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JAN/FEB 2015

Reverend Kristina M. Collins

Spirit Expressed
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Rev. Kristina M. Collins

January 4
"New Beginnings"
Guest Speaker: Rev. Carol Bliss
January 11
"The Whisper Zone"
Guest Speaker: Rev. Steve Rambo
January 18
"Who Am I?"
January 25
"What is Soul?"
February 1
"What Do I Value?"
February 8
"What is Authentic Power?"
February 15
"What is Love?"
February 22
"The Power of Recognition"

A new year! And so fast! I am

renewing my promises to myself about
living a healthy life! Each January, I like
to review and take steps forward on my
desire to live a passionate, dedicated and
committed life. These are the values that
I realized were important to my life as a
minister while I was in the School of
Ministry over 22 years ago! And yes they
are still right on.
I believe it is powerful for us to sit
quietly at this time of year and consider
what is it that we are dedicated to
expressing. Then to consider what individual qualities this particular year is
about. While we may find that we have
some qualities that I call "umbrella"
values, the steadfast ideals that we are
committed to, like my realization about
Passionate, Dedicated and Committed,
we also may find that particular qualities,
like vibrant living, call to us for expression in a specific year.
Personally, I have been "trying on"
ideas, not rushing to have an answer, as
much as, considering a quality and then
asking myself "How does that feel?"
"What would my life be like if I embraced
this one?" "What goals come naturally

Vision Statement
Mission Statement

out of a dedication to this concept?"

I do this also for the church.
Considering "what is it that we are about
this year?" I believe the Bible is right
when it says "without vision the people
will perish." I notice that when we know
where we are going, we can actually get
there! Why? Because we know the direction we wish to travel in. It seems to
me that we, as a spiritual community,
are being called to a deeper expression
of "Growth."
This means that each of us would
grow deeper Spiritually, Mentally,
Emotionally, Energetically. Expanding in
our expression of the Divine each in our
own way. For some it might actually
mean making changes in life (a career
change or a new home), for some it
might be a deepening spiritual practice,
for some it might mean taking classes in
chosen subjects that will move us in the
direction of our individual vision. When
I realized that I was to aim for ministry,
I found out that I would have four years
of education to complete, as well as
many skills to develop and the first step
was enrolling in a class. Perhaps one of
continued on page 3

We are a vibrant, loving community and an inspirational resource for spiritual awakening and personal growth.

The purpose of this Church shall be to serve as a Spiritual Development Center by making available the knowledge and practice
of Science of Mind to all people, and especially to its members, and to foster their spiritual, cultural and general well-being and to
provide facilities for education, fellowship and public worship.


Wilvesta Morgan Jr., President
As we begin a New Year together, it
is with love and gratitude from the
Board of Trustees, Rev. Kris, Rev.
Carol and our entire Practitioner
Staff that our hearts rejoice in seeing
your happy faces and knowing that
we are together again.
We have held all of you in prayer
during the holiday season. It is great
to see all of you. The Board will be meeting in January to
discuss the budget for the year. This is a very important business matter that establishes the financial goals of our church
for the year.
We are grateful to our community for all of your tithes,
donations, large and small, and of course your time and your
talents. These are the things that help to make our church
the magnificent place that it is. As we end our pledge drive,
Rev. Kris has thanked everyone who made pledges. She has
stated the purpose of our pledge drive. The Board is in total
agreement about its importance in helping to finance the
needs of our Church. We are grateful for all of your support.
Remember, if you still want to make a pledge or desire to
change it, just turn in a 2015 Stewardship Intention Card
to Rev. Kris or Terri at the office.
Our community is a beehive of activity throughout the
year, but we simply outdo ourselves in the month of
December. With so many events going in December, time
just seemed to fly by. I want to digress a bit and mention
two events that were dear to my heart.
1. I certainly enjoyed the series of messages that Rev. Kris
spoke on regarding Christmas and the birth of Jesus. Her
presentation was excellent and I held on to every word. The
messages were well prepared. The tapes of her messages are
certainly worth the cost.
2. What a wonderful afternoon it was for us to have had
the honor to attend our magnificent Christmas Concert on
December 7. Once again, Paula Aghajanian and Mary Ekler
brought their students for an afternoon of superb music.
Wow! What voices, and Paula and Mary were absolutely at
their best. It was an afternoon to remember. How blessed we
were to attend this amazing concert.
From the Board of Trustees, it is with deep honor and
excitement we welcome Leri Smith and Linda Cullerton to
the Board. Leris position is Youth and Family Ministry

