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The M&M Exercise

I was browsing the books in my study when I got to looking at Henry L. ThompsonsJungs FunctionAttitudes Explained. I was looking at his m&m exercise again, and remembering when I did it for
myself awhile back. I thought it might be of interest. Its probably best done in a group, but you can
do it by yourself and it will work just fine. (I did.) Warning: reading any further may make you crave
Okay, so get some M&Ms. With the M&Ms, try not to eat them during the exercise. (I wasnt very
successful on this front.) Dont substitute it for something healthier. The indulgence of M&Ms and the
fact that many people tasted M&Ms early in life are part of the exercise. Now answer the following
(1)Use all of your senses except for taste. Collect factual data about the M&Mswithout eating any
of them. Write down your observations.
(2)Write down any past memories of M&Ms.
(3)Write down any new uses for M&Ms that you can think of (besides eating them).
(4)What images do the M&Ms evoke? Write them down.
(5)Physically organize the M&Ms. What organizing principle did you use? Write it out.
(6)In what other, more precise ways could you organize your M&Ms, if you had the resources and
information? Make a list of your responses.
(7)What positive, people-related things could you do with your M&Ms? Make a list.
(8)What special, personal meanings do M&Ms evoke for you? Write them down.
Okay, now you can eat your M&Ms.
If you plan on doing the exercise but havent yet, dont read any further until you have
completed the exercise. Doing so will influence your results and therefore the accuracy of the
1. This response was Se. For someone with well developed Se, the answers will be straightforward
and factual. Answers such as round rattle crunch smooth and hard are typically given when
Se-dominants complete the exercise.
2. This question measures Si. These will be recalled, factual sensory experiences related to the five
senses. Answers such as holiday colors peanuts peanuts hung in teeth chocolate melts in
mouth and sweet tended to be given by the Si group.
3. This is an Ne question. Ne answers can be very diverse, and resemble brainstorming. Common
answers given were slingshot ammunition throw em cook em use as placebos and so forth.

4.The Ni responses. Non-Ni users, especially dominant Se types, have tremendous difficulty with
this. Common answers are orbiting planets Atlanta traffic Intergalactic travel wormholes and
the moon.
5.Te responses to this question tend to be things like initials color groups size arrow formation
circles and smiley faces. Interestingly, Thompson found that STJs were straightforward and logical
in their responses whereas NTJs used logic with a hint of creativity. Type specific approaches were
most obvious here, and so this may be insightful for even people without well-developed Te. For
example, SFJs combined sensory categories with people whereas NFJs tried to create structures
that would be fun. STPs were innovative while still being focused on sensory characteristics while
NTPs were both highly structured in their arrangements and highly creative. SFPs combined sensory
characteristics with people and fun while NFPs got bored of the exercise quickly, largely disregarding
logical structure in lieu of people oriented creativity.
6. Ti: here you want to look for taxonomic precision. Common answers were circumference, weight,
batch number, defective/not-defective, primary or non-primary colors and so forth.
7.Fe responses. STs and NTs had the most trouble with this one. Typical responses are give as
rewards, use to teach children about things like counting or color, share with others, be nice to
someone and to be kind to people.
8.Finally, Introverted Feeling is captured by this question. For this one, doing it alone may be
beneficial. Thompson mentions that non-Fi types have a tough time with this exercise. While Fidominants can access it, it is usually too personal to be shared in a group setting. Responses were
generally related to how the M&Ms were meaningful, stuff like my dads favorite candy I didnt have
to share with my siblings fellowship and memories of Vietnam. (Note these are personally
significant memories, which is why its Fi and not Si. Si memories would be more factual and detailed
than that.)
Now compare your responses. As youve no doubt guessed, answering in a manner similar to a
given function gives you a big clue about your type but also what matters here are the questions you
found very difficult to answer, since these give you an idea of your inferior (fourth) function. If you
know your inferior function, you can work backwards towards your type.
Now excuse me. I really want M&Ms.

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