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Kuthumi Kuthumi on Love

a message from Kuthumi channeled by Michelle Eloff

Sunday, 27 July, 2003 at Johannesburg (posted 12 July, 2008)
I am Kuthumi and I come to forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet you at this
time and to bring unto you the blessings of love, of truth, of trust and of abundance.
Greetings, beloved ones, and It is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather
with you upon this evening as we hold each one of your firmly in the heart of Christ and
securely upon the hands of God.
As you come together in the presence of Spirit, we bring each of you the Divine present of
Love. Love is an energy that allows you as a soul, and your world, to evolve. Without the
presence of love, evolution ends.
Love allows energy to move in a spiral. Evolution is a spiral energy. When one is trapped in
darkness and fear, the spiral stops spinning and descends upon itself, and then you are sitting
with a circle. Not that the circle is a negative energy in any way: all we are trying to explain to
you is the difference between a spiral and a closed circle.
A closed circle is energy closing in on itself, like the dog chasing its tail. A ring works with
the same energy, spinning around and around and around; a spiral draws the energy outward,
upward, inward and through.
Love is one of the most misunderstood, misinterpreted energies on the planet. People use love
to decorate sentences; they use love to manipulate and control yet they do not understand
what love really is.
Many people speak of love, yet dont feel it truly feel it. One might say, I love my
children, or I love my partner, and we believe you, but do you truly understand what love
is all about? Do you truly feel love coursing through your veins every day? Do you feel love
for yourself? Some would argue that this is insane. Excuse me, Kuthumi this is the New
Age; this is the new millennium, and perhaps you havent been here for a while and do not
understand it from our perspective. Well, I do.
I work with you. I see the world through your eyes. I experience the world through your
feelings, your emotions, as we all do. God/dess experiences himself/herself through your
experience, and that is how God/dess as an energy is, and is always in a perpetual state of
creation. Creative energy and love never cease to exist as long as God/dess is experiencing
himself/herself through you and all the forms of life.
Love allows one to feel even if it is pain. Many people have turned their backs on love
because it initiates pain, but denying love maintains that pain; it keeps the wound open. The
healing balm of love allows the wound to be healed. Love allows the spark the creative
spark of Love to be re-ignited in the person who finds the will to love again.
There are only two states of consciousness on your planet. One is love consciousness, and the
other is fear consciousness. You have the power to choose being in love, or living in fear. I

have said many times before that fear and God cannot live in the same place, because
God/dess is Love. Where there is love, fear cannot root itself, but where fear is dug deep into
the roots of the soul, it is very difficult for Love to root its presence.
So, therefore I need to remind all of you that you have the power to choose between being
motivated by love, and being motivated by fear.
Your society has created a myriad of reasons why one cannot choose love; why one cannot
experience love in every moment of every day.
I am not trying to create an ideal or surrealistic picture of a Utopia that can never exist. What I
am trying to show all of you is that even in the face of challenge, you can still experience
love. Whether it is self-love, or love in a supported presence in the form of your guides, or
whomever it is that you resonate with as a guardian angel or guide.
This love can be in the form of a pet, a partner, a very good friend, a child. This is why I ask,
Do you feel love in every moment of every day, even in the face of challenge? And I doubt
very much if anyone can answer yes to that question, and we dont expect it from you. What
we do want you to see is that it can be experienced, by understanding that love is not only
about mushy hearts and kisses. Love is about being in the human experience and allowing it
to be experienced.
Love is about embracing the gift of life that you chose the wish that was granted. Your wish
was granted because you are here in your physical body; you are living and you are breathing.
You are experiencing the miracles of a life that you manifested. Now it is time to learn to truly
love life everything about it.
First of all, lets look to your self. In the beginning, promise that for at least 30 minutes of
your day, you will focus consciously on the energy of love. This needs to be practised in some
way. Try projecting love into your environment, out through your heart chakra. Smile at the
tea lady; smile at the shop assistant with genuine and sincere warmth and love in your eyes. In
the elevator, instead of watching the numbers flash, look at the person next to you; greet the
person, and then just smile. Or imagine an energy field of love expanding to embrace every
person in the elevator.
On the escalator, dont look down at the steps; smile at all the people going up and down on
the escalator beside you. Boost people, and you will see that they will respond. The reason for
this is because it is a natural response. The human being always, always, always, responds to
love in all ways.
It may take a while for a wounded soul to reciprocate that love, but rest assured that that soul
is responding on some level. In those 30 minutes embrace yourself in love, compliment
yourself, look at yourself in the mirror and acknowledge a loving quality about yourself;
acknowledge your beauty. No person can recognise anything beautiful within another person,
or in nature, unless that beauty already exists within them. Therefore the next time you look at
someone and think they have a beautiful smile, or face, or nature, recognise that it is a
reflection of you.
So much of your world focuses on fear and negativity, poverty, death, yet very little is said
about success, prosperity, love, joy and laughter. And because the media in general has