Trustee (working with Coordinator, Jill Roberts and Martha

Bass) and Lindas position is trustee, Building and Grounds.
Both of these ladies are well qualified for their positions and
we are certain that they will bring new ideas to the Board.
In our meetings, we encourage everyone to speak on matters
before the Board. Linda has served on the Board before and
as she returns, we know she will be a great asset. Leri has
moved up rapidly in the Church, she has shown outstanding
leadership in many areas and we are certain that she will be
a welcome addition to the Board.
Each time I receive a Spirit Expressed newsletter, I am
so proud to observe the quality and contents. Each persons
article is laid out so well and I thank Pace, the company
that publishes our newsletter for this excellent service that
they bless us with. Thanks to Carl Bennitt, Robbie Bos, and
the Pace staff for this magnificent service they continue to
give us. Words cannot express our most sincere gratitude
for this gift.
To all of you who contribute from the highest to the most
minute task in the production of this newsletter, we salute
all of you. As we stand in total awe, we thank you for this
priceless gift that you give us throughout the year.
To our church community who write articles or
contribute pictures or information in any way for our
newsletter, we are so grateful to all of you. This is why we
make the plea to our congregation to refer to your newsletter
for all information of all events that are given. All of you
work is what makes our family an informed family. We are
so honored by your dedication to our church. Kudos to all
of you.
From the Board of Trustees, Rev. Kris and Rev. Carol, we
are so grateful to Jill Roberts, Martha Bass and Leri Smith
for the excellent work that you do with our youth. Each
Sunday morning when they enter the Sanctuary, they are
so full of energy and anxious to show us the work they have
done. It is also impressive when the teenagers return from
camp and reveal some of the exciting experiences they have
This is an additional contribution that our family reaches
out and support our youth in all of their fund raising events.
Our youth are our future and we certainly want our future
to be absolutely fantastic. To all of our teachers and students,
we love you and will support you all the way.
With a joyous heart,
Wilvesta Morgan, Jr.

January 4
January 11
January 18
January 25
February 1
February 8
February 15
February 22

Mary Ekler
Mary Ekler
Mary Ekler
Sherry Kinison and Mary Ekler
Mary Ekler
Mary Ekler
Paula Aghajanian and Mary Ekler
Mary Ekler

Rev. Dr. Carol Bliss

"If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole
lives would change." Buddha
God creates miracles all the time. Because we live in the
Age of Science, we often forget that miracles abound. We
live in an age of wonder. Our ancestors could have never
imagined the technology that allows us to connect with
people around the world with the tap of a button. One
hundred years ago we were still traveling by horseback. Today
we have become global citizens. As Ernest Holmes reminds
us, we are forever and ever expanding. The belief in miracles
can change everything.
The Old Masters paintings featured angels and holy
beings with golden halos, illustrating miracles and wonders.
Childrens books and fairy tales spoke of the miraculous.
Todays media delivers very different stories. Because belief
is essential to the acceptance of our good, it is vital to

surround ourselves with images, reminders, and the awareness of Gods healing power. Miracles abound in 2015, just
as they did in the times of Jesus, the Renaissance, and the
Buddha. We must saturate our lives with the absolute knowledge that God is real and everywhere present, knowing that
the Divine shows up in the most unexpected ways, in angels
unaware and in our seemingly ordinary, daily lives. God fills
our hearts, our minds, and our lives with the most extraordinary capacity to heal, to imagine, and to transform. Each
one of us is a living miracle. Let us remember the miraculous nature of our lives.
With Gratitude Abounding
Rev. Dr. Carol

By Kellie Mulhern-Davis, President
Greetings from the VISIONS IN PROGRESS service group!
So, a fabulous new year is here! We invite everyone
who has aspirations of being part of something truly
wonderful to join us. We are amazing people who bond
together and create amazing things. Please come and
check out our next meeting on January 4th as we usher
in 2015 with a happy heart!
Last year the Visions In Progress raised over $4,000 for

the needs of our beloved Sanctuary and we also donated to

worthwhile projects in our community!
We will be entertaining the 2015 agenda. We always
benefit when you follow that tug from Spirit that is pulling
you by inspiration to join in the game of lifes great joys!
With love and enthusiasm,
Your President, Kellie Mulhern-Davis


Our Enlightened Mind Bookstore now offers gift certificates! These certificates can be purchased for any amount

Visions & Values cont. from page 1

the classes at church call to you this winter, if so just come.
Showing up is the first step!
As a church it means that we consider how we want to
grow. Are we willing to invite people to come to church and
share our wonderful activities with friends? How do we
continue to develop in ourselves the open and inclusive
qualities that create the loving space people walk into called
"church"? How do we reach out into our communities in a
positive manner? When we meet someone new at church
do we make sure they are greeted in a friendly manner and

and used for anything sold in the bookstore. A great gift idea
for any occasion.

do we ask them to join us at the table in Harmony Hall if

they have the time to stay?
Wonderful opportunities are open to us when we decide
to walk in the direction of Spirit's Vision for our individual
lives and our collective adventures. I invite you to join me
in a year of growth and vibrant living! I am interested in
the qualities that are calling you in your individual life and
invite you to share with me your adventure.
See you at church!
From my heart to yours,

Welcome to a new feature in Spirit Expressed. The
Coordinators Corner is designed to introduce you to each
of the departments previously featured at the annual October
Family Meeting. In each issue, some department coordinators will explain how their area contributes to the success of
our Sanctuary. We hope this provides you with a more indepth understanding of the volunteer opportunities available to all members. If something interests you, please feel
free to contact the specific coordinator to find how you can
participate. All of their names and telephone numbers are
listed on the back page of this newsletter.

