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Swati Nakshatra - General Info, Characteristics & Compatibility

Swati nakshatra is one of the twenty seven nakshatras according to Hindu astrological beliefs. This corresponds to the western star name
Arcturus. This nakshatra is a symbol of creativity and art and freedom.
Basic information about Swati Birth Star
"Swati" which means purity or more precisely the pure first drop of rain, defines the characteristics of this star. The Sanskrit word also
means sword that indicates sharpness or talent as exhibited by the natives of this nakshatra. The nakshatra in fact spans through the
constellation Scorpio. This arena is owned by the Lord Vayu and is also impacted by Rahu. As a result, both of these leave their effects on
the nakshatra, imparting it attributes such as independence, spontaneity, complete freedom and restless behavior. The individuals are
generally characterized by self confidence and immense knowledge that they possess.
General characteristics of Swati Nakshatra
The natives of Swati nakshatra are people of strong resolve and huge self confidence. Their freedom of thought or expression, possession
of immense knowledge and revolting any kind of confinement in their work or other areas are the most prominent personality traits that
can be noticed. They are good learners and have excellent communication skills. Their curious outlook and flexibility to handle situations
of life are among the other personality traits which can be observed easily.
Behavioral Characteristics
They are quite affable and friendly in nature, but due to effect of Vayu, adamant attitude is one of the conspicuous behavioral
characteristics that they generally possess. The natives are very helpful and are proactive in helping someone who needs their help
provided it does not conflict with their freedom. They do not like criticism of their work or criticism in general. There not being impacted
much by the position or stature of a person and giving them limited respect is another behavioral characteristic that can be easily noticed.
Positive Traits
Mentioning the positive traits of the individuals belonging to this nakshatra, they are very knowledgeable and witty, they have a high self
respect and posses a strong liking to work in freedom, and that is to say they are very much independent and competent. They are god
fearing and religious people and are helpful and truthful in nature which defines some other positive traits found in these people.
Negative Traits
Although with so many positive features to their personality, their being strong freedom centric attracts some of the negative traits found
commonly in these individuals. They are generally found to be stubborn and adamant. They are not ready to listen on work with some
people if they feel that their freedom is even slightly compromised. This may lead to disturbance in the work life and personal life also. The
other negative traits generally found are restlessness and uncertainty in decision making. Because of these traits they may not be very
popular in the society.
Career Options for Swati Nakshatra Born People
The intelligence and knowledge that these natives generally posses make them excellent in their professional lives. In spite of this fact,
they tend to get success in the later part of their lives and not in the earlier stages. Their career interest is generally in the financial and
legal domains where they can utilize the skills to the maximum. Apart from that they are found to have career interests in gold business,
acting, textile, traveling, mechanical engineering and astrology as well.
Swati Nakshatra Compatibility and Incompatibility
These people do not enjoy a very happy married life in general and thus need to choose their partners carefully. They are compatible with
nakshatras like Purnavasu, Chitra and hasta, while the incompatible nakshatras are Rohini and Bharani.

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