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May 2007

Final Methodology

Life Cycle Costing

(LCC) as a
contribution to
construction: a

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology



Tables and figures ............................................................................... i

Introduction ......................................................................................... 1
STEP 1: Identify the main purpose of the LCC analysis .................... 10
STEP 2: Identify the initial scope of the LCC analysis ....................... 13
STEP 3: Identify the extent to which sustainability and specifically
environmental analysis relates to LCC ........................................... 17
STEP 4: Identify the period of analysis and methods of economic
evaluation.......................................................................................... 20
STEP 5: Identify the need for additional analyses (risk/uncertainty and
sensitivity analyses) .......................................................................... 26
STEP 6: Identify project and/or asset requirements confirm key
parameters........................................................................................ 33
STEP 7: Identify options to be included in the LCC exercise ............ 38
STEP 8: Assemble cost and time data to be used in LCC analysis ... 40
STEP 9: Verify values of financial parameters and period of analysis 46
STEP 10 (Optional): Review risk strategy and carry out preliminary
uncertainty/risk assessment .............................................................. 49
STEP 11: Perform required economic evaluation. ............................ 50
STEP 12: Carry out detailed risk/uncertainty analysis (if required) ... 55
STEP 13: Carry out sensitivity analysis (if required) ......................... 58
STEP 14: Interpret and present initial results in required format ....... 61
STEP 15: Present final results in required format and prepare a final
report. ............................................................................................... 63

Annex A: Sample tabular and graphical outputs from typical LCC exercises
Annex B: Bibliography and references

Davis Langdon Management Consulting

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

Tables and figures

Summary and overview of steps
Typical applications of LCC
Impact of risk on decision-taking
Generic cost classification and check list
Factors affecting durability
Examples of the application of LCC analysis
Core process of LCC
Methodology flow diagram
Risk management cycle
Common tools and techniques in risk/uncertainty analysis
Probability matrix
Calculation of NPV
Risk profile in histogram form
Risk profile in cumulative form
Spider diagram
10 Spider diagram with contour lines
11 Sample project data table
12 Sample annual expenditure table
13 Sample table of key parameters
14 Sample tabulation of total cost profile
15 Sample LCC model
16 Sample component replacement cost build-up
17 Sample cost profile chart
18 Sample cost profile chart
19 Sample cumulative cost chart
20 Sample component option appraisal cost chart

Davis Langdon Management Consulting

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology




In 2006 the European Commission appointed Davis Langdon from the UK to undertake a
project(1) to develop a common European methodology for Life Cycle Costing (LCC) in
The origins of the project lay in the Commissions Communication The Competitiveness of
the Construction Industry and, more specifically, in the recommendations of the
Sustainable Construction Working Group established to help take forward key elements of
the Competitiveness study. These recommendations proposed that a Task Group (TG4) be
established to prepare a paper on how Life Cycle Costing could be integrated into European
policy making. The Task Groups paper(2) recommended the development of a common
LCC methodology at European level, incorporating the overall sustainability performance
of building and construction.
The project was undertaken in recognition that a common methodology for LCC in
construction is required across Europe in order to:
 Improve the competitiveness of the construction industry
 Improve the industrys awareness of the influence of environmental goals on LCC
 Improve the performance of the supply chain, the value offered to clients, and clients
confidence to invest through a robust and appropriate LCC approach
 Improve long-term cost optimisation and forecast certainties
 Improve the reliability of project information, predictive methods, risk assessment and
innovation in decision-making for procurement involving the whole supply chain
 Generate comparable information without creating national barriers and also considering
the most applicable international developments.

Purpose of this methodology

It was recognised early on in the research process that LCC is applied in various ways and
with differing parameters across the EU, and that a single prescriptive methodology would
not be appropriate. Therefore this document provides a methodological framework for the
common and consistent application of LCC across the EU without attempting to replace
country-specific decision models and approaches. It identifies the key considerations to be
taken into account at each stage in the LCC process and provides practical guidance on the
application of LCC in a number of common scenarios. It is aimed primarily at public sector
construction clients and their project advisors, but can also be used by private sector clients
and their advisors, and by contractors.


Using this methodology

LCC may be applied in a wide range of circumstances in construction, for example in a
project to invest in:
 A single complete constructed facility such as a building or civil engineering structure
 An individual component or assembly within a facility
 A portfolio comprising a number of facilities.
LCC may also be applied in the context of existing constructed assets, for example as a
means of assessing future operational budgets or for evaluating refurbishment and renewal

Davis Langdon Management Consulting

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

The period of analysis adopted for an LCC exercise may similarly vary. LCC may be
employed to inform decisions throughout the complete life cycle of a constructed asset or
for a selected limited period within it. However, irrespective of how or when LCC is
applied, the core evaluation process as summarised in Figure 1 below remains the same.
(1): Life cycle costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology No. 30-CE-0043513/00-47.
(2): Task Group 4: Life Cycle Costs in Construction; Version 29 October 2003, Enterprise Publications, European Commission.
Endorsed during 3rd Tripartite Meeting Group (Member States/Industry/Commission) on the Competitiveness of the
Construction Industry.

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May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

Figure 1: Core process of LCC

Defining the objective of the proposed LCC analysis

Preliminary identification of parameters and analysis

Confirmation of project and facility requirements

Assembly of cost and performance data

Carry out analysis, iterating as required

Interpreting and reporting results

The purpose of the LCC analysis as defined in the first step in Figure 1 will determine the
scope and detail of subsequent steps. To be effective, the process should be undertaken
collaboratively between all key stakeholders in the project.
The LCC process is essentially iterative, both in the context of assessing options for a
decision at a specific point and of repeating the analysis at future points in the life cycle of a
project in the light of increasingly detailed information or changing client requirements.
The methodology does not seek to represent these potential iterations, rather it takes the
user through a series of numbered steps that follow a logical train of thought, as shown on
the flow diagram included as Figure 2 below.
The steps in this methodology are not intended to reflect the actual chronology of a project
to invest in a constructed asset. The accompanying guidance note contains a series of
practical case studies that will assist the user in applying the methodology steps to the time
line of an actual project.
Figure 2 below summarises the methodology steps as a flow diagram. The following 15
sections of this document relate to the individual steps in the methodology and are
numbered accordingly.. Section 0.4 below provides an overview of the outcomes for the
user as a result of taking each step.
A number of steps relating to uncertainty and risk are optional and shown to be taken if
required, because their application depends on early decisions at Step 5, concerning the
extent to LCC analysis will be supported by risk/uncertainty analyses.
The steps generally use a vocabulary appropriate to a project to construct a facility but the
essential principles set out are entirely applicable to any constructed asset.
The methodology assumes that the user comes to it with a project in view for which the
purpose, scale and initial capital cost have been broadly defined.
The approach to the development of the LCC methodology was inspired by the Engineering
Design Process (EDP). This is a structured decision-making process (often iterative), used
in the development of engineering systems, components or processes to meet desired needs.

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May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

Among the fundamental elements of the design process are the establishment of objectives
and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction, testing, and evaluation. These broadly defined
stages can be further subdivided into a more detailed process, which includes identifying a
need, defining the problem, conducting research, narrowing the research, analysing set
criteria, finding alternative solutions, analysing possible solutions, making a decision,
presenting the product, and communicating and selling the product. EDP is a well known
and established framework used world-wide, therefore applying it to the development of the
methodology ensured that there were no omissions of any activities and that a logical
sequence of steps was maintained.

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May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

Figure 2: Methodology flow diagram

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May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Overview of outcomes
Table 1 below summarises the outcomes that can be expected on completion of each of the
steps in the methodology. Note that Steps 10, 12 and 13 are optional.
Table 1: Summary and overview of Steps


Identify the main

purpose of the LCC

Statement of purpose of analysis

Understanding of appropriate application of LCC and
related outcomes

Identify the initial scope

of the analysis

Understanding of:
Scale of application of the LCC exercise
Stages over which it will be applied
Issues and information likely to be relevant
Specific client reporting requirements

Identify the extent to

which sustainability
analysis relates to LCC

Understanding of:
Relationship between sustainability assessment and LCC
Extent to which the outputs from a sustainability
assessment will form inputs into the LCC process
Extent to which the outputs of the LCC exercise will feed
into a sustainability assessment

Identify the period of

analysis and the
methods of economic

Identification of the period of analysis and what governs its

Identification of appropriate techniques for assessing
investment options

Identify the need for

additional analyses
(risk/uncertainty and
sensitivity analyses)

Completion of preliminary assessment of risks/

Assessment of whether a formal risk management plan
and/or register is required
Decision on which risk assessment procedures should be

Identify project and

asset requirements -

Definition of the scope of the project and the key features

of the asset
Statement of project constraints
Definitions of relevant performance and quality
Confirmation of project budget and timescales
Incorporation of LCC timing into overall project plan

Identify options to be
included in the LCC
exercise and cost items
to be considered

Identification of those elements of an asset that are to be

subject to LCC analysis
Selection of one or more options for each element to be
Identified which cost items are to be included

Assemble cost and time

(asset performance and
other) data to be used
in the LCC analysis

Identification of:
All costs relevant to the LCC exercise
Values of each cost
Any on-costs to be applied
Time related data (e.g. service life/maintenance data)

Davis Langdon Management Consulting

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Verify values of
financial parameters
and period of analysis

Period of analysis confirmed

Appropriate values for the financial parameters confirmed
Taxation issues considered
Application of financial parameters within the cost
breakdown structure decided


Review risk strategy

and carry out
preliminary uncertainty/
risk analysis

Schedule of identified risks verified

Qualitative risk analysis undertaken risk register updated
Scope and extent of quantitative risk assessment


Perform required
economic evaluation

LCC analysis performed

Results recorded for use at Step 14


Carry out detailed

risk/uncertainty analysis
(if required)

Quantitative risk assessments undertaken

Results interpreted


Carry out sensitivity

analyses (if required)

Sensitivity analyses undertaken

Results interpreted


Interpret and present

initial results in required

Initial results reviewed and interpreted

Results presented using appropriate formats
Need for further iterations of LCC exercise identified


Present final results in

required format and
prepare a final report

Final report issued, to agreed scope and format

Complete set of records prepared to ISO 15686 Part 3

Tailoring the methodology to the specific project circumstances

It is important to note that in practice it will often be possible for users to combine several
of the above steps in order to tailor the methodology to the size of the project, the project
stage and the level of detail required. For example, Steps 1 to 6 are concerned with
defining the objectives and the analysis parameters. On smaller projects this definition
exercise might typically take the form of a meeting or telephone discussion with the client
and/or an exchange of correspondence. Similarly, the risk and sensitivity analyses might be
incorporated into the economic evaluation exercise (Step 11) based on a small number of
agreed parameters and/or the practitioners experience of common risk issues. Regardless
of the scale or scope of the exercise, the guiding principle should always be that the key
issues identified in this methodology are all considered, albeit at a level of detail
appropriate to the particular exercise.


This methodology is intended to be compatible with ISO 15686 Part 5 which is currently at
the DIS ballot stage and is likely to be adopted shortly. Definitions used in this
methodology are therefore as in ISO 15686 Part 5. For ease of use, key definitions are
reproduced below.
Life Cycle Costing
A technique which enables the systematic appraisal of life cycle costs over a period of analysis, as
defined in the agreed scope.

Davis Langdon Management Consulting

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

Life Cycle Cost

Assessment expressed in monetary value taking into account all significant and relevant costs over
the life cycle, as defined in the agreed scope. The projected costs are those needed to achieve defined
levels of performance, including reliability, safety and availability over the period of analysis.
Life Cycle
Consecutive and interlinked periods of time between a selected date and the disposal of the asset,
over which the criteria (e.g., costs) are assessed. This period may be determined for the analysis
(e.g., to match the period of tenancy or ownership) or cover the entire life cycle. The life cycle period
shall be governed by defining the scope and the specific performance requirements for the particular
Nominal Cost
Expected price which will be paid when a cost is due to be paid, including estimated changes in
price due to, for example, forecast change in efficiency, inflation or deflation and technology
Real Cost
Cost expressed as a value as at the base date, including estimated changes in price due to forecast
changes in efficiency and technology, but excluding general price inflation or deflation
Discounted Cost
Resulting cost when the real cost is discounted by the real discount rate or when the nominal cost is
discounted by the nominal discount rate
Discount Rate
Factor reflecting the time value of money that is used to convert cash flows occurring at different
times to a common time
NOTE This may be used to convert future values to Present Day Values and vice versa.

Nominal Discount Rate

Rate used to relate present and future money values in comparable terms taking into account the
general inflation/ deflation rate
Real Discount Rate
Rate used to relate present and future money values in comparable terms, not taking into account the
general or specific inflation in the cost of a particular asset under consideration
Net Present Value
Net Present Value is the sum of the discounted future cash flows. Where only costs are included this
may be termed Net Present Cost (NPC)
Present Day Value
Monies accruing in the future that have been discounted to account for the fact that they are worth
less at the time of calculation
Sensitivity Analysis
Test of the outcome of an analysis by altering one or more parameters from initial value(s)

Davis Langdon Management Consulting

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

Residual Value
Value assigned to an asset at the end of the period of analysis.


Relationship with ISO 14040

It is important to note that the ISO 15686 definition of the term life cycle differs from that
used in the environmental standard, ISO 14040. The latter adopts a broad cradle to grave
definition of life cycle, whereas the ISO 15686 definition can represent either cradle to
grave or a shorter economic analysis timeframe driven by the specific client or project
The ISO 14040 definition of life cycle feeds into that of life cycle assessment (LCA) as
Life cycle
Consecutive and interlinked stages of a product system, from raw material acquisition or generation
of natural resources to the final disposal.
Life cycle assessment
Compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and the potential environmental impacts of a
product system throughout its life cycle.

This methodology aligns with the ISO 15686 definition of life cycle. However, for the
purposes of consistency, users applying LCC to evaluate the outcomes of an LCA analysis
may wish to align with the broader ISO 14040 definition of life cycle. Further specific
public sector guidance on the appropriate parameters for carrying out an LCC analysis is
provided in the guidance note that accompanies this methodology.

Companion documents
This methodology is accompanied by a guidance note and a set of case studies of the
common use of LCC in Europe. The guidance note is aimed at public sector clients and
provides an introduction to LCC along with guidance on why it should be used, its benefits,
the information to be gained from it, and its relationship with the EU procurement
framework. The case studies are included as an appendix to the guidance note.

Davis Langdon Management Consulting

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

STEP 1: Identify the main purpose of the LCC analysis


Purpose of this step


LCC is a versatile technique capable of being applied for a range of purposes and at
different stages in the project or asset life cycle. The purpose of this step is to clearly
identify the purpose of the proposed LCC analysis and to gain an understanding of how it
can be appropriately and successfully applied and of the outcomes that can be expected.

Purposes for which LCC may be employed

The purposes for which LCC may be employed can be divided into, in two broad
 As an absolute analysis, when used to support the processes of planning, budgeting and
contracting for investment in constructed assets
 As a relative analysis, when used to undertake robust financial option appraisals, for
example in relation to potential acquisition of assets, design approaches or alternative
More specifically, LCC can be used to support decision-making in a number of ways:
 In assessing the total cost commitment of investing in and owning an asset, either over
its complete life cycle (cradle to grave) or over a selected intermediate period
 By improving understanding of the total cost of an asset, particularly by construction
clients, and improving the transparency of the composition of these costs
 By facilitating effective choices between different means of achieving desired
objectives, for example reducing energy use or lengthening a maintenance cycle
 By helping to achieve an appropriate balance between initial capital costs and future
revenue costs
 In helping to identify opportunities for greater cost-effectiveness, for example selection
of components with a longer service life or reduced maintenance requirements
 As a tool for the financial assessment of alternative options identified during a
sustainability analysis, for example components with less environmental impact or
HVAC systems with greater energy efficiency
 Overall, by instilling greater confidence in decision-making in a project.
LCC can be employed throughout or at different stages of the life cycle of an asset or a
project to invest in construction; this is considered in detail at step 2.
Some examples of common applications of LCC follow below in this section to further
illustrate these points.