Flower Calendar Coordinator

Bridget Muradian
What do you think of our fresh Sunday flowers? Arent
they beautiful? It is so very simple for you to order the flowers
for Sunday Service and then take them home, or pass them
on to a friend or loved one.
When you have a special occasion to celebrate, birthday,
anniversary, graduation or any special occasion that means
a lot to you, just write your name and telephone number
on the Flower Calendar on the bulletin board in Harmony
Hall and then fill out one of the goldenrod flowers sheets
next to the calendar. After you have indicated the occasion
and who the flowers are honoring, I do my job. I contact the
florist and we create something perfect, just for you. The
flowers are only $40.
You can put your name on the calendar anytime during
the year. I love seeing the calendar full of requests.
Thank you for helping to keep our Sanctuary blooming
with beautiful flowers.

Sunday Welcome Coordinator

Terri Thayer, R.Sc.P.
Sunday Welcome is the best way to meet everyone! The
greeters and ushers set the tone for the whole Sunday experience. When we greet people with a big smile and a hug,
whether these are new folks or old friends, they know they
are welcome.
The Sunday Welcome team includes a leader, greeters,
ushers and a hostess. Each leader is responsible for a specific
Sunday in the month. The leaders responsibilities involve

arriving early to set up the Sanctuary, making sure there are

greeters and two ushers to collect the offering and closing
the Sanctuary and lobby after Service is over.
If you want to be able to put a name to the face of
everyone who attends our church, why not commit to being
a greeter one Sunday a month? You will have a great time
while doing something important for all of us.
Please let me know if you have questions or wish to

Kitchen Hospitality Coordinator

Joan Anderson, R.Sc.P.
The Kitchen Hospitality team is in charge of getting food
ready before church, getting it on the tables, and then clean
up. A special thanks to our regular volunteers, Laura Lampys,
Laura Miles, Linda Clark, Agnes Dobos and myself. I also
want to thank Dinah Watson, Cyndi Mulhern, Kelly Davis
and Pam Lloyd for help before and after service. And we
always welcome more assistance. This team loves and nourishes our congregation creating the atmosphere for our
Sunday repass.
All food served is donated by those attending service.
Your gifts of food are always welcome and nourish our
congregation. If you would rather, you can give Laura
Lampys or me money or Smart and Final gift cards (from our
Scrip table), and we will shop for you. We hope you take a
moment to read the white board to see what has been
brought and by who. It is fun to see who has brought what,
and the international flavor of our pot lucks! Thank you to
each of you who have donated food over this last year. A
reminder that the cost of the food is deductible on your
income tax filing, as are all of your monetary donations!
All donations collected in the love offering basket at the
table are used to purchase paper goods (plates, bowls,
napkins, etc), plastic service, and coffee supplies (coffee,
creamer, sugar, stir sticks, etc) not to purchase food. Thanks
to Jim Montgomery for handling this.
We especially welcome help for clean up as we all want
to finish and go on with our day. Special thanks to those that
help out and bring on a regular basis. Talk with Laura Lampys
or me if you want to volunteer or just come into the kitchen,
put on an apron and help.

January Calendar of Events





New Year's

"New Beginnings" Monday Morning
Visions In Progress Miracles
10 a.m.
1 p.m.
"The Whisper Zone"
Tired of Your Offthe-Shelf Life?
Workshop 1:00 p.m.

Monday Morning
10 a.m.

Tai Chi 6:00 pm
Healing Light
7:00 pm

Practitioner I
7:00 pm

Tai Chi 6:00 pm
Healing Light
7:00 pm

Financial Freedom
7 p.m.




Board of Trustees
6:30 p.m.

9:30 a.m.








"Who Am I?"
Sacred Sounds
Workshop 1 p.m.

Monday Morning
Miracles 10 a.m.
Foundation Class
7 p.m.

Foundation Class
1:30 p.m.
Practitioner I
7 p.m.

Tai Chi 6 p.m.

Healing Light
7 p.m.

Financial Freedom
7 p.m.

Movie Night:
"About Time"

Board Budget
3 p.m.


Womens Mini
9 a.m.






"What is Soul?"

Monday Morning
Miracles 10 a.m.
Foundation Class
7 p.m.

