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5 Strong Prayers For The Lost

by DER EK H IL L on OCTOBER 3, 2013



ave you ever been really lost when driving

through unfamiliar territory? That feeling of anxiety

that hits you in your gut is telling you that something is
seriously wrong. Your natural reaction is to get back on
the right track ASAP. This is how we all should feel
about those we know that are spiritually lost too. They
are on the wrong path that leads to eternal torment
and suffering. Jesus describes these paths in Matthew
7:13-14, Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is
wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and
those who enter it are many. For the gate is narrow
and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who
find it are few.
This is serious! We cant allow one
day to slip by without praying for those that are lost.
We arent promised tomorrow and prayer is very
powerful. Let us all agree together that praying for the
lost is something that we should be doing daily.

Here are 5 prayers that you can pray for

anyone who is lost spiritually.
My Friend Is Your Enemy
O Lord,
I love my friend, Joe. He has a heart of compassion for
others. He helps those in need. He just doesnt see
You as important and its breaking my heart. Father,
please draw Joe to You. You have the power to create
and destroy and that is why I am torn. Joe is my friend
and he is Your enemy right now. Bring Joe wherever
You must to make him look up to You. Father, if he
must hit rock-bottom, please allow him to. It is better
to have momentary sadness and anguish here then to

have eternal sadness and anguish in hell. I lift Joe up

to You today. Lord, hear my prayer! I love You! Amen

Family Is Not Yours
Almighty God,
My own brother is living a lie. He goes to church, but
thats about it. He isnt reading his Bible. He doesnt
talk about You with anyone. He doesnt grasp the fact
that You want a real relationship with him. Father, I
know where his heart is by the things he says and
does, and the places that he goes. I dont want him to
miss out on the amazingness of Heaven. Father, please
show him You are real. He thinks going to church is
enough, but that is the farthest thing from the truth.
Being in a church building doesnt make him a Christian
any more than being in a garage makes him a car.
Father, he needs to understand this! Bring him to his
knees, Lord. If it be Your will, give me time with my
brother where we can talk about You and the reality of

eternity. Lord, I love my brother and I know you do

too. I lift him up to you this day. I love You, Father!

Fellow Co-Workers
The rampant, disregard for Your glorious Name is
profaned every single day in every single room of my
workplace. Father, it drives me nuts to hear them use
Your Name as a curse word. They dont understand
how lost they really are and that is why I pray for them
today. Father, many of these men and women have
their own children and they would do anything to
protect them. Father, open their eyes to see that You
feel the same way. Everything is finished. We are
guaranteed Heaven by believing in the atoning blood of
Your, Son. Thank You for Jesus, Father! Thank You for
Jesus! I lift up my fellow co-workers to You today,
Lord. Use me as You see fit in showing them love and
compassion. May they see You in my actions this day.
I love You! Amen

Strength For Today

I come to You to lift up those that are lost. Father, give
them strength to make it through today and all of the
struggles they encounter. Father, I am willing to be
Your vessel. Use me to shine the light of Jesus into the
eyes of the lost this day. May they feel You moving as
they encounter the trials of this day. I love You, Lord!

Those At Rock-Bottom
Father in Heaven,
You are worthy of all praise and glory and I exalt You
this day! Father, You have placed Angela on my heart
because she is at rock-bottom right now. Lord, I can
feel You drawing her to You by using me as a vessel.
Lord, she comes to me daily with concerns about life

and she is at the point of desperation that You can do a

miracle! Father, I pray that today she will wait no
longer! Father bring her to her knees today! May she
cry out to You for deliverance and guidance! May she
cry out to You for salvation through Jesus! Father, I
want to be there when she looks to You for the first
time. I will pray with her. I will cry with her. I will be
silent with her. I will be a friend to her in one of the
most desperate times of her life. Lord I lift Angela up
to You today. I love You, Father! Amen

Our world is full of lost and lonely people. We cant
afford to sit on the side lines as they continue to fall
closer to hell. The lost need salvation through Christ
and we have the power of prayer at our disposal! Lets
become prayer warriors and incessantly pray for those
that have not received Jesus. May God bless you as
you live a life worthy of the calling!

Take a look at another interesting article

from our archives:
7 Prayers For Friends or Friendship
Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English
Standard Version (ESV), copyright 2001 by
Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Tagged as: Lost, Prayers, Praying, Salvation

7 Prayers For Friends or Friendship

by DER EK H IL L on MAY 21, 2013



hat a wonderful thing friendship is! Do you have

that one person in your life that you can confide in

about anything and they will keep it a secret and pray
for you? Do you have that one friend who knows your
darkest secrets and will help hold you accountable?
Friendship is a beautiful thing when it is done right,
meaning, no gossiping or emotional beat downs. True
friendship is a mutual nurturing of each others soul for
the cause of Christ. Here are 7 different prayers you
can pray for your friends or for friendship in general.

Your Spouse
Gracious Father in Heaven,
You have given me the most amazing spouse ever! I
am proud to call him/her my best and dearest friend!
Father, today I vow to show my spouse how much I
love them. He/She listens to me when I am stressed.
He/She rubs my shoulders after a long day of work.
He/She takes the time to maintain our relationship
emotionally, physically and spiritually. We spend time
in the Word together! We sing praises to You together!
I love my spouse more than words can say! I praise
You, O Lord, for providing me with my best friend as
my spouse! My cup is truly overflowing with blessings!

The Longing
O Lord,
I am so depressed. I long to have just one friend who
really understands me and who will not judge me.
Lord, my church is full of men and women that seem
wonderful but I have yet to actually build a concrete
friendship with one. Please give me an opportunity to
build one of these friendships, Lord. I pray that next
weekend I can find someone to start a meaningful

friendship with. If not, I will still follow You, Lord. May

Your will be done always. Amen

Satans Demons

True friendship is a mutual nurturing of each others soul for the

cause of Christ.

Omnipotent Lord
You have the power to do as You please and right now
my brother, Your child, is under attack by Satan and
his legion of demons. Father, I understand that all
tests come because You allow them. May my friend
find true knowledge through this trial quickly. Lord, I
pray that You help my brother in Christ to stay strong.
May he keep strong in prayer and in the Word! I will
walk with him through this entire ordeal and when it is
over, we will both say it is well. Amen

Mold Me
You are the potter and I am the clay. Lord, You know
who my dearest friends are. I want them to see Jesus
when they see me. Lord, please mold me in such a way
that You can use me to be the feet of Jesus to them.
Whatever the need is, I want to be there for them,
Lord. I want to pray with them and for them. I want to
study Your Word with them. I want to sing praises to
You with them. I want to listen to them with a

compassionate heart when they are hurting. Lord, may

I always be willing to push pride off of me and allow
You to shape me into someone who lives like Jesus
does! I love you, Lord! Amen

Praising God for Friends

Loving Father,
I want to thank You for giving me the wonderful circle
of friends that I have. You have surrounded me with
people that really love You and that want to know me
more each day! Thank you, Lord, for they have all
shown me so much love and I am truly grateful for
their friendship. Thank you for providing me with
friends that hold me accountable in my walk with You
as I hold them accountable as well. Lord, I praise Your
holy name for blessing me with such amazing friends! I
love You, Father! Amen

This isnt Goodbye

My time has come to leave this world and my strength
is failing. Thank you for the many loved ones in my life
that You have grown so close to me. My friends
throughout this journey of life have been there for me
through so many things. They prayed for me when I
lost family members. They sat with me and listened to
me when times were rough. I helped them with
financial difficulties when I could. I pray for them daily,
Lord. We have grown so close over the years and this
time is so difficult. I am ready for Glory, Lord. I am sad
that I will be apart from those I love for a while.
Please, Lord, give them strength to stay strong, run
the race, and finish well! I will be at the finish line
waiting for them! This is not goodbye, but only a short
separation from them. Thank you for the life You have
given me here. I cant wait to see Jesus face to face! I
love You, Lord! Amen

He Calls me Friend
Dear Lord,
What a friend we have in Jesus! He calls me His friend!
Lord, I praise You for sending Jesus to die on the cross
to save me from my sins. Jesus said, Greater love has
no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his
friends. (John 15:13) Jesus laid down His life for me
and I cant say thank you enough to Him! I want to
love like Jesus does, Father! Jesus, my friend, is
worthy of all honor and praise! Words can never
express how great His love is for us, but I thank You,
Father, for sending Jesus to us! Without His sacrifice
we would still have a rift between us, Father. He tore
the veil! Thank you for the wonderful friend we have in
Your Son, Jesus! Amen

These are 7 different prayers relating to many
different facets of friendship. I pray that no matter
where you are at in your walk with God, you will
friendships. Iron sharpens iron and one man sharpens
another. (Proverbs 27:17) May God bless you as you
live a life worthy of the calling!

Take a look at this other article that

includes prayers:
7 Inspirational Prayers
Resources - The Holy Bible, English Standard Version
Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, English
Standard Version (ESV), copyright 2001 by
Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News
Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
YouTube video Friend of God by Phillips, Craig and
Tagged as: friends, Friendship, Prayers, prayers for friendship

Read more: http://www.whatchristianswanttoknow.com/7-prayers-for-friends-or-friendship/#ixzz2lpllwboY

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