cup of
confront her about it. coffee and enjoy your
copy of Hot English in
You are very I’m absolutely I’m so hungry; I’m I could eat a horse;
hungry. ravenous for some famished. I’m starving.

She’s up to her
Your friend is very She is totally eyes in work; She’s
busy working. absorbed in her She’s really busy. working flat out;
task. She’s slammed
with work. (US)

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track track
34 36
Dr Fingers’ listening
Error Correction Clinic

Chat-up Lines, Error Correction

& advanced listening
In this section Dr Fingers identifies
and corrects typical errors.

Hear no
evil, speak
no evil.

1 Exercise
Read the following sentences. Can you correct them? Then listen to check.
Answers on page 65.

1. I will be stay in Vienna for a few days.

My throat is swollen.
2. The new bridge had been opened six months ago.
through history
Answers on page 65
3. Take your umbrella; it’ll going to rain.
1 Pre-listening
Make a list of different examples of censorship throughout history.

4. They finally agreed after several lengthening 2 Listening I
discussions. Listen to compare your ideas. Tick off any ideas that are mentioned as you listen.
3 Listening II
5. We don’t have a regular schedule; we meet periodic. Which summary best describes what you have listened to? Listen again and
choose the option for the correct summary.
woman a. The talk is about the changing face of censorship.
b. The talk is about how the Ancient Greeks were the first to
S man

track introduce the idea of censorship.

35 c. The talk is about how controversial Socrates was.
d. The talk is about censorship in the 19th century.
Chat-up Lines / 4 Language focus
Pick-Up Lines (US English) Listen again and complete the sentences.
1. One Greek playwright called Socrates, whom I’m sure you
Here are some classic lines for all have heard of, was...
chatting someone up. 2. He was sentenced to drink poison in 399 BC for ...
1 Do you have a map? I keep 3. This caused a lot of controversy, because it ...
getting lost in your eyes. 4. The pope was so infuriated that after Wycliffe’s death, he
ordered Wycliffe’s bones to be ...
2 Well, here I am. What were your
other two wishes? Look again at the verbs from the sentences above.
3 Was your father an alien? a. convict
Because there is nothing else like b. sentence
you on Earth! c. allow
d. order
4 Excuse me, but I think I What verb patterns follow these verbs?
dropped something. MY JAW! For example, "to be convicted for something".
an alien n 5 Discussion
name is a being who is not from Earth
1. Are there any famous cases of censorship in your country’s
Laura, huh? to drop your jaw exp

Can I call
to be completely shocked about history? When?
you Laura? to call vb 2. What is considered controversial today? Why is it controversial?
Great! What if you “call” someone, you use the
telephone to speak to them. If you
3. Do you think we are still controlled by censorship? Who
time? “call” someone a name, you say they controls what is censored? Give examples.
are that thing

For private language classes, e-mail classes@hotenglishmagazine.com www.hotenglishgroup.com I 55

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