Foundation Class
1:30 p.m.
Practitioner I
7 p.m.

Tai Chi 6:00 pm

Healing Light
7:00 pm

Financial Freedom
7 p.m.

February Calendar of Events








"What Do I Value?"
Visions In Progress
Meeting 1 p.m.
Super Bowl 3 p.m.

Monday Morning
Miracles 10 a.m.
Foundation Class
7 p.m.

Foundation Class
1:30 p.m.
Practitioner I
7 p.m.

Financial Freedom
Tai Chi 6:00 pm
Healing Light Service 7 p.m.
7:00 pm

SoM Weekend
7 p.m.

Science of Mind
10 a.m.

"What is Authentic
Signing with Peggy
Workshop 1 p.m.
"What is Love?"
Homeless Dinner

Monday Morning
Miracles 10 a.m.
Foundation Class
7 p.m.
Monday Morning
Miracles 10 a.m.
CSL Leadership

Foundation Class
1:30 p.m.
Practitioner I
7 p.m.

Financial Freedom
Tai Chi 6:00 pm
Healing Light Service 7 p.m.
7:00 pm



CSL Leadership

18 Tai Chi 6 p.m.

CSL Leadership
Ash Wednesday
Service 7 p.m.
CSL Leadership
Financial Freedom
Tai Chi 6:00 pm
Healing Light Service 7 p.m.
7:00 pm

Board of Trustees
6:30 pm

8:30 p.m.




"The Power of
Signing with Peggy
Workshop 1 p.m.

Monday Morning
Miracles 10 a.m.
Foundation Class
7 p.m.

Foundation Class
1:30 p.m.
Practitioner I
7 p.m.




January Birthdays
01/3 Agnes Dobos
01/5 Sharron Clark
01/6 Jack Skove
01/10 Jorge Rodas
01/16 Margo Ricard


Karen Burkey
Linda Cullerton
Gretchen Newton
Nena LaScala
Lora Bennitt


Kim Weathers
Adell Douglas
Karen Piero
Maureen Welch


February Birthdays
02/2 David Kline Lovett
02/9 Ryan Fowler
02/14 Goldeen Picha
02/14 Jane Sudicky

All Church Cleanup
9 a.m.


Corinne Kemp
Luann Stevens
Emanuel Shedrick
Emilie Congleton

Tired of Your Off-the-Shelf Life?

Signing with Peggy

There is more to life than doing what weve always done,

even if we are pleased with what we always get. Join
Practitioner, Terri Thayer to explore possibility, play games,
have prize drawings and go home with information to spice
up or make some changes in your life. Come play on Sunday,
January 11, 1 p.m., Love Offering $30.

Peggy Huber, American Sign Language National

Certificate of Interpretation and Certificate of Transliteration
will teach us how to use American Sign Language for basic
greetings and communication, as well as, signs to the songs
we sing at our celebration service: "Lord, Prepare Me" and
"The Lord's Prayer." Two sessions: February 8 and February
22, 1 p.m. Suggested Love Offering $20 for adults, $5 for children for each session.

Sacred Sound Meditation

Join Sound Healer, Phyllis Douglas on Sunday, January
18, at 1 p.m. for a meditation on sound for mind-body
healing, expanding inner awareness, and spiritual growth!
Benefits of Sound Therapy: Releases "feel good" endorphins
and supports healthy immune system function, nourishes
and feeds the physical and emotional bodies, induces alphatheta brain state, assists in releasing stress, synchronizes
mind-body-heart rhythms, assists in expanding creativity,
vision, and clarity, and leaves one feeling centered and
balanced. Love Offering $20.

Movie Night "About Time"

Join Rev. Kris and Jim for dinner and a movie on Friday
January 23 at 6:30 p.m. Dinner: Home Made Chicken Pot Pie,
Salad, Soup, Dessert. We will see the movie "About Time"
which David and Christy Cohen highly recommended. It is
a story about love and time travel. Can we change or influence our future? Can we make the world a better place by
our actions? Would we change how we are in the present if
we know the future results of our current actions? Suggested
love offering: $15.

Womens Mini Retreat

Our annual retreat will be Saturday, January 31. Theme
this year is: "The Question?" You'll have to attend to find out
what "The Question?" is. Doors will open at 8:30 a.m. for
continental breakfast and we'll end around 4:30 p.m.. Cost
for the day is $25 early bird, and $30 at the door. Fee includes
breakfast, lunch, giveaways, handouts, and ???
We will have our raffle so bring some special items
you no longer need. We will also again have the freebie
table for things that someone else could use. Proceeds
from the day will go to the church and the Cold Weather
Dinner. Questions: See Joan Anderson. Signup Sheet in
Harmony Hall.

