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Banishing Spells

What Is a Banishing Spell and How Do You Perform Them?

By Damian Bana | Submitted On April 01, 2011

Banishing spells are incantations that you can use to get rid of an enemy or other unwanted
persons as well as eliminating negative energy and even evil. Negativity can manifest itself as
unusual negative thoughts, material problems such as legal and tax problems as well as
troublesome roommates or co-workers. A banishing incantation can help turn negativity into
positive energy so the situation can be resolved. If you are planning to use these spells, make
sure to do so with discrimination since you don't want to interfere with the workings of free
While banishing spells usually take the form of a chant or incantation that is spoken aloud,
using tools such as banishing ointments as well as candles can help the witch improve their
focus so that the spell becomes more effective. These spells may also become more powerful
when done during particular times, such as when the moon is waning, during Halloween or
the in-between times such as just before dawn or at midnight. If the subject of the spell is a
person, a photograph of the person may also be used when performing the spell. But if you
can't get a picture, an object or a clay representation will be sufficient.
Another important element of banishing spells is salt, sea salt in particular. Salt is recognized
as an element that can absorb energy and is easily destroyed after the spell is performed in
order to destroy the negative energy. For example, if you are doing a banishing incantation to
get rid of an illness, you can throw salt into a fire and then gaze into the flames, imagining that
the sickness is leaving you. While visualizing the illness leaving, chant out loud an affirmation
such as Good Health Returns, Illness Leaves. This spell can be used not just to benefit yourself
but also a friend or loved one.
Clarity supported by attention to detail is also important to consider when doing banishing
spells. Keep in mind that, just like any spell, banishing incantations can backfire even when
performed with the best of intentions. So you need to be very clear as to what you want to
achieve in order to prevent unwanted consequences. A banishing is also more effective when it
is performed with a specific end in mind, such as wanting a roommate to leave, rather than
asking for them to be removed, which may result in the both of you being evicted from your
residence. One way to achieve this is to write down just what you want to be resolved on a
small piece of paper and then burn it using a candle while imagining the issue going away.
Finally, when crafting banishing spells, you should be careful that its effects do not harm
anyone or, as already mentioned, cause a person to act against their will. You should craft
spells in such a way that they cause events to unfold naturally so as to resolve the issue, which
results in fewer negative repercussions coming back to you.
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Banishing Spells

Banishing Spells

By Jayne Piper | Submitted On December 28, 2010

Banishing spells are used for removing anything negative in your life, be that emotions or
people or even negative energies that you can feel all around you. Rather than by attacking or
hurting a person, banishing magic works by reducing the negative influence a person may
have on you or protecting other potential victims.
Similar in a way to a protection spell, you will also see the use of salt as a form of banishing magic
whereby a ring of salt is made around a person or in doorways for example to actually keep bad spirits,
bad magic or entities out.

So now we know that banishing magic involves not only driving away people but actually
expelling negative feelings, emotions, and influences and of course fears, what is the best way
to perform a banishing spell?
There are several varying methods with differing levels of complexity as well. The main
repeated factor is to make sure you develop a connection of representation to what you are
trying to get rid of. For example, quite a simple method is to etch some sort of word or symbol
upon a piece of wood or stone that represents to you, some bad memories or negativity. You
then throw the wood or stone into some fast flowing water or you could also bury the object. If
using the bury method, add some new seedlings to represent the transformation into new life.
Here is another Banishing Ritual, this time a little more complex but still quite straight forward
and easy to do!
For this ritual it is preferable to use an ebb tide to carry away your symbol however any sort of
downward flowing water will be fine - even a drain.
You need to then choose an object that represents whatever it is that you wish to get rid of.
Good items are usually things like a dying flower or a piece of seaweed. It is not vitally
important what the object is as long as you associate that symbol or item to the thing you want
If you are at the beach, draw a square in the sand around the object. Chalk, charcoal or
anything else that works on a paved area will also be fine. After you have drawn the square,

"These are the limits of your power, these are the limits of your sway, thus you lose your thrall,
away, now, away."
The next step is to then rub out the square you have just drawn while chanting "See, even this

your power is gone, leave my life, your day is Done!"