pumped your mind and your hearts full of these messages, including on a subliminal level, it
is very difficult for the average person to maintain an attitude of gratitude, which is giving
thanks for the gift of life and loving that way. Especially when there is no food on the table, or
children are ill and there is no money to pay the bills, or a woman is being beaten up by her
husband and does not feel empowered enough to change her life. This happens to men as
well. Do you understand the lessons that life brings? Do you face your fear and still choose to
be motivated by love, or do you transmute to fear?
This is why all of you are so important. Those of you who are conscious, who have awoken
from the slumber of ignorance you are the catalysts; you are the answers to many peoples
prayers; you are the Divine instruments of God/dess to help people truly feel and understand
that love is the only thing that matters, because it is the matter of who you are. You as a being
are made up of matter, and it was love and is love that binds that matter together.
Perhaps you have noticed that when there is fear and negativity present, whatever is held by
that fear and negativity, always eventually disintegrates. Love always strengthens and
rebuilds. Love has been known to shatter illusions, and love always presents the truth that lies
beyond that illusion. Love is about seeing the world through God/dess s eyes. It is about
moving away from the ego that traps one in judgement, in self-criticism, and in denial. Love
allows one to truly embrace the words that that great teacher spoke when he said Forgive
them Father for they know not what they do.
These words were not spoken in ignorance; they were spoken out of wisdom, compassion and
understanding. Wisdom, understanding and compassion allow forgiveness to manifest, and
when forgiveness has been experienced, love is the end result. Love is also the motivational
force that gives birth to compassion and understanding. It then fuels the inspiration to
Nothing can exist without love nothing, beloved ones. I spoke very recently of
experimenting with this energy, and those of you who were not present at that particular
meeting can try it. Take two pot plants, put them in separate rooms, and to the one, project
loving energy, speak to it, nurture it. The one in the other room, do the complete opposite.
All it needs is a week for you to observe what happens. Please do not do it for longer than a
week, and the plant that you have used as your guinea pig the plant that you have ignored
-you have to shower with love to bring it back to its original state.
When love became misunderstood, it became an energy that many of you label as evil. The
evil energy of darkness is simply the lack of love. Where the light of love does not exist,
darkness does. Therefore, all of you have a responsibility toward yourself to embrace the light
of love and to be the beacon for those who have lost their way in the darkness of ignorance, or
in the darkness of lack of love.
There are many, many, many souls who have been raised in severely dysfunctional homes and
have not experienced the power of love that many of you have. And some of you might even
think that your background was dysfunctional, but believe me, there are those who had it even
worse than you did. These are the ones who need love the most. These are the ones that are
creating a ripple effect in generations by abusing even more abusing the laws of nature,
abusing the laws of the universe, abusing the laws of your world. They need the love the