Super Bowl Party

Sunday, February 1, our annual Super Bowl Party will
begin at 3 p.m. We gather in Harmony Hall and watch the
game on big screen TV. Come and bring your friends.
Cheer for your favorite team and join the crowd as we
share pot luck.

Science of Mind Weekend

Movie: "The People vs The State of Illusion" will be
shown on Friday, February 6 at 7 p.m. with discussion to
follow. The Science of Mind workshop will be on Saturday,
Feb 7 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This workshop includes
visioning for your individual life and learning the five steps
of Affirmative Prayer. Love Offering $25 for whole weekend
or $10 for Friday/$15 for Saturday. Saturday potluck lunch.

Cold Weather Shelter Dinner

Our congregation has the opportunity to prepare and
serve dinner for the Cold Weather Shelter on Sunday,
February 15. There is room to prepare the meal at our church
and volunteer at St. Martha's to assist with the sign in tables,
showers, work in the clothing room, prepare plates, serve
dinner, and cleanup. This is a great experience that volunteers always enjoy. Volunteer signup sheets will be out midJanuary. You can also help fund this event by purchasing
Scrip for Walmart (Sam's Club) and Smart and Final to use
to purchase food. We will also have a second soup sale
before the event. Any questions please see Laura Lampys or
Joan Anderson.

Ash Wednesday
Please join us at the special Ash Wednesday Healing Light
Service on Wednesday, February 18 at 7:00 p.m.

All Church Cleanup

Join Linda Cullerton and Rev. Kris on Saturday, Feb. 28
at 9 a.m. we will meet for our All Church Cleanup. This is
how we create the beauty of our property and tend to basic
needs of the grounds. We have both inside and outside activities including: kitchen cleaning, checking and replacing
lights in all the rooms, painting fences, power washing the
buildings, minor repairs and all the things it takes to keep
our church home welcoming and a source of inspiration and
pride. We will meet for coffee and directions at 9. Rev. Kris
will provide lunch and we will complete by 2 p.m. Come for
part or all of the day. Your loving attention to our church
keeps us beautiful.

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner
On Friday, March 6, at 6:30 p.m., all volunteers of our
Sanctuary are invited to dinner in Harmony Hall. This is Rev.
Kriss and our Board of Trustees opportunity to say "thank
you" to you for all that you do. There would be no church
without you! Please R.S.V.P. to Terri Thayer at the Church
Daylight Savings Time Begins March 8
Dont forget to "spring forward" on Sunday morning
March 8.
St. Patricks Day Luncheon
We will be celebrating St. Pats on Sunday, March 15
immediately after service. A full, traditional Irish luncheon
is planned, including traditional Irish soup, corned beef and
cabbage, with carrots and onions, of course potatoes, carrotparsnip mash, homemade soda bread and dessert. Suggested
love offering: $15.
Good Friday Service
You are invited to share a special service with The
Practitioners, Ministers and Musicians of our Sanctuary for
Good Friday on Friday, April 3 at 7:30 p.m.
GodSeed Workshop
Join Rev. Kris for an Easter Workshop based on the book,
"GodSeed" by Jean Huston. Use the stories of Jesus' life to
inspire your own transformation from a "child of man" to a

"child of God." This workshop is experiential and uses the

Gospel stories as a path of transformation in your personal
development of of the Christ Consciousness. Saturday, April
4, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Love Offering $25 includes lunch.

Easter Sunday
Rev. Kris, Rev. Carol and our music department have a
very special Celebration Service planned for Easter on Sunday,
April 5. Come for an uplifting service on the true meaning
of Easter.
Easter Brunch
As is our tradition we will have a full Brunch on Sunday,
April 5 after the Easter Service. A love offering to cover the
price of the meal is greatly appreciated.
Ten Feet Off the Ground
The Cohen Family and Friends are back with another
show! "Ten Feet Off the Ground" written by Dad, Tony and
staring Christy, Tony and two friends plus music by David,
promises to be a musical spectacular! Put Sunday, April 19
on your calendar and bring your friends! 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
with intermission, Love Offering of $20. Tickets go on sale
the end of March!
Movie Night
Joan Anderson is hosting a dinner and movie night on
Saturday, April 25. Menu and Movie to be announced. Plan
on joining her at 6:30 p.m. Sign ups will be in April.

