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Are There Five Streams of Consciousness That Run Us?

You probably know Home sapiens come with a switchboard between our left and
right brain to process new sensory information. Remember its name and you win a
prize – Corpus Callosum (Latin for firm body). You and I hold conferences and
Q&A sessions with one or more of our five (5) Section Chiefs in order to problem-
solve make important decisions, reading and thinking.


The Corpus Callosum translates what the right hemisphere learns through pattern
recognition (spatially), how we feel emotionally (intuition and viscerally – gut
reaction), and our Nonconscious instincts – hardwired from our genes.

CC text messages all this nonverbal information (facial expressions, motives and
feelings) to our left hemisphere (brain) for analysis, synthesis and summarizing
(thinking) for problem solving and decision-making, planning, speaking and
remembering. CC works both ways – information from left-brain to right too.

Why? To talk out potential solutions in our Mind’s Ear using mental movies,
past conditioning, together with past human and environmental experiences.

Hear Them When You Read, Listen, Think

Call it Self-Talk, Internal Dialogue, and Stream of Consciousness or brain chatter,

this the fundamental core for all our judgments about people, ideas and our own
behaviors. These Interior Monologues creates our beliefs, states of mind, and
working behaviors to run our lives, relationships and experiences.


These are the same still, small voices we hear when we are reading and thinking,
listening and writing. When does self-talk shut up? Dreaming? Nah. Meditating? It
snoozes 50% and comes back stronger.

At any given hour, one of five voices is Dominant while the other four are hanging
our in the background waiting to put in their two-cents. There is a continuous
Conflict and Resistance between these five War Lords causing anxiety, depression
and stress, or pleasure, relaxation, happiness and joy. It is all about human


From birth to death, specifically ages one to eight, humans are being conditioned

(changed, trained, educated) by our parents, siblings, peers, experience and the
environment about how to think, react, and feel. The media, your relatives, and
your company (organization) all have a vested interest in how you act, vote, perform
and use your brain. They use your Vision-Auditory-Kinesthetic senses to train you
to do it their way.

The environment and your experiences use Cause and Effect, (a dog bite, hand on
the stove) and Stimulus/Response (nonverbal facial expressions or a raised
voice) to remember how to react in a future encounter.

We are being programmed (conditioned) 24/7 by our society (culture) with their
code to control our Central Processing Unit. The environment and our relationships
are in on the game, but only 5% of us even know it is occurring. A silent conspiracy
of control of our nervous system (brain and spinal cord) is the result.


The origin of the word is Czech for slave and Latin for agreement, to-say (what I
want). Remember these other words for the human condition: bionic ($5million
man), cyborg (cybernetic organism), golem (mechanical zombi), android, and
automaton. Are we puppets?

Wait. Conditioning (self-programming and hetero-programming) is the law of

Association of Pleasure or Pain (rewards or penalties) to create specific behaviors,
attitudes, states of mind, reactions and habits. It is their power over us.

We can condition/program ourselves for personal growth, success, learning and

improved skills. You and I can change from a frowning, procrastinator to a smiling
and happy producer. Society, your significant other and management can use
rewards and penalties to keep us in a their favorite box. Stimulus and Response.


1. Fear Reactions (Google: amygdala – seat of emotions) are stimulus

and response by past conditioned experiences. Our amygdala has
memories of past experiences and their results. Are we Hardwired
by the past? Indeed. Can we change? It is also called conditioning.
2. Attachments: love of family, satisfaction with career, familiarity.
3. Resentments: we hate who the government tells us is our latest
enemy. We do not question or care why we have negative feelings
to countries or groups including races. It feels comfortable.
4. Prejudices: 90% of us vote like our father, marry partners who
look like our mother or father, and think like our economic class.
5. Coping Mechanisms: we overeat instead of punching out our boss,
or Significant Other. Alcohol and narcotics help us cope with life.
Study, learning and new skills are self-coping mechanisms.

Five Separate Dialogues

a) Inner Child
b) Inner Mom
c) Inner Dad
d) Inner Persona (Ego)
e) Inner Anima (Echt – genuine, real, authentic Self)

What is Our Inner Child

Let’ make it baby-easy – can you remember back to when you were 8-years old?
I recall it because of the birthday party and my first big-boy two-wheeler. For most
of us it seems a lifetime ago and a forgotten dream.

The thing of it is we never really grow out of our 8 year old Inner Child and his/her
needs, desires and thinking. It remains an intricate part of our body/brain and tries
to influence, persuade and convince what to do for the rest of our lives.

Where is it located? Point it out! The kid lives in our Nonconscious Mind. It is part
of our Nervous System, Basal Ganglia and Brainstem. He/She hears through our
Primary Auditory Cortex, sees through our Primary Visual Cortex, and feels
(kinesthetic) through our Parietal Cortex (and amygdala). It is real, right?

Inner Child mentally (silently) speaks using our Broca’s and Wernicke’s Areas
together with our Larynx – Voice Box. It activates our Amygdala (emotions) and
Hippocampus (memory), both located in our Limbic System. We cannot ignore
Inner Child. We hear it when it reads to us (subvocalization – Sub-Vox).

Inner Child Wants to Have Fun

The Inner Child is different than your Adult Self because he/she is always thinking
about pleasure, wants to laugh, scream and dance, and punch out your enemies.
You are aware that he/she must be reined in or folks will know you for a freak,
irresponsible and a useless fool.

Did you know the #1 fear of folks is Rejection and dismissal of our thoughts and
ideas? Why? Survival. We want Bonding so someone protects our back, and to
avoid Distancing, being deserted and no one caring about our survival and

The thing our Inner Child remembers most (8 years old) is being told No! Do Not
do that, go there, say that. We were last in the pecking order without rights. Parents
told us when to sleep, what time to awake, and teachers what to think, and whether
we were Good Enough to pass their damned tests. Dominance was never us.

Think back, we had no money and they fed and sheltered us as they chose. No
power, no control and of little value. They controlled (conditioned) us from year 1 to
8 - one hundred percent of the time. We had to live up to the expectations of others.

No One Apologizes

Folks rarely if ever said – I am sorry I hurt you! Sorry we forget about your
feelings! Sorry we ignored your input, took you for granted, and treated you
like a demented misfit! Oh yeah, sorry we kept telling you to Grow Up! so much,
and wanted you to act your age and stop wanting to have fun and play games.

It was not all bad – your Inner Child got some Unconditional Love from Grandma
and Grandpa. At least they ask us what we wanted, thought and needed. But in
school the teacher threatened, punished, blamed and nagged.

What about criticizing and complaining about our work habits, character and
hand writing? Somehow we could never meet the teacher standard, and she
treated us like dirt. Do you remember it like it was yesterday? Forever more.


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success? Contact us for a free speed reading report. It can improve your life.

copyright © 2010 H. Bernard Wechsler: www.speedlearning.org

hbw at speedlearning.org


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