This is one of the most important challenges that your world will come to face, and that is
where your world is challenged. With your prisons bursting at the seams, these criminals
continue in their criminal ways. A prison becomes and is just a different world, a world inside
the outside world. They have their own laws, own principles, and code of conduct by which
everybody needs to abide. What has been done to show these people love? To show to them
that they are not truly the rejects of society? They got off to a very difficult start, but they are
not rejects.
These people need love in their hearts. We do understand that if you have been a victim of
such an offence it is difficult, but the more they are able to open their hearts to see beyond
their actions, the more they are able to see that many of them have never ever in their entire
life heard the words "I love you". How then on Gods green earth are they expected to behave
lovingly if they have never experienced it?
And who is anyone to judge that? Prisons were implemented to hold people who were
dangerous to society. They need to be re-educated, not locked away, because a problem has
not been solved; it has been swept under the carpet. And then what happens? Some of them
get out eventually, because of good behaviour or whatever it is, and the same pattern is then
repeated, more often than not. Why? Because they do not know any better. And the rest of
society continues to reject them. This is why we say to you that love is not just about mushymushy hugs and kisses, or loving your wife or husband, or loving your children or parents. It
is about embracing the whole world; it is about embracing humanity and seeing each and
every single soul through the eyes of God/dess. That is unconditional love.
We have witnessed people who express that faith, but do not believe in the words, because it
means opening themselves up to being hurt. Again, there is a misunderstanding.
Unconditional love is about acknowledging each and every person on their path, yet still
insisting that boundaries be respected, and not judging them. No one has the right to judge;
everything you judge in another you judge in yourself.
So before you judge another, look to yourself and see what aspect of yourself you are judging.
Perhaps you have been in denial about it, or have been unconscious about it, and there is a
perfect opportunity for you to see what you are judging. Before you judge, open your heart
and project love. Your world has been programmed to judge, to criticise, to break down, to
analyse, to label, and to separate. People have not been supportive, to work together, to stand
together and support each other.
You know no man is an island unto them selves, and because you are all one with me, with
the entirety of the Universe it is impossible to stand alone. We are all connected like it or
not. Therefore, what you do, or what you dont do, impacts on everyone else. Love in your
educational systems is also lacking. Love is an energy that needs to be present in absolutely
Imagine taking a group of children and educating them lovingly. The way that this is done is
that the children are acknowledged every day for their contribution to the environment. They
are taught to work together, and to support one another. They are taught to interact with their
environment. They are taught that they have been created from the seed of love; therefore
everything that they do is a manifestation of love. Do you know one of the reasons why many
children have problems with maths even reading and spelling? It is because their emotional

bodies have experienced a trauma. There was a trauma relating to an experience expressing
lack of love.
Childrens learning disabilities have nothing to do with their IQ; it is all due to an experience
where there was a lack of love. A child that is nurtured and supported and stimulated on every
level will achieve what you call A grades all the time, but because the education system
works not with people as souls, but as a group of children having to learn to read and write,
add and subtract, that is all that most teacher focus upon. The teacher has also not been
supported to understand how to work with children in such a manner. Therefore your
education system has to change dramatically as well. So does your medical system. So does
your legal system as we have spoken of already.
The services for your senior citizens: how are they shown love? How are they shown respect?
Some might say, Kuthumi, where is this leading to? It is leading to the point that absolutely
everything is governed by love either its fullness, or its lack thereof.
People have also said that old people are most often grumpy and miserable. Why are they
grumpy and miserable? Have you taken the time to stop and ask them how their day has been,
what their circumstances are? Do they feel love? Are they experiencing love? Are people
treating them well? Any person, any creature that is being treated with love, is not grumpy
and miserable, is not angry, is not aggressive, arrogant, cynical, pessimistic. None of those
energies can exist in the presence of love.
Have I made myself clear to all of you? Now, are there any questions that we can answer?
Q: Living in this society, and in general the world, everyone has become very sceptical and
cynical. When one walks the streets and smiles and greets people, their conditioned reaction
is,What do you want from me? Is it sex, is it money? What do you want from me? They
dont trust love anymore
K: Do you know brother more people do not react that way than what do. Generally a
persons natural instinct is to respond to that warmth. The energy that is projected from you,
because it is sincere and pure in its intent the natural instinct of that person will not question
it, or doubt it. Q:
K: No, brother, no, this is not the case with everybody. Yes, there are people who do feel
that way, but there are many people who long for a response of warmth, of sincerity, of love.
Remember the energies that are being projected to your world at this time are far more intense
than they used to be, and love is also an energy that is being filtered through dramatically. It is
important to educate people in a different way. Instead of focusing on the poison in their
mind, or their betrayal, their victim and poverty consciousness, begin to focus on the opposite.
Instead of focusing on victim consciousness, focus on victory consciousness. Speak
positively. Bring in prosperous ideas by presenting positive love-filled ideas and energy.
People will forget all the negativity because of all the love and positivity that is being
The reason the world has become so negative is because everything that is being
presented to them is of negativity: war, poverty, and lust; so that is what is being constantly