Typical applications of LCC

Table 2 below illustrates how LCC can be applied in a variety of circumstances, with
examples drawn from a building development. The same principles apply in an
infrastructure or engineering context. The successive stages in the whole life cycle of a
scheme and the related need for decisions are considered in more detail in section 2
following. More detailed examples are provided in the Guide that accompanies this

Davis Langdon Management Consulting

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Table 2: Typical applications of LCC

Context and need

During investment planning, clients
will need to understand the full cost
implications of operating as well as
building the scheme, to establish its
essential viability.
During the early stages of scheme
design, decisions will be required on
the fundamental elements
structure, envelope, services,
By detail design stage, the essential
cost parameters of the scheme will
be determined but decisions will still
be required on details and whether,
finally, to commit to construction.

Detailed design also requires final

selection of materials, components
and systems. Potentially, similar
decisions will subsequently be
required in the event of their
replacement during operation and
During the operation of the
completed asset refurbishment and
renewal of some elements might be
required, driven by (for example):
High operational costs
High energy consumption
Obsolescence (for example:
physical, technical, economic,
Change in use of the asset
Components or systems reaching
the end of their service life


Typical application of LCC

The analysis will be based on approximate
data, typically historical information from
similar projects, but sufficient for budgeting
and option ranking to allow a decision on
whether to go ahead, to reduce the scheme
or stop.
The analysis can draw on feasibility studies
and pre-project professional advice, as well
historical information, to support decisions on
the key features of the scheme its size,
scope, method of construction and operation.
Information can now be fed into the analysis
based on a clear view of all primary elements
of the scheme and access to related cost,
service life and maintenance data from
manufacturers specifications, as well as
similar projects and national price books.
This allows a detailed LCC breakdown
confirming the viability of the scheme and
appraisal of detailed design options.
Sensitivity and risk analyses may also be
carried out.
LCC analysis can be focused on the specific
component or system with the benefit of
related cost, service life and maintenance
data from manufacturers specifications, as
well as from similar projects and national
price books. The main focus will be on
option evaluation, ranking and selection.
LCC can be applied in supporting selection of
the most appropriate refurbishment or
renewal option, at either an asset or
component level. The analysis can be based
on historic or benchmark data, or on detailed
data derived from manufacturers
specifications and comparable cost-in-use
data. It is essential that the analysis takes
into account the impact on interdependent
systems and the overall asset.

The need for clarity of objectives

The different purposes for which LCC may be employed, and the different stages of the
asset life cycle at which it is used, imply the need for different levels of detail and accuracy
in the process, and in the inputs and outputs. For example, if LCC is employed to support
an early budgeting process, all relevant costs must be considered and the analysis may be
based on approximate data such as historic benchmark information. As the LCC analysis is
subsequently refined during the detailed design stages, further detail will be required on all
cost items, along with robust service life and maintenance data. The process may also need

Davis Langdon Management Consulting

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


to support auxiliary outputs such as an estimate of resources or a reporting schedule to

provide all necessary support for decision-making.
If the primary purpose is to appraise options, the process of iteration will involve refining or
eliminating the available alternatives as they are measured against project objectives and
budget constraints. This process will include identification of those cost elements that do
not have a significant impact on the overall LCC or which do not vary between the
alternatives. These elements can be then be eliminated from further consideration.
Accordingly, clearly defining the objectives of a proposed LCC analysis must be seen as an
essential first step in ensuring that it will be fit for the users purpose.

The ingredients for success

Successful application of an LCC approach requires:
 A team approach incorporating all key players in a project
 Integration of the LCC exercise into the whole investment decision-making process
through the conception, design, construction and operation of a facility
 Recognition that the robustness of the outputs of the LCC exercise is highly dependent
on the level of detail and certainty in the cost and time inputs used
 Clear definition of scope and consideration of all relevant parameters (note that scoping
issues are covered in Step 2)
 Recognition of the limitations of the techniques employed, leading to the proper exercise
of professional judgement.


At the end of Step 1

At the end of Step 1 the user will have developed:
 A clear and comprehensive statement of the purpose of the proposed LCC analysis
 An understanding of how LCC analysis can be appropriately and successfully applied
and the outcomes that can be expected.

Davis Langdon Management Consulting

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

STEP 2: Identify the initial scope of the LCC analysis


Purpose of this step


In step 1 the broad purpose and outcomes of the LCC exercise were identified. For the
outcomes to be achieved it is also important to identify the scope of the exercise, including
the stage(s) in the asset life cycle at which it is undertaken, the boundaries of the analysis
and whether there are any specific inclusions or exclusions.

The scale of application of LCC

LCC analysis may be undertaken to support a project to invest in:
 A single complete constructed asset that comprises a usable facility such as a building or
civil engineering structure
 An individual component , material or system within such an asset
 A portfolio comprising a number of assets
For clarity, this methodology assumes the scenario of a project to construct and use a single
asset, but the same principles and basic processes apply whatever the scale of application of
The scale of application for a proposed LCC analysis will be defined by the client, in the
light of the objectives defined as discussed in section 1 above.


Stages in the life cycle of an asset

For the purposes of this methodology the life-cycle of an asset is divided into the following
 Investment planning, pre-construction
 Design, construction
 Operation, maintenance
 End of life / disposal
Activities in the investment planning / pre-construction phase might typically include:
 Business case preparation
 Acquisition of site(s) or of existing asset(s)
 Professional consultancy
 Inspections and surveys
 Arranging finance
 Assembling the project team / consortium
 Procurement planning
Activities in the design and construction phase might include:
 Scheme design
 Detailed design
 Site clearance
 Placing contracts for construction
 Construction of the fabric
 Fitting out
 Commissioning and handover
Activities in the operation and maintenance phase might include:

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May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Employing an FM team or placing an appropriate contract

Placing contracts for energy supply and other utilities
Arranging insurances and compliance with regulatory requirements, eg inspections
Planning and carrying out pre-planned (cyclical) maintenance and replacements
Carrying out unplanned (responsive) maintenance and replacements
Planning and carrying out pre-planned refurbishment and/or adaptation (such works may
be better considered as separate projects subject to their own LCC considerations)
Grounds maintenance.

Activities in the end of life/disposal phase might include:

 Sale of asset
 Change of use of asset
 Site and land clearance and clean up
 Recycling of materials
A proposed LCC analysis might take place over one or more or all of these stages, as
discussed below. Its purpose must be defined by the client, in the light of the objectives
defined at step 1.

Use of LCC through successive stages.

LCC analysis can be used either as a one-off intervention to a project or, in a broader
context, to inform different decisions at different stages of the project or asset life cycle. In
the latter case, input data is progressively refined as the project moves through successive
stages. Accordingly, as calculations are based on increasingly detailed and reliable data and
initial assumptions are tested and validated, early strategic decisions are confirmed and
subsequent decisions taken at increasing levels of detail.


Investment planning / pre-construction

Decisions at planning / pre-construction stage are of a strategic nature relating to the
essential features of the proposed project, with data typically input at a low level of detail.
They typically cover the following considerations:
 The essential features of the proposed scheme
 Methods of investment appraisal
 Finance costs, budgets, cash flow, funding sources
 Procurement policy and methods
 Balance between economic, technical and sustainability considerations
 Risk management strategies and techniques
 Key project drivers and overall priorities.
The application of LCC at this stage in the in the project might include:
 Identification of the purpose(s) of using LCC, both at this stage and in subsequent stages
 Incorporating LCC requirements into business case, project documentation and supply
chain terms of reference
 Identification of methods of analysis, required outcomes and reporting formats
 Identification of required analysis period and/or design life for the proposed facility
 Consideration of cost drivers, including capital v operating cost priorities
 Use of LCC as an assessment criterion in project approval/gateway processes

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology



Use of LCC in assessing initial strategic project options such as whether to refurbish or
build new.

Design and construction

Design and construction is a broad stage with design decisions taken successively through
three levels:
 Scheme level, fixing the basic physical characteristics of the facility
 System level, deciding the major installations and assemblies
 Detail design.
The level of detail in the LCC analysis typically increases progressively though these levels
and its purpose and implementation should be kept under review as it is reiterated. LCC
considerations through this stage typically include:
 LCC impact of high level design decisions such as format, composition, orientation and
layout of the proposed asset
 Selection of components, materials and systems and assessment of their costs over the
life cycle (or part thereof)
 Life cycle costing of sustainability options identified as part of a sustainability
assessment process
 Assessment of future operating costs of the facility and its constituent parts
 Contractual framework, both for construction and future operation and maintenance
 Resource implications during the operational stages
 Need for and ease of functional reconfiguration / adaptation during operation
 Any planned replacement / refurbishment during operation
 Ease of carrying out future maintenance, replacement and refurbishment, including
health and safety implications
 Impact of future LCC works on the use and users of the asset


Operation and maintenance

The opportunities and need for LCC analysis continue into the operation and maintenance
stage and might typically relate to:
 Cost and performance drivers during operation and maintenance
 Assessment of options in relation to component replacements, refurbishment, adaptation
 Financial framework and funding of LCC works, including use of sinking funds
 Denial-of-use costs, whether loss of amenity or contractual penalties (such as in PPP or
other FM contractual payment mechanisms)
 Strategies and planning for operation and related cost models:
o FM
o Energy
o Other utilities
o Cleaning
o Waste disposal and recycling
 Strategy and planning for maintenance, repair and replacement works:
o Contractual framework and responsibilities (for example in-house delivery or
outsourcing of some/all activities)
o Maintenance planning and management systems (including use of condition-based
 Collection and use of feedback data
 Risk allocation for operation, maintenance and finance costs

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May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


2.4.4 End-of-life / disposal

LCC considerations at the end-of-life stage might include:
 Strategy for disposal, including methods, costs, residual values
 Evaluation of alternative uses of the facility
 Evaluation of options for demolition and site / land clean up, including methods, costs
 Strategy for salvage and recycling opportunities, costs, potential value
 Collection and use of feedback data

Identification of analysis boundaries

It is important during the early scoping exercise to identify the broad boundaries of the LCC
analysis, including:
 Whether the analysis period is to include the entire asset life cycle or a defined part
thereof (see Step 3 below)
 What costs (and revenues) are to be included or excluded from the analysis (for example
the clients contractual or financial interest in the asset may require certain costs to be
 Whether there are particular project, contractual, regulatory or economic issues that will
influence key criteria (such as analysis period, method of economic evaluation) that are
to be defined in future steps.


Identification of analysis outputs

The required outputs and reporting format of the LCC analysis should be agreed in broad
terms at this stage. Clients may require the detailed analysis and/or the summary findings
to be presented in a particular format to suit their internal reporting processes or those of an
external regulatory or funding body. Early identification enables the user to address these
issues before the analysis has been undertaken, thereby eliminating unnecessary reworking
of reports at a later stage. LCC consultants often use in-house software with standard report
formats that might require amendment. Note that detailed reporting issues are considered in
Steps 14 and 15 of this methodology.


At the end of Step 2

At the end of step 2, the user will have developed a clear understanding of:
 The scale of application of the LCC exercise
 The stage(s) of the project or asset life cycle over which it is likely to be undertaken
 The scope and nature of the issues and information likely to be relevant.
 Any specific client reporting requirements that require early consideration.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

STEP 3: Identify the extent to which sustainability and

specifically environmental analysis relates to LCC


Purpose of this step


Environmental sustainability is becoming a key consideration in any long term assessment

of constructed assets. The relationship between LCC and sustainability assessment and the
extent to which the latter forms an input to the LCC analysis is defined at this step.

Assessing sustainability
Practitioners recognise three fundamental and interlinked sets of issues within the
sustainability agenda:
 Environmental relating typically to air quality, land use, use of natural resources (raw
materials, energy, water, waste etc), transportation, biodiversity, cultural heritage, etc.
 Social relating typically to access, amenity, user comfort and satisfaction, community
health and welfare
 Economic relating typically to opportunities for employment, skills development,
local businesses including SMEs,
Some sustainability issues are difficult to measure and to incorporate into a LCC analysis.
However, LCC practitioners widely accept that the environmental impact associated with
constructed assets can be significant and should always be considered. A range of
approaches to assessing environmental impact are available to suit the type of asset, the
aspects of the environment that are of concern and the particular parameters that are of
interest. The following are the most frequently used:
 Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) LCA addresses the environmental aspects and potential
environmental impacts (e.g. use of resources and the environmental consequences of
releases) throughout a product's life cycle from raw material acquisition through
production, use, end-of-life treatment, recycling and final disposal
 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) a process for informing decision-makers
of the local environmental consequences/effects potentially caused by different project
 Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) a process that initially identifies a set of goals or
objectives and then seeks to identify the trade-offs between those objectives for different
options. The 'best' environmental solution is identified by attaching weights (scores) to
the objectives.
While a number of approaches to assessing environmental impact are available to suit
individual requirements, LCA is one of the most versatile and widely recognised in
construction and is referred to in this methodology. It is also the only approach that is the
subject of International Standards (ISO 14040 and ISO 14044).
To be properly comprehensive, an environmental impact assessment of a constructed asset
must extend to the manufacturing process and transport of materials and components.


Measures employed in LCA

Environmental impact is caused primarily by the consumption and/or transformation of
materials and energy. Accordingly LCA measures the consumed and emitted flows (that is,
raw material and energy consumption, and emissions to air, water, soil) over the whole life
cycle of the asset from raw material acquisition through production, use, end-of-life

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


treatment, recycling and final disposal of the asset. This compilation of inputs and outputs
is called Life Cycle Inventory (LCI).
The LCI is the basis for a later analysis and potential assessment of the environmental
effects related to the product or process. This aggregation of the many single resources and
emissions is then translated into indicators about the potential impacts on the environment,
health, and use of natural resources. This step is called Life Cycle Impact Assessment
(LCIA). In general, this process involves associating inventory data with specific
environmental impact categories and category indicators. The collection of indicator results
(LCIA results) or the LCIA profile provides information on the environmental issues
associated with the inputs and outputs of the system assessed.
Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) methods can be grouped into two families: classical
methods determining impact category indicators at an intermediate position of the impact
pathways (e.g. ozone depletion potentials) and damage-oriented methods aiming at more
easily interpretable results in the form of damage indicators at the level of the ultimate
societal concern (e.g. human health damage). Although users may choose to work at either
the midpoint or damage levels, a current tendency in LCIA method development aims at
reconciling these two approaches. Both of them have their merits, and optimal solutions can
be expected if the 'midpoint-oriented methods' and the 'damage-oriented methods' are fitted
into a consistent framework.
Because there is no single accepted method carrying out LCA, the European Commission
has provided a standardisation mandate M/350 to CEN in order to establish a set of specific
LCA rules for assessment of environmental performance of buildings and construction
products. The rules are to be based on the generic ISO standards 14040, 14044 and 14025
for Environmental Product Declarations and they are also in line with the building
construction sector specific standards under development in ISO. As a consequence CEN
has established a technical committee CEN/TC350 Sustainability of Construction Works
to fulfil the work specified in the mandate M/350.
Note: Where the term LCA is used in the following sections it should be taken to
encompass all environmental sustainability assessment methods.

