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January -




The past month has been a great one, and a long and
busy one too.
The reason it was so long is due to the fact
that Sheila and I were apart from each other.
It was nice
to have the chance to travel with Sonja, but i t was not the
same .


had to visit my doctor in Michigan so I booked a

I Praise God
of appointments in that northern area,
good health report and for the

travel and speak those four weekends.


It was good to see everyone in Sandusky Ohio again.

a pleasure to share with the church the whole weekend.

David and Lauri Hildreth took me into their home and spoiled
me, as usual.
We had a good time togethar again.


With the help of a train and Doug Orton's van, I met up

Sonja the next weekend in St. Louis.
Sonja and I had a





Madison Park Christian Church


Quincy Illinois.
We had the chance to share with both the
youth and the adults during a great missions weekend.
was encouraging to see a young man named Ryan stand up and
commit to one year with the team in Slovakia, preaching the










go with

this next team this September, Lord willing.









Sonja and I

were able to spend some time with our Grandmother and the
rest of dads family there in Marceline Missouri.
We were
to share at the church on Sunday.
Grandma Ozie is
94 years old and looking good as ever.

last weekend of my trip was spent with a church in

The weather was freezing.
It was good

to be able to share with some of the youth at the Youth


and two other local
plans to go overseas in the near future.

people are making

We Praise God for


We also praise the Lord for the decision of Jason and

Jenny Orton to
in Bratislava Slovakia,
starting this September, Lord willing.
Jason is a brother
of Renae Orton who is currently in South East Asia teaching
I also want to thank Jason's dad, Doug and wife
Janet, for letting Sonja and I borrow their van and drive it
all over the country for

two weeks.

During all this time. Sheila was busy working here at

Highland Meadov^s Christian Church day care and at the Kroger
grocery store, and missing me of course.
Sheila also was
here to help David Judd and family move into the mission












Continue to pray for the church in Szeged and Budapest

as well as the church in Slovakia, China, South



recruits will stand up and go fill these lost countries

the world, with the message of Jesus Christ.



all around the world.

Pray too that

Our prayer
















is that you will




filing the whole duty of man

which is to fear God and keep






Forwarding Agent:
Pat Topping
P.O. Box 57

Filer City,



(616) 723-7008

P.O. Box 2665 Gillette, WY 82717-2665

March 1993

(307) 682-8328

Dear Friends,

Looks like Sheila and I are going to be spending some time in Szege4 Hungary
lord willing we live. It all started the first of February vdien we found
out that we could not get visa's to go into Azerbaijan until August.
The government officies in Baku Azerbaijan used to be governed by older Russian
people. From what we can find out, younger local Azeri men are in charge
now. This change in personnel means that it is getting harder to obtain
visa's. Right now we have been told that we should be able to get in the
country the first of September. Lord willing we get into the country then,
we will be able to start school at the university of Baku in November. Please
pray that everything will work out according to Gods plan.
Sheila and I were a little dissappointed that we couldn't get into Baku
right away. When the Lord is in control of things we should never be worried
about things out of our control.

The same time we heard the news about the

visa's for Azerbaijan, we heard from the Oster family in Szeged, Hungary that
they are having to come back to the States earlier than planned. Jeff and
Judy Oster have a lot of Bible studies going and are working with a lot of
people there. They hated the thought of leaving befort someone could ccme
and take their place. The Mclnturff family frcxn Texas are planning to go
to Hungary in June, Lord willing. Sheila and I thought that we could go
to Hungary and help in the work there and fill that gap. Of course we prayed
about it and sought advise from some of our mission advisors and we feel

that the timing is right and It is the Lords/leading to go.

We have spent the last couple of months traveling and preparing to go over
seas. we have tickets booked to leave for Budapest Hungary on April first.
We are anxious to get overseas and we are happy to have the opportunity to
help out in Hungary vhile we are waiting for Azerbaijan visa's.
We enjoyed the weekend youth Rally in Kalkask^ Michigan last month. We also
were very glad to see our good friends in Monrovia, Indiana the end of January.
Our travels to Indiana, Michigan, and here in t^^aning during the past two
months have gone very well and have been encouraging. We were happy to see
everyone and especially spending the time we did with Pat and Kathy Topping,
our forwarding agents.

