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The spread of Western eating habits around the world is bad for humanheal
th and for the environment. Those findings come from a new report in
the journal Nature.
spread: extensin, propagacin; eating habits: costumbres o hbitos
alimentarios;bad: perjudicial; environment: medio ambiente; findings: estudios,
hallazgos; come from: provienen de; report: informe;

There are ways to solve this diet-health-environment problem.

But they willrequire a change in eating habits. And what we eat can be
a product ofculture, personal taste, price and ease.
ways to solve: alternativas para solucionar; diet-health-environment
problem:problema relacionado con el rgimen alimentario, la salud y el medio
ambiente; will require: necesitarn; what we eat: lo que comemos; product of
culture: resultado de la cultura; personal taste: gusto
personal; price: precio; ease: comodidad;

David Tilman is a professor of ecology at the University of Minnesota. In

thestudy, he examined information from
100 countries to identify what peopleate and how diet affected health.
examined: analiz; to identify: a fin de identificar; what people ate: lo que coma
la gente; how diet affected health: cmo el rgimen alimentario afectaba la salud;

Mr. Tilman noted a movement beginning in the 1960s. He found that

asnations industrialized, population increased and earnings rose. More peo
plebegan to adopt what has been called the Western diet.
noted: detect, percibi; found: descubri; as nations industrialized: a medida
que los pases se industrializaban (= pasaban de una economa basada en la
agricultura a otra basada en la industria); population increased: la poblacin
aumentaba;earnings rose: los ingresos suban; began to adopt: comenzaron a
adoptar; the Western diet: el rgimen alimentario de occidente (= consumo
elevado de carnes rojas, postres excesivamente dulces, alimentos saturados de
grasas y bebidas con elevado contenido de azcar);

The Western diet is high in refined, or processed, sugar, fat, oil and meat.
By eating these foods, people began to get fatter and sicker.
refined: refinado/a; fat: grasa; oil: aceite; by eating: al ingerir; these
foods: estos alimentos; to get fatter: a ponerse ms obesos; sicker: ms

The excess, let us say, in the 15 richest nations of the world, right now is
on the order of about 400 or 500 extra calories a day that
are eaten beyondwhat people need, and that leads people to gain weight.
let us say: pongamos como ejemplo; richest: ms ricas; right now: en este
momento; in the order of about: aproximadamente en el orden de; extra calories
a day: caloras diarias de ms; that are eaten: que son ingeridas; beyond
what: ms all de lo que (la); that leads people: eso lleva a la gente; to gain
weight: a subir de peso;

David Tillman says overweight people are at greater risk for noninfectiousdiseases like diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.
overweight people: las personas con sobrepeso; at greater risk for: corren serio
riesgo de adquirir; non-infectious diseases like: enfermedades no infecciosas

como;diabetes: diabetes; heart disease: cardiopata (enfermedad cardaca);

Diabetes is shooting to very high rates in

the United States and acrossEurope. Heart disease is
a major cause of mortality in
the Westerncountries. Unfortunately when people become industrialized, if
they adoptthis Western diet, they are going to have these same health impa
cts, and
insome cases if you are Asian, you have them more severely than evenhap
pens in the West.
is shooting: se est disparando; to very high rates: a niveles muy
elevados; across:en toda; major cause: causa
principal; unfortunately: lamentablemente; health impacts: impactos en la
salud; more severely: ms gravemente;

China, he says, is
an example where the number of diabetes cases hasjumped.
the number of: la cantidad de; has jumped: se han incrementado;

... from less than one percent to 10 percent of

the population havingdiabetes as they began to industrialize over a 20year period. And that has not leveled off yet. That is still going up. And that
is happening all acrossthe world, in Mexico,
in Nigeria and so on, just nation after nation.
from less than one percent to 10 percent: de menos del 1% al 10%; as they
began to: a partir del momento en que empezaron a; over a 20-year period: por
un lapso de 20 aos; has not leveled off yet: todava no se ha equilibrado; that is
still going up: an sigue subiendo; all across the world: en todo el mundo; and
so on:etctera; just nation after nation: pas tras pas;

And, a diet bad for human beings, it seems, is also bad for the environment.
the worlds population grows, experts say more forests and tropicalareas wi
ll become farmland for crops or grasslands for grazing cattle.These areas w
ill be needed to meet the increasing demand for food.
human beings: los seres humanos; as ... grows: a medida que ...
crece; farmland:tierras rurales; for crops: para cultivo; grasslands: zonas de
pastoreo; for grazing cattle: para el ganado de pasto; to meet: para satisfacer;

We are likely to have more greenhouse gas released in

the future fromagriculture because of
this dietary shift than all the greenhouse gas thatright now comes out
of all the cars, and all of
the airplanes, boats andships, all forms of transportation. So our change in
diet is likely to be worsefor
the world for climate warming than all the transportation sources we userig
ht now.
we are likely to have: es muy posible que tengamos; greenhouse gas
released:gas invernadero en el ambiente (el que causa el calentamiento
global); because of: a causa de; dietary shift: cambio de rgimen
alimenticio; comes out of: proviene de;is likely to be worse: es muy posible que
sea peor an; for climate warming: para el calentamiento
global; sources: fuentes, recursos; we use right now: que utilizamos en la


Mr. Tilman calls the link between diet, the environment and human health,
a trilemma. This is a play on the word dilemma
a problem offering adifficult choice.
He says one possible solution is leaving the Western dietbehind.
a trilemma: una difcil eleccin entre tres alternativas
desfavorables; dilemma:encrucijada; choice: opcin; leaving the Western diet
behind: olvidarse de (abandonar) el rgimen dietario occidental.

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