reaffirmed in their reality. Now, try to use reverse psychology: present purity, present love,
and present positivity. Do something different to the norm, and people will notice. It might
take a while for them to take that giant leap toward what you are saying, but look at where
your world is today. 25 years ago, even 15 years ago, people were not as open as they are
now. People did not speak of their spiritual belief systems as they do now. Times are
Do the opposite of what everyone else is doing, and you will experience this within
yourself. Do not be afraid to be different; do not be afraid to do something that is positive,
wholesome, uplifting, and loving, that does not have judgement in it, that does not focus on
the negativity and fear. Focus on love. When you focus on love they forget what they want
and dont want. Know what it is that you want to be rid of in life, but know where you want to
go in life. This is an important key in helping people to detoxify themselves of the poison in
their mind and their heart. If you want to change a programme, then you have to project a
different image.
(inaudible) Could you provide guidelines on how to start re-educating the people
around us?
K: Beloved one, we believe there are some people initiating such projects. You are a social
worker, yes? Your background is wonderfully suited for this. You could perhaps approach
such institutions to work with either one-on-ones or as a group where there is willingness to
work in a programme where you can present to the prisons and go with it to see where it
moves from this.
You would be surprised at how many people long for the opportunity to heal themselves
and turn themselves around, but because the opportunity has not presented itself in all these
systems, it has become difficult. But everything begins with one step; every structure that is
built begins with a foundation, and the first brick must always be laid. Imagine what it was
like when they presented the plans for the Taj-Mahal. It is certainly not a small structure, and
it still stands. So, one person can make a difference. This answers your question?
Again we will reiterate that it has to begin somewhere. Changing the education structure
means that someone has to step forward and actually apply it. This is why your world is such
an exciting time to be alive in, because all the systems are changing. More and more people
are awakening to their power and the understanding that they have the power to make a
difference. So, even if you are labelled as being eccentric, or weird, you still exist.
Remember that if you have an inspiration, and you do not follow it, somebody else will,
because God works in mysterious ways, and when inspiration is given, and that instrument
does not follow through another instrument is found. Someone will always come forward to
make it happen and make the difference.
And you all of you are different. You are considered abnormal did you know this?
In ratio to your society, you are considered the weird ones, the fruitcakes, and what a tasty
bunch of fruitcakes you are! And all of you feel the presence of love in your heart, and even
though you are different, it is the difference that you make that makes a difference in the

Teach your children and your grandchildren to embrace their uniqueness, and those of
you here this evening that are children, or young adults embrace your uniqueness. You do
not have to be a sheep and follow. You are here to make a difference to the world; be true to
yourself and follow the messages that God gives to you through inspiration in your heart, and
ideas in your mind, and never ever do you have to follow and be in the shadow of anyone
else. That is the old paradigm, which is old-fashioned the old way of living, and is fast
becoming obsolete.

Is it not time for us to stand strong in our truth?