Then as far as you can, throw the symbol out into the ebb tide or simply down the drain. Say
goodbye and seal the ritual with a simple "Away, no more stay!"
Finally, after the ritual, try and do something that makes you happy for the rest of the day! If
the person or issue has quite a strong hold on you then you may need to repeat the spell each
waning moon until you feel the negativity has been truly banished!
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Banishing Spells

How to Get Rid of an Enemy

Write the persons name 9 times on Brown Paper. Roll the paper away from you into a tube
shape and slide it inside a glass bottle. Then fill with some coffee until the bottle is full. Close
the bottle and seal it with wax from a candle. Wrap the bottle in black cloth. Tie with Cotton
Twine making 9 knots using all the anger and rage you have in your body towards this person.
Take the bottle to a body of moving water like a river or ocean. Toss into the water over your
left shoulder and walk away without looking back. You will have no anger against this person.
Get rid of an enemy
You will need the following items for this spell:
3 sticks of Artemisia, bloodweed, or sage
a glass jar
a white candle
a black ribbon
nine pennies
Take 3 sticks of Artemisia, bloodweed, or sage. Write the name of your enemy on a piece of
paper and tie it to the sticks. Place the sticks in a glass jar and fill the jar with vinegar (the
sticks should not be longer than the jar). Cover the top of the jar and turn it upside down. Take
a white candle and tie a black ribbon around it. Turn it upside down and place it on the bottom
of the glass. Light the wrong end of the candle and say: "As Jesus turned vinegar into water, so
shall (name of enemy) turn into nothing, so that they go far away and so that I will never have
to see them again." Let the candle burn down and dispose of all of the items used in the spell in
a graveyard along with nine pennies.
To Banish an Enemy
From Charms, Spells, and Formulas by Ray Malbrough
Write your enemies name 9 times on a piece of paper and put
it into a jar. Fill the jar with Four Thieves Vinegar and
throw it into a river.
Four Thieves Banishing
By Marie Laveau
While banishings are of questionable karmic wisdom, there are times
when one must choose the lesser of two evils. In such cases, allow
your conscious to be your guide. This banishing spell draws on the
traditions of New Orleans Voodoo.
To start, write the name of the person you wish to banish from your
life on a piece of paper or parchment. Place this into a jar and cover
it with 4 Thieves Vinegar. Seal the bottle with wax, and throw it into
a flowing body of water, such as a river or a stream. Queen Laveau
asserts that as the bottle is carried off by the water, so shall the
undesirable individual be removed from the location.

Banishing Spells

How to Cast a Witchcraft Spell to Get Rid of Your Enemy

Use this spell to remove a troublesome person from your life.
Black Magic Supplies Needed:
Black Cloth Voodoo Doll
Parchment Paper
Crossing Powder
Purple Candle
White Piece of Cloth (I use a square of felt)
Piece of String or Yarn
Spell Instructions:
Write your spell objective on the parchment paper For example: I want Bill out of my life or
I want Susan to get fired from her job.
Make a small incision in the seam of the voodoo doll. Place the paper inside the slit. Sprinkle
the Crossing Powder on the voodoo doll; rub it in real well. Light the purple candle and hold it
over the doll until several drops of wax fall on it.
Tie the string around the waist of the doll and draw it tight, while chanting, Get Out of my
life! Go away from me! Place the doll on the ground and kick it all the way to your front door.
After you have kicked the doll to the door, wrap it in the white cloth. Put it away in an area
where no one will see it or touch it. Put out the candle. Every day, for 9 days, repeat this black
magic ritual.
On the 10th night, burn the doll (dont do this on your own property). Dispose of the ashes by
throwing them in a stream of water or tossing on your enemys property or workplace.
Use a black candle, with a picture of the person (if obtainable) placed underneath,
also a piece of parchment with the person's name on it.
Carve the Divine Names "Eel kanno taf" onto the black candle.
Anoint the candle with Banishing Oil. Burn for nine nights, each night reading Psalm 94.
Put the candle out after Psalm is done (NOT by blowing it out).
On the last night let the candle burn all the way down.
While the candle burns (on each night), meditate and focus strongly on the aim in mind.
Imagine strongly the person leaving you alone; imagine strongly their evil deeds turning
back onto themselves. Do this for about 5 minutes each night before you pray the Psalm.
(Note: a purple candle could also work for this, but used black if this person had
been very harassing in a serious way).
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Banishing Spells


Get a small jar or bottle with a lid.
On a piece of paper draw a house with a big X thru it.
Then write their name on it 9 times, but not inside the house.
Fill with 4 thieves vinegar, cap and cast into a river or ocean.
That is a good one but back it up with splashing War Water on all their outside door knobs
and porches. Do this as you build energy visualizing them packed up and driving away down
the street.
Best time to cast this spell: sunset on the eve of a New Moon
--A black candle a teaspoon of salt half a cup of Olive oil
--a chicken feather (you should gather feathers in a non-harmful manner)
The spell: gather up your ingredients and go to a quiet area in your home where you can be
Light the candle and put the salt into the cup of Olive oil. Pick up the feather and pray Psalm
Dip the feather into the olive oil and soon as you are able - wipe the feather on the ground
in front of your house and near the neighbor's house (make sure no one sees you!)
You will need:
red cayenne pepper sea salt matches 1 small candle nine pennies
Empty out two-thirds of the pepper from its bottle. Fill the bottle a third full of sea salt.
Break the heads off the matches and use the heads to fill the jar almost to the top.
Match heads contain sulfur, a magical element used by witches to scatter negative force.
Sea salt is for cleansing and cayenne pepper makes things uncomfortable for people who try to
harm you.
Write the name of the person you want away from you on a small piece of paper.
(If you have a signature, even better.) Insert the paper into the jar. Close the lid tightly.
For nine days in a row beginning ten days before the new moon, shake the bottle as
many times a day as you feel inclined to do so. Visualize this person moving away from you.
On the ninth day rub the lid of the jar with the wax of the candle. (Any color is ok but black is
Take the jar to the closest river and throw it in.
Throw nine pennies over your shoulder and don't look back.
Hot Foot Powder Photo Ritual Spell to Rid of Unwanted People
For this ritual you will need a vial of Rita's Hot Foot Powder, a photo of the enemy, bully, ex
luver or person you are wishing to rid from your life, an empty jar or bottle, wax from a black
candle and vinegar.
Be sure to perform this ritual during a waning moon phase as this will give you the best
results. Clear your space, and open your circle or prepare your space for work in your own
ritual manner.

Banishing Spells

Take the picture and focus your intent of ridding the person from your life. Fill the empty
bottle or jar with vinegar and add a few pinches of hot foot powder while reciting the
(Name of Person)
You have crossed the line with me, hot foot hoodoo says walk away from me.
Now I have to banish thee.
(Now insert the photo of the person into the bottle)
If you walk near, it won't be for long, you will be forced to leave, it is time to move on.
(Now close the bottle and seal it with black wax)
You have damaged me enough, you have taken your toll, hot foot hoodoo will burn through
your sole.
(Pick up the jar and swirl it in a counter clockwise motion three times)
Hot foot hoodoo says heed this day, hot food hoodoo says walk away, hot foot hoodoo says the
time has come for you to move right along.
When you are finished you can store this jar or bottle behind your toilet, or under the sink,
repeating the words of the spell during a waning moon, swirling the water in a counter
clockwise motion, as often as you need until the person has walked away. Once they are gone
you can bury the jar or simply throw it out in your trash.
1/2 ounce olive oil 15 drops pine oil 12 drops rue oil 7 drops pepper oil 10 drops peppermint
flower: crushed black peppercorns
gem: obsidian or black onyx
As with most recipes, you'll probably have to substitute... this is a good thing, it makes it your
Be careful though as most of the oils called for are skin irritants.
Make a poppet out of black cloth, stuff it with cotton balls or batting and tobacco.
Add hair and/or nail clippings if you have them.
Sew it closed and staple a picture of the person to the front of the poppet (if you have one).
Carve the person's name into a black candle Light the altar candles.
Light the black candle and adjust the mirror so that the flame is reflected in the glass.
Hold the poppet out in front of you and say:
Creature of cloth thou art,
Now creature of flesh and blood you be.
I name you (name of the person you are binding).
No more shall you do me harm,
No more shall you spread false tales,
No more shall you interfere in my life, nor in the lives of my loved ones.
By the power of the Gods and by my will,

Banishing Spells

So mote it be!
Draw an invoking pentagram over the poppet.
Take a red ribbon and begin to wrap the poppet like a mummy, leaving so space unwrapped.
I bind your feet from bringing you to harm me.
I bind your hands from reaching out to harm me.
I bind your mouth from spreading tales to harm me.
I bind your mind from sending energy to harm me.
If you do so continue, let all negative energy be cast and reflected directly back at you!
Tie off the ribbon and hold the poppet in front of the mirror while you visualize all negative
energy this person has sent to you being reflected back to them.
Wrap the poppet in black cloth and tie with another length of ribbon. Say:
Great Mother, I have bound this person
from harming me and my loved ones.
By the powers of three times three
By Earth and Fire, Aire and Sea
I fix this spell, then set it free
'Twill give no harm to return on me
As I will, so mote it be!
Let the candle burn out while the poppet sits at its base, then take the poppet and the remains
of the candle far from your home and bury it deep in the ground or toss it in the ocean and
away without looking back.
Author's note: This spell is very powerful and works quite well. I've never had the need for a
different binding spell. Sometimes binding spells work in unexpected ways.
The person you are binding may suddenly decide to move away, they may have a change of
heart and turn into a decent person after all, they may go through a horrible streak of bad luck
and learn their lessons the hard way. There is an outside chance that if they are projecting
enough negative energy, the might end up hurt. Be assured, they were only caught in the
backwash of their own negativity.
Breakup Powder - You can also make break-up powder which is potent and will do the job of
getting rid of unwanted love. Gather some lemongrass, mullein, patchouli, valerian and Vetiver.
Dry them well and grind them together into a powder. Sprinkle this powder in the shoes and pant
pockets of the people who are bothering you.
Banishing spell.
First you have to gather the following items to make banishing powder:
Cayenne Pepper, Dragon's blood powder, Ground Sassafras, Gun powder (or a mixture of
saltpeter and sulphur), Habanero powder, shotgun pellets and a crushed wasp's nest. Mash all the
ingredients together using a mortar and pestle. When the mixture is ground well, use a coffee
grinder or a spice mixer to grind the mix to very fine powder. Remember to take care of as some
of these powders are really toxic to our skin and may injure us. To make lovers stay away,
sprinkle some of the powder at your target's doorstep and bury the rest in his yard.
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Banishing Spells

Love Antidote Spell - Powdered sassafras bark is very powerful when it comes to repelling
unwanted love. If you have a sassafras tree in your own home, you can get some of the bark and
grind it in a mortar and pestle. You can also buy it from the store. It may be called file powder
because it is used in the Louisiana Cajun cuisine to make gumbo, the delicious soup that is
favored by the locals.
Remember to not use essential oil of Sassafras because it is highly toxic.
To the ground powder, add some castor oil and jojoba oil. Using one piece from seven square
pieces of paper, write in dragon's blood ink:
You have no power over me.
I am free from your binding spell!
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