Interrelationship between LCC and sustainability analysis

Whilst LCC and LCA are two distinct and different processes that have developed and are
practised as separate disciplines in the construction industry, there are many parallels and
interrelationships between the two. For example, both:
 Are concerned with assessing the long term impacts of decisions
 Require analysis of an often diverse range of inputs
 Use similar data on inputs of materials and energy
 Take into account operation and maintenance
 Consider opportunities for recycling vs. disposal
 Provide a basis for rational decision making, particularly in appraising options.
However, the two disciplines differ in the basis of the resulting decisions:
 LCC combines all relevant costs associated with an asset into outputs expressed in
financial terms as a basis for making investment decisions
 LCA enables decisions to be made on the basis of potential environmental impacts by
scoring and rating on environmental criteria. Whilst costs can be firmly attributed to

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


some environmental factors there is currently no widely agreed methodology for others
and some cannot be quantified at all in cost terms.
As a result LCC and LCA do not necessarily produce a common output. Nevertheless
environmental impact assessment has a key place in overall long term decision-making and
consideration should be given to how to integrate it with the LCC process at the earliest

The use of LCA with LCC

As discussed above, in LCC the primary driver in decision-making is cost and LCA informs
decisions on the basis of potential environmental impacts. The use and sequence of LCC
and LCA will depend on the priorities of the decision-maker. The range of approaches
might cover, for example:
 Use of LCC and LCA as two of the criteria in the evaluation of a single investment
option (such as the decision to construct an asset), where other evaluation criteria might
include functionality, aesthetics, speed of construction, future investment returns etc.
 Use of LCC and LCA as two of the criteria in the evaluation of a number of alternative
investment options (either entire constructed assets or specific components, materials
or assemblies within them)
 Use of LCC to provide a financial/economic evaluation of those sustainability impacts
that have a widely agreed and readily calculated monetary value
 Use of LCC to provide a financial/economic evaluation of alternative options identified
in a LCA assessment
 Use of LCA as a means of identifying alternative options with a good environmental
performance and then carrying out a LCC analysis on those options only
 Use of LCC to select cost effective options, then making a final decision in the light of a
process of LCA carried out on those options only.
Thus it can be seen that LCC and LCA can either be used alongside each other in a broader
evaluation process, or either process can form an input into the other.


At the end of Step 3

At the end of step 3 the user will have developed a clear understanding of:
 The relationship between sustainability assessment and LCC
 The extent to which the outputs of a sustainability assessment will form inputs into the
LCC analysis
 The extent to which the outputs of the LCC analysis will feed into a sustainability

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


STEP 4: Identify the period of analysis and methods of economic



Purpose of this step

The selection of the appropriate period of analysis is fundamental to the outcome of a LCC
exercise. In step 2 the User identified the likely broad timescale of the LCC exercise. In
this step, the timescale over which the analysis takes place is confirmed as the period of


Period of analysis
The period of analysis is formally defined in ISO15686 Part 5 as follows:
 The length of time over which an LCC assessment is analysed. This period of analysis
shall be determined by the client at the outset (e.g. to match the period of ownership) or
on the basis of the entire life cycle of the asset itself.
ISO 15686 Part 5 provides further definitions as follows:
 Life Cycle as Consecutive and interlinked periods of time between a selected date and
the disposal of the asset, over which the criteria (e.g., costs) are assessed. This period
may be determined for the analysis (e.g., to match the period of tenancy or ownership)
or cover the entire life cycle. The life cycle period shall be governed by defining the
scope and the specific performance requirements for the particular asset.
 Entire Life Cycle as Consecutive and interlinked periods of time between a selected
date and the end of service life of the asset, including the end of life period.
It should be noted that the ISO 15686 definition of life cycle differs from that in the
environmental standard, ISO 14040. The latter adopts a broad cradle to grave definition
of life cycle, whereas the ISO 15686 definition can represent either cradle to grave or a
shorter economic analysis timeframe driven by the specific client or project needs. Users
should confirm with the client which definition is to be adopted for their LCC analysis.
The decision on the appropriate analysis period for a LCC exercise may be driven by a
number of factors relating to the client, the project and/or asset, and the financial, legal and
regulatory framework in which they operate. Key drivers might include:
 Design life of the asset
 Project duration (for example PPP projects typically last for 20-30 years)
 Period of economic interest in the asset (for example lease period)
 Financial drivers (for example investment requirements, loan periods)
 Projected refurbishment/remodelling periods
 Regulatory requirements (for example treasury guidance may stipulate analysis period)
 Business planning cycle
 Client requirement to adopt the ISO 14040 environmental definition of life cycle
The selected analysis period can have a fundamental impact on the outcome of a LCC
exercise and it is essential that the appropriate consideration is given to it. In particular, the
potential effects of selecting a particularly long or short analysis period should be
understood. Selection of a longer analysis period introduces higher levels of risk into the
analysis, as the long term impacts of issues such as inflation, future need for and use of the
asset, component maintenance and replacement requirements (i.e. service life) and system
obsolescence become more difficult to predict over time. This is not to suggest that users

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


should not carry out LCC exercises over longer time periods, rather that the increased risks
need to be adequately understood and accounted for.
Users should also be aware of the impact of the chosen discount rate (see below) when
applied over different analysis periods. The longer the analysis period, the greater the
impact that the chosen discount rate will have on future costs. Conversely, the shorter the
analysis period, the less effect discount rates will have on the analysis outcome.

Asset and component life

In order to identify the appropriate analysis period users may need to make an assessment
of the expected life of the asset or its constituent parts. The first distinction that users
should understand is that of design life and service life. ISO 15686 Part 1 defines the
terms as follows:
Service life: period of time after installation during which a building or its parts meets or
exceeds the performance requirements.
Design life: intended service life, or expected service life, or service life intended by the
In practice, the term life when applied to a constructed asset can be defined in a number
of ways depending on the interests and objectives of the user, as follows:
 Physical life (from construction to demolition or replacement). Every asset has a
predicted length of life at the end of which a physical collapse is possible. However
most assets never reach that point and are demolished or replaced beforehand, generally
due to economic obsolescence. Note that physical life corresponds to the ISO 15686
definition of service life.
 Economic life (from construction to economic obsolescence). Economic obsolescence
happens when the further use of an asset is no longer the most economic solution among
 Functional life (from construction to the point when the asset ceases to function for its
intended purpose). An asset reaches the end of functional life when it can no longer
function for the purpose for which it was intended.
 Technological life (from construction to the point when the asset is technologically
obsolete). End of technological life occurs when an asset, typically a system or
component, is no longer technologically equal to or better than available alternatives.
 Social / legal life (from construction to the point when replacement is required for social
or regulatory reasons). An asset reaches the end of its social or legal life when
requirements other than economic dictate replacement or change, e.g. health and safety
or legislative issues.
 Contractual / duration of interest life (for any period of time during the duration of
the physical life of an asset). This period of analysis covers the length of a contract for a
particular service, e.g. construction, operation, etc.
 Arbitrary life (length of time e.g. 25, 30, 50 years), assumed due to national practice,
local best practice, clients stipulation, etc.
It can be seen from the above range of potential definitions of life that the period of analysis
for a LCC exercise can often be shorter than the physical life of an asset, that is, from
cradle to the grave. The period of analysis must therefore be specifically defined for
each LCC exercise.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology




The purpose of discounting


Discounting is a widely used technique for comparing costs and revenues occurring at
different points in time on a common basis, normally the present time. It is based on the
principle that a sum of money to hand at the present time has a higher value than the same
sum to hand at a future date, because of the earning power of that sum in the interim.
Discounting to present value makes an adjustment to the future costs of an asset that takes
account of inflation and the real earning power of money, allowing them to be compared
and evaluated on the same basis as costs incurred at the present.
The need to discount depends on the use to which the LCC analysis will be put. It is
necessary only where a series of costs over time has to be put onto a common basis for the
purpose of a decision, not where the objective is simply to project annual costs on a year by
year basis. Therefore when carrying out a LCC evaluation of two or more options with
different cost profiles over time it is likely that discounting will need to be applied, whereas
it may not be necessary if the aim is simply to prepare a cost profile for one option alone.

The effect of discount rates

A decision not to discount, that is, to apply a zero rate, implies that the timing of a cost (eg
for repair or renewal) is immaterial and disregards the earning power of money. However,
use of a zero rate presents the best case for spending a greater sum up front (i.e. capital
costs) in order to generate greater savings through the analysis period (e.g. operating,
maintenance, energy costs). It can therefore be argued that a zero discount rate should be
applied to all public sector investments intended to leave a lasting legacy for future
Conversely, a high discount rate will present options with low up-front costs as appearing
more desirable and it can be argued that this has the effect of sacrificing the interests of
future generations to those of the present decision-makers. However, future uncertainties
and external influences unrelated to the asset (eg budgetary constraints or changed political
priorities) may have an impact on the timing or extent of future costs. It can therefore be
argued that this represents an argument for affording future costs less weight in decisionmaking and hence for discounting.
Further guidance on the selection of the appropriate discount rate is provided below.


The treatment of inflation

The discount rate is the investment premium over and above inflation and as such is a
separate concept and distinct from it. There are two possible approaches to dealing with
 Using a nominal discount rate, that is a rate that is not adjusted to remove the effects of
actual or expected inflation. This means that inflation predictions are built into forecast
costs and prices
 Using a real discount rate, that is a rate that has been adjusted to remove the effect of
actual or expected inflation. This means that future costs and prices are estimated at
present day (real) prices and inflation can be dealt with separately.
If inflation rates for all costs in the analysis are approximately equal, it is common practice
to exclude inflation from the LCC analysis (i.e. to adopt a real discount rate). However, if

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


the analysis includes commodities subject to widely differing rates of inflation, for example
energy prices and labour rates, inflation would have to be included (i.e. using a nominal
discount rate).
Because constructed assets typically have long service lives and it is difficult to predict
inflation in the long term, it is generally recommended to carry out LCC analyses on using
real costs and discount rates. It is further often recommended that results should be tested
by applying at least two real discount rates, including one relatively lower rate, and
appraising the difference in outcomes (see Step 13 guidance on sensitivity analysis).

Selecting the discount rate

Selecting the most appropriate discount rate is critical to the success of an LCC exercise. In
the private sector, selecting the rate can be a highly judgemental process with reference to
the financial status of the client and the circumstances of the particular project, and in
practice rates can vary widely. Key considerations will be the cost of capital, the perceived
level of project risk and the opportunity cost of capital (i.e. the level of return that could be
generated by investing the capital elsewhere).
In the public sector, national ministries of finance generally specify the discount rates to be
used in the economic analysis of publicly funded projects. These typically fall into the
range of 3 to 5%. The rate may also be assessed on a case by case basis by reference to:
 The opportunity cost of capital
 The societal rate of time preference
 The cost of borrowing funds.
The opportunity cost of capital is the cost of foregoing an alternative investment. This
approach assumes that finance for public sector projects is withdrawn from private savings
and which would otherwise have gone into private investment. Hence the discount rate is
equated to the pre-tax rate of return available to private capital.
The societal rate of time preference is the interest rate that reflects a governments
judgment about the relative value which society as a whole assigns (or which the
government feels it ought to assign) to present versus future consumption. The societal
time preference rate is not observed in the market and bears no relation to the rates of return
in the private sector, interest rates, or any other measurable market phenomena.
The rationale of the Cost of Borrowing Funds approach is that the interest rate should
match the rate paid by government for borrowed money. This approach is favoured by
many agencies and is supported by the argument that government bonds are in direct
competition with other investment opportunities available in the private sector.
Some advocate use of a zero interest rate in the public sector, arguing that when tax monies
(eg road tax) are used, such funds are free money because no principal or interest
payments are required. A counter-argument is that zero or very low interest rates can
produce positive cost/benefit ratios for even very marginal projects and thereby take money
away from more worthwhile projects. A zero interest rate also fails to discount future
expenditure, making tomorrows relatively uncertain predicted costs as significant in the
decision as todays known costs.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology



Methods of economic evaluation

A number of widely used financial analysis techniques are available for the assessment of
alternative investment options. Using two or more techniques together provides a broader
picture of value implications.


Net Present Value (NPV), Net Present Cost (NPC)

The NPV is the sum of the discounted future cash flows, both costs and benefits/revenues.
Where only costs are included this may be termed Net Present Cost (NPC).
NPV is a standard measure in LCC analyses, used to determine and compare the cost
effectiveness of proposed options. It can be applied across the full range of construction
investments, covering whole investment programmes, assets, systems, components and
operating and maintenance models. The costs and revenues/benefits to be included in each
analysis are defined according to its objectives. For example, revenues from recycling of
materials or from surplus energy generation are typically included in a LCC analysis of
alternative sustainability options.


Payback (PB)
The PB period is the measure of how long it takes to recover initial investment costs and is
a useful basis for evaluating alternative investment options. It may be calculated using
either real (non-discounted) values for future costs, that is Simple PB, or present
(discounted) values, that is Discounted PB. PB in general ignores all costs and savings
after the payback point has been reached and it is possible that an investment with a short
PB is a poorer option than one with a longer payback over the entire period of analysis.
PB is a useful technique for assessing whether additional investment in, for example, lower
energy plant, is worthwhile. It enables users to weigh the additional capital costs against
the time it takes for these costs to be recouped through savings or income during the
operational period. This may be a useful means of judging whether an investment
represents good value for money, although the subjective nature of the value for money
assessment may make it inappropriate for some public sector investment decisions.


Net Savings (NS), Net Benefit (NB)

NS/NB is the present value of savings/benefits in the operation phase less the present value
of the additional investment costs to achieve them. It provides a measure of costeffectiveness and of the benefits to be achieved from investment options. NS/NB greater
than 0 indicates positive cost-effectiveness.


Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR)

The SIR is a measure of the cost-effectiveness of a proposed investment (an SIR greater
than 1 is positive) and can be used to prioritise and select investment options.


Adjusted Internal Rate of Return (AIRR)

The AIRR is a measure of the annual yield from a project over the period of analysis taking
into account reinvestments of interim receipts, indicating projects with greater net savings.
An AIRR greater than the minimum acceptable rate of return (ie the discount rate) is

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Annual Cost and Annual Equivalent Value (AC or AEV)

The AC or AEV is a uniform annual amount that, when totalled over the period of analysis,
equals the total net cost of the project taking into account the time value of money over the
period. It is used to compare investment options where the natural replacement cycle
cannot easily be directly related to the period of analysis. The lowest AEV indicates the
lowest cost option.


Guidance on which evaluation technique(s) to use

Further guidance on which evaluation techniques are most appropriate in a public sector
context is provided in the Guidance Note that accompanies this methodology.


Taxation issues
Fiscal considerations can be highly significant in LCC analyses, particularly in the private
sector, with tax efficiency a major objective in designing investment portfolios, finance
arrangements and individual projects. Taxation is a complex area, varying between
member states. Accordingly it is important at this step to develop a strategy for managing
fiscal issues, seeking at the earliest stage the specialist professional advice which is
available in this area. Such a strategy should be designed to minimise the tax burden on the
project by identifying appropriate innovative and practical tax and business solutions.
Key considerations in the strategy include:
 The tax relief or offsets which may be available against certain costs in the overall CBS,
e.g. typically for repairs and maintenance, which would tend to favour options with
lower initial costs
 Similarly the tax penalties which might apply to the use of certain materials or have an
indirect impact, e.g. through higher energy costs.
Tax can also represent an area of risk, for example in:
 The probability of environmentally inefficient structures attracting current or future
environmental taxes
 The possibility of tax rates changing.
Value added tax (VAT is subject to similar considerations. Both the rate and accounting
methods vary between member states and specialist advice is again likely to be essential.


At the end of Step 4

At the end of Step 4 the user will have:
 Identified and confirmed with the client the period of analysis and the considerations
governing its choice
 Identified and confirmed with the client the appropriate technique(s) for assessing
investment options, including the discount rate(s) to be used and the implications

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


STEP 5: Identify the need for additional analyses (risk/uncertainty

and sensitivity analyses)


The purpose of this step

Risk and uncertainty analysis is a body of theory and practice which has been developed to
help decision-makers assess their risk exposure and attitudes in a systematic manner. At
this step the user considers how and why it can be applied in conjunction with LCC
analyses to support decision-making and in particular, which risk assessment methodologies
will be most appropriate.


