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Learning to Put on your Spiritual Armor to Start your Day

By Dr Joshua David Stone

My Beloved Readers, what I am about to share with you now is one of the great secrets of the
ages that very few people in this world realize, know, understand, and apply. It is such a simple
understanding and makes such incredible sense that after reading this you will wonder why
everyone doesnt do this. Yet, you will not find this written about almost anywhere in this world.
Just as we each get up every morning and get consciously physically dressed, it is also of equal
importance to get consciously dressed Spiritually, mentally, emotionally and etherically as well!
You will find what I am about to say very interesting. Almost everyone when they were a child
and/or adolescent and maybe even as an adult have had dreams at night while they slept of
being in a classroom at school but not being dressed, or being in their underwear. This is a
universal dream sequence almost everyone has had at some time in their life. The meaning of
this is that in your life at the time of the dream you did not get properly Spiritually, mentally,
emotionally, and etherically dressed for your day.
Just as it is important to physically put on clothing to protect oneself and to make one feel good,
it is of equal importance to do the same thing on a metaphysical and psychological level. Each
day as you are getting dressed, or in a meditation before and after, get inwardly dressed! Claim
your personal power in the form of maybe the Sword of Lord Michael.
Put on your Golden Bubble of Protection so other peoples negative energy slides off your
bubble like water off a ducks back! Put on unconditional love as maybe a red or pink rose in
your heart. Put on your Three-Fold Flame of Love/ Wisdom/ Power in your Heart.
Call to God and the Masters for a Tube of Protection and maybe a Tube of the Violet
Transmuting Flame. Call to God and the Masters for a Platinum Net to cleanse your energy
fields. Call to God and the Masters for an Axiatonal Alignment! Call to God and the Masters to
balance your Chakras and Four-Body System! Ask that your Merkabah be cleansed and
properly aligned. Establish your grounding cord down your spine into the center of the Earth.
Open your feet chakras and build roots from your feet into the Earth so you are connected to
the Earth and receiving energy from the Earth.
Maybe visualize a dove coming down from Heaven as a connection to the Holy Spirit. Put on a
Breastplate of Spiritual Armor for protection with Seven Colored Stones of each of the Seven
Rays to signify the balance and integration of all the Rays. See a Yin and Yang symbol on the
breastplate symbolizing your feminine/masculine and God/Goddess balance. If you are working
on lessons of self-love and self-worth, you may want to wear a special necklace with a diamond
heart. You may want to put golden/white light around your entire field. While you are showering
in the morning, ask for a Love and Light shower as well, to cleanse your inner self.
Do you see how simple this is and how much sense this makes, yet we never think to do this.
You might want to inwardly wear beautiful robes, or the women might wear beautiful gowns and
dresses! Visualize your own personal Antakarana extend up through your Mighty I AM Presence
and all the way back to God! Call forth from God for a Pillar of Light and Ascension Column to
be placed around self, office, home and business. Ask for a bubble of protection around your car
as well.
You may want to put on a bracelet with 12 stars signifying the 12 signs of the horoscope and
that you are integrating and balancing them. Ask and visualize the Monad, or Mighty I Am
Presence, descending down into your entire energy field and being one with your energy.
Visualize your bloodstream filled with liquid golden light, Visualize your chakras all balanced,
aligned, and functioning as one integrated chakra. Visualize your Merkabah fill with

Golden/White Light. Ask Spirit and the Masters to spin your Merkabah to cleanse your energy
fields. Call forth the Prana Wind Clearing Device for a five minute meditation to clean out all
your meridians, nadis, veins, and arteries of energetic toxins.
The Prana Wind Clearing Device is a gigantic fan that is anchored into your Heart Chakra, or
Third chakra, which literally blows open all the energy flows in your 12-body system in a very
balanced and integrated way. Maybe set it up to do your cleansings first, and then do all your
Spiritual and psychological dressing. Put colors on all around you! If you like taking baths
instead of showers, take color baths in liquid light. Bathe in a bath of liquid gold, blue, green,
whatever you want! Call forth a Spiritual whirlwind to clear your energy fields from your Higher
Self and Mighty I Am Presence. Maybe put the Om symbol on your third eye!
I could go on for hours, my friends! This list of possible ways to dress is as infinite as ways to
physically dress. You can put on the most beautiful Spiritual jewelry you can imagine.
Now, my Beloved Readers, do you not feel much better when you properly groom yourself and
when you wear nice physical clothing and jewelry? It is the exact same thing on a mental,
emotional, etheric, and Spiritual level. Do not believe for a second that this form of dressing is
not real. It is totally real and just as real as any physical dressing! Did not the Universal mind
through Edgar Cayce say, Thoughts are things? Not only will you feel one thousand times
better by getting dressed mentally, emotionally, etherically, and Spiritually, but other people will
sense this as well. Clairvoyants will actually be able to see this. Third-dimensional type people
will sense all this light and love shining from your inner self and energy fields and they will not
know what it is, but they will feel very drawn to it.
What I am suggesting here is that once you get a little practice doing this it can take all of five
minutes every morning, but its benefits will last the entire day!
My Beloved Readers, you have just been given one of the great secrets of the ages that will
totally protect your energy fields, will fill you with inner beauty and grace, and will get you each
day off to the proper start! Once you try this, you will never want to stop ever again. It will
become as automatic to do as physically getting dressed. You will feel naked if you dont do it.
This is also a most excellent form of self programming, for if you do this for 21 straight days it
will serve to reprogram your subconscious mind and program into your psyche all the visual and
thought attributes you have arrayed yourself with and this will become a conscious habit. This
secret of the ages of getting inwardly dressed like this and prepared for your day will properly
attune your consciousness every morningSpiritually, mentally, emotionally, etherically and
physically! This will also prepare your consciousness for all the lessons of the day and help you
to be more of a Spiritual Master, cause of your reality, and co-creator with God and the Masters.
When the Masters are seen on the inner plane clairvoyantly, they all wear the most beautiful
clothing and jewelry even though they no longer have physical bodies. Are we not, my friends,
the externalization of the Hierarchy on Earth? We each are, in truth, incarnations of God, and it
is only appropriate that we each inwardly and outwardly dress as Gods! Dress yourself inwardly
each day as the Integrated Spiritual Master that you are, and even if you have not yet learned
all your lessons in life, by dressing this way you will become that which you think, visualize, and
pray for! For as a man thinketh, so is he! Be it done to you as you believe! Our thoughts and
images create our reality! What you put your attention on, you become!
This is also an excellent way to help build and create your Light Body. You are what you think.
My Beloved Readers, fully claim the Rod of Love, Wisdom, and Power, and become the fully
realized Co-Creator with GOD and embodiment of God on Earth. So let it be written! So let it be

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