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The State:
It is politically and legally organized society able to impose the authority of the law
inside and assert his personality and responsibility towards the similar from the
outside. States become, Nations, remain; since there was slave, feudal, etc., in
one nation State. In a State can have several Nations, but is not conceived a
nation containing several States.

East Asia: It is from the 8th century, a. J. C., given the existence of political
societies governed by a monarch. The monarchy is hereditary, perpetuated by
what power holders families referred to them as imperial dynasties. At that time,
was supposed to the emperor as the representative of heaven and Lord of all men,
although it responded to the people with the concordance of their acts with the
OLD East: Existed human cultures of great splendor such as Egypt, Persia, Syria,
Israel, etc. There for millennia, these peoples were inexhaustible political events;
however, this period was characterized by a "despotic or theocratic State". Being
despotic, the authority was so regal that the capacity of persons in private law was
restricted, as well as the ability to act in the public law was limited to individuals
belonging to a class or c privileged aster. And the theocratic be means that there
was a relationship between the sovereign of the political community and the
Greece: Two political organizations were in the Greek culture, the Spartan and the
Athenian. Over time, the inhabitants of the polis took part in the tasks of the
Government, recognizing them as free men. However, they did not participate on
an equal footing because the society was divided into four classes, according to his
fortune and the rights and duties were in proportion to their wealth. The
fundamental characteristic of the Greek political organization is the absolute
authority in connection therewith, the political organization, that his ability to
participate in it through the elaboration of laws. Already made laws were imposed
on individuals, in such a way that they had no freedom, in the current sense of
Rome: its foundation dates from the year 750 B.C. J. In the beginning, the
Government was elective monarchist and was divided into two classes: patricians

and Plebs. The patricians were the aristocratic class had political rights, and that
gather in ten groups the curias were. In the year 506 a. J. C. appears the Republic
as a form of Government, but is at the end of the II century a. J. C. that begins the
downfall of the Republic. And establishing the Empire as absolute monarchic
regime that lasts until the fall of Rome in 476 d. J. C. It must be said that in the
case of public law relationships there was a sphere of rights of men, but limited, as
the man was not always the quality of person. This situation lasted, even after
having adopted Christianity.
Middle Ages: It had its flourishing with the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the
year 476. At this time still influence the ideas of the Roman Empire collected by
Charlemagne, although political monism disappears within political communities. In
the feudal era is emphasized dualism, i.e. next to the power of the sovereign, there
was mob justice. The power was divided so that stated the position of the feudal
lords within the political community.

Within the doctrine of Kelsen, involving concepts that revolve around the State
relating to the validity and effect of the positive legal order such as: legal order - will
of the State.
1. Territory - space sphere of validity of the positive legal order.
2. People - positive personal sphere of validity of the legal order.
3. Sovereignty - legal to be Supreme and total quality.
4. State power - force or validity of the rule of law.
5. Centralization or decentralization - problem of articulation of the rule of law.

POPULATION in each State is, of course, a certain number of men who

make up the population.
State membership was conditioned by a specific legal link: nationality, which
must be distinguished from citizenship, which entails the right to intervene,
with the character's body, in public life.
The population of a State voucher as a people, constituting ethnic and
politically powers converged core maintainer of that in space and time.

TERRITORY in accordance with article 42 of the Constitution of the Mexican

United States, is the Earth's surface or subsurface, airspace and lots of sea
that bathes the territory, where the State can exercise its sovereignty, as
well as where perform your unit and can impose his authority, according to
rules created or recognized by the State.
Sovereign power Empire, under the authority of domain or jurisdiction
exercised authoritatively on individuals who are part of the national group.
Faculty of the State to order, send or do one thing and in the political sphere
is manifested as Executive, legislative and judicial.

State types
That is governed by a central Government with full and equal powers over the
whole national territory, unit legislative and provincial, municipal and departmental
It has the following characteristics:

Centralization of political power. There may be a decentralization in the

governorates as in the case of Bolivia, but there is only one authority.

Unity of the legal system. There is a single legal system that governs the
entire territory to enforce the rights of the Bolivian Nations.

Hierarchy. This hierarchy is administrative, not political in nature.

That compound by several States possessing peculiar Government, legislation
pending in various subjects and a great administrative autonomy, but with respect
for the international representative unit, entrusted to a federal or national
These two structural types of State are assimilated to two functional types of

To Unitarianism centralization.

Federalism decentralization.

But the two functional forms of administration, can co-exist in any of the two
structural types of State, this is called organic dualism.
It is the union of two or more previously independent States with a default end, but
maintaining its own autonomy in general.
The purpose is defensive. Each State is free to act with full independence. It differs
from the Federation in that individual States are subordinate to the central
He who is under the authority of a single organ, usually centralized. That is
governed by a single organ of the public power, is usually the executive organ.
Sometimes is confused-wrongly-with the unitary State, in this work all the organs of
public power (Executive, legislative, judicial, electoral), in the single State only
operates a single organ, usually the executive organ.
They are confederations, federations and associations of States. Of these are the
Commonwealth or British community of Nations consisting of Ireland of the North,
Scotland, England, Australia, Belize, and New Zealand. Another association was
the former Soviet Union, which was made up of 15 republics.
It is the political and legal organization of a society of many Nations United in a
single State with Government of representing multinational and subject to a single
political Constitution.




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