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Computer Engineering Department


Introduction to Microprocessors by using an emulator: EMU8086
Sub Topics : Running environment, Number Systems and Expression Evaluation

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Gediz University
COM353 Microprocessors Laboratory

NAME: __________________

STUDENT ID: ____________

DATE: __________

Time : 2 lab hours

Objective :

Working some 8086-based Microprocessors applications on an emulator

Intuitively, what kind of applications can be done a 8086-based microprocessor

Learn how to:

Run opt-in programs in EMU8086

Lab Outcomes :
Practice 8086 Emulator

Executing code examples

Using multi base calculator and base convertor

Part 1: Introduction to Emu8086

1- EMU8086
An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides a convenient environment to
write a source file, assemble and link it to a -.COM or -.EXE file, and trace it in both
source file, and machine code. Emu86 is an educational IDE for assembly program
development. It is a Windows program, and will run by dragging an -.ASM, .OBJ, -.LST, -.EXE , or -.COM file into the emu86 shortcut icon. By this action, asm or lst files
will start the 8086 assembler source editor, while obj and exe files starts the disassembler and
debugger units.
EMU8086 Source Editor
The source editor of EMU86 is a special purpose editor which identifies the 8086
mnemonics, hexadecimal numbers and labels by different colors as seen in Figure 1.

Gediz University
COM353 Microprocessors Laboratory

Figure 1. a) EMU8086 Source Editor, and b) assembler status report windows.

The compile button on the taskbar starts assembling and linking of the source file. A report
window is opened after the assembling process is completed. Figure 2 shows the emulator
of 8086 which gets opened by clicking on emulate button

Figure 2: first.exe in the emulator window of EMU8086 debugging environment

Emu8086 environment contains templates to generate command and executable files.

Another benefit of Emul8086 is its emulation of a complete system, including the floppy
disk, memory, CPU, and I/O ports, which raises opportunity to write custom bios and boot
programs together with all other coding of a system. Moreover, its help is quite useful
even for a beginner of asm programming.[1]

Gediz University
COM353 Microprocessors Laboratory

2- Opt-in Examples in Emu8086

Look at Code Examples. In this part, we will run some sample codes prewritten. The simple
forward operation is enough to make them work. After opening one of the code samples, then
press emulate, then run. Also try these:
a) traffic lights
e) stepper motor

3- Doing Calculations in Emu8086

Step 1: Use emu8086 to make the calculations following
a) 11001011b = ?
b) 4321h = ?
c) 57 = ? h

1. Please, first , do whole calculations manually.
2. Choose Math and specify Base Convertor in emu8086.
3. Enter one of the numbers like in the Figure 3.

Figure 3: Base Convertor window

Gediz University
COM353 Microprocessors Laboratory

4. Please compare your results with the results base convertor produced.

Step 2 : Use EMU8086 to evaluate an expressions

Evaluate : 0FFFFh *10h +0FFFFh

1. Please, first , do whole calculations manually.
2. Choose Math and specify Multi Base Calculator in emu8086.
3. Enter the expression like in the Figure 4.

Figure 4: Multi Base Calculator window with a sample expression

4. Please compare your results with the results base convertor produced. Is it same or not?
Please explain clearly.

Part 4: Exercise Part

Exercise - 1

In this part, explore other sample, show the results and explain briefly and clearly what does each
program .

a) add/subtract
b) palindrome
c) led test

Gediz University
COM353 Microprocessors Laboratory

d) thermometer

Exercise - 2

In this part, do the following calculations both using EMU8086 and manually. Are the results same
for two ?
Note that the followings are signed integers
a) (456)8 = (? ) 2.
b) 045FH = (?)
c) A27DH = (?)8
d) 110010112 = (?)H

Exercise - 3

In this part, evaluate the following calculations both using EMU8086 and manually. Are the results
same for two?

a) 01111h *0FFFFh - 0FFFFh

b) 00FFh + 0FF00h 0001h * 10ABh
c) ABCDh - 1FF2h
d) 0255h + FDABh

Part 5: Conclusion
Please express what you learn with this laboratory work with at most one paragraph.

Part 6: Honor Code

Read the following Honor Code carefully and if you approve the code, copy paste it under your
work. If you do not approve the code it is not guarantee that your work will be evaluated!

"On my honor I have neither given nor received unauthorized information regarding this
work, and I am unaware of any violation of the Honor Code by others."

Gediz University
COM353 Microprocessors Laboratory

1- Assembling, editing, linking, and executing assembly language programs
using Emu8086 and MASM , University of Jordan
Retrieved on September, 2013 from

2- TASM, EDIT, DEBUG and Emu8086 Assembler Tools, Eastern Mediterranean

Retrieved on September, 2013 from http://cmpe.emu.edu.tr/courses/blgm323/lab1.pdf

3- Advanced Microprocessors Lab Sheet,Multimedia University, 2012

Retrieved on September, 2013 from http://findpdf.net/reader/Experiment-1-RealModeProgramming-ASCII-String-Handling.html

4- Honor Code,

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