We want to thank each individual and church that have made it possable for
us to recruit and go overseas. Thanks for all the special offerings and for
the regular support. May God bless you and give you credit for the work He
allows us to do. We Love you all very much. We will be in touch.
Colossians 1:10

" We Pray that you might walk worthy

of the Lord unto all pleasing

Yopr Servants,

Jonathan & Sheila Hamilton

Youth Educational Services

A career development program

Jonathan Hamilton
Studies Coordinator

At Hamilton

P.O. Box 2665

International Director
(307) 682-8328

Gillette, Wyoming

May, 1993
Dear Loved Ones in Christ,

Greetings from the land of Hungary! We have had such a great month here,for
that we are thankful I We started the month off with the opportunity to spend

three days in Budapest. We went to see the Oster family off as they returned
to the States. We will really miss them, they helped get us settled in a big

way. They have done a good job here and everyone misses them. We praise the
Lord for them.

We really enjoyed the town of Budapest. We did a little sightseeing and ended

up at Pizza Hut, it was almost like being in the States until we tried to
order dinner! Then we were reminded that we were in Hungary! Our hungarian is
still slow, we have enjoyed trying to learn "survival" hungarian.
Our Bible studies and the Church here is going good. Bea, the young girl who was

baptized in April, is doing great, she has a friend that has been coming with
her to Bible study and is/very interested in becoming a Christian so praise
the Lord for her witness already! Anyway they are both from Kiskuris, a little
town about 60 miles away, so when they go home for the summer, they won't be

coming to Bible study anymore. So this Saturday, Lord willing we live, we intend
to travel to Kiskuris to start a Bible study there. Please keep Bea and Attila

in your prayers and also the Bible study that will be started.
We have also been invited to spend 4 days with a couple in a little town called

Baxs, which is about 30 miles away. We hope to get to know AndrSs and Ibolya
better and to share Christ with them. We will be going on the 28th of this
month, so please keep that in your prayers too!

We still have plans in mind for Azerbaijan,'but we.feel that we.need.to make
survey trip there first before we move there. There are still a lot of problems
in that area and we've been advised to visit first, so we will. Meanwhile we
have several areas that we would like to survey and gather information for
future references. We have extra funds for a couple of these trips, but we

could use more, so please keep that in your prayers. As far as Azerbaijan goes,
we hope to make that survey trip at the first of the year, so keep that area in
your prayers also. We will keep in touch with these trips and how they go.
We praise the Lord for you and your families as you serve the Lord in the U.S.A.
and we thank-you for your faithful prayers and support that make it possible
for us to be here. This is our prayer for you... "Now Lord, ... enable Your

servants to speak Your Word with great boldness." (Acts 4:29)

Your Servants,
Jonathan and Sheila

Forwarding Agents;
Pat & Kathy Topping

Field Address:

p.O, Box 57

6725 Szeged

Filer City, MI 49634

Petbfi I Sgt. 55-61

A ep I/l

A Service of Outreach International


Outreach International
Telephone (307) 682-8328

Jonathan & Shefla Hamilton

P.O. Box 2665

Gillette. WY 82717-2665

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We pray that you may continue to be steadfast, immovable, alw^s aboundingin

die work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord. 1 Cor. 15:58. We
want to thank you for your faithfiil prayers and support as always. Remember, you are as
much a part of the work here in Hungary, that God has allowed us to be a part of, as we

The public elementary school in Hodmezovasarhely, was a lot offiin to visit last
week. We had the opportunity to teach five classes. Irene Buzas is die Christian lady that
invited us to speak to her classes. We were veiy happy to see the interest of the pupils
while we taught from the Bible. We Praise God that they want us to come every month to
teach for at least a day.
As I mentioned last month, we are looking forward to having Gayle Confer with us

for the next two months. We are glad to see the Lord give us opportunities for Gayle to
teach in schools that we have not been to. We are planning to travel to Budapest tomorrow
to pick Gayle up at the airport. We are thankful that Kevin and Andrea Mclnturff will be
letting us stay with them while in Budapest. Kevin and his family are the other Outreach
missionaries working here in Hungary. They are a big help to us and are also doing a great
job there in Pecel. We are planning to attend there Bible study at the local High School and
one that diey have in there home. We Praise the Lord for them.
Please keep the Ladies Bible studv in vour oravers and for Sheila as she teaches.


