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Ethics and Responsibility

This Discussion gives a summary of the Nigerian Mobile Telecommunications

Limited, a public utility service provider in Nigeria and an organization I worked for
from 2003 to 2009 as a Senior Network Engineer.
Nigerian Mobile Telecommunications Limited (M-tel) was carved out of Nigerian
Telecommunications (NITEL) in 1996 with the aim of preparing Nigeria for mobile
wireless telecommunications through an act of parliament and signed by executive
law. This was done to improve the quality and productivity of NITEL as well as meet
global development trends.
Ethics in M-tel is viewed as but not limited to the following:
First of all, being truly African no one doubts that morals are God given
abilities that require some supernatural intervention. Hence spirituality and
religion play a key role in setting standards for good moral acceptable
behavior within the workplace. This is a metaphysical ethics perspective.
Fieser ( 2009) In practice, organizational policies such as allowing for
morning prayers in first 10-15 minutes of each working day are allowed in
some departments all in a bid to allow higher powers that guide to take
Right and wrong conduct are clearly understood and often followed, this is a
normative approach to Ethics. Fieser (2009) For example, late coming,
absenteeism, stealing peoples property, smoking in non-designated smoking
Now, it is expected for all within the organization to apply their rights, roles and
responsibilities in such a manner that consequences or repercussion of
organizational conduct are carefully considered for the common goal, good and
success of all. This is sometimes seen as Teleological ethics in contrast to
Deontological ethics which involves ones adherence to acceptable modes of
behavior without regard for the effect or repercussion of their action Cooper (2012)
Furthermore, M-tel staff and management are all required to account for their
conduct to colleagues (superiors & subordinates alike), the community and society
as well as state and regulatory agencies that are in collaboration. They must always
be seen to portray values and morals consistent with professionals in the industry for
the common good of all. This is being responsible or responsibility. Cooper (2012)
Finally, to be more practical let us consider the reality of ethical and moral
development as a function of being a more responsible administrator.
Development, cannot take place without research and review of prior knowledge. In
considering a development case for typical morality crises or ethical dilemma,
consider the scenario below for a case study:
The departments of Project Planning and Implementation have just received 6 new
SUVs from an equipment supplier as part of the tools for effective monitoring &
evaluation. There are 5 project managers each assigned to a new car. The only car
remaining is now to be used as a pool shuttle at the discretion of the General
Manager for other project related services. A few minutes later, his wife calls from

the market, stranded and needs to quickly make a stop at the kids school and then
to a local church? What does the General Manager do?
A) Charter a taxi or suitable means to attend to her?
B) Quickly transfer some extra money to her mobile account and let her get a
C) Dispatch the newly supplied vehicle to meet his families need.

One theorist, Lawrence Kohlberg suggests a 3 stage (each with two individual steps)
approach to stages of individual moral development that could affect a final choice or
answer. The following are possible individualistic moral development levels that
would ultimately lead to a course of action or response.

Avoid Punishment
Good boy attitude
Law and order Morals
Social Contract

Another theorist Carol Gilligan is suggesting that if the General Manager is a woman,
chances are she is more likely to consider the greater good than her personal or
selfish interest in making a choice or course of action. Please lets have your
I see a Responsible administrator as one who is not just ethical and moral, or
someone with a well defined role; but one who goes beyond all that and is able to
account for his or her conduct with reasons when challenged in relation to a service
for the common good of an organization or society.
Fieser, J. (2009). Ethics. Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy May 10, 2009.
from http://www.iep.utm.edu/ethics/
Williams, G. (2009). The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy October 16, 2009:
Responsibility. Retrieved from
Cooper, T. (2012). The Responsible Administrator. San Francisco: John Wiley &
Sons. Chapter One, "Introduction
Kohlberg, L (1958) Stages of Moral development. Retrieved from

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