Risk and uncertainty in LCC

Ownership, investment and occupation of constructed assets are by nature long-term
activities and as such are characterised by a range of uncertainties, principally in the value
and timing of future costs and revenues. Within this context, LCC is a forward looking
process that requires predictions of these variables to be made in order that robust decisions
can be taken. Consequently, certain risks are inherent in the LCC assessment process,
 That the total life cycle costs in a given period exceed those calculated, and;
 That the life cycle cost profile over a given period differs from that predicted (e.g. the
total costs may be the same, but the distribution of those costs over time differs from
that predicted).
These key risks can arise as a result of variability in one or more of the predicted values or
assumptions in the LCC model (see Sec.5.4 below).
While robust assessment of the key cost and time variables can help reduce the risks
inherent in the LCC process, the fact that LCC is concerned with predicting future costs and
activities means that an element of risk will almost always be built into the calculations. It
is therefore important that clients are made aware of this issue and of the steps that can be
taken to quantify and in some cases mitigate the risks.
Often, the identification and assessment of LCC related risks can have a significant
influence on decision-making process, with a resulting impact on the LCC of a project
examples are given in table 3 below.
Table 3: Potential impact of risk on decision-making
Examples of risks identified
Risk of more demanding
environmental legislation

Risk of LCC increases and/or

disruption due to high cost/quantity
components requiring early
Risk that labour costs will rise in
excess of inflation allowances in

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Possible decisions taken in response

Selection of higher capital cost HVAC
system with improved environmental
Selection of lower capital cost HVAC
system with shorter life and due for
replacement in short period of time
Selection of alternative components with
longer service life or improved warranties
Improve planned maintenance regime to
prevent early failures
Selection of less labour intensive
materials and systems (e.g. requiring less
cleaning and maintenance)

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

Risk of increased land-fill/waste taxes



Increase inflation allowances in model.

Selection of longer-life components in
order to minimise waste
Specify greater proportion of recyclable

Managing risk/uncertainty
The management of risk is fundamentally a three stage process:
 Identifying the risk
 Assessing the risk in terms of its likelihood and impact
 Taking appropriate action in response, which might variously be to accept, mitigate,
transfer or avoid the risk.
The extent to which the above process is applied and whether it is undertaken for LCC in
isolation or as part of a wider, formalised risk management process is a matter of judgement
for the client in the light of the scope and complexity of the project. This decision should
be taken at this step in the LCC methodology. For a major investment a risk management
plan should be formally established with clear objectives and success criteria, proper
planning and resourcing, and effective management and control.
The risk management plan should be progressively updated as a project moves through its
stages. The overall process is illustrated in figure 3 below.
Figure 3: Risk management cycle.



Identifying causes of variability in the LCC analysis

A number of common risk identification methods can be used for identifying potential
causes of variability in the LCC analysis including:
 Accessing relevant databases, where available
 Obtaining feedback from past projects

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Drawing out the knowledge and experience of individuals within the team, eg by
brainstorming techniques
Conducting interviews
The Delphi method, gathering information from project participants by email or post
Checklists of variability factors commonly associated with particular tasks.

Common causes of variability in LCC include:

 Capital costs (actual v predicted)
 Operational costs, including maintenance, FM, energy, component replacements
 Costs of refurbishment/upgrading
 Disposal costs
 Future levels of inflation (labour and materials) underpinning the above costs
 Interest rates (in relation to loan payments)
 The service lives of the components, systems and materials that make up the asset
 The extent and timings of planned (cyclical) maintenance and refurbishment works
 The extent and timings of unplanned (responsive) maintenance required
 Energy consumption levels
 Changes in the use of the asset
 Obsolescence / technological development
 Change in the fiscal regime
 New legislation, for example on sustainability issues
Only risks that are strictly relevant to the LCC exercise in hand should be considered.
Some risks such as future obsolescence and legislative changes are almost impossible to
assess and the decision may be taken to discount them.
Further guidance on the prediction of service lives of constructed assets and their
components, and the factors affecting service lives is provided in ISO 15686 Part 1.
During this risk identification process initial views may be formed on the probability of
occurrence, impact, ownership and possible actions to address or mitigate the risks.
A preliminary LCC risk/variability identification process should be carried out on every
project at this step, unless the scope of the project is such that risk is manifestly very low.
The depth and rigour of the process should be appropriate for the scope and nature of the
project. The results should be recorded on the first draft of a risk register (see section 5.6.1

Assessing variability
Having identified potential causes of variability in the LCC assessment it is then necessary
to assess their potential likelihood and extent, for which a variety of risk assessment tools
and techniques is available. These fall into two broad categories:
 Qualitative, employing subjective scoring techniques
 Quantitative, using mathematical approaches.
Quantitative techniques fall into two further categories:
 Statistical and probabilistic (stochastic) approaches
 Deterministic, with numerical computation of risk.
The range of approaches is illustrated in figure 4 below, with those most widely applied to
LCC highlighted.

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The choice of an appropriate methodology depends not only on the scope and rigour of the
analysis required but also on the quality and extent of data available. Relevant historical
data might be available in databases, or from organisations involved in the project.
However, there is little reliable historical LCC data held at a national or international level,
accordingly the availability and quality of relevant data should be reviewed before
undertaking a risk assessment exercise.
When undertaking the risk assessment it is important to distinguish between planned costs
(which assume everything goes well) and expected costs (which include an allowance based
on experience for problems such as cost and time over-runs).

Figure 4: Common tools and techniques in risk/uncertainty analysis

Deterministic (numerical
computation of risk)

Techniques for risk and

uncertainty assessments

Qualitative (using subjective

scoring techniques)

Quantitative (statistical &

probabilistic approaches)


Benefit and cost estimating

Break-even analysis
Risk-adjusted discount rate
Certainty equivalent technique
Sensitivity analysis
Variance & standard deviation
Net present value

Risk matrices
Risk registers
Event trees
SWOT analysis
Likelihood/consequence assessment

Mean-variance criterion
Decision tree analysis
Monte Carlo simulation
Artificial Intelligence
Fuzzy set theory
Event trees
Confidence modelling

Qualitative risk assessment

Qualitative risk assessment is essentially a subjective process relying on the knowledge,
skills and experience of the participants, but undertaken in a managed manner. Methods of
drawing out this information are broadly similar to those used for risk identification, that is,
brainstorming, reference to databases, interviews, etc. For each of the identified risks the
team will typically consider:
 Their likelihood
 Who / what is likely to be affected and to what extent
 Who owns them
 How important it is to mitigate them
 What action should be taken.
A number of tools are available for qualitative risk assessment, of which risk registers are
the most user-friendly and commonly used. Compiling a risk register is normally the first
step in risk management and provides a format for systematically recording the outcomes of
risk identification and assessment. The register should be regularly updated to contribute to

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


risk management throughout the project life cycle. The information available in risk
registers can be used to initiate quantitative risk analysis and to support subsequent risk
The typical headings used in compiling a risk register include:
 title and description of risk
 description of causes
 dates when the risk was identified / modified
 risk code
 ownership of the risk
 likelihood of occurrence
 potential impact
 mitigation action plan and timescale
 residual risk effects.
The level of detail on the risk register is a matter for judgement with reference to the scope
and complexity of the project.
Other qualitative tools which may be applicable include probability matrices and impact
assessment matrices, which can be used by the team to facilitate the related assessments for
entry onto the risk register.
A probability matrix facilitates the essentially subjective process of assessing the likelihood
of a risk event occurring by clarifying the concept of probability. A typical matrix is
illustrated in figure 5 below. The process depends fundamentally on the project team and
key stakeholders contributing to the process knowledge of the project and related
activities within it, experience and historical data will all be relevant.
Figure 5: Probability matrix

An impact assessment matrix similarly facilitates the process of assessing the impact of
each risk, requiring a comparable contribution of knowledge and experience.

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Quantitative risk assessment

Quantitative risk analysis involves formulation of a model for computing the risk impacts
on quantifiable project performance measures such as cost and duration. In theory
quantitative assessment provides much better insights into risk and risk management, but it
can be difficult to apply in a construction context and expert advice is an essential
prerequisite, both for setting up models and selecting relevant data and interpreting the
In practice, two techniques are likely to be of particular value in the LCC context and are
identified as such in ISO 15686 Part 5, namely sensitivity analysis and Monte Carlo


Sensitivity analysis
Sensitivity analysis measures the impact on project outcomes of changing key input values
about which there is uncertainty, typically:
 discount rate
 future inflation assumptions
 period of analysis
 service life or maintenance, repair or replacement cycles
 operational cost data.
For each variable, three values are typically chosen and applied to the LCC model, namely
the expected value, a lower value and a higher-than-expected value. In comprehensive
sensitivity analyses, the parameters are changed by a careful assessment of the underlying
risks rather than by arbitrary plus/minus percentages.
Sensitivity analysis can be carried out for different combinations of input values and several
parameters can be altered at the same time.
Sensitivity analysis identifies how significant specific input parameters or combinations of
parameters are in determining the LCC outcomes and indicates the range of variability in
the output, allowing decision makers to concentrate on analysis of the most critical
parameters. One scenario might include pessimistic values for a number or all parameters
to indicate the severity of economic exposure in that event. Carrying out sensitivity
analysis can also indicate a potentially inefficient outcome not otherwise apparent.
Sensitivity analysis is useful for identifying critical LCC estimating assumptions, but it has
limited effectiveness in providing a comprehensive sense of overall uncertainty.


Monte Carlo simulation and confidence modelling

Monte Carlo Simulation uses a simple technique of sampling the probability distributions of
uncertain input values and then combining them to calculate the outcome for many
hundreds or thousands of trial scenarios. Bespoke software is employed for this purpose, in
the LCC context typically to generate graphs that:
 show the probabilities of total life cycle costs over the analysis period not exceeding
various values, for example, 90% certainty that total life cycle costs will not exceed a
specific sum
 show the distribution of total life cycle costs, for example to indicate the most likely life
cycle cost outcome
 identify the risks/causes of variability that have the most impact on LCC.

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The primary value of the technique is in improving the clients confidence in the results of
LCC analysis. However, the robustness of the outputs is directly related to the robustness
of the probability distributions used in the analysis and the lack of probabilistic LCC data in
the industry (such as distributions of component service lives) acts as a barrier to its wider
application. Where Monte Carlo simulation is used to assess LCC variability it is therefore
essential that the results are interpreted in the context of the data used.

At the end of Step 5

At the end of Step 5 the user will have:
 Carried out a preliminary risk identification process and prepared a first draft of a risk
 Identified the extent to which the LCC analysis should be supported by risk analysis and
management, in particular:
o Whether a formal risk management plan is required
o Whether, and if so which, risk assessment procedures should be carried out at Steps
10, 12 and 13.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


STEP 6: Identify project and/or asset requirements confirm key



Purpose of this step

Before carrying out the LCC analysis it is important that the user clearly identifies the key
features of the asset in question. Furthermore, where the LCC analysis is carried out in the
context of a project to construct, refurbish, adapt or dispose of an asset, it is also important
to clarifiy and confirm the scope and parameters of the project itself.


Defining functionality of the asset

The key aspects of functionality can be defined under the headings of use, space and access.
The use of the asset will fundamentally be defined by the social, commercial or industrial
activity(ies) which will take place within it. However, best practice performance
requirements should also be defined, for example in terms of:
 Fully accommodating user needs
 Contributing to organisational efficiency
 Enhancing user activity(ies)
 Adaptability for possible change of use
 Health, safety and security
Issues to be defined in relation to space include:
 Gross requirement in terms of floor area, etc
 Layout, size and co-location of enclosures
 Balance between different needs and requirements (eg, private and communal spaces)
Issues relating to access include:
 Current local provision of public transport and proposed future developments
 Requirement for car parking
 Accessibility for all users in accordance with relevant regulations (for users with
impaired mobility, vision or hearing)
 Internal and external layout and landscaping


Defining key physical characteristics

The key physical characteristics of the asset can be defined under the headings of the
physical performance of the asset itself, its environmental engineering and the process of its
The criteria relating to the physical performance of the asset include:
 Resistance to wear and tear
 Other aspects of durability
 Ease of cleaning and maintenance
 Economy and effectiveness of structural and environmental engineering design
 Fitness for purpose of materials and components
 Provision of an appropriate lighting, thermal, acoustic and air quality environment
The physical characteristics of the environmental engineering systems include:
 Energy efficiency and minimisation of energy consumption
 Minimisation of CO emissions and other environmental impacts

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Simplicity of maintenance, refurbishment and replacement at component and system

Safety and simplicity of operation

Aspects of the construction process to be considered include:

 Health and safety of the workforce
 Buildability, i.e. complexity of construction
 Design for future adaptation and change of use
 Design for demolition and recycling

Identifying the intangibles

Investment in a constructed asset may have aims and purposes that cannot be defined and
measured in tangible terms. These might include:
 Motivating the workforce and reducing stress by providing a working environment that
is not just fit for purpose but which delights
 Making a statement to the local or wider community on the prestige or the green
credentials of the occupying organisation
 Providing a catalyst for regeneration.
If such intangible aims exist, the factors in the project designed to contribute to them should
be identified and taken into account in the LCC analysis. These might include:
 High quality of design internally and externally
 Generous working spaces
 Well-fitted and enjoyable circulation spaces and common ares
 Good acoustics
 High quality of natural and artificial light


Confirming the scope of the project

The scope of the project in terms of its scale, context and relationship to other projects
should be clearly defined before embarking on the LCC exercise. Considerations might
o Any demolitions
o Any temporary facilities to be installed / maintained / decommissioned
o Size, capacity of new structures
o Provision of M&E services, other utilities, IT
o External works, reinstatements, landscaping
o Operation and maintenance regimes on completion
o Source of materials
o Transport of workforce and goods/materials
o Arrangements for disposal
 Relationship with / impact on local environment
o Interaction / compatibility with local historical / cultural heritage
o Interaction with / impact on social context
o Interaction with / impact on local ecosystems
o Impact on local traffic systems, public transport
o Impact of noise, dust, other emissions
 Impact of local environmental features on project

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology





Weather patterns (eg snow, liability to flooding)

Geology (risk of subsidence, other instability)
Interaction with existing underground services
Requirement for running in new utility service mains
New water mains, reservoirs, pumping stations
Disposal of sewage / run-off, holding tanks, treatment works
Impact on / interaction with other projects
Third party construction projects in the area
Other projects in the clients portfolio
Other projects being undertaken by other members of the project team

Defining quality requirements

Some aspects of quality will be examined and refined by a process of LCC analysis, for
example to determine an optimum level of durability of systems and components.
However, clients will normally also wish to define certain levels of quality reflecting their
specific requirements, for example particularly relating to aesthetics.
It is essential that all quality requirements, whether expressed in terms of a material or
component specification or a performance specification are unequivocally captured in
contracts placed for supply, installation or construction.
Effective project management and quality control must then follow during the construction
phase to ensure compliance with the specifications.


Identifying project constraints

A project will potentially be constrained by a wide range of factors that can impact on the
programme and cost and, in extreme cases, to the essential viability of the project itself.
These might relate to:
 Site constraints access, topography, geology
 Finance limits on budget, cash flow
 Time required dates for completion, date for release of site
 Legal / regulatory Town and Country Planning, restrictive covenants
 Environmental restrictions on noise, emissions, working hours.
The key constraints should be clearly identified and taken into account in the LCC exercise.
Some constraints might change in the course of a project and new ones might appear. It is
therefore important in any future refinement of the LCC exercise that the constraints are
kept under review and any changes accounted for.
Where incomplete information about the asset or the project is available at this stage,
assumptions should be made. These will be tested and confirmed and information refined
as the project proceeds. The risk management approaches discussed at step 5 will enable
the decision-maker to identify and respond to the corresponding uncertainties at this step.


Confirming the project budget

Clear identification of the project budget and its constraints is fundamental to the LCC
process, which requires initial capital costs and future operational costs to be assessed, often
in the context of evaluating a number of potential options exhibiting different cost profiles.
Good practice in setting an overall project budget includes:

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Identifying appropriate and discrete phases in the project and determining the subbudgets to be spent on each
Itemising the sub-budgets, starting from initial global estimates and progressively
detailing costs as information on the project is clarified and confirmed
Reflecting performance / quality requirements
Making appropriate allowance for risk and uncertainties (ie contingency sums,
allowance for inflation), taking into account any analyses undertaken following step 5.

Subsequent control and management of the budget during project implementation is also
important to the LCC analysis, as models may require updating to reflect changes, or
refinement as more detailed capital cost breakdowns become available. Key issues include:
 Ensuring the budget is compiled on the basis of an adequate level of design
 Implementing a robust control process for managing cost variations (and for updating
LCC models as costs change)
 Establishing and observing protocols for regular review of the budget budgetary
control involves setting and monitoring of short-term objectives for different aspects of
the project, for which a formal process is essential
 Ensuring effective risk and uncertainty management processes are in place.
 Ensuring expenditure is appropriately timed to reflect the work stages.

Confirming the project timescale and programme

A robust and realistic programme is essential for successful delivery of a project, providing
a basis for:
 Monitoring and managing progress at all levels
 Planning and delivering the resources required for the project
 Cash flow planning by the client
 Contractual commitment to timely delivery by project participants.
As with the budget, the detail and firmness of the programme will progressively reflect the
quality and extent of the information on which it is based. Similarly it should be regularly
reviewed and updated as the project proceeds.
Knowledge of the project programme enables the timing of the LCC exercise to be planned
to reflect either key project decision points (often referred to as gateways), or the
availability of sufficiently detailed information on costs and specifications. Indeed, where
LCC forms a key project input the timing of the exercises should be identified in the project
programme in order that the key data inputs can be provided in a timely manner.
Where a project comprises works to two or more assets it is important to identify the
completion/handover dates for each project, along with details of any phased handover of
facilities. The LCC cashflow for the overall project will need to reflect the timings of
operational commencement for each asset or phase. For example on a large or complex
project such as a multi-asset PPP project it is common for work on individual assets to be
completed in phases over a number of years. Where the operational/FM contract is for a
defined period (in PPP projects, typically 25-30 years), this will result in differing life cycle
periods for different assets in the project.


At the end of Step 6

At the end of Step 6 the user will have:
 Clearly defined the scope of the project and the key features of the asset

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Identified the intended functions of the asset/facility

Developed a statement of project constraints
Defined all relevant performance and quality requirements
Confirmed the project budget and timescales
Incorporated the timing of the LCC exercise(s) into the overall project programme.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

STEP 7: Identify options to be included in the LCC exercise


Purpose of this step


At Steps 1 and 2 the user identified the broad scope of the LCC analysis, which may have
included identification of potential options that are to be subject to the LCC analysis, or
may have included only a requirement that alternative options are to be identified at a later
stage. The purpose of this step is to ensure the appropriate options for analysis have been
identified and defined in sufficient detail to enable the cost and time based data to be
identified in the next Step.

Link to scope of LCC analysis

The identification of options to be analysed is closely linked to the initial scope and purpose
of the analysis (Steps 1 and 2) and the detailed project and asset requirements (Step 6). If,
for example, the LCC analysis is to be carried out on an existing asset for future budgeting
purposes then there may be no need to identify alternative options. If, however, the
analysis is being carried out to identify the best option from a range of potential options,
then it is important that the appropriate options are identified and approved by the client
prior to detailed cost and time based data being collected. Key questions that need to be
asked are:
 Have alternative options been identified by the client as part of the brief?
 Is there a limit to how many options are available?
 If not, then what is an appropriate number of options?
Identification of alternative options is generally linked to one of the following two


Identification of options relating to the constructed asset itself

This typically relates to the early project stages where strategic decisions are taken, such as:
 Alternative uses of an asset
 Alternative investment options
 Whether to refurbish/adapt an existing asset or to construct a new one
 Scope of proposed refurbishment/remodelling/adaptation
 Choice between alternative scheme designs or configurations for the asset.

By definition, LCC analysis of the above options is most likely to occur during strategic
business case preparation or at the early stages of a project before detailed designs and cost
breakdowns are available. Reliance is therefore likely to be placed on historic or benchmark
data and on high level analysis. As the project proceeds, more detailed LCC models can be
developed and early assumptions tested and refined.

Identification of options for components, materials or assemblies within the asset

This typically relates to the detailed design stages where decisions are made on the
components, materials and assemblies that will make up the asset. Examples of the
identification of options might include:
 Alternative strategic options (e.g. district v localised heat generation)
 Alternative HVAC system options (e.g. natural cooling v air conditioning
 Alternative plant options (e.g. gas or biomass heating plant)
 Alternative materials (e.g. softwood, hardwood, aluminium or PVC windows)

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology



Methods of identifying options

Clearly it would be impractical (and unnecessary) to carry out a detailed LCC analysis of
alternative options for every component, material or assembly within an asset. Unless
otherwise specified by the client, attention should be focused on those parts of an asset that
are likely to have the greatest impact on its future costs and performance. Selection criteria
might include the likely magnitude of life cycle/FM/operational costs, likely use of
energy/natural resources, potential effects of failure (including any financial penalties or
consequences of loss of function). Historic/benchmark information and the experience of
the project team and operational managers are typical key inputs to this process.
Once the components, materials and assemblies to be included in the LCC analysis have
been selected, alternative options for each of these must be identified. This may be
achieved in a number of different ways, including by the client, by the project team, as a
result of a sustainability analysis or from a design review/value management workshop. In
some cases the clients brief will specify particular options to be considered. In others, it is
the responsibility of the project team and/or the LCC consultant to identify options.
On large or complex projects it is common for options to be identified in a formal workshop
setting involving all project stakeholders including the client, design team, FM/operational
staff and the end users of the asset. Various structured methods can be used for evaluating
alternative options, typically consisting of the following steps:
 Identification of the parts of the asset (i.e. components, materials and assemblies) that
are to be subject to LCC analysis
 Identification of evaluation criteria (e.g. functional performance, aesthetics, ease of
future maintenance, environmental impact), capital/life cycle/operational/utility costs)
 Weighting of evaluation criteria in terms of relative importance
 Brainstorming to identify long-list of alternative options for each part of the asset
 Scoring of long-list options against the weighted criteria
 Identification of short-list of options for further detailed LCC analysis


Integration of LCC with sustainability analysis

Where LCC is to be used in the evaluation of alternative sustainability options the above
process may not be necessary, as the options may already have been identified as part of a
previous sustainability assessment. Step 3 above provides further guidance on the
interrelationship between sustainability analysis and LCC.


At the end of step 7

At the end of step 7 the user will have:
 Identified those parts of an asset (e.g. components, materials and assemblies) that are to
be subject to a LCC analysis
 Selected one or more alternative options for each part of the asset to be analysed.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


STEP 8: Assemble cost and time data to be used in LCC analysis


Purpose of this step

In Step 7 the user identified and defined the options that are to be considered in the LCC
analysis. In this step the user identifies all relevant costs and timescales for each option in
preparation for carrying out the analysis.


Identifying relevant costs

The process of LCC analysis depends fundamentally on identifying all relevant costs (and
potentially, revenues) falling due over the specified period of analysis, Depending upon
the analysis period these could potentially range from the initial design and construction
costs, through the operational phase to the eventual disposal of the asset. A typical cost
classification and indicative check-list of cost items is provided in Table 4 below (based on
ISO 15686 Part 5, figure 3),
Table 4: Generic cost classification and check list
Acquisition non-construction costs
Site lease/purchase of land and/or existing building(s)/asset(s), including related
fees and local taxes
Finance interest or cost of money; wider economic impacts
Clients in-house resources property/project management,
Professional advice planning, legal, preparing brief, sustainability
Acquisition design and construction
Professional services project management, architecture,
structural/civil/environmental engineering, cost and value management
Site clearance, temporary works
Construction infrastructure, structure, envelope, services, fitting out,
commissioning, handover
Fixtures, fittings, furnishings
Landscaping, external works
Rates / local taxes, land charges
Energy heating, cooling, small power, lighting, internal transport (lifts)
Utilities water, sewerage, telephone
Facilities management cleaning, security, waste management
Regulatory costs fire, access inspections
Maintenance management inspections, contracts management
Minor repairs/replacements/renewals
Grounds maintenance
Loss of facility / business opportunity costs during downtime
Planned re-work
Adaptation evacuation, works, re-commissioning, fit-out
Major replacement/renewal/refurbishment evacuation, works, re-commissioning,

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Loss of facility / business opportunity costs during downtime

End of life/disposal/hand-back
Final condition inspection including fees
Restoration/reinstatement as required by lease/contract
Demolition, disposal, site clean-up
Sales of land, interests in assets, salvaged materials
Grants, tax allowances
Third party income rents, service charges

It is important to note that in practice the exact definition of costs (and revenues) to be
included in the LCC analysis may differ from that above and will often be determined by
the scope of the exercise (Steps 1 and 2) and the chosen analysis period. Examples include:
 Use to assess environmental options alongside an environmental analysis, where there
will be a requirement for all costs from cradle to grave to be included
 Use in relation to public procurement, where it may be a requirement to exclude land
costs and/or any incomes from the asset
 Use in PPP projects with a contractually defined operational period (typically 25-30
years), where end of life/disposal costs may fall outside of the concession period, and
funding mechanisms may require life cycle costs to be modelled separately from FM
and other operational costs
 Use in relation to a leased asset, where some costs are borne by the landlord rather than
the tenant, or where a short lease period precludes certain longer term costs from being
included in the analysis.
As the above examples show, it is essential that the scope of costs to be included in the
LCC analysis is clearly defined and approved by the client prior to commencement of the
The users particular attention is drawn to the issue of how the term life cycle works is
defined in a particular project or contractual framework, and its relationship with the
various types of maintenance works (e.g. planned/cyclical, responsive, condition based) and
with FM activities. It is not uncommon for the responsibility for different types of works to
be assigned differently from project to project, which could impact on the scope of the costs
included in the LCC exercise. Again, clear definition of scope and terminology is essential.

Classifying costs
There is currently no universally accepted international cost breakdown structure for either
capital or life cycle costs. Several national classifications exist and comparisons carried out
by the Comite des Economistes de la Construction (CEEC) indicate that:
 All countries use elemental estimating and cost planning systems
 The elements used are similar but are grouped and coded in very widely differing cost
classification systems
 Some are more detailed than others (eg comparing DIN with Nordic, as in NS3454)
 There is no consensus on which approach is best
 Price comparisons can be misleading, for example, costs per square metre where floor
areas are measured on a different basis.

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An EU standard classification system that could accommodate data from national systems
would greatly increase the comparability of data and CEEC has issued for consultation a
Code of Measurement for Cost Planning as a platform for reconciling different cost and
data structures. This provides a standard basis for the sub-division of costs and for
measurement of basic quantities of buildings for pan-European budgeting, comparison and
analysis at management level. The structure is organised to permit the use of existing
national classifications at a more detailed level of information.
The CEEC code aims to facilitate comparisons by defining typical areas used and crossreferencing to local definitions. As a result if areas are measured differently, the
differences can be identified, permitting adjustment of square metre prices. Definitions of
quantities have been restricted to twelve basic quantities for site areas, floor areas and
functional units. Elemental quantities are not defined, as local definitions may be more
suitable for analysis of elemental unit rates.
The code provides a framework to consider the total life cycle costs of buildings. It goes
further than traditional practice in some countries and groups costs into four blocks:
 construction costs
 design and incidental costs
 costs in use
 land and finance.
This permits project appraisal on a LCC basis and if items are not included in individual
countries this will be clearly apparent and avoid misunderstandings on the overall scope of
the costs. The CEEC structure is compatible with the structure proposed in table 6 above.

Identifying on-costs
It is common practice for certain additional costs to be applied to the above cost categories
as on-costs, i.e. costs over and above the main cost rates. These may be assessed for each
individual cost, or applied as standard percentages across an entire cost category. Typical
examples include:
 Preliminaries (e.g. set-up costs, site overheads, management costs)
 Access costs (e.g. scaffolding, access equipment)
 Design costs (e.g. architects, engineers)
 Strip-out costs (i.e. costs of removal/disposal of components to be replaced)
 Management costs (e.g. cost of planning & supervising works)
 Out-of-hours premium (i.e. additional costs for accessing a facility outside of normal
working hours)
 Commissioning costs (i.e. costs of testing and adjusting plant prior to use)
Users should ensure that any required on-costs are identified and recorded prior to carrying
out the LCC analysis.


Identifying time profiles

In addition to costs, the other key input to the LCC analysis process is time based
information. Life cycle costs can fundamentally be grouped into three categories, namely:
 Those occurring at the start of the LCC analysis, e.g. acquisition and construction costs
 Those occurring at regular, predictable periods throughout the life cycle, e.g. utility
costs, cleaning, cyclical maintenance/servicing of plant

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Those occurring at less frequent, less predictable periods in the future, e.g. component
replacements, refurbishment, disposal costs. Note that these costs may either be one-off
or recurring.

Two key variables need to be defined for future costs, namely the point in time of the first
occurrence and the repeat intervals thereafter, which may be either regular or variable. The
accurate assessment of these time periods is fundamental to the reliability of the LCC
analysis, particularly where future costs are to be discounted to net present value.
The timings of costs which occur at regular, frequent intervals are relatively simple to
predict. Data on the servicing and cyclical maintenance of plant, for example, is likely to
be readily available from manufacturers and suppliers. The timing of less frequent costs
such as component renewals can be more difficult due to the complex factors affecting
service lives in practice. This issue is considered further below.

Predicting component service lives

Robust data on the longevity of materials and components is fundamental to the success of
any detailed LCC exercise, as is a recognition that assessing service livse is far from an
exact science. Whilst some national and international sources of service life data are
available, it is important to recognise that the actual life of any given component in any
situation will be the result of a complex set of factors including its specification, its
location, the way in which it is incorporated into the building, its level of maintenance and
its intensity of use. Table 5 below (from ISO 15686) provides examples of key factors
affecting the longevity of building components:
Table 5: Factors Affecting Durability
Agents related to
A Quality of
inherent quality
B Design/detailing
C Work execution level
Agents related to

D Indoor environment
E Outdoor environment

Agents related to

F In-use conditions
G Maintenance

Manufacture, storage, transport, materials, protective
Incorporation into the building, detailing, system
design, interfaces, degree of shelter provided
Site management, standard of workmanship, climatic
conditions during execution
Aggressiveness of environment, ventilation,
Location of building, micro and macro environment,
sheltering, pollution levels, weathering factors
Mechanical impact, category of users, wear and tear,
intensity of use
Quality and frequency of inspection and maintenance,
accessibility for maintenance

The prediction of building component services lives is the subject of considerable published
research and guidance and it is not the intention of this methodology to repeat this work.
Users are referred to the various parts of ISO 15686 for more detailed guidance. Other
potential sources of data include manufacturers and suppliers, test certificates, Agrement
Certificates, published research and feedback from buildings in use.
When assessing service lives for use in a LCC exercise it is also important to recognise that
the replacement of components and indeed built assets themselves is often driven not by
durability issues alone, but by other aspects of obsolescence (e.g. economic, technical,
functional) as discussed in Step 3 above.

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The link between the level of planned maintenance carried out and the service life of
components should not be overlooked, as the longevity of some components such as
complex HVAC plant is highly dependent on the correct maintenance being completed at
the manufacturers prescribed intervals.

Sources of data
As considered in Step 1 above, LCC analyses at the earliest stages of a project typically
draw mainly on generic sources of data, typically historic costs drawn variously from the
clients own records, the records of professional advisors and published national data sets.
As a project proceeds, specifications, time and cost parameters can be defined in greater
detail and with greater reliability, based on data from a number of sources as discussed
Data from these sources will generally be in a variety of formats and will need to be
distilled and grouped into a suitable format for LCC analysis.
The initial capital cost of construction is likely to be a major if not the single most
significant factor in the analysis. In traditional forms of procurement work items are
collated into schedules setting out quantities, descriptions and unit pricing, drawn up by
appropriately qualified professionals. Together with a time commitment, these provide the
basis of a contract for delivery by the selected contractor(s), thereby firmly fixing some of
the key time and cost parameters for the LCC analysis.