K: It is most certainly time. I have been trying to get this into peoples minds for the last
100 years, hoping that at least in the last 10 years they would get my message. Yes, time to
stand in your truth, to be lions and not sheep to roar ones truth.
Q: You spoke about fear and love. I realise that we can only grow through the negative.
People are dumping their emotions on each other, and the world is full of pessimists and
deceit. What about those who fear to love?
K: It is through the presence of sincere and pure love that they will be healed. In this new
stage of humans evolution, peoples souls are pushing them and pulling them into
experiences that will help them to release the past and to experience love in its truth and
fullness, because love pure love is full of truth. So, let us say that perhaps there will be a
few that get away, and you have to respect that as being their souls choice. But as you work
and live with the intention in your heart to open your energy so as to attract people in the
loving manner for support and healing, they will come and you will heal them. And that is for
everybody to apply in all walks of life. It may even be a puppy at the pet shop that needs to be
cuddled for a few minutes. You do not need to take the puppy home, but that puppy
experienced the purity and power of full love in its truth. And perhaps thats all the puppy
needed in its whole life that moment of pure, full love.
Q: But if this puppy has been conditioned to knowing that of the love it receives, it will get
a hiding somewhere in its life, and it knows that even if it shows its master love, it will only be
hurt, and as a result, cannot show its love out of fear ?
K: This is why people need to be re-educated. That puppy needs to be supported in trusting
and knowing that it does not have to stay with such a master; that it does not have to be victim
to that circumstance, that it is not doomed to a lifetime of such behaviour. This is why we say
to you that some souls will not recover in this lifetime. That is part of their journey of
learning, but those who are ready will come to you, and to everyone else for that matter, and
they need to be shown the importance of standing in their truth, and living their truth.
This is why you either choose to live in your truth, or you choose to live in an illusion.
There is no middle road anymore; it is either one or the other, and even when you are on the
right road, you still need to keep on moving, because if you sit still for too long you will also
get run over. It is the time of moving; there is no comfort zone anymore, and this is why we
say there is no more space for society to live off the justifications they have created for their
victim consciousness and poverty consciousness. It is over; it has not worked. Look at the
state of your world because of that state.

And if you do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got.
And how do you change it? By doing something differently. And how do you do something
differently? By doing it. Do it.
It is the law of action, so people need to know that they are not victim, that they have the
power to take action.
There are many groups that have formed themselves to support people who are in places
of abuse. There are systems in place and people need to use them. Those of you who sit in
your room at night thinking of wonderful ideas that you can put in place to make a difference
and serve your world: get off your bottom and take action. There are no more comfort zones,
and if you insist on looking for one, be prepared to have the carpet yanked out from under
your feet. This is not a threat, beloved one; it is a fact. It is not fear, and that is the lesson. It is
to see the opportunity to evolve, to grow, to break out of that victim consciousness, to break
out of the poverty consciousness and say I am here for a purpose. I chose life; I chose to
come here. I can choose to live my life fearfully, or I can choose to live my life full of love.
And as I have already said, when you choose the path of love, even in the face of challenge,
you overcome it, because there is a sense of inner strength that motivates you, that pushes you
forward so instead of wallowing in depression and self-pity for months on end, two or three
days and you are through the process. Why? Because you have learnt to understand the
process of life, and that challenges are gifts and blessings helping you to grow, and helping
you to learn of love and life and grow even more.
And the more you as a human see love through the eyes of God/dess, the more love you
experience, because instead of judging your neighbour, you truly begin to love your
We once overheard children speaking very, very amusing. One boy said to his friend,
How can I love my neighbour if I do not even know him?
That is food for thought, because for them it was a very literal thing: how can I love
them if I do not know who lives next door?
How many of you live that way? Not just the person who lives in the house next door to
you; the person who shares your world with you. They too are your neighbours. You have
neighbouring countries. Everything is a part of you. Let love motivate you; let love inspire
you and let love be the glue that binds you together.
Now, there will be days when you will not successfully apply this. Therefore I say, love
yourself enough to be human. Love yourself enough to allow yourself to heal. You are not
being brave by not expressing your emotions. You are not being brave by hiding your rules. It
takes courage and the love of self to be vulnerable and expose those aspects of self. But love
and respect your neighbours enough not to take it out on them. Find constructive ways to deal
with your pain, to deal with your anger, and to express your pain. It does not have to be taken
out on another. Again, there are systems in place support structures that allow your deepest,
darkest rage to be facilitated so that you can overcome it without hurting yourself or anyone
else. When you do not express your pain, your emotions and your anger, you only hurt