Also, keep the Bible study in Kiskorus on Saturdays in your prayers, Bea, Attila, Daniel,
Malitta, Csilla, Csaba, Kati, Lawrence and Betty. Pray for their growth and for them to be
bold in telling their fiiends and family about God and His love.
We are so glad for you all there, and for your continual prayers. They are a big
help. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Your faithful servants,
Jonathan and Sheila Hamilton

Field Address:
6725 Szeged
Petofi I Sgt. 55-61
A ep l/I

Forwarding Address:
Pat and Kathy Topping
P.O. Box 57
Filer City, Mich.

FoA.ioaA.dlng Agznt:
Fat Topptng

Box 57

fttzA City, WI 496S4





VnaA BAotkzA^ and Sl^tZA^:

Some day-i in tht mld^t of blz^^ing-t> and wondnAial euewT^ in tkd

LoAd, thzAe.

a ^xgn of big di^a^tZA^ ait aAoand.

wai/ oje izlt Za6t weefe.

TkU i^ thz

what a Joy to bz a paAt of thz iamily

of God and havz thz pAxvzlzgz to tZAvz Him.

Thit it what


One. oi the Ch>if.i,t^an itadenti heie in Szeged hai been bninalna

a intend oj, hem to Bible itudiet.

Bea haz, only been a

CkKzitzan lot a eotiple oi monthi. She waz, bninging a fniend

{^Aom hzA homztown, KitkuAit. ktiZZa it a Azal nizz yoano man
wh ttaAtzd to bziizvz In God a few montht ago. Hz hat bzzn
Azadtng htt Btblz a lot latzly and tzlling hit ^Aizndt about
Goa. Thz latt two wzzkt Atilla hat bzzn atking quzttiont about
baptttm. Wz had talkzd to him and plannzd to talk to him again

<htt patt SatuAday.

Vanizl, Ctaba and I dAovz an houA and a
nalfi to ttaAt a wzzkly Biblz ttudy in KitkuAlt with Bza, Atilla
and any iAtzndt that may come. Whzn wz aAAivzd wz had found
out that Attlla did not tlzzp too wzll thz nlghlbz^oAZ. Hz wat

unzaty about not having bzzn baptizzd yzt.

Hz wokz uv) that

moAntng and had Bza baotA70 hJm l^ a twlmmlna iobol Untt

P^attz thz LoAdl

wz wzAz to zxztizdl

Szeged we Aan into a ttoAm.

On oua way hack to

Thz tun wat thining bzhind ut and

we taw thz {^ullztt and bAightztt Aainbow I havz zvzA tzzn.


oAAtvzd at thz Szzgzd city limitt aitZA almott hitting a ^allzn

tAZZ acAott thz Aoad. Wz taw tomzthing wz had not zxpzctzd.
TAzzt had {^allzn all ovzA and damagz wat donz to houtzt
mph windt and a lot o^ Aain.
A tAZz almott izll on ouA

apaAtmznt wtndow.

Wz. jutt pAaitz thz LoAd fo/c zvzAyonzt taizty-

and ^oA Atilla't dzcition.

T^e Biblz ttadizt hzAZ in Szzgzd havz bzzn going wzll, Wz aAZ
plzatzd with thz houtz chuAch hzAz.

Thz pzoplz aAz at vaAiout

ttagzt in thziA ChAittian gAowth and thzn wz havz thotz who aAZ

not ChAittiant.

