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Just a Point to Think and Share [CS-9:Part 4]Reinterpreting Singularity, Big Bang Creation and

God Sensibly
By John Paily

Material world and the space-time field associated with it are centripetal and
directs to a central point or black hole. However, when we observe life, we
note life transforms gravity into anti-gravity force and thus works against
time direction in material world. This means we cannot understand universe
in separation of Life especially humans who THINKS and who seeks to
understand nature with his Brain and its power. Quantum mechanics has
already shown inseparable nature of the observer and experimenter. Earlier
we noted earth has a Principle and Design that helps it self-organize. In other
words, it is a Gaia. All life supports this Gaia and the system has no time
direction. This self-organizing picture breaks down and takes time direction
when we involve an adult human who THINKS. What is wrong with human
Thinking? My observation from a point of freedom has pointed that
1] Adult humans thinks he is conscious and intelligent being on earth. He is
ego centered. In reality he is the least conscious and intelligent Life. Humans

are the only species that kills its own species and destroys its own abode and
fails to vibrate one with inner frequency and with nature. He is the only
species who seats His creator outside him in temples and churches and make
him as means of livelihood and acquiring wealth.
2] Adult human thinking is SELF and material centered and his thinking
creates force directed with material world that tend to great disorder [from
the point of non-liner science] or black hole, singularity and death [from the
point of linear science]. Both sciences do give us hopes. Non-Linear science
says out of great disorder order can arise spontaneously around Great
Attractor. Linear Science says that information, space-time is not lost in
black hole and that it can reemerge. The question is, how it

Singularity and Big bang Creation tells us that everything falls to
unimaginably small singular point at which all laws of science fails and
space-time seize to exist. Now that we bring life into picture and see a force
that is opposing gravity and when we perceive that we the human beings
and our SELF and material centered thinking are the cause for time
direction to disorder and black hole, WE CAN NOW INVERSE OUR
We now have a possibility of imagining one SUPRME HUMAN BEING or God
that is ever conscious and Intelligent, selfless and not a slave to material
force that has potentials to transform all the forces of universe tending to
collapse into singularity and take time back to its initial state.
Time is inevitable. The whole world as we witness is in great disorder and is
fast tending to Black hole and singularity because of our [humans] self and
material centered THINKING. Way out should exist in SUPER HUMAN
BEING, who THINKS but thinks selfless and can transform the great disorder
into order and bring us back from black hole to Light. Our search for Truth of
Nature, Life and the whole cosmos now should turn around to discovering
such an Individual. This search ends In CALVARY where the one SUPREM
BEING made the SELF-SACRIFICE to conquer time and death and
initialize the whole cosmic system into new order or New Time Cycle.
Reader should note that this is not in support of a religion called Christianity.
In reality organized Christianity as it stands now, I feel has no Spirit of Christ
in it. It is an organization mostly filled with people making easy life and social
status and works for an institution development and material gains in the
Name of Christ and God. They bind people into churches than liberating
them in Knowledge and Light of God

When God made the Self Sacrifice with Free Will to all souls, He is actually
self-organizing or salvaging His body or Kingdom. The process begins with
LOVING HIS BODY and His own creation in non-judgmental way. In short, it
amounts to loving all souls. It starts by FORGIVING all souls and
ACCEPTING it back with FREE WILL. God in Calvary showed His
perpetually Loving Heart. His SECOND COMING now should be Revelation
of His Mind and His Reality and His Thinking. This is Initialization of
TIME CYCLE. This is bound to happen. It is our only hope to survive in a
world that has viewed the opposite as enemy and used all the intelligence to
develop weapons of mass destruction. It is our only hope in world where the
temples of knowledge or spirituality is filled with evil self-centered peoples
and who have Split one God into many religions and sects and fighting within
themselves for souls as slaves. The Golden Age or Kingdom of God on earth
can only manifest when we evolve beyond slavery to religious institutions.
One must note here that the center of all spiritual scripture is SPRIT. It is
called by different name. The VEDAS calls it BRAHMAN, BIBLE calls it
HOLY SPIRIT. Koran calls it al- Ruh al-Quds and so on. This Spirit is
visualized as personality or being. From our New Scientific point of thinking
we can visualize it as the REAL SPACE-TIME FIELD full of energy over
which the entire material world including we humans exists. This is opposite
to Space-Time field full of energy that exist around matter in science over
which scientist presently think. This shift in thinking is essential to make any
progress in our understanding of the universe and cosmos and survive on
Einstein said, "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used

when we created them."

