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September 5, 201 2 Uncategorized

Neither classical physics, nor relativity physics, nor quantum physics can provide a Theory of
Everything and in addition they are mutually contradictory, so it is impossible to unify them in their
present form. This situation can be considered to be observational evidence that some parts of each
theory are correct, and some parts are not; that all three contain faulty assumptions and/or
conclusions, even though the logic of their mathematics is correct. And that these faulty assumptions
and/or conclusions are what has blocked any further development of these theories, thus blocking our
understanding of the unity of the universe. It is not possible to prove theories of physics or astronomy
with mathematics alone. Mathematics can only describe the logic of a theory, and the logic is based on
assumptions that are assumed to be true. No matter how good the logic is, if the assumptions are
wrong, the logic will produce a wrong conclusion. At best, mathematics can only show that the logic
(based on the assumptions) is valid or true, but mathematics alone cannot prove that the
assumptions or conclusions are valid or true; or that they are even possible.
For example, I can mathematically prove that a human can reduce themselves to a point. Because I
have observed (observational evidence) that a human can lose 10 pounds in a month. So if a 180
pound human loses 10 pounds a month for 18 months (mathematical logic), that human would weigh
zero pounds and be the size of a point. The observational evidence is true without question, and the
mathematical logic is unassailable; but my mathematical proof proves nothing, it only describes the
logic of the theory. It is mathematically possible for a human to reduce themselves to a point, but you
have an abundance of other observational evidence so that you know that it is not possible in reality. It
is the assumption that a human could reduce themselves down to a point that is wrong, so the
conclusion is wrong.
It is this kind of mathematical absurdity that has corrupted the logic of modern physics and astronomy,
blocking our understanding of the universe. If all of the false assumptions and false conclusions were
weeded out of classical physics, relativity physics, and quantum physics; they would fit together
seamlessly. The problem is not the mathematics; the problem is the false assumptions and false
conclusions associated with the mathematics.

The Electric Sun

1)INTRODUCTION To understand the universe, it is first necessary to understand why and how
gravity is an electromagnetic force of attraction; so that you can then understand why the universe is an
electromagnetic universe. It is for this reason that I begin this paper with a brief description of
electromagnetic gravity.
SUNLIGHT (speed of light) takes approximately 8.3 minutes to reach the earth, so that when we see
the sun in the sky, we are not seeing the sun where it is now, we are seeing the sun where it was 8.3
minutes ago. Sunlight does not point back to the suns true center of gravity, whereas gravity always
points back to the suns true center of gravity. So if gravity is radiation it must be instantaneous,
propagating so fast (infinite speed) that it reaches the earth instantly, before the sun moves in the sky.
that propagates at infinite speed; and his equation gives an accurate answer, so it was
considered proof that gravity was radiation, and that it propagated at infinite speed. Newton lived
before Coulombs inverse square law of electromagnetic force (attraction of unlike charges, and
repulsion of like charges), so he could not consider that gravity was an electromagnetic force.
ALBERT EINSTEIN knew that gravitational radiation could not propagate at a speed faster than the
speed of light and even if it propagated at the speed of light, gravity (like sunlight) would not point
back to the suns true location; and as a result the planets would drift away from the sun and leave the
solar system. So he said that gravity could not be a force. And because he knew that the gravity of a
massive body (star) could act as a gravity lens, and that it was the curvature of a lens that focused
light; he proposed that gravity was the curvature of 4-dimensional space-time around a body, and then
he developed the mathematics to describe it.
then gravity no longer needs time to propagate from the sun to the earth It is always flowing in from
outside the solar system, flowing past the earth to where the suns center of gravity is now It is only
because gravity was considered to be radiation that it appeared to propagate at infinite speed. Gravity
that flows in towards the suns center of gravity does not need to propagate at an infinite speed to be
instantaneous gravity is instantaneous because it is always flowing pass the earth now, flowing to
where the suns center of gravity is now. So that gravity is instantaneous at any speed.
ordinary simple electromagnetic force of attraction of classical physics, with finite speed (speed of
light) in accordance with Einsteins Relativity. And note that Sir Isaac Newtons gravity equation (inverse
square law) is only measuring the strength of gravity, not the direction or the speed of gravity. So
that the mathematics remain exactly the same even if you reverse the direction that gravity propagates.
This is why Sir Isaac Newtons gravity equation gives us an accurate answer, even when he wrongly
assumed that the suns gravity was a form of radiation that propagated instantaneously at Infinite
Speed to the earth It has been the accepted assumption that gravity radiates out from the sun, that
has corrupted our logic, and has blocked our understanding of gravity, since Sir Isaac Newton published
his Principia in 1687
(repels) electromagnetic energy, must have a negative charge (in proportion to the size of its mass)
which acts through its center of gravity, so that its center of gravity is a negative mono-pole. And
gravitons must have a positive charge so that they are attracted to it, and flow to the suns center of
gravity. And because gravity can pass through all matter, gravitons must be tiny enough to pass through
molecules and atoms, so gravitons must be positively charged quanta.
5) HOW MASS ATTRACTS MASS Gravity is a force of finite speed (speed of light) that is
propagated by gravitons that are positive quanta; that flow in towards a center of gravity because it is
a negative mono-pole and they are attracted to it. But note that two masses are not attracting one
another directly. That the negative mono-poles at the center of gravity of each mass are attracting the
same positively charged Gravitons that are between them (the two masses). And as each mass pulls the
same Gravitons in towards its center of gravity, they are pulling themselves together. It is a 3 way
attraction. The center of gravity of one mass (negative charge), is pulling in Gravitons (positive charge),
that are being pulled in by the other center of gravity (negative charge). The attraction between two
masses is, negative charge- positive charge- negative charge.