Thz Biblz ttadizt gzt a littlz intZAZtting at


Sincz we aAAivzd hzAz in Szzgzd on thz 3Ad of ApAil, we havz

tAizd to IzaAn a littlz HungaAian.

Wz havz bzzn znjoying thz

littlz amount of ttudy that we havz bzzn ablz to do.

Wz havz

come to znjoy thz pzoplz vzAy muck. Wz will bz ablz to tpznd a

littlz moAZ timz with tomz of thz pzoplz now that it it tummZA.
Plzatz pAatf ^oA thz tpiAitual gAowth of thz chuAch hzAZ and ^OA
oppoAtunitizt to Azach out to thotz in nzzd of ChAitt. PAay
that wz may wait upon thz LoAd and havz Aznzwzd ttAZngth. That
wz may toaA on wingt likz zaglzt, that we will Aun and not gAow

wzaAy, and wz will walk and not laint, Itaiah 40:31

Wz aAZ making plant ^OA a tuAvzy tAip in thz nzaA iutuAZ, LoAd
willing we livz.
Wz aAZ alAzady awaAz of many countAizt that
wzlcomz ^oAzign ttudzntt.
Wz plan to gathzA moAZ in{,oAmation
about tomz tpzci(,ic aAZat aAound hzAZ Wz aAZ pAaying that youA

chuAch will bz tznding




will go and whzn thzy








bz Azady.










So many countAizt, to
nzzd of ChAitt, but to

many oppoAtunitizt, to many pzoplz in

jzw pzoplz who will go.
RzmzmbzA that we lovz you and pAay fo/t


Go^~TreXr~a4~^otr^^/Lue Him!

Fizld AddAZtt:

6725 Szeged
Peiof^ I. Sgt.
A zp. 1/7


Statztidz Oiiicz:



Gillzttz, Wy S2717



Shzila Hamilton

[307 )6S2-S32S
[Al Hamilton)

Youth Educational Services


A career development program

Jonathan Hamilton

Studies Coordinator
A! Hamilton

P.O. Box 2665

International Director

Gillette, Wyoming

(307) 682-8328


July 1993
Dear Friends and Co-Workers,

We praise the Lord for the wonderful opportunities the Lord has given us to
make new friends, here in Szeged and in other places. We have enjoyed getting to
know a young Nigerian friend and his family. We met Ernest in the park one day.
He is a business man here in Szedged. Ernest believes in God, but we have not
found out his religious background yet. We are hoping to be able to get him to
come to the Bible studies. Please pray for Ernest and his family.

The Lord has answered prayers and has blessed us in so many ways this past
month. Sheila and I took a trip to the city of Bratislava, Slovakia. Slovakia
became an independant sovereign state on January 1, 1993. The country of Czecho
slovakia split into two independent republics of Czech lands and Slovakia.
Slovakia, with a little over 5 million people, seems to be very open to foriegn
students. There are students form over 84 separate countries in the capital city,

Sheila and I met a young man from Bangladesh. Subhash has no family. He is
a student living in the college dorms (Youth Hostel) where we stayed while in
Bratislava. Subhash took us all around town and introduced us to the director of
one of the main universities that teach foriegn students Solvak. The people were

all so open and friendly. The American embassy there in Bratislava said that it
should not be a problem to get visas to stay in the country. People with TESL
training or experiance are needed too. Praise the Lord for the open door. The
survey trip went great. We really enjoyed talking to a Bangladesh and an Arabian
in the dorm room. What an opportunity. We must pray that people will raise up
and take Jesus to these countries.

There are several universities that you could attend as a student. The cost

of these universities vary. I am sending all the information to A1 Hamilton at

the Gillette, Wyoming office. Feel free to write and inquire. We are praying for
help here in Szeged and in Bratislava. We continue to thank the Lord for you and
pray for you. Do not forget, 2 Cor: 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my
power is made perfect in weakness" Those are precious words of Jesus. We are
praying for all of you who might be in water from the floods. Keep the Faith,
Seek first the Kingdom of God.
Your Servants,
Jonathan and Sheila


We talked to Jonathan and Sheila and everything is going great for them in Hungary

just as the newsletter says. We thank God for those who support Jonathan and Sheila.
Your faithful support has been a great help and a blessing to them.
However, their regular monthly support is down for one reason or another. If God

has given you the ability to supply what they are lacking please do. Thank you!
^n Christ,

Forwarding Address: ^
Pat and Kathy Topping

Box 57

Filer City, MI 49634

(616) 723-7008

Youth Educational Services
A career development program


Jonathan Hamilton

Studies Coordinator
A! Hamilton

P.O. Box 2665

International Director

Gillette, Wyoming

(307) 682-8328


July 29,


Mission Services Association

PO Box 2427




Dear Sirs,

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

We are always so
happy to read the Horizons every month to keep up with what the Lord is
doing throughout the world.
I t encourages us as we serve God here in
We want to thank you for sending us the magazine each month.
We appreciate you and your ministry and keep you in our prayers as you

to serve Him.

We also want to
involved with here.
June issue.
I t was
helping us keep the
good job at all the

thank you for putting an add about the work we are

We saw the article in the potpouri section of the
good to see the news clip.
Thank you so much for
work here in front of the people.
You all do such a
many things that you do.
Keep up the good work.

Sheila and I are doing just fine.

We have had the wonderful 1
opportunity to share with new people on a regular basis.
We praise the
Lord for the growth that we have seen in the church here.
We have come
to love the people here very much.
That happens wherever we go, but i t
is encouraging to see the people open up to Christ,

We have had the opportunity to make a short survey trip to Bratislava

The country seems to be open to foriegn influence and people
coming to study the Slovak language and culture.
We had great results in
finding out information about universities etc,
I sent my dad, A1
Hamilton, a short report and information about the universities at the
above Gillette, Wyoming address.
He may send a copy to you for you to

on f i l e .

Thank you for all your prayers and for your v/ork.
May the Lord be
praised in everything we do.
How wonderful 1 i t is to serve the one and
only awesome God,

Your Servant,




Jonathan Hamilton

A Service of Outreach International

Outreach International
Telephone (307) 682-8328

Jonathan & Sheila Hamilton

P.O. Box 2665

Giliette.WY 82717-2665

December 1993

Dear Friends,

As wc see another year end, we are reminded of the fact that we are that much
closer to meeting Jesus. Praise the Lord! It is so good to think about Jesus comingto take
us home. Revelation 3:11 says... "I am coming quickly; hold fast what you have, in order
that no one take your crown."

This past year has been a great blessing to Sheila and I. We have truly enjoyed
being able to serve here in Hungaiy. We want to thank you for being such and important
part in making it possible. We want to thank Martelle Christian Church and the Bedford
Christian Church for their substantial gifts in the initialcosts of coming to Hungary to live.
In actuality, we want to thank everyone!

It has been a great blessing to have Gayle Confer with us for these two months
before she travels to Vietnam with the Outreach International team in January, Lord

willing. We have visited many public schools where Gayle has had the opportunity to teach
about the American school system as well as to slip in a few words about the love of
Christ! We have been to schools in Szeged, Szentes,
and Hodmeszovasarhely. Gayle
has been a true inspiration to us and to the Church here in Szeged. We have definitely put
her to work and she has proven to be a great missionary and a hard worker. We praise God
for her and thank Mill Hall Church of Christ and all her other supporters for sending her

We want to wish everyone a wonderful New Year as we strive to continue the work

here in Hungary. We encourage all of you to continue the work here in Hungary. We
encourage all of you to continue to strive also to do more for the kingdom of God in the
days to come, Lord willing He allows us more time. We hope and pray that your holidays
were filled with the joy of the Lord. Please keep praying for those people in the world who
have never had a chance to hear about the saving grace of Jesus, and please pray for the
Church to be strong and to rise up and do the work it has been given to do. Please pray.
Your Servants,
Jonathan and Sheila Hamilton

Forwarding Address:
Patrick and Kathy Topping
P.O. Box 57

Filer City, MI

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