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Global Warming is Not the Real Problem.

Much of the debate on global warming centres on if of if it is not occurring. It is

occurring but whether or not it is natural or man-made is still being argued.

The climate of the world has been changing since it came into being. Temperatures go
up, temperatures go down. Ice comes and goes. Life on the planet adapts.

If it gets warmer and sea levels rise we might have to live further from the coast.
Populations may tend to move further towards the poles. Populations will re-distribute
according to changing patterns of agriculture

All this up to an inconvenience for most, and am opportunity to become mega-rich for
some. Change means redistribution and part of that redistribution is invariably in money

So if global warming is at the worst an inconvenience why not just position ourselves to
make money out of it? I am certain that part of the reluctance of business to go green is
that big business has already seen the opportunities.

Unfortunately global warming is not the real issue. The real issue is that our weather
system is a transitive system. The weather patterns on this planet could switch to a
different system that makes life impossible for the human race.

Transitive Systems.

A transitive system is a system that can follow more than one set of rules, but not more
than one at any time. An electric light is an example of a transitive system. An electric
light can be switched on or off, but it cannot be both on and off.

At one stage in the earth’s history the climate obeyed a different set of rules. This was the
time that carbon was absorbed and turned into oil. How exactly oil came into being is not
known, but it definitely involved a different weather pattern.

The most likely weather pattern for the formation of oil was not very pleasant. The seas
were stagnant and dead, devoid of life. There was complete cloud cover. There was
continuous rain or drizzle. But it did not rain water, it rained acid. This is our most likely
alternative weather system the earth could flip to if nature needed to take the excess
carbon out of the atmosphere and convert it back into oil.

If we pump too much carbon into the atmosphere the weather system could switch to the
carbon absorption/oil creation system. If that happens it will happen like switching a
light. There won't be any planning possible. It could just happen instantly.

Unless we take action now to drastically reduce carbon we could wake up tomorrow to
find we cannot go outside because it is raining acid, our crops have gone and our water is
contaminated to the extent it is undrinkable. Maybe the human race could last two weeks
under these conditions.

It won’t be the end of the world, but it will be the end of us.

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