Charles Coulombs inverse square law of electromagnetic attraction The only difference is
that Newton is using the sum of the masses and the distance between them squared, while Coulomb is
using the sum of the charges and the distance between them squared; but both are measuring
electromagnetic attraction. Newton is indirectly measuring the charge (of the masses which is in
proportion to the size of the masses), while coulomb is directly measuring the charge. So gravity is
unified with electromagnetism in this way, as a simple electromagnetic force of classical physics.
Newtons Law is a specialized law that is intended only to measure the attraction of two masses, while
Coulombs law is a universal law that measures all types of electromagnetic attraction and repulsion.
7) EVERY MASS IN THE UNIVERSE HAS KINETIC ENERGY the earth is orbiting around our sun,
the star Sol our sun is orbiting in our milky way galaxy our milky way galaxy is orbiting in our galaxy
cluster, which is orbiting in our galaxy super cluster, which appears to be moving towards the great wall
of galaxies all mass in the universe is moving out from the center, as the energy of the universe
expands so that all mass has the kinetic energy of all this movement, which is in proportion to the
size of the mass this kinetic energy in turn induces an equal and opposite flow of kinetic gravity
that is a flow of moving positively charged gravity particles or quanta (gravitons), in proportion to the
size of the mass the kinetic energy and the kinetic gravity are both acting through the center of the
OPPOSITE REACTION TO MASS IN MOTION this is the conservation of energy
8) EINSTEINS CURVATURE OF SPACE GRAVITY The gravitons (positively charged quanta)
flowing towards the negative monopole at the center of gravity of a massive body, are Einsteins
curvature of space gravity the strong flow of positively charged gravitons flowing in from every
direction towards the negatively charged monopole, attract and pull negatively charged light (energy) in
towards the center of gravity of the massive body bending the path of the light, creating a gravity
lens, that focuses the light in the same way that the curvature of a lens would do this is Einsteins
curvature of space that is continuously updated as the massive body moves through space this is the
4th dimensional space-time of Einsteins gravity 3 dimensions moving in the space of time which is
the 4th dimension But note that once you reverse the direction of flow in Sir Isaac Newtons description
of gravity, and reduce its speed to the speed of light ; there is nothing wrong with it
and then Einsteins description of gravity by comparison seems rather obtuse and misleading, and is no
longer necessary
astrophysics, it is a great mystery how the gravity fields of binary black holes can communicate, because
according to the accepted belief that gravity is a form of radiation, gravitational radiation should not be
able to escape out through the event horizon of a black hole, it should be trapped inside behind the
black holes event horizon But when you understand that gravity is not radiation that flows out from the
black hole, but rather it is a force that flows in towards the black hole then there is no longer any
mystery about how it is possible that their gravity fields can communicate, because you now understand
that their gravity fields flow in through their event horizon, not out NOTE that Black Holes are
Positive Mono-Poles
10) EINSTEIN SAID THAT ENERGY MUST HAVE MASS, because he said that E=mc2 translated
into simple English grammar, this means that he said, energy = mass x the speed of light x
the speed of light this means that every wavelength on the energy spectrum has mass
you cannot have energy, without mass because ENERGY IS MASS IN MOTION every
wavelength on the energy spectrum is a moving particle or quanta that is making a wave
11) WHY THERE MUST BE A GRAVITY SPECTRUM Sir Isaac Newtons third law of motion
states that for every action, there must be an equal and opposite reaction this means
that, for every moving negatively charged flow of energy particles or quanta, there must be an equal
and opposite flow of moving positively charged gravity particles or quanta (with positive spin) this
means that there must be a gravity spectrum that is equal and opposite to the energy
basis of the conservation of energy
12) ANTI-GRAVITY AND ELECTROMAGNETIC FLIGHT The attraction between two masses is,
negative charge- positive charge- negative charge. It is by manipulating this three way attraction

that we can create anti-gravity. It is not possible to neutralize (change) the negatively charged monopole that is the earths center of gravity. It is not possible to neutralize (change) the positively charged
gravitons that connect the two masses. But it is possible to neutralize the electric charge of the mass
of an Electromagnetic Flying Ship. Anti-gravity can be created by manipulating the charge of the
mass of a flying ship. The flying ship like all other masses, normally has a negative charge so it is pulled
to earth by gravitons. And if the electromagnetic flying ship has a positive charge, it will be pulled to
earth directly by the negative mono-pole at the center of the earth. But if the electromagnetic flying ship
has a neutral charge (by giving it a positive charge equal to its negative charge, so that its charge is
neutral), neither the gravitons nor the negative mono-pole at the center of the earth could attach to it
and pull it to earth. The flying ship would be weightless, and as a result it would be lighter than air, and
rise up through the atmosphere like a bubble of air rising up through a sea of water. And by
manipulating the charge of the ship, the ship could be made to rise, fall, or hover. This would allow the
ship to rise vertically to the upper limit of the atmosphere and descend back down to earth again, simply
by adjusting the charge on the shipIn addition, the ship would be powered by electromagnetic motors
consisting of a single super conducting strand (a loop), wound into a complex do-nut shape, so that it
creates a whirlpool shaped negative electric field that sucks up positively charged protons, focuses them
into a spinning beam, and shoots them out the other side. These motors would allow the ship to fly at
electromagnetic speeds and these motors require no fuel (electricity) to keep them running, because
they are superconducting the electricity that they use, and can produce electricity as they use itThe
ship makes no noise when in flight, it is totally silent On earth the ship would spiral up out of the dense
atmosphere, then fly to its destination in a few minutes, then descend in a spiral to land The ship
could make day trips to the moon and back Depending on where it is in its orbit, Mars would be days
away, not years, making Mars colonies feasible The ships could approach the speed of light, if they
were built to withstand such speeds, which could eventually make possible long voyages to the nearest


Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac 1902 1984

13) DIRACS QUANTUM FIELD THEORY Paul Dirac is considered the father of quantum field
theory quantum field theory originated from the Dirac sea the origins of the Dirac sea lie in the
energy spectrum of the Dirac equation, an extension of the Schrodinger equation that is consistent with
special relativity, that Dirac had formulated in 1928 the equation was extremely successful in
describing electron dynamics, but it possessed a rather unusual feature : for each quantum state
possessing a positive energy E, there was a corresponding opposite state with a negative energy E
The idea of the Dirac sea implies an infinite negative electric charge filling all of space and in order to
preserve symmetry (the conservation of electric charge), there must also be an infinite positive electric
charge density which is exactly cancelled by the Dirac sea because the two electric charges are equal
and opposite, the Dirac sea is neutral and unobservable only changes (particles popping in and out of
existence) in the Dirac sea are observable this is the original concept of Diracs quantum field

Dirac first published his work in 1928 his theories were proven by observation in 1932 and he won
the Nobel Prize in 1935 But in the 1930s when Diracs original equation became widely accepted, it
was reformulated (changed) by Heisenberg and others because Diracs formula would give an answer
of infinity if it was used to calculate something that was impossible Diracs rivals like Heisenberg and
others had theories that said that space was an empty vacuum when they tried to use his equation it
gave them an answer of infinity (telling them that what they were trying to calculate was impossible) so
they reformulated his equation (they threw out half of his equation) they changed the Diracs Sea
into a vacuum, a state in which no particles existed, instead of an infinite sea of particles whose charge
was equal and opposite this destroyed the original integrity of Diracs equation, eliminating both
causality and the symmetry of electric charge the infinite energy of the quantum fields now came
out of nothingness, and returned to nothingness the conservation of energy and charge was
completely ignored needless to say, Dirac was not happy with the reformulation of his quantum field
theory, and he never accepted it he continued to maintain that empty space must be filled with an
equal and opposite sea of negative and positive electric charge, to preserve the symmetry of electric
charge so that the mathematics of his Dirac Equation would give accurate results all through science,
we observe almost total symmetry between positive and negative Diracs original equation validated
the conservation of charge, which means that charge can neither be created nor destroyed charges
come in positive and negative, forces come in positive and negative, particles are symmetric between
matter and antimatter. This last came as a great shock to physicists when Diracs equation first predicted
it (and they ridiculed him), but after it was proven by observation in 1932, and was accepted, symmetry
became the justification for many of our theoretical structures now it is only in energy that we deny
that such symmetry exists
14) The QUANTUM FIELD When particles pop in and out of existence in the quantum field, they
are popping in and out of existence from the Dirac Sea. This Dirac Sea can be considered as
providing credible causality for the quantum field, and it restores the conservation of energy, and
electric charge.
15) DARK ENERGY AND DARK MATTER are the universal Dirac Sea that fills all space. Because
of later revisions of Diracs original quantum field theory equation (made by others) that changed the
Dirac Sea into empty nothingness, the negative charge (energy) that makes up half of the Dirac Sea
has now been mistakenly assumed to be dark energy. And the positive charge (gravity) that makes up
the other half of the Dirac Sea is now mistakenly assumed to be gravity that is generated by dark
16) ANTI-MATTER Because of the conservation of energy which says that energy cannot be
created or destroyed, and because matter (Mass) is composed of energy anti-matter cannot
obliterate matter it can only dis-assemble matter so that it once again becomes a part of the
quantum field from which it originally sprang
FIELD THEORY It is a universe where empty space is filled with a Dirac Sea, a neutral sea composed
of equal and opposite negative and positive charge. It is a universe with total symmetry. It is the binary
symmetry of energy, and gravity. It is the symmetry of NEGATIVE CHARGE and POSITIVE CHARGE. It is
the symmetry of Diracs Sea. It might at first seem that the universe is far too complex to be built up of
nothing but two simple forces of classical physics. But the complexity of the universe is an illusion. Think
of the complexity that your computer and the internet have generated in just a few years, which is based
on a binary code of 1 and 0. The universe has been generating complexity for billions of years. Also
consider that the universe is built up of nothing but 3 types of particles ; negative particles, positive
particles, and neutral particles. But the neutral particle has charge, it is only neutral because it has an
equal balance of positive and negative charge. So the universe is made up of nothing but kinetic and
static negative charge (energy) and positive charge (gravity). The universe on every scale is a binary
electro-magnetic structure, an electro-magnetic hologram, an illusion built up of nothing but negative
and positive charge.


The drawing above of the inverse square law explains why the expansion of the universe is accelerating,
even if the speed of expansion is constant.
of the universe has a negative charge. A negative charge repels other negative charges, so energy
repels other energy. This is why energy radiates and flows to a lower potential. This is why the universe
expands. The universe is surrounded by a lower potential, therefore the energy of the universe flows or
radiates out into this lower potential that surrounds it. The drawing above of the inverse square law,
clearly illustrates why the expansion of the universe is accelerating. It shows that even if the universe
expands at a constant rate of speed, the ever increasing volume of expansion is an accelerating
geometric progression; and that the exterior surface area of the universe exposed to the lower potential
is also an accelerating geometric progression, giving the universe an ever increasing potential for
expansion this is why the expansion of the universe, and the motion of heavenly bodies does not
experience entropy


19) TIME IS THE FLOW OF ENERGY We experience time as motion and change
Motion is the flow of the energy force, while change is the result of the energy force
flowing The flow of Energy is driven by the expansion of the Universe. Energy flows from the center
of the Universe towards its edge, for this reason time flows in one direction only. The past is gone, and
no longer exists, and the future does not yet exist except as a probability. We exist and live in the now,
the present moment. The past and the future are only intellectual concepts, they are not existing

realities. Without the flow of energy, there would be no motion, change, or time. Time is measured in
units of Motion The motion of sand through an hourglass The motion of a shadow on a sundial
The motion of a pendulum swinging back and forth Time is measured as units of the Earths and
Moons motion The day is one rotation of the earth, the motion of the sun across the sky, day &
night A lunar month is one cycle of the waxing and waning orbiting moon The year is one orbit
around the sun, one cycle of the changing seasons These are arbitrary local (Earth) units of
measurement The Motion of the Earth is very erratic Because the orbit of the Earth is an ellipse and
not a perfect circle, the earth speeds up, and slows down as its distance from the sun varies and the
other planets in the solar system exert a gravity pull on the Earth, depending where they are in their
orbits so the length of both the day and the year varies The solar system does not keep perfect
time Atomic clocks use the vibrations of atoms (motion) to keep perfect time, but atomic clocks get
out of sync with what the Earth is really doing, and have to be adjusted to match real Earth time which
is erratic
The metaphorical beginning of time was when energy started to flow. The metaphorical end of time is
when energy stops flