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Legend, myth or reality.

The Romanian mountains are crossed by underground tunnels and a few

people know about their existence today.
During the Dacians, these tunnels and underground passages were known only by a few priests
and nobility. The last also had the knowledge of a few strategic passageways. Secrets of the Dacian
priests were taken by Orthodox priests and re-transmitted only to the virtual priests.
There is much to say about this topic and it was not directly addressed as historical tangles are
far, far too complicated for many people, and historical theories are often too different and various. There
are myriad of websites and scientists, dedicated to this topic and talking about these things.
Geography, in general, is a science that has a strong anchoring in concrete elements related to
climate, land forms, population, economy, natural resources, etc.
At a first sight it's a very technical science.
Astronomy seems also very technical and even in the absence of some astrology knowledge that
in addition brings spiritual information about distant stars.
What would the connection be between astronomy and geography besides the technicism of both
sciences ?.
The answer comes form a spiritual source that is based on the principle of analogy according to
which what is up is also down and what is down is like what is up.
To complete the miracle of things that are unique some scientist in ancient times established
astonishing links between mountain ranges, special human built buildings and various constellations in
the Milky Way.
Lets start by saying that the great Chinese wall that in our current time is a very important turist
attraction for the visitors of China is the only human building visible from the moon.
Romanian scientist, Vasile Lovinescu discovered a fact known millenniums and centuries ago,
that the Carpathian mountain range has an absolute resemblance with the dragon constellation, thus the
Carpathians are a terrestrial reflection of this dragon stellar group also popularly known as balaurul (the
dragon). Some etymological and historic data tend to confirm this idea.
It is known that the Dacian banner is a dragon on top of a spike and not a wolf as it was believed.
The term Dacian (Dac) and Devil (Drac) come from the term Dragon.
The northwest extremity of the Carpathians is currently on Slovakian territory and the southeast
extremity of this mountain range is located in Bulgaria. The Balcan term popularly called as Valcan has
the meaning of dragon.
It is interesting to notice that the central part of the Carpathian mountain range, the heart of the
dragon is entirely on Romanian territory and contains mysterious megalithic monuments like Sfinxul and
We also encounter extraordinary links on the Egyptian territory, land full of mysteries that are not
fully understood of a multimillenary history. We all know that the most representative historical
monuments that came from ancient Egyptians are the pyramids that werent an exclusive attribute of the
Egyptians, they were also seen in Pre-Columbian America being built by ancient civilizations as the
Mayans, Aztecs, Olmecs. There are still discussions, assumptions on the way that these colossal
monuments were built. In Egypt as elsewhere in the world these magnificent monuments had important
spiritual meaning being used for the celebration of religious rituals.

The biggest and most interesting Egyptian pyramids are located in Gizeh. Here lies the pyramid
of Keops the biggest of them all, Kefren and Mikerinos lined by the famous Sphinx. According to some
very precise astronomical calculations the three pyramids are arranged in an alignment similar to that of
the tree stars that form the orion belt. We are talking about the Mintaka-delta orionis, Alnilam-epsilon
orionis and Alnitak-zeta orionis from the Orion constellation of Milky Way. In addition it was discovered
that the arrangement of the three pyramids in relation to the Nile is perfectly similar with the arrangement
of the Orion constellation in relation to the Milky Way galaxy. There is thus an analogy between the Nile
river and the Milky Way and the great buildings of ancient Egyptians, (temples, pyramids, monuments)
they represent projections of other stars from the Orion constellation.
Special importance given by the Egyptians to this constellation was granted by its comparison
according to the beliefs of that current time with the cosmic body of the god Osiris, 1 st rank divinity in
Osiriss waist was composed from the three stars earlier mentioned grouped in Orions belt.
A conclusion that we draw from this data is that ancient Egyptians were faultless astronomers
which were rigorously applying the principle of analogy between cosmic and telluric.
There are scientist that tried to establish analogies between Sfinxul from Bucegi and the Sphinx
form Egypt. Besides some size and proportion differences we can retain the fact that under each one may
hide some galleries, sanctuaries and even secret libraries of inestimable value.
A link between Thracians and Dacians on one side and ancient Egyptians on the other side could
have been made by the Greeks which had ties to the Thracians mentioned in Herodots writings and also
to prominent Egyptian philosophers in old Elada that were trained or initiated in old Egypt, that being the
case of Pitagora and of Platon.
So here ancient geography correlated with some geographical and spiritual knowledge gives us
some remarkable and amazing revelations. Surely such information and correlation may emerge in the
future helping us to better understand the past and to look at the future with confidence.
Archeological discovery or natural formation ?. That is the questions which anyone would ask
themselves in front of Rasnov were Valentin Tirca found some sort of masonry buried under the patch
earth that covers the hills. Paralepipiedic milimetricaly polished rocks with moss, big slabs that are
perfectly combined which hide caverns , layers of rock alternate with layers of pebbles similar to a brick
and mortar masonry. Although it seems to look like a human built building the possibility that it is only the
game of nature is not excluded, however Valentin Tirca is convinced that his discovery is a building made
with technology that was unavailable eighteen million years ago. Only on the spot scientific research will
tell us if we are standing in front of an important archeological discovery.

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