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Ejemplo de Conversacion en Ingls:

Alfredo: Hello. My name is Alfredo.

George: Hello Alfredo, I'm George.
George: How can I help you?
Alfredo: Can you tell me where Shinra Factory is?
George: I'm sorry. I have no idea. You're not from here right?
Alfredo: I've just arrived. I'm from Spain.
George: I see. What brings you here to London?
Alfredo: Business.
George: Well, I'm sorry I can't help you with that. Maybe that cop can help
Alfredo: I'll go ask him. Thank you.
George: No problem. If you need any help, I'm here every day.
Alfredo: It was nice to meet you. Catch you later
George: See you, and good luck.
Traduccin al espaol de la conversacin
Alfredo: Hola, mi nombre es Alfredo
George: Hola Alfredo, yo soy George.
George: Como te puedo ayudar?
Alfredo: Podras decirme donde queda la Factora ShinRa?
George: Lo siento, no tengo idea. No eres de aqu verdad?
Alfredo: He llegado recin. Vengo de Espaa
George: Ya veo. Y que te trae por aqui a Londres?
Alfredo: Negocios
George: Bueno, lo siento que no te pueda ayudar con eso, pero tal vez ese
policia te pueda ayudar
Alfredo: Le ir a preguntar. Gracias
George: No hay problema, si necesitas alguna ayuda, estoy aqui todo el
Alfredo: Fue un gusto conocerte. Nos vemos luego
George: Nos vemos, Buena Suerte!



What do you do for a living?

A qu te dedicas?

Where did you last go on holiday?

A donde fuiste la ultima vez de


How many countries have you been to?

En cuntos pases has estado?

What is your favorite food?

Cul es tu comida favorita?

What is your favorite film?

Cul es tu pelcula favorita?

What was the last book you read?

Cul es el ltimo libro que has ledo?

What is your most embarrassing moment?

cul fue tu peor momento de


Where are you going for your next vacation?

Dnde vas a pasar tus prximas


What is the best thing that happened to you

during the past week?

Cul ha sido la mejor cosa que te ha

pasado esta semana?

Do you sing in the shower?

cantas en la ducha?

What are you scared of?

De qu tienes miedo?

What was the worst movie you have ever


Cul es la peor pelicula te has visto?

What was your worst holiday experience?

Cul ha sido tu peor experiencia de


If you could live anywhere, where would you


Si podras vivir en cualquier lugar,

dnde querras vivir?

What was your least favorite job like?

cmo fue el peor empleo que has


Have you ever been fired from your job?

Alguna Vez Te Han Despedido De Tu


Have you ever used drugs?

Alguna vez has tomado drogas?

What would you do if you found a bag with a

lot of money?

Qu harias si encuentras un bolso con

mucho dinero?

Do you have a pet?

Tienes un animal domestico?




What is the weirdest thing you have ever


Cul es la cosa ms extraa que has

visto en tu vida?

Are you mean or generous?

Eres generoso/a o tacao/a?

Where would you like to visit?

A dnde te gustara visitar?

What is the worst thing you ever bought?

Cul fue la peor cosa qu has


Do you have any tattos?

Tienes tatuajes?

Would you go to a nudist beach?

irias a una playa nudista?

Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend?

tienes novia o novio?

What is your favourite song?

Cul es tu cancin favorita?

Do you do any sports?

haces algn deporte?

Are you religious?

Eres religioso?

How old are you?

cuntos aos tienes?

Where do you live?

Dnde vives?

Where are you from?

De Dnde Eres?

Do you like flying?

Te gusta volar?

What is your favourite sport?

Cul es tu deporte favorito?

What are you wearing?

Qu llevas puesto?

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

Tienes hermanos?

Can you drive?

Sabes conducir?

Do you smoke?


What are you going to do afterwards?

Qu vas a hacer despus?

Are you interested in politics?

Ests interesado en la poltica?

Do you like the place where you live?

Te gusta el lugar dnde vives?

What will you be doing in 5 years time?

Qu vas a estar haciendo en 5 aos?

Have you ever been drunk?

Te emborrachaste alguna vez?

What are you doing at Christmas?

Qu vas a hacer esta navidad?

Do you like Christmas?

Te gusta la navidad?

What do you normally do on the 25th

Qu haces el 25 de diciembre



Where is the station?

Dnde est la estacin?
Whos that man?
Quin es ese hombre?
What time is it?
Qu hora es?
What do you want?
Qu quieres?
When does the concert start?
Cundo empieza el concierto?
Why have they changed it?
Por qu lo han cambiado?

1. Puedes decirme cunto es?

2. Sabes por qu est rota?
3. No entiendo lo que (qu) necesitas
4. Dime dnde puedo encontrarlo.
5. Sabes de lo que estn hablando?

1. Can you tell me how much it is?

2. Do you know why its broken?
3. I dont understand what you need.


4. Tell me where I can find it.

5. Do you know what theyre speaking / talking about?

Is there any chance- Hay alguna posibilidad

Do you knowSabes

Can/could you tell me.. Me podras decir

Id like to knowMe gustara saber

Do you have any ideaTienes alguna idea.

I was wondering...Me preguntaba

Would it be possibleSera posible

I wonder whether...Me pregunto si

Please, tell me...Por favor, dime

I can't remember if...No me acuerdo si

Has he told you whether...Te ha dicho si

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