Certificated Classes
Foundation Class
Monday Evening or Tuesday Afternoon
By enrolling in this class, you are about to embark upon
a life-changing journey toward greater good! The materials
and class experience will help you embrace practical spirituality for everyday living, while at the same time enhance your
world in an immediate and tangible way. This course presents
a new spiritual principle each week and a spiritual practice
to support the principle. The creative Process is introduced
at the beginning of the class and then flows through each
week, so that you have the opportunity to see and use the
Creative Process at work in each spiritual principle. Each week
also features the writing of one of our Science of Mind "Elders"
as well as one of our contemporaries on the subject at hand.
These include Dr. William Hornaday, Dr. Frank Richelieu,
Terry Cole Whittaker, Dr. Jesse Jennings, Dr. Kathy Hearn, Dr.
Linda McNamar, and many more.
This 10 week class begins Monday, January 19, 2015, from
7 to 10 p.m. or Tuesday, January 20, from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30
p.m. Enrollment in either of these classes includes the Science
of Mind Weekend Retreat on Friday, February 6 (7 to 10 p.m.)
and Saturday February 7 (9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.). Text Books:
The Science of Mind, by Ernest Holmes and It Is About You! by
Kathy Juline. Class fees: The Sanctuary for Spiritual Living is
offering this class for the registration and workbook costs of
$85, instead of the normal $295. Payments are accepted.
Additional Love Offerings are encouraged.

Financial Freedom
Rev. Kris will facilitate this certificated class which offers
you the opportunity to explore and personalize the Creative
Process by learning to duplicate the abundant nature of Spirit
in your financial affairs. This class examines the beliefs that
hold you back and explains the beliefs that set you free.
Homework includes both spiritual and practical ways to put
your financial house in order. Rev. Kris has taught this material for 18 years and is excited about bringing it again to our
Sanctuary. She shares, "I know this material when practiced,
leads to freedom in all areas of your life, starting with the
area of you financial affairs. It is true that how you manager
your money is an indication of how you manager your life."
This is the updated material for this class and features an
exciting workbook experience. This 8 week class begins on
Thursday, January 15 (7 10 p.m.) Tuition is $195. You can
set up a payment plan that works for you.
Science of Mind Weekend
This workshop is part of the Foundation Class and is open
for anyone wanting to deepen their understanding of
Affirmative Prayer (Treatment) by using the Spiritual technique taught by the Science of Mind. This fun and insightful
weekend includes visioning for your individual life and
learning the five step Affirmative Prayer. This prayer breaks
from the traditions of begging, bargaining and beseeching
God as an outside parental figure for the good that you desire
and moves your prayer based on Spiritual Principles to one
of union with the Divine and the realization that your good
is available now.
continued on next page

Certificated Classes (continued)
We will view the movie, "The People vs The State of
Illusion" on Friday night, February 6 at 7 p.m., followed
by a discussion of the principles explained in the movie.
Please bring snacks to share. Saturday, February 7 begins
at 10 a.m. and has a potluck lunch, so please bring your
favorite dish to share. The cost for the weekend is $25. (If
you desire to only come for the movie please donate $10
and if only for the Saturday workshop $15 for supplies). If
you are a student in the Foundation Classes, the cost is
included in your tuition.

Meditation is More Than You Think

Any trail guide will have a preference of trails, will know
some areas of the country better than others, and if good at
the trade, the guide's goal will be to share the trip in such a
way that each traveler on the journey will experience the best
of the country. Such is the goal of this class. It contains information about meditation; some of the effects most often realized, some of the pitfalls to avoid, some quotations about
meditation, and most importantly, some examples of meditation styles, so you can metaphorically smell the air, enjoy
the scenery and experience different kinds of meditation.
By experiencing a broad array of possible techniques, you
can choose one or more to use and delve into deeper, as a
regular spiritual practice. This is a survey course, designed to
expose you to a wide variety of meditations, cultures and
practices, which are older than the Science of Mind. The goal
is to touch different meditation styles in such a way that you
can identify one or more that work best for your personality
and lifestyle.
This 8 week course begins on Thursday, April 9 at 7 p.m.
Text books: An Easy Guide to Meditation by Roy Eugene Davis
and one of the following: How to Meditate by Lawrence
LeShan or Journey of Awakenings by Ram Dass. Completion of
the Foundation Class or the New Foundations is a prerequisite to enter this class. Class fees: $200. Payments are

Non-Certificated Classes
Tired of Your Off-the-Shelf Life?
Terri Thayer created this workshop to suggest there is
more to life than doing what weve always done, even if we
are pleased with what we always get. Whether its always
purchasing the same thing at the same grocery store or always
responding the same way to upset, lets explore what might
happen if we go left instead of right. We will play games,
have prize drawings and go home with information to spice
up or make some changes in your life. Come play on Sunday,
January 11, 1 p.m., Love Offering $30.
Sacred Sound Meditation
Transform the Mind, Body, and Spirit through the art of
NADA YOGA which means "union through sound." It is the
ancient spiritual art and science of inner transformation
through sound and tone!
Join Sound Healer, Phyllis Douglas on Sunday, January
18, at 1 p..m. for a meditation on sound for mind-body
healing, expanding inner awareness, and spiritual growth!
Nada Yoga and the Art of Sacred Sound come together in an
immersion of subtle frequencies and the therapeutic vibra-

tional resonance of antique Himalayan Singing Bowls,

Crystal Singing Bowls, Bells, Voice, and the deeply rooted
pulse of a Native-American Ceremonial Drum.
Benefits of Sound Therapy: Releases "feel good" endorphins and supports healthy immune system function, nourishes and feeds the physical and emotional bodies, induces
alpha-theta brain state, assists in releasing stress, synchronizes mind-body-heart rhythms, assists in expanding
creativity, vision, and clarity, and leaves one feeling centered
and balanced. Love Offering $20.

Signing with Peggy

Peggy Huber, American Sign Language National
Certificate of Interpretation and Certificate Transliteration
will teach us how to use American Sign Language for basic
greetings and communication, as well as, signs to the songs
we sing at our celebration service: "Lord, Prepare Me" and
"The Lord's Prayer." Peggy has earned M.A. in Linguistics,
Special Education and Deaf Studies. Two sessions: February
8 and February 22, 1 p.m. Suggested Love Offering $20 for
adults, $5 for children for each session.
GodSeed Workshop
Join Rev. Kris for an Easter Workshop based on the book,
"GodSeed" by Jean Huston. Use the stories of Jesus' life to
inspire your own transformation from a "child of man" to a
"child of God." This workshop is experiential and uses the
Gospel stories as a path of transformation in your personal
development of the Christ Consciousness. Saturday, April
4, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Love Offering $25 includes lunch.
Healthy Relationships - a Workshop
Einstein said that everything is known in relationship
to everything else. We cannot really understand ourselves
until we are in relationship with others. We are somehow
independent beings and interdependent with each other,
connected as a whole with all.
This five week workshop focuses on the development of
Healthy Relationships with ourselves first then moves into
developing skills that assist us to live in integrity with others.
We will explore communication, forgiveness and being
authentic in our communication with each other. Rev. Kris
will be using curriculum developed by Dr. Linda McNamara
and the United Centers for Spiritual Living. Join the fun in
this interactive workshop starting Monday, April 13 for 5
weeks. Class is from 7 to 9 p.m. Love Offering: $100.
Payments are acceptable.

Practitioners have been described as the healing arm of the
church. Our practitioners embrace the entire congregation with
their loving consciousness, uplifting and serving through healing
prayer treatment. Healing Prayer Treatment is the conscious,
active recognition of Spiritual presence, Spiritual Force, Spiritual
Law and Spiritual Order. When we make prayer treatment an
integral part of our lives, we experience a greater sense of order
and harmony in every aspect of our being. The Ministry of Prayer
is made up of licensed Religious Science Practitioners who are
dedicated to daily prayer treatment for those individuals who have
requested assistance. If you are experiencing a personal challenge,

you may request healing prayer treatment through our Ministry

of Prayer. The prayer box, along with prayer request envelopes, is
located in the church lobby. If you prefer to receive prayer on an
individual basis, Practitioners are available each Sunday after
service in the healing center. Treatment through the Ministry of
Prayer is offered free of charge, though your love donations and
feedback are very welcome! Remember, in God all things are
We serve life not because it is broken,
but because it is Holy! Anonymous

Available by Appointment
Joan Anderson . . . . . . . .(626) 337-6271
Martha Bass . . . . . . . . . .(626) 375-5158
Sharron Clark, Emeritus (661) 943-1068
Rene Cornwell . . . . . . . .(661) 949-9439
Linda Cullerton . . . . . . .(909) 374-4120
Kellie Mulhern-Davis,
Prayer Coordinator . .(909) 456-9225
Nohra DeFrancisco . . . .(626) 963-8639
Sadhna Dehler . . . . . . . .(626) 818-4765
Marilyn Fouch . . . . . . . .(909) 392-9667
Ryan Fowler . . . . . . . . . .(909) 436-6308

Diane Glock . . . . . . . . . .(626) 966-9506

Anabel Gonzalez . . . . . .(626) 825-0461
Monica Gump . . . . . . . .(626) 858-2787
Merry Hercules . . . . . . .(626) 222-8221
Corinne Kemp . . . . . . . .(626) 331-6163
David Kline Lovett . . . . .(714) 979-9988
Scott McDermitt . . . . . .(626) 257-8987
Pat McKee . . . . . . . . . . .(909) 599-4229
James Montgomery . . . .(626) 852-9592
John Morgan . . . . . . . . .(909) 936-4467
Dale Quasny . . . . . . . . .(626) 332-7274

Jill Roberts . . . . . . . . . . .(805) 451-2886

Wendy Skarupa,
Prayer Coordinator . .(909) 620-0232
Leri Smith . . . . . . . . . . .(310) 429-2250
Terri Thayer . . . . . . . . . .(626) 421-8477
Jan Uebersetzig . . . . . . .(626) 344-6219
Kim Weathers . . . . . . . .(562) 665-5658
Maureen Welch . . . . . . .(626) 966-8166
Robert Welch . . . . . . . . .(626) 966-8166

Treatment For January

by Joan Anderson, R.Sc.P.