Data from sustainability assessments

As discussed in previous Steps, LCC is often used to evaluate options identified as part of a
sustainability assessment. In this context it provides a useful tool for demonstrating the
effects of long term cost savings, for example in energy or other resource use. While many
sustainability issues are not easily assessed in objective cost terms, other are readily assign
financial values and should be identified for inclusion in the LCC analysis. If options for
LCC analysis are selected on environmental criteria rather than only on technical and cost
grounds, the related sustainability premium can be calculated. Instances might include:
 Configuration of the building and fenestration to maximise solar gain in winter
 Window fins to reduce solar gain in summer
 Using advanced technology to control lighting and HVAC systems
 Incorporating additional thermal mass
 Incorporating more insulation than required by regulations
Typical options generated from a sustainability assessment might fall into one or more of
the following categories:
 Choice of materials and components that cause minimum environmental impact
o Selection of materials / components according to environmental criteria
o Seeking alternatives to materials that pose any hazard to health or the environment
 Minimising environmental damage resulting from the generation and treatment of waste:
o Maximising recycling on site
o Assessing and planning demolition for maximum environment-friendliness
 Minimising energy consumption:
o Monitoring of energy consumption in operation
o Orientating, shaping, equipping the building to maximise/minimise solar gain
according to season
o Testing all scheme and system design options for energy efficiency

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


o Selecting and designing heating / cooling systems according to environmental criteria

o Installing energy management systems

At the end of step 8

At the end of step 8 the user will have:
 Identified all costs relevant to the LCC analysis within an appropriate cost breakdown
 Made the best estimate for the value of each cost
 Identified any on-costs to be applied to the LCC model
 Identified the time related (e.g. maintenance and replacement) data for each cost
 Identified any options from an external sustainability analysis that are required to be
assessed in the LCC exercise.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

STEP 9: Verify values of financial parameters and period of



Purpose of this step


At this step the user reviews and confirms the values of the financial parameters and the
analysis period identified in Step 3, in light of the more detailed project, asset and options
information obtained in Steps 4 to 8.

Confirm period of analysis

As a key parameter in LCC analysis, the period of analysis identified at Step 3 should be
reviewed and confirmed in the light of the clarification and decisions reached in the steps
that followed, in particular regarding:
 The key features of the asset under consideration (Step 6)
 The scope and key parameters of the project being set up to invest in the asset (Step 6)
 The options identified for inclusion in the LCC exercise (Step 8).


Confirm key financial parameters

Similarly, the values of the key financial parameters identified in Step 3 should also be
verified prior to carrying out the LCC analysis. These include:
 Method of economic analysis
 Discount rate
 Treatment of inflation
 Treatment of taxation issues.


Method of economic analysis

This is dependent upon the purpose of the LCC analysis and the nature of the client
organisation. Net present value (NPV) is the most commonly used method. Use of
payback (PB) analysis may also be appropriate if one or more of the selected options has a
higher capital cost but demonstrates benefits in reduced operating costs or in revenue


Discount rate
As considered at step 3, a discount rate can be either:
 real, that is, with cost data denominated in constant currency, excluding the effects of
inflation on purchasing power, or
 nominal, that is, with cost data denominated in actual or current currency, which
reflects actual purchasing power. Market rates are normally nominal rates.
If predicted inflation rates for all the costs in the analysis are approximately equal, it is
common practice to exclude inflation from the LCC analysis by using real discount rates.
Conversely, if the analysis includes items with widely different inflation rates, (e.g. energy
prices and labour rates), then nominal discount rates should be used.
Because the outcome of the LCC analysis is highly sensitive to the discount rate, it may be
appropriate to apply a number of trial rates and to assess the results. Alternatively, this may
be carried out as part of a sensitivity analysis once the LCC exercise has been carried out.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Long-term costs and savings become much more apparent at a lower discount rate, whereas
a high rate might discriminate against long-term savings and the associated sustainability
benefits if applied blindly. For this reason, use of a low (3% or less) or even a zero rate is
recommended when LCC is used to assess the economic merits of alternative sustainability

Appropriate treatment of inflation in LCC analysis requires consideration of a number of
issues, including:
 The need to distinguish the effects of inflation from other causes of increased costs
 Whether and by how much the rates of inflation applying to the cost items identified at
Step 8 differ between themselves and from general headline rates of inflation
 Whether data used to provide present-day costs requires adjustment
 The terms of contracts placed to provide goods and services over the life of the facility.
Even if costs are expressed in real or constant terms, the prices of individual items in the
cost breakdown structure (CBS) may rise over time, for example, the cost of maintenance
and repair of a system or component may increase as the item ages and becomes worn or
unreliable. This needs to be taken into account separately, item by item before any
adjustment for inflation is applied.
The data used in building the CBS may derive from documents that are dated prior to the
date of the analysis. In such cases the unit values must be updated to the present by
applying a multiplyer equivalent to the increase in the relevant price indices.
At later stages in the life cycle, the CBS can reflect known costs derived from the contracts
entered into by the client. Contracts for goods and services delivered over time, for
example for maintenance, will normally make provision for inflation in costs which can be
directly reflected in the analysis.


Taxation issues
Since the options to be considered in the LCC analysis have been selected in Stage 8, it is
appropriate at this stage to consider whether/how taxation issues should be incorporated
into the analysis, for example:
 Whether taxation issues should be included or excluded from the LCC analysis
 Whether tax relief or offsets apply to any of the selected components, materials or
 Whether there are tax penalties which might apply to the use of certain materials or have
an indirect impact, e.g. through higher energy costs
 The probability of future environmental taxes and their potential effect on the analysis
 The likelihood of tax rates changing.
Since taxation is a complex subject, specialist advice should always be sought.


Applying financial parameters within the CBS

Discounting and adjustment for inflation should not be applied on a blanket basis across
all items in the cost breakdown structure (CBS) assembled at Step 8. Rather, the CBS must
be reviewed item by item to identify the appropriate treatment, in particular testing any
assumptions made.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


The fundamental question in relation to discounting is whether a cost will be incurred at a

future time and thus should be subject to discounting, or whether it is assumed to be
incurred instantly and taken at its present value. Assumptions to be challenged might
include, for example:
 taking the capital cost of construction as instant, whereas it might need discounting if
the design and construction period is forecast to be lengthy
 taking investment costs as required to be discounted, whereas they might effectively be
incurred instantly.
More specifically, for accurate discounting, the time profiles identified at step 9 must be
reviewed and confirmed for each item.
The key issue to be confirmed in relation to inflation is the extent to which the forecast rates
of inflation differ between items.
As considered above, taxation is one of the biggest and potentially most complex cost
considerations in any investment, yet also potentially also one of the most manageable if
continuing recourse is made to specialist advice and use is made of the sophisticated
methodologies and software that are available.
Accordingly, where appropriate, the fiscal strategy developed above should be reviewed
with reference to each of the cost categories within the CBS, with the benefit of specialist
advice. Particular attention should be paid to sustainability issues with the likelihood of tax
regimes being weighted to favour environmentally-friendly design and construction

At the end of step 9

At the end of step 9 the user will have:
 confirmed the period of analysis
 confirmed appropriate values for the relevant financial parameters
 considered whether taxation issues should be accounted for in the analysis
 decided and recorded how the financial parameters are to be applied within the cost
breakdown structure.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology



STEP 10 (Optional): Review risk strategy and carry out preliminary

uncertainty/risk assessment


The purpose of this step

At this step the user reviews the risk strategy identified at Step 5, carries out a preliminary
uncertainty/risk assessment based on the information assembled in Steps 6 to 8, and
confirms the extent of detailed risk assessment to be carried out at Steps 12 and 13.


Confirming the schedule of identified risks

In the first instance, the project team should review any preliminary schedule of risks drawn
up at step 5 in the light of the greater clarity relating to the scope and nature of the scheme,
the project and the LCC analysis.


Updating the risk register

Where a risk register was prepared as part of Stage 5, this should similarly be updated and
key risks quantified.


Confirm need for quantitative risk assessment and identify relevant

Using the analysis of risks contained in the risk register, the user should review the need
for, and parameters of, any quantitative risk assessment previously identified at Step 5. Key
considerations will include:
 the further information generated about the project in the interim steps
 the risks inherent in the options selected for analysis in Step 7
 the specific risks identified in the qualitative risk assessment undertaken at this step
 further consultation with the client, particularly regarding the level of confidence
required in the outcomes of the LCC analysis..
In particular, the user should confirm with the client whether sensitivity analyses or Monte
Carlo simulations are to be carried out, and if so, identify the key parameters, particularly
the risks and uncertainties to be the focus of the analyses and the applicable ranges.


At the end of Step 10

At the end of step 10 the user will have:
 Verified the schedule of identified risks
 Undertaken a qualitative risk assessment and compiled/updated the risk register
 Confirmed the scope and extent of quantitative risk assessment required and the
techniques to be employed.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


STEP 11: Perform required economic evaluation.


Purpose of this step


In Steps 7 and 8 the options for analysis were identified and the required cost and time
based data were assembled. In Step 9 the financial parameters for the LCC analysis were
confirmed and in Step 10 the risk issues were identified. At this step the user draws
together these inputs and performs the required LCC analysis.

Use of software tools

The LCC modelling process is generally carried out using software tools falling into one of
the following three categories:
 Standard commercial software such as spreadsheets and databases (e.g. Microsoft Excel
and Access)
 Commercially available LCC modelling software, typically based on spreadsheets
and/or databases
 Bespoke, in-house software, typically developed by consultants or clients using a
spreadsheet or database platform.
A typical spreadsheet solution might comprise the following components:
 a front sheet where the key project data and key parameters such as the analysis period
and discount rate are entered
 data input sheets where the cost items, costs, time periods etc. are entered
 LCC profile sheets where the annual costs are shown throughout the analysis period,
alongside the cost items
 Analysis sheets, where the findings are presented and analysed.
Standard spreadsheet software typically incorporates tools for carrying out NPV
calculations and other standard economic evaluations.
Where users are likely to carry out a large number of LCC exercises, the use of databases to
store standard datasets should be considered. These might include cost breakdown
structures, lists of work items and associated costs and time periods, component service
lives, maintenance items, etc.


LCC modelling process

The process for completing the LCC analysis typically comprises the following data entry
 Format spreadsheets/software to accommodate required data and output requirements
 Enter key parameters such as analysis period, method of economic evaluation and
discount rate
 Enter cost items using the chosen cost breakdown structure (CBS)
 Enter all associated items such as maintenance works, cleaning requirements
 Input costs for all items in the CBS
 Input quantities for all items in the CBS (e.g. from cost plans)
 Input time intervals, including first and subsequent occurrences of each item in the CBS
 Apply any on-costs, either globally or individually
The software is then used to calculate the life cycle costs and the findings are presented and
analysed, either automatically by the software, or manually by the user. Analysis and

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


presentation of the findings is considered in Steps14 and 15 below.. Where a number of

different economic analyses are required (e.g. net present value and payback period), these
can be readily generated using the data previously input into the software. Similarly,
alternative discount rates or inflation assumptions can be readily modelled.

Calculating and using the NPV

The net present value (NPV) is the most widely used criterion for evaluating the life cycle
costs of alternative options on a like basis, or for deciding whether an option can be
justified on economic principles. Its derivation is illustrated in figure 6 below, which
illustrates how the various different cost inputs come together to form the NPV.
The NPV measure can be readily applied to the two principal types of use of LCC analysis:
 A single option can be accepted/rejected according to whether the project has a
lower/higher LCC than a base case
 The NPV returned by a number of options can be used to rank them for costeffectiveness over the period of analysis, thereby also identifying the most cost-effective


Applying other measures


Payback (PB)
Both simple and discounted PB are primarily useful as screening tools, however if the
discounted PB period is less than the useful life of the asset, the investment will be cost
effective. Choice of discount rate is significant; at low rates discounted PB and simple PB
periods are closely related, at higher rates discounted PB may be significantly longer. PB is
not reliable and should be avoided for ranking multiple options.


Net savings (NS) / Net Benefit (NB)

If the NS/NB of a single option is positive, it can be accepted as cost-effective, if negative it
should be rejected. The NS measure can also be used to compare multiple investment
options selecting the highest NS is the same as selecting the lowest LCC. It may similarly
be applied for ranking purposes.


Savings to Investment Ratio (SIR); Adjusted Internal Rate of Return (AIRR)

Both SIR and AIRR may be employed for accept/reject decisions and for ranking / selection
of optimum from multiple options. An SIR greater than one is positive (ie accept) and is
ranked in rising order. An AIRR greater than the discount rate is positive and is similarly
ranked in rising order. Both measures lead to the same outcome.


Annual Cost and Annual Equivalent Value (AC or AEV)

AC/AEV is used to compare investment options where the natural replacement cycle cannot
easily be directly related to the period of analysis. The lowest AEV indicates the lowest
cost option.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Figure 6: Calculation of NPV

O p = On qn
n =1

M p = M n qn
n =1

R p = Rn qn
n =1

E p = En qn

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology

Table 6

Examples of the application of LCC analysis

Decision required
To proceed or not
with installing energy
saving system
Selection of
alternative heating

Evaluation of
sustainability options

Budgeting of future
costs for new facility

Budgeting of future
costs for new facility:
PPP provider

To lease or buy


Costs taken into account

Energy costs with/without new
Capital cost
Operation and maintenance
For each option:
Energy costs
Capital cost
Operation and maintenance
Disposal costs
All costs from cradle to grave

Capital costs
Operation cots: energy, utilities,
FM, cleaning etc
Maintenance & planned
replacement costs
End of life/disposal costs
Capital costs
Operation cots: energy, utilities,
FM, cleaning etc
Maintenance & planned
replacement costs
Penalties for loss of
Leasing costs, including:
Increase clause
Deposit / refund with interest
Purchase, including:
Down payment

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Sensitivity analysis applied

Sensitivity to energy price
Sensitivity to alternative discount
Variability of component lives.
Energy price inflation.
Sensitivity to alternative discount

Risk assessment undertaken

Service life and maintenance of
proposed system.

Economic evaluation

Decision tree each option

costs and probability of
achieving energy savings.
Risk assessment for future
availability of spare parts
Risk analysis of potential for
future environmental taxes &

NB/NS from all options

Risk assessment of
disruption/loss of function costs.


Variability of key time periods.

Inflation assumptions.
Key costs.

Risk analysis of causes of loss

of service/utility.
Monte-Carlo analysis of key
component service lives.


Period of analysis
Inflation: lease, property value.

Risk assessment of future resale


Annual cash flow

Sensitivity to alternative discount

Variability of component lives
Availability of incentives (tax
reductions, grants)
Variability of key time periods.
Sensitivity to alternative discount

NB/NS from all options

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology



Typical examples of the use of LCC analysis

Table 6 above includes a range of scenarios where LCC analysis is undertaken in support of
investment decisions, illustrating:
 The costs taken into account
 Where sensitivity analysis is usefully applied, similarly risk assessment
 An appropriate method of evaluation.


Evaluating options from a sustainability analysis

Two approaches are in common use for comparing on a cost basis options that have been
evaluated on environmental criteria, that is:
 cost effectiveness analysis
 cost benefit analysis.


Cost effectiveness analysis

Cost effectiveness analysis compares the estimated costs of achieving a given quantum of
measurable environmental benefit from each of the options being considered. For example:
 option A secures a reduction of X tonnes of CO2 emissions for cost of Y
 option B secures a reduction of 0.8X tonnes of CO2 emissions for cost of 0.5Y
The simple quotients reveal option B to be more cost-effective. The main value of this
assessment is that it indicates the best value for money to be obtained from a given budget.
The main disadvantage is that it indicates only how an option compares with other options,
not whether it is intrinsically worthwhile.


Cost benefit analysis

Cost benefit analysis compares the value of the environmental benefits of an investment
option with all the associated costs, each on a monetary basis. A benefit is defined as any
outcome that represents improved environmental performance. A cost includes any
outcome perceived as a disadvantage, for example, the need to tolerate higher noise levels
from an HVAC system that performs better on other environmental measures.
Environmental performance can be determined by a process of LCA. Preferences are
identified by the client and project advisory team, and measured in terms of willingness to
pay for a benefit or for avoiding a cost, or willingness to accept the consequences of
tolerating a cost or foregoing a benefit.
The main advantage of the approach is that it allows the 'absolute' desirability of an option to
be determined in economic terms and forces consideration of cost as an indicator of foregone
benefits (ie the opportunity costs). Potential drawbacks include:
 it deals only with economic efficiency and has potential for discrimination against
sustainability concerns
 available data may not permit all relevant benefits and costs to be monetised.