The space-time field the scientists study is inferior one that is directed to
singularity and death. It is the knowledge of material world. In contrast, the
Space-Time field of the Creator or God is intelligent capable conquering time
and death by transforming all the forces of gravity into anti-gravity and thus
giving New Life. We are seeing here two space-time field or forces that work
against each other but are one. We can understand this in terms of Ratio of
Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy, which are one. Potential energy
represents the gravity force directed to Black hole, singularity and death
[Motionless state]. Kinetic energy represents an opposition to it. Life we note
is dimensionless pulsating state that once gives way to Gravity and then
gives way anti-gravity. This manifests into winding and unwinding time

The time direction in such pulsating universe can have two choices;
it gets aligned either with material force and works against Life
Force towards Death or with Life force towards Life. We see here two
possibilities that science often ends up with; Black hole and Singularity and
Run Away Universe. Unless some phenomenon and design exists in the
system, by which the system reacts when it reaches inner and outer limit the
model is untenable. In the previous parts of this series [ CS -9 part 3] we
visualized the Parallel world and Quantum Entangled Design that help
the system resist reacts when the system reaches a critical ratio 3:1
upsetting equilibrium.
This Parallel and Quantum Entangled Design becomes complete only when
we involve life specially we humans who think and visualize Super Human
Being or Soul at the center. This means we need to visualize universe as
living and conscious and intelligent being as the ancient East understood it
and we humans are just cells of this whole being made in its image. From
scientific point, a living being is information evolving to conquer time and
death. Life is information exploding from a point and eventually dividing one
world into two and multiple world forming right and left, up and down. The
crux of Bible, Vedas and such scriptures becomes a simple Science
at this level of thinking.
The question is, can a single soul or Primal Atom contain so much energy and
information to sustain the universe from collapsing and lift it from Zero to
One. The answer is yes. It exists in the PARADOX OF ULTRA VIOLET
CATASTOPHES. It says a smallest Quantum vibrating Particle can carry
unlimited amount of energy. We have to recall here String, Parallel World and
Ekpyrotic Universe Scenario put forth by Neil Turok, Paul Steinhardt and Burt
Ovrut. Life has parallel world; male and female and it has a singular
Ekpyrotic Scenario, in which it evolves its information before it divides back
into parallel or dual and multiple worlds.
The universe needs to be understood as Space-Time Field of the Creator,
having immense energy unfolding within the feminine. In scientific terms, it
can be visualized as information unfolding. Information is Light or
Energy, this means we can visualize universe as Living Light that
gives Life Unfolding. Since Calvary we are in the process of Living Light
Unfolding. This could be understood as Cosmic Masculine Force unfolding.
In Vedas of east, it is represented as KUNDALINI ARISING. Once this
completes it goes into enfolding dividing one world into two worlds. Here
spirituality and science unites. I doubt whether it can be experimented, but it

can be experienced in the process of transcending from dark world to light

world. You can become part of the one whole that struggles to create and
sustain the Kingdom of God. Beyond doubt, this knowledge seemed to have
existed and is reflected in ancient scriptures and cultures. Here I am tempted
see huge depth in eastern scriptures [Vedas] and its cultures. It is time we
unearth it in the new context beyond religion for the wellbeing of the whole
of humanity. Religions are resistive in Nature. However, it cannot give Life
and Light. Life and Light comes as you participate and transcend the black
One must bear the cycle repeats perpetually and resistance is a necessityWe must recall Forbiddance of God and Anti- dote to it [the invitation from
God to Eat the New Apple- Christ]. Together they form cyclic Reality of
cosmos described in Bible. Every food is a source of Energy or Spirit. The
energy in food cannot be used unless we digest it. The Spirit of Creator was
shed at Calvary for all of us to breathe and be revitalized. God manifested as
Christ and pointed to God within. Through His Calvary Sacrifice He Became
Spirit so that we can breathe Him and come alive. It is unfortunate that this
Spirit and Light shed on earth was again encapsulated into four walls of
Churches, with curtains drawn on the sanctum sanctorum. Humanity was
made once again slaves incapable connecting to once own consciousness,
thinking and walking the path of Truth and justice. Christ freed us from
slavery to religions but we became slaves again. The freedom and power
that Christ gave us is seen in the intelligence awakening and thinking
community outside temples and churches that has manifeste science and
knowledge that has challenged the religious world. However, what science
has achieved is incomplete. The partial power that science has given thus
has is given us technologies that are more used negatively than positively.
This has taken humanity to the highest level of darkness and disorder.
Einstein said, "Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological
Christ probably Knew these developments and thus He spoke of His Second
Coming and Judgment. The Second Coming is Revelation of Gods Mind and
the Spirit. I feel it is quantum evolutionary jump from darkness to light,
inferior knowledge of matter to superior knowledge Spirit. Only Supreme
Mind of Creator can open the Schrodingers box with a cat in it that is
shot several trillion times [By we humans and our self-centered thinking] with
absolute certainty of finding it alive. There is Hope for the world. Read the

link -https://www.scribd.com/doc/254155717/Has-Science-Made-Nature-andLife-Complex-as-Religions-Made-God-Complex

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