Treatment For February

by Kim Weathers, R.Sc.P.

I know that no matter what name we use: Abba, Father,

Allah, the Force, Jehovah, Art,
Howard (our Father who Art in heaven, Howard be thy
name), Big Love, there is but one God, creator of everything
in our universe and beyond. I know this to be the Creator of
Love for every person and creature that exists or has ever been
or will be.
Like drops of water in the ocean I know we are all part of
the one power forming an ocean of God's love. We are created
to share the goodness and love of God in all areas of our life.
As we begin this new year, I know that we each resolve to
use God's power and love in all areas of our life. Our resolutions for increased health, prosperity, peace, joy, knowledge,
blessings, loving relationships and anything else we desire will
manifest as God can only say Yes! to all that is desired.
As I release this prayer in gratitude for the blessings we all
desire, I give thanks for the love and peace being showered on
each of us as we begin 2015.
As I release my word into the Law I know we share in the
blessings of our God.
And so it is.

Divine Love, Spirit, Universal Presence.... God is all there

is. Divine Love, encompasses all that is and all there will ever
be. This is the Light and the Love that is who and what we are.
Within us, each and every one of us, at the core of our
beings is all of this Love. In every form, every aspect, life is
full of love and overflows. That Life is Love, is Peace, is Power.
It is the thread of Life that flows so joyously through all at all
times. The Oneness of life connects each of us, to one another
and to itself in the purest form of life and love.
I know and embody this life of Love. Love in others, who
are that direct reflection of all that is good. Love of situations
that show and direct the path in front of us with guidance and
purpose. Love of self, the life that is the direct expression of
God. The beauty of all of this mixes and mingles, revealing the
greatness of the Life, the Love, the Universal Presence that is
who and what we are in any given moment. Sitting in this
moment, taking all this in and feeling these words, as suggestion, moving into form, they take root and grow into that great
moment of experience now.
I am thankful and grateful now, as this takes me to that
moment of Love that is now. That joyous expression of life
that is Gods life, my life and the life of all. In this I know the
Unity that is always present. I know the connection that is
everywhere always. I know Oneness.
I release this into the Law that always says yes, with Love.
And So It is, AMEN.

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Sanctuary for Spiritual Living

SUNDAY CELEBRATION SERVICE . . . . . . .11:00 a.m.
SUNDAY MEDITATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10:30 a.m.

Board of Trustees
Rev. Kristina Collins, Chaplain
and Ministry of Prayer . .(626) 963-4608
Wilvesta Morgan Jr., President
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(626) 919-0737
Kellie Mulhern-Davis, Vice President
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(909) 456-9225
Peggy Huber, Secretary & Technology
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(818) 271-0369
Victoria Del Aguila, Treasurer
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(818) 516-5511
Leri Smith, Trustee
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(310) 429-2250
Linda Cullerton, Building & Grounds
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .(909) 374-4120

Ministerial Staff
Rev. Kristina Collins . . . .(626) 963-4608
Assistant Minister
Rev. Carol Bliss . . . . . . .(562) 216-0019

Coordinating Council
Dale Quasny . . . . . . .(626) 332-7274

Terri Thayer . . . . . . . .(626) 421-8477
Rental Coordinator
Jim Montgomery . . . (626) 852-9592

Building & Grounds

Linda Cullerton . . . . .(909) 374-4120
Cyndi Mulhern . . . . . (909) 319-2668
Computer Committee
Ryan Fowler . . . . . . . (909) 436-6308
Flower Calendar Coordinator
Bridget Muradian . . . (626) 338-2095
Hospital Visitation
John Morgan . . . . . . (909) 936-4467
Ministry of Prayer
Kellie Mulhern-Davis .(909) 456-9225
Wendy Skarupa . . . . . (909) 620-0232

Sound Coordinator
Linda Cullerton . . . . .(909) 374-4120
SSL Endowment Committee
Wilvesta Morgan, Jr. .(626) 919-4608
James Kilgore . . . . . . .(909) 593-7332
Sunday Hospitality Coordinator
Joan Anderson . . . . . .(626) 337-6271
Sunday Welcome Team Coordinator
Terri Thayer . . . . . . . .(626) 421-8477
Visions In Progress
Kellie Mulhern-Davis .(909) 456-9225
CJ Valdez . . . . . . . . . .(909) 803-8053
Youth & Family Ministry
Jill Roberts . . . . . . . . .(805) 451-2886

Church Office
Terri Thayer, Church Administrator
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 2:00 5:00 p.m.
CHURCH TELEPHONE: (626) 332-6838 FAX: (626) 859-2783
E-Mail: RevKrisC@aol.com Web Site: SOMCHURCH.org

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