At the end of step 11

At the end of step 11 the user will have:
 Drawn together the various cost and time data and analysis parameters
 Performed the LCC analysis
 Recorded the results for interpretation and initial presentation to the client at step 12.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology



STEP 12: Carry out detailed risk/uncertainty analysis (if required)

The purpose of this step
At this step the project team carries out quantitative risk analyses such as Monte Carlo
Simulations, to the extent identified as required at Step 5 and confirmed at Step 10, in order
to assess outcomes and support decisions arising from the LCC exercise.


Carrying out Monte Carlo Simulation as required

The risk/uncertainty register, updated at Step 10 or subsequently, can be used as the basis for
running a Monte Carlo Simulation, for which the following information is necessary:
 Distinct probabilities / likelihood of each risk/uncertainty occurring
 Information to statistically model the impact of each risk/uncertainty, should it occur. The
distribution may be:
o Uniform that is, there is an equal chance that the parameter will have any value
between two limits, eg a cost per tonne between X and Y
o Triangular that is, the minimum value of the parameter is identified as X, the most
likely as Y, the maximum as Z
o Discrete that is, either the event happens or it does not.
The outputs will typically be expressed as graphs that:
show the probabilities of life cycle costs exceeding a particular value, e.g. 90% certainty
that costs will not exceed 25 million.
 show the distribution of potential life cycle costs, for example to indicate the most likely
cost outcome.


Interpreting the results

The term risk usually expresses not only the potential for an undesired consequence, but also
how probable it is that such a consequence will occur. If the analysis had been conducted
according to a traditional deterministic approach, only the mean values would be available as
a basis for comparing NPVs. For example, if the NPV of the life cycle cost of alternative A
is 28 million and for alternative B is 27 million, it appears that alternative B is less
expensive than alternative A by 1 million. However, depending on the decision makers
tolerance for risk, a decision based on NPV alone may prove to be a poor choice if variability
about the mean is not taken into account.
Interpretation of risk analysis results goes beyond a simple comparison of average costs by
analysing the likelihood that any particular outcome will occur. There is no presumption that
any particular alternative is better. Figure 7 below illustrates the risk profile of the NPV for
the above alternatives A and B in histogram form, where the probability is represented by the
area under the curve. The entire range of conceivable outcomes is arrayed with the estimated
probability of each outcome actually occurring. The main advantage of such a histogram is
that it readily shows the variability about the mean the wider the distribution, the greater
the variability. In the example shown, the outcome for the cheaper alternative B is more
uncertain than that of alternative A and in light of this information the client may, for
example, choose to accept alternative A due to its greater certainty.
In interpreting the risk profile it is important to distinguish between upside risk and downside
risk. Downside risk for project costs implies cost overrun, whereas Upside risk for project
costs implies cost under-run, or opportunity for lower cost. In the example, alternative B has

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


greater upside risk than alternative A. However, it is important also to quantify the
probability of cost overrun for alternative B.
Figure 7: Risk profile in histogram form

Figure 8 below plots the risk profiles for alternatives A and B in cumulative form, showing a
60 percent probability that project costs for Alternative B will be less than 28 million. (This
means that for the thousands of iterations that were processed using the Monte Carlo software
tool, 60 percent of the calculated values for NPV were less than 28 million.) The variability
for an alternative is inversely proportional to the slope of the cumulative curve, that is, the
steeper the slope, the less is the variability. In the example shown, the slope for alternative B
is flatter than that for Alternative A, and is therefore more variable.
Figure 8: Risk profile in cumulative form

Such analysis provides much more information than a simple deterministic solution.
Additional information may come in the form of simulation results that reveal the underlying
uncertainty associated with each alternative. In interpreting the risk involved with each
alternative, it is important to identify the magnitude of the extremes of the distributions
shown in Figure 7.
Scenario analysis can identify those variables that may cause a project to have significant
cost overrun. Such analysis is easily accomplished using standard risk assessment software,

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


which generally uses the following procedure to identify significant inputs for a particular
 Identify each input variable that affects the selected output
 Calculate the median and standard deviation of each input
 Create a subset containing only the iterations in which the output achieves the defined
 For each input variable identified step 1:
 Calculate the median for the subset data
 Calculate the difference between the simulation median and the subset median and
compare with the standard deviation of the input data.
If the absolute value of the difference in medians is greater than 0.5 of the standard deviation
of the whole, then the input variable is deemed significant otherwise the input is ignored.
In order to make a decision based on risk analysis results, it is important for the decision
maker to define the level of risk the organisation can tolerate. Decision makers who can
tolerate little risk prefer a small spread in possible results. If the decision makers are risktakers, they will accept a greater spread and possible variation in the outcome distribution.
Most decision makers can reach a consensus decision after weighing the probability for
upside and downside risk. In the example shown, alternative B appears the better alternative
since there is far greater likelihood of cost savings compared with alternative A. Further, the
probability of cost over-run, appears to be quite low compared with alternative A.

At the end of Step 12

At the end of step 12 the user will have:
 Undertaken the quantitative risk assessments identified at Step10 as required
 Interpreted the results to assess the outcomes and support the decisions to be taken as a
result of the LCC exercise.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


STEP 13: Carry out sensitivity analysis (if required)


The purpose of this step


At this step the project team carries out sensitivity analyses to the extent identified as
required at Step 5 and confirmed at Step 10, in order to assess the outcomes and support
decisions made on the basis of the LCC exercise.

Sensitivity analysis in LCC

As considered at Step 5, sensitivity analysis determines the sensitivity of LCC outcomes to
variability in individual input parameters, which represent uncertainties or risks. By
iteratively increasing or decreasing the value of the selected variables within a predetermined
range, users are able to calculate and present risk-adjusted LCC values. The technique is
conceptually and practically simple and the most widely used deterministic risk analysis
technique in project risk management. It is easy to perform, easily interpreted and requires
no additional methods of computation.
The results for different uncertain variables may be comprehensively displayed on a spider
diagram, such as that illustrated in Figure 9 below, to show their relative sensitivities. The
more critical variables have steeper curves. More attention can then be directed to
understanding them and planning in advanced for mitigation actions.
Figure 9: Spider diagram
in NPV

Variable A

Variable C
Variable B

in variable

If the probabilities of changes in key variable have been assessed, this can be shown on the
spider diagram as a series contour lines, as illustrated on Figure 10 below, indicating the
likelihood of occurrence of a particular scenario.
The principal shortcoming of sensitivity analysis is that it assumes that other uncertain
variables remain unchanged while the impact of a given variable is assessed. In practice,
more than one uncertainty can occur at any time and scenario analysis may be attempted by
varying several uncertain variables simultaneously. However, studying multiple variables
concurrently substantially increases the effort required and makes interpretation more
difficult. In addition, the analysis will not effectively highlight the more critical variables
when too many variables are taken into account.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Figure 10: Spider diagram with contour lines

in NPV
Variable A
Variable C
Variable B


in variable



Interpreting the results

Sensitivity analysis allows the upper and lower bounds of an economic measure to be
assessed by recalculating the measure with the lowest and highest likely cost estimates. For
example, an HVAC system with night time setback and economiser might be under
consideration as an energy-saving alternative to a conventional system. If the consumption
of electricity has the greatest impact on Net Savings, then the range of potential Net Savings
for the alternative system can be determined based on an assessment of the upper and lower
bounds of likely electricity consumption.
For example because of uncertainty about how much electricity the alternative system will
actually use, it might be postulated that the present value of energy costs for the 20-year
study period could be 20 to 40 percent higher or lower than the current best-guess estimate
for electricity consumption. Net Savings for the energy-saving alternative might be
calculated as follows based on different assumptions for its electricity consumption (the costs
shown are indicative only):
 83,000 on basis of best-guess estimate for consumption
 44,000 if the alternative HVAC system used 20 percent more electricity than expected
 5,000 if its electricity consumption were 40 percent more than expected
 123,000 if its electricity consumption were 20 percent less than expected.
This analysis shows that even if energy usage was 20% higher than expected, the HVAC
system with the night-time setback and economiser cycle would still be preferred over the
conventional system. Even with a 40 percent increase in energy usage the system would still
generate more savings than it would cost when compared with the base case over a period of
20 years. It may be concluded that the breakeven point would be reached if energy
consumption were slightly higher than 40% more than the best estimate.
The major disadvantages of sensitivity analysis are that it gives no probabilistic measure of
the risk of choosing an uneconomic option, and that it does not include an explicit measure of
risk attitude. It can be misleading if all the optimistic or pessimistic assumptions about input
values are combined when calculating economic measures, therefore users should exercise
care when interpreting findings.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology



At the end of Step 13

At the end of step 13 the user will have:
 Undertaken sensitivity analyses as required by the decisions taken at Step 10
 Interpreted the results while acknowledging the limitations of the technique.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology



STEP 14: Interpret and present initial results in required format


Purpose of this step

At this step the user reviews and interprets the results obtained from the LCC calculations,
recognising the limitations of the cost techniques applied and hence the need for the exercise
of professional judgement, also ensuring that uncertainties and risks have been properly
The analyst also identifies at this step the most appropriate graphic, tabular or other means of
presenting the initial results and incorporates them in an interim report for discussion with the


Selecting an appropriate format for presenting initial results

The format and level of detail required for the initial report will vary according to the purpose
of the LCC analysis and the specific clients requirements. In some cases the client may
simply require tabular and/or graphical presentation of the initial findings for review, along
with recommendations for further analysis, risk analysis or sensitivity analysis. In other
cases a complete draft report may be required, including details of all inputs, assumptions,
evaluation criteria, analysis of the findings and recommendations for future actions.
ISO 15686 Part 5 provides a set of suggested headings for a LCC report. These are
considered further in Step 15 below.
A series of typical tabular and graphical outputs from a LCC exercise are provided for
information in Annex A.


Analysis and interpretation of results

The results of the LCC exercise will often require further analysis and interpretation prior to
presentation to the client. This might include, for example:
 Representation of the results as a percentage of capital or acquisition costs
 Representing the results in relation to other measures, e.g.:
o Cost per m2 gross floor area of the facility
o Cost per functional unit such as classroom, hospital ward, hotel room
o Cost per user, e.g. patient, student, vehicle, passenger
o Cost per year (or cost per m2 per year)
 Analysis of costs per life cycle cost category, e.g. acquisition, operation, maintenance etc.
 Analysis of costs per building element, component or system
 Analysis of costs divided into distinct parts of the facility, e.g. hospital wards, operating
theatres, plant areas, circulation space etc.
 Identification of regular sinking fund contributions required in order to provide funding
for future life cycle works.
The client may also require the findings to be benchmarked against historic data or previous
LCC exercises, typically using one or more of the above measures.
In addition, it will often be necessary for the LCC report to draw out the key findings of the
analysis in clear terms in order that they can be readily understood by the client.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology



Exercising professional judgement

It is essential that the user applies professional judgement in interpreting the results of the
LCC analysis, and that the uncertainties and limitations of the findings are clearly expressed
to the client. By its nature, LCC requires prediction of future time periods and costs and
contains inherent uncertainties. The user must recognise the limitations of the techniques
used in the exercise and avoid attributing an inappropriate level of accuracy to the findings.
The LCC report should therefore contain adequate warnings regarding the use of the data by
the client, commonly cited examples of which include:
 LCC is not a precise science and the reliability of the outcomes should be regarded at best
as reasonable
 LCC outputs can never more accurate than the inputs, in particular the estimates and
assumptions made regarding both time and cost
 The accuracy of results is difficult to measure as the variances obtained by statistical
methods are often large
 Relevant data can be both difficult and expensive to acquire, particularly regarding the
operation and maintenance phase in the life cycle
 LCC requires numbers of scenarios to be modelled representing many variables of both
time and cost.


Ensuring that uncertainty and risk are addressed

Investment in a constructed asset is a long-term project and as such is characterised by a
range of uncertainties and risks. At Steps 5 and 10 the user considered how these would be
addressed by risk and uncertainty analysis, and in Steps 12 and 13 detailed risk and
sensitivity analyses may have been carried out. In the light of the LCC results now available,
the user should confirm whether further risk and/or sensitivity analysis is required.


Further iterations of the LCC analysis

Often the initial results of the LCC analysis will result in client queries and suggestions for
changes in aspects of either the input data or the analysis parameters. Key assumptions may
require testing in light of the results, or the costs may require further refinement in order to
bring the results within target levels or to reflect other financial constraints. The LCC
process is, by nature, iterative and depending on the specific circumstances there may be a
requirement for further iterations of the LCC model prior to issue of the final report.


At the end of step 14

At the end of step 14 the analyst will have:
 Reviewed and interpreted the initial results of the LCC exercise
 Presented these results to the client for discussion, using appropriate formats
 Identified whether further iterations of the LCC exercise are required.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology



STEP 15: Present final results in required format and prepare a final


Purpose of this step

This step completes the LCC exercise with the preparation and submission of a final report,
in a format and degree of detail agreed with the client, and including a complete set of
records for retaining/archiving according to ISO 15686: Part 3, to provide an audit trail if


Scope and format of the report

The format and style of the final report should be discussed and agreed with the client to suit
the clients particular needs and purposes. As a general rule key information, including
initial assumptions and all numerical data, should be expressed in a tabular format, examples
of which are provided in Annexe A. If bespoke software is used that has embedded reporting
formats, the suitability of these formats should be discussed and agreed with the client.
Typically the final report will comprise:
 A narrative section describing the asset, the project to invest in it and the LCC process
carried out in support of this investment
 Tabulated information, typically in spreadsheet format, covering:
o Project Summary including tables with summary of costs, project data and annual
o Key parameters (appraisal period, start year, original base date, model base date,
location factor, inflation rate, nominal discount rate, adjust cycle length, etc.)
o Total cost profiles (at todays price level and as discounted cost)
o Annual cash flows (cost in a year, cumulative costs, nominal (inflated) costs in a year,
NPV of cost in a year, NPV of cumulative cost)
o Detailed LCC model with detailed costs profiles for each year for every item/category
of cost, including the timings and extent of all future cost items.


Format and extent of analysis

ISO 15686 Part 5 requires that the format and extent of analysis should be agreed in advance
with the client, including:
 The decision and cost variables that are analysed, noting any exclusions relative to the
scope of the exercise agreed at Step 2
 The scope of sensitivity analyses, including confidence ranges. Other risk analyses
carried out should also be covered in the report, including justification of the selected
 The data and analysis structure. The report should describe the corresponding attributes
of the software and calculation tools employed.
 The method of accounting for the time value of money. The report should cover any
differential application of discount and inflation rates between cost headings
 The period of analysis
 Any other specific client requirements.
Many of these points would have been agreed with the client during the early Steps of the
exercise and reflected in the initial presentation of the results at step 14, but all points should
be confirmed at this step for the purposes of the final report.

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology



Detailed content of the report

ISO 15686 Part 5 sets out the headings that the final report should address, as sub-headings
18.4.1 to 11 following.


Executive summary
The executive summary should briefly describe the client organisation and the project,
followed by:
 The aims and objectives of the LCC exercise
 Key assumptions
 Extent of the calculations
 Limitations, uncertainties and risks
 Brief summary of results and conclusions


Purpose and scope

The statement of purpose and scope of the LCC exercise under this heading should be based
on the conditions of contract with the client.
It should describe the period of analysis, setting out the background and reasoning. If the
period varies for different parts of the project this should be similarly justified.
It should make clear which costs have been considered or excluded. Examples of inclusions
might be:
 Design and project management fees
 Site management
 Temporary works
Examples of exclusions might be:
 Land acquisition costs
 Value added tax
 Financing charges
 Property taxes
 Ground rent
 Business interruption costs
 Relocation costs


Statement of objectives
This should briefly describe the main purposes of the LCC exercise, as developed at Step 1,
together with the implications for the level of detail and accuracy in the process.


Assets or parts of the asset under consideration

The characteristics of the asset or the parts of the asset under consideration in the LCC
exercise, should be described, as identified in Steps 1 to 7.


Assumptions made
All assumptions that have been made in the exercise should be listed under this heading
together with a brief discussion of their reliability and implications, particularly with
reference to the outcomes of the exercise. Typical assumptions include:
 Costs, particularly those of future items

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology



Time periods for future costs. Predicting the life of materials, components and systems is
a particularly difficult area in LCC forecasting. In theory it can be related the probability
of failure but in reality data is difficult to obtain and rarely complete, leading to the need
for assumptions regarding service life and thus repair and replacement costs.
Inflation, including the use of different rates for different cost categories
Discount rates and the interest rate and inflation assumptions that underpin them
Energy usage levels
Future maintenance standards and frequencies (which underpin component service life
Future usage of the facility
Which costs and items are included/excluded from the exercise.

Constraints and risks identified

Constraints on both the project and on the LCC exercise should be identified, with a separate
statement on risk and uncertainty. If risk was not considered as part of the LCC exercise this
should be recorded. Any future risk management arrangements proposed should be
identified, with any cost implications.


Alternatives considered in the analysis.

Two groups of alternatives should be reported under this heading, with justification for the
selection considered in each case:
 Alternative options evaluated at scheme, system and component/material level
 Alternative values tested for the key evaluation parameters.


Thorough discussion of the interpretation of the results

The analysts interpretation of the results should be discussed with the client upon their initial
presentation at Step14 with specific reference to:
 the objectives of the analysis, as determined at Step1
 the techniques and measures selected and implemented at Step 11.
The outcome of this discussion, amplified by the analyst as necessary, is recorded under this
heading. More detailed guidance on the types of analysis that might be provided is included
in Stage 14 above.


Graphical representation of results

Some form of graphical representation of the analysis results is likely to be beneficial to the
client. Typical examples might include:
 Graph or histogram showing total annual costs over the analysis period
 Graph showing cumulative costs over the analysis period
 Graph showing total costs of different options over the analysis period
 Graph showing effects of discounting at different rates
 Histogram or pie chart showing LCC split between different cost categories
 Graph showing initial costs and payback periods for different options.

15.4.10 Replacement and maintenance plan (if required)

The detailed cost profiles within the report will indicate maintenance cycles, items and costs
throughout the period of analysis. A separate maintenance/replacement plan can be distilled
from the overall calculations, if included in the clients requirements and supported by the

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


level of analysis carried out. As with the main report, it is likely to be presented primarily in
tabular form supported by appropriate graphics.
15.4.11 Presentation of the conclusions
The core of the conclusions will address the initial objectives and will reflect the background
and skills of the analyst carrying out the assessment, typically a cost consultant or other
relevant construction expert. However, the client may require more detailed discussion and
conclusions focused on specific aspects, to be commissioned from other experts such as
environmental engineers or financial analysts.

Documents required for audit trail

ISO 15686: Part 3 requires a complete set of records to be retained/archived in order to
provide an audit trail if required in the future. These should include:
 cost calculations
 evidence of service life
 sources of cost data and any validation undertaken
 discussions on the scope of analysis
 copies of software packages/ LCC models.
In view of the potential liabilities for professional staff engaged in LCC exercises, their
records (whether paper or electronic) should also include:
 evidence of insurance cover
 records of all deliverables and delivery dates
 records of all discussion and agreements with the client organisation.


Testing the validity of life cycle costs

Whilst this methodology is concerned with the process of carrying out life cycle costs
analyses, it is important to recognise that in some cases the process may not end with the
presentation of a final report. Some users may wish to incorporate a validation or proving
period whereby actual life cycle costs are monitored and compared with the predicted values
(for example: comparison of predicted v actual energy usage). Such periods are typically for
one or two years. In some rare instances, public bodies have incorporated the proving period
into construction contracts such that the contractor is required first to assess the future life
cycle costs during the design stages and then to monitor actual costs at the start of the
operational period at the end of construction. In such cases it is important to compare the
actual occupancy levels and usage patterns of the facility with those assumed when the life
cycle costs were assessed during design. Changes in, for example, the hours of use of the
facility, may have a significant impact on the actual levels of energy consumption.


At the end of step 15

At the end of step 15 the user will have completed the clients commission by providing:
 A final report to an agreed scope and format, setting out the conclusions drawn from the
LCC exercise in response to its defined objectives
 The records required for the purpose of an audit trail, in accordance with ISO 15686: Part

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Annex A: Sample tabular and graphical outputs from typical LCC exercises
Figure 11: Sample project data table
Contract Signature:
Construction Start:
Construction Completion:
In Service Date:


Phased (Yes/No)?
Appraisal period:

60 yrs

Building use
Land Area:
Building GIFA:
Hard Landscaping
Number of Buildings
Number of Floors
Type of Frame
Type of Roof
Ventilation strategy

Outer London
(m )
(m )



Polymer membrane
Central aircon plant

Original Base Date Davis Langdon TPI
Model Base Date Davis Langdon TPI
Inflation Rate (RPI)
Discount Rate (state real/nominal)

435 Q2 2004
435 Q2 2004
3.50% real

Average Annual Spend on Asset Replacement
as percentage of Capex
Average Annual Spend on Asset Replacement
per metre squared

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1.03 /m

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Figure 12: Sample annual expenditure table (part)

ANNUAL EXPENDITURE to year 60 at:Year

Capital Cost

Base Date Inflated Prices Discounted


at 3.5% real pa










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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Figure 13: Sample table of key parameters

Appraisal period


Start year


Original base date


Q2 2004 Outer London

Model base date


Q2 2004

Location factor


Nominal discount rate

Inflation rate

(Only complete if nominal discount rate selected)


Real discount rate

Adjust cycle length


no adjustment

Figure 14: Sample tabulation of total cost profile (years 0-5, 56-60)
at today's price level
residual value
Net cost/income
Capital Costs Included



Cost in year (constant values)
Cumulative Costs (constant values)

Discount factors for of 3.5% pa

Net Present Value of Cost in year
Net Present Value of Cumulative Cost





















at year




























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May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Figure 15: Sample LCC model (part)

Item Description/Category of Cost


Unit Rate

First Year

Cycle Work Period


Per Cycle

Total Over
60 Years


Land Acquisition incl. Stamp duties and agents fees

2 ha





Demolition and Site Clearance

1 item













Capital Construction Cost

Professional Fees at 15%

7,000 m
1 item


1 item






1 item





User Commissioning Expenses

1 item





Finance for land purchase and during construction

1 item







Finance during period of intended occupation

1 item








- Water (including drainage)
- Electricity
- Gas
- Telecommunications












7,000 m







Business Rates

1 item








1 item







Building Management and Administration

1 item













Annual/Intermittent Maintenance

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7,000 m

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Figure 16: Sample component replacement cost build-up (part)

Cost Element




Cycle Quantity Units


Cost Rate % of

Cost per




Diffusers, grilles, registers

Replace active



1 lot





Diffusers, grilles, registers

Part renew



1 lot





Diffusers, grilles, registers




1 lot




VAV units

VAV units

Part renew



1 lot




VAV units

VAV units




1 lot





Centrifugal fan inline complete with

accessories control and electrical wiring

1 lot





Centrifugal fan inline complete with

accessories control and electrical wiring

Replace motors,
major fan



1 lot




Ventilation systems Included in space heating above

Switchgear LV

LV containment

LV distribution switchgear including LV

LV distribution switchgear including LV
LV distribution cable & containment

LV accessories

Socket outlets, switches for small power

Switchgear LV

Davis Langdon Management Consulting

Included in space
heating above
Replace control

1 lot






1 lot




Renew complete



1 lot




Renew complete



1 lot




May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Figure 17: Sample cost profile chart discounted at 3.5%


(Discounted at 3.5% pa (real))

Cost Profile

Cost Profile Trend





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60

Appraisal period 60 years

Total NPV of Project Cost 73,968,720

Figure 18: Sample cost profile chart discounted at 0%


(Discounted at 0% pa (real))

Cost Profile

Cost Profile Trend





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 60

Appraisal period 60 years

Total NPV of Project Cost 143,282,000

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Figure 19: Sample cumulative cost chart


(Discounted at 3.5% pa (real))










Total NPV of Project Cost: 73,968,720

Appraisal period 60 years

Figure 20: Sample component option appraisal cost chart

Graph showing the LCC of 2 generic components (PV - 3.5% real)

Discount rate



Cumulative Cost

LCC ()


Payback period

Option 1 Cumulative
Option 2 Cumulative





10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Life cycle (years)

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Annex B: Bibliography and references

Bjorberg, S. (2005) Life Cycle Cost (LCC) in Norway Experience and State of Art
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim and Multiconsult AS, Oslo,
Boussabaine, A. and Kirkham, R. (2005) Whole Life-cycle Costing: Risk and Risk
Responses, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK.
Boussabaine, A. (2007) Cost Planning of PFI and PPP Building Projects, Taylor & Francis,
Oxford, UK.
CEN/TC 350 WI 350001 (2006) Sustainability of construction works framework for
assessment of buildings (working document for European Standard).
CIB (1999) Agenda 21 on Sustainable Construction, CIB Publication Report 237,
Rotterdam, Netherlands.
CIB (2004) State-of-the-Art Report on Performance Based Methods for Service Life
Prediction Part A & Part B, CIB Report Publication 294.
Clemen, R.T. (1996) Making hard decisions: an introduction to decision analysis 2nd ed.,
Duxbury Press, Pacific Grove, Calif.
DIN 276:2003 Costs in the above ground construction, Germany.
DTI (Bourke, K. et al) (2005) Achieving Whole Life Value in infrastructure and buildings,
BRE Bookshop, UK.
European Commission (EC) (2001) Environment 2010: Our Future, Our Choice, European
Communities, Luxembourg.
European Environment Agency (1997) Life Cycle Assessment (LCA): A Guide to
Approaches, Experiences and Information Sources, Environmental Issues Series, 6,
European Environmental Agency.
European Platform on Life Cycle Assessment, (2006) http://lca.jrc.it
Fabrycky, W.J., and Blanchard, B.S. (1991) Life-cycle cost and economic analysis, PrenticeHall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
Faninger-Lund, H. (2002) Public Procurement of Energy Saving Technologies in Europe
Country Study for Finland, SOLPROS, Finland
Flanagan, R., Kendell, A., Norman, G. and Robinson, G. D. (1987) Life cycyle costing and
risk management. Construction Management and Economics, 5(4), 53-71.
Flanagan, R., Norman, G., Meadows, J. and Robinson, G. (1989) Life Cycle Costing: Theory
and Practice, BSP Professional Books, Oxford.
Goedkopp, M. (1995). The Eco-indicator 95. Final report. NOH report 9523. National Reuse
of Waste Research Programme. Netherlands Agency for Energy and the Environment and
the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment. Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Davis Langdon Management Consulting

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Goedkoop, M. and Spriensma, R. (2000). The Eco-indicator 99 A damage oriented method

for Life Cycle Impact Assessment. Methodology Report. Second edition 17-4-2000. PR
Consultants B.V., Amersfoort, The Netherlands.
Guinee, J. ed. (2002) Handbook on Life Cycle Assessment Operational Guide to the ISO
Standards, Centre of Environmental Science, Leiden University (CML); e-mail:
guinee@cml.leidenuniv.nl, Netherlands.
HM Treasury (2000) Her Majestys Treasury Guidance Note 7 on Whole Life Costs
HM Treasury (2003) The Green Book: Appraisal and Evaluation in Central Government,
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) (2005) ISO 14040:2005-09-26Environmental management Life cycle assessment Principles and framework, ISO,
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) (2006) ISO 14044: 2006-07-01 Environmental management - Life cycle assessment Requirements and guidelines, ISO,
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) (2000) ISO 15686-1: Building and
Constructed Assets Service Life Planning: Part 1 General Principles, ISO, Geneva.
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) (2001) ISO 15686-2: Building and
Constructed Assets Service Life Planning: Part 2 - Service life prediction procedures, ISO,
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) (2002) ISO 15686-3: Building and
Constructed Assets Service Life Planning: Part 3 Performance Audits and Reviews, ISO,
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) (2005) ISO 15686-4: Building and
Constructed Assets Service Life Planning: Part 4 Data Dictionary (Technical Report),
ISO, Geneva.
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) (2006) ISO 15686-5: Building and
Constructed Assets Service Life Planning: Part 5 - Whole-Life Costing (Draft), ISO,
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) (2004) ISO 15686-6: Building and
Constructed Assets Service Life Planning: Part 6 Procedures for considering
environmental impacts, ISO, Geneva.
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) (2006) ISO 15686-7: Building and
Constructed Assets Service Life Planning: Part 7 - Performance evaluation for feedback of
service life data from practice, ISO, Geneva.
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) (2006) ISO 15686-8: Building and
Constructed Assets Service Life Planning: Part 8 Reference service life (ongoing), ISO,

Davis Langdon Management Consulting

May 2007

Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) (2006) ISO 15686-9: Building and

Constructed Assets Service Life Planning: Part 9 - Guide on service life declarations for
building products (ongoing), ISO, Geneva.
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) (2006) ISO 15686-10: Building and
Constructed Assets Service Life Planning: Part 10 Serviceability (ongoing), ISO,
International Standardisation Organisation (ISO) (2006) ISO 15686-11: Building and
Constructed Assets Service Life Planning: Part 11 Terminology (ongoing), ISO, Geneva.
MIQCP (2006) - Ouvrages publics - Une approche actuelle pour les constructions publiques
& Cot Global. http://www.archi.fr/MIQCP/IMG/pdf/COUT_GLOBAL_p.1_A_p.100-2.pdf
National Audit Office (NAO) (2001) Modernising Construction
NEN 2580:1997 - Determining the area of plots intended for building and determining the
floor area and volume of buildings or parts of buildings. Definition of terms and
classification, Netherlands.
NEN 2631:1979 - Investment costs of buildings. Definition of terms and classification,
NEN 2632:1980 - Operating costs of buildings. Definition of terms and classification,
NEN 2748:2001 - Terms of facilities - classification and definition, Netherlands.
Norwegian Standard NS 3454 (1998) Life cycle costs for building and civil engineering work
Principles and classification (English version).
Office of Government Commerce (OGC) (2003) Achieving Excellence Guide 7: Whole-life

Office of Government Commerce (OGC) (2005) Successful Delivery Toolkit
Ruegg R.T and Marshall H.E (1990) Building Economics: Theory and Practice, Van
Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
SN 506 502:1997 - BCC - Cost Classification by Elements, CRB, Zurich, Switzerland.
Stewart, R.D. (1995) Fundamentals of cost estimating. In Cost estimators reference manual.
2nd ed. Edited by R.D. Stewart, R.M. Wyskida, and J.D. Johannes, 1-40, Wiley and Sons,
New York.
Task Group 1 (TG1) (2000) Report of Task Group 1: Environmental Friendly Construction
Materials (EFCM), Working Group for Sustainable Construction, the European
Commission, http://ec.europa.eu/enterprise/construction/suscon/sustcon.htm.
Task Group 2 (TG2) (2000) Report of Task Group 2: Energy Efficiency in Buildings,
Working Group for Sustainable Construction, the European Commission,

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Life Cycle Costing (LCC) as a contribution to sustainable construction: a common methodology


Task Group 3 (TG3) (2000) Report of Task Group 3: Construction and Demolition Waste
Management, Working Group for Sustainable Construction, the European Commission,
Task Group 4 (TG4) (2003) Report of Task Group 4: Life Cycle Costs in Construction, the
European Commission,
Tupamaki, O. (1998) Construction Can!, ENCORD, http://www.villareal.com.
United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) (2003) Evaluation of Environmental
Impacts in Life Cycle Assessment, UNEP, France.
United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) (2004) Why Take a Life Cycle Approach?,
UNEP, France.
Working Group for Sustainable Construction (2001) An Agenda for Sustainable
Construction in Europe, the European Commission,
Working Group on Abnormally Low Tender (2001) A Proposed Methodology that Permits
Contract Award to the Economically Most Advantageous Tender, the European Commission,

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