Q: The word "love" and the word "values" are synonymous. What about those who have
learnt to love the wrong things, be it expensive cars, and their power, and their ego?
K: That is their journey. They too will be educated and shown that love true love cannot
be generated in Rands and cents, or fur coats and diamond rings. Love will show itself in its
true colours to all who are open to finding it. Again, it is about seeing everybody through
Gods eyes. So that rich man or that woman who measures their value based on their
possessions is experiencing that for a particular reason. Love them in that space and lead by
example by doing something different, and through that you will teach them new ways.
Q: I have just lost a love, and I feel like I am pushing everyone aside along the way, and
would like to know how I can deal with that.
K: First of all, the most important part is to allow your self to mourn that love. Because you
were not taught how to allow yourself to accept love, you have never felt empathy, comfort or
sympathy. It is a foreign experience for you, and so people who are not used to being
comforted or embraced in times of pain will reject everybody around them, because that is
their safe space where they can feel angry, miserable and depressed, and totally worthless.
So what we suggest you do is allow yourself to mourn this love, and then allow one
person in one person whom you can truly trust, and try to share that with this person. Only
one person is needed, until you feel safe enough to open your space to more people. You may
find that you dont get beyond one person, and that only in a few months or a few years will
you feel safe enough to feel vulnerable in the presence of others. But because your inner child
does not feel safe to show her vulnerability because she does not feel safe in her
environment and does not trust the people to support her fully and comfort her through that
time she rather rejects than be rejected because of her vulnerability.
Try this: just bring in one person, beloved one, and see how you feel about this, and if it
supports you. Q:
K: Yes there are. Each soul is made up of 12 strands. Each soul, or energy, has six feminine
and six masculine aspects, and they split in half. Six manifests/incarnate in individual people,
male and female. So you could say that there are 12 of you altogether. And very often, one
will meet one of those aspects and feel very attracted, very drawn to that person, but might not
choose that person as a life partner. You may even meet someone of the same sex and feel
deep love for that person. Those are soul mates. You will also meet souls with whom you have
had many incarnations, who are also very dear to you, and you will recognise them as soul
group members, and then you will have twin flames and twin souls.
Your twin soul is literally your other half, your masculine counterpart, and in this new
stage of lifes evolution many people are reuniting with their other half. Some call it a twin
flame, others call it a twin soul, but quite frankly the bottom line of all love is: be with those
whom you truly love. If it is your twin flame, good for you; if it is not, then what matters only
is the love that is true, pure and sincere. True love is what feels right for you. Q:
K: Beloved one, begin with educating your children differently at home, not just about
language and biology and geography, but the language of Love, the science of love. Teach
them values that equip them for later on in life. Education is not just about school it is about

everything in life, so do not ever let school interfere with your childs education. We also
suggest that it may be beneficial for you to begin sourcing out like-minded parents who agree
that certain systems in the education system are no longer appropriate and do not suffice, and
you can create a body that can initiate new systems that you can bridge out to schools.
Beloved ones embrace the word "love" and allow it to teach you of its many facets. Know that
anyone who places a condition on love is not expressing love. Anybody who judges or
criticises anyone else including them selves is not expressing love.
And if you or anyone else for that matter are in a relationship that you do not feel is lovefilled, then you are not experiencing love. You have to determine for yourself what love
means to you. Write down what love means to you all of your belief systems of love. Look
at all of them and see which of them come from programming, from your parents, from
friends, from teachers, from society in general, and delete everything off the page that you
cannot sincerely say comes from the very core of your being, and work with releasing that.
And what is left on the page is therefore your truth, and what you need to work on.
Love can never be explained in a nutshell it is too vast; it is everything.
May the truth of love reveal itself to you under grace in perfect, harmonious ways. I am
Kuthumi, Lord of Love and Wisdom, and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.
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