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Tension pulley guides the rope straight

Turnbuckle Fly scenery attached to the cable that holds the flat. Also used on ships,
circuses and professional wrestling
Loose Pin hinge used to hinge 2 flats together square
Wood screws are strong made of an alloy will bend if you put enough pressure on it.
Drywall screws are not they are pussies never use to fly scenery
Lag looks like a big ass screw but with a bolt head
Twist screw bit the bits that are spiraly
Spade Bit drills holes into wood
Felt is made of a wool blend comes in a variety of colors used as a substitute for
velour for masking. It is very very black. It will absorb the most light and it becomes a
void. Cheap
Velour Its more expensive than felt. More black than felt.
Duvatyn If you put it next to the felt its grayer. If you rip it your screwed. Its not as
good as velour and felt.
12 oz velour for masking.
26 oz absorbs a lot of noise.
When you buy drops (a big canvas or muslin background.)
Webbing on top and bottom with tie lines. Hang from a batton
Can be used like at the Empire with a pipe that goes in and out.
Cutout drops a drop with holes cut in used to represent shapes.
Skrims linen,
Squares like at South Middle School gauze-ey
Sharkstooth skrims like Souths except with more fabric less holes.
Used to create effects (fog, etc.)
If lit from the front it becomes opaque

If from the back, it is transparent. Seamless $850-1200

Most common colors are white, black and blue
Reasons for blue, it helps keep the sky blue even with bounced light
Also can dull colors
Need distance between the action and the back of the set.
Drops black scrims create a void.
Lenno what the cyc is made out of all the holes have been filled a movie screen stuff
Dealing with flying drops and fabric
When a curtain is on a batton it goes up and down
On a track it becomes a traveler and opens left to right
Butterfly curtain Like in Die Fledermaus
Tripping a drop is when you hang it by more than one pipe or tie line so it can fold in the
middle. Can be done 3 times.
Proscenium twice as wide as it is high
Fly system 3 times as high as the proscenium. To get things out of sight lines It really
does take that much.
1x4s are made of pine because it is cheap and light
Normally bought in 12,14, and 16 foot boards
A real one by four is 3.5 inches by .75 inches.
A 2x4 is 1.5x3.5
2x12 1.5x12
Pine 2x4s are rare, platforms are built with fir.
Plywood is sold in different weights
5ply plywood is 5 sheets of wood glued together.
Plywood Grades A,B,C,D A being the best (no knots, etc.) D is lowest. Also can buy
CDX is like DD. It is cheap.
ply is 3ply

inch thick
2 grains going the same direction. Strong.
Corner block/keystones are made of ply.
Luan is thin.
Masonite designed for sound. One side is smooth, another is rough for reflecting /
absorbing sound respectively. Bought in in and 1/8 inch. Can buy it tempered on one
side or both. Used to cover floors. Makes footnoise sound more the same when going
from one surface to another (Platform to stage)
Its a bitch to paint the roughside.
Chipboards/particle boards garbage from a lumberyard put under pressure with glue to
make a shitty plywood.
Pink Styrofoam is stonger than the shitty white shit that is white bubbles
The pink stuff can be in a bunch of colors. Its very dense and hard.
White shit is used for stones.
BDX is white
Pink shit is called Styrofoam.
Note to self: the pink stiff releases a cyanide gas when burned. It will kill you.
For the joints check the book. Lap Joint is easiest. He will proofread

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