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Escaping the Arbitrary Habitation of Mind

-The Principle of Sociological Necessitation-

Omar Alansari-Kreger
There is so much information that can bypass the mind at any given
period of time. As much as we want to embrace each definition we are
reminded of our primordial insignificance as a species. The human mind is
capable of so much yet we belittle it to such hallow proportions. Why? Are we
culturally inclined to underwrite humanitys intellectual potential? The more
capable we are the harder it becomes for outside forces to control and
manipulate standing populations. If we are to investigate this idea even further
we are met with a concept that displays a proverbial stare deep in the mind.
The notion of average intelligence is something that is satisfying because
it is there to remind us that in some proportional way we are normal. From a
sociological standpoint it becomes much easier to gain acceptance into societys
mainstream mantra. Yet we become accessorized based on our standing
cultural predispositions of society. In order to be normal it is necessary to fold
into a generic slab that otherwise tells us that we are in fact normal. If we are
unable to do that any perception that derives from the mainstream will confirm
there is in fact some kind of deficiency with that intellectually devious mind.
From the earliest beginnings of humanized time, each civilization has
ostracized the intellectually deficient simply because those that fall into that
category are unable to qualify themselves into some sociologically mainstream
category. How is it possible to pursue intellectual curiosities when there is this
imposing mainstream culture that is there judging us whether or not we are
normal candidates of society? From there a culture is sociologically mobilized
to serve that standard and it doesnt take long for the bulk of that civilization to
become a simulacrum of it simultaneously. In this case, from the earliest onset
of a human beings intellectual curiosity about the world, it is subliminally
extinguished the moment it surfaces by official channels in society.
Is that supposed to signify the overarching nature of humanitys
imperfect contributions to civilization? Is humanity as a species predisposed to
underwrite and nullify the prowess of the intellectually cognizant mind? Both

of which can be tied to a principle of non-necessitation to the overarching fact

that towers over both of the previously stated questions. All depending on what
our cultural influences are at any given period of time the sociological mind will
be born and bred out of that specifically. It all boils down to an ability to
exercise freewill. So many of us dont have that ability because the idea of
freewill is not entirely clear to us at any given period of time. If anything, we are
waiting for the cultural mainstream to tell us what it is.
People are in the pursuit of sociological normalization that is as laconic
as it is lucid. In other words we are inclined to pursue the easiest way out
because it is the most convenient. The fact that as a species we are creatures of
arbitrary habitation is one of the primary contributing factors why we are
inclined to underwrite and overlook the prowess of the critically thinking mind;
the act of that is nothing short of intellectual heroism which provides
civilization with an ability to be cognizant of its productions.
We are left with a reminder of what the force of mind can accomplish; the
fruit of invention, inanimate or otherwise, creates a disposition of context
which demonstrates what freewill, enveloped in intellectual matter, is truly
capable. Devious thoughts and inventions can set us free from an all pervasive
mainstream culture that is bent on keeping the critically thinking mind in a
subliminal gulag.
The promise of our liberation rests with the seeds of knowledge and what we do
to cultivate them. Each seed of knowledge can take on differentiating shapes if
the keeper of the individual mind is coherent enough to provide it with
preferential treatment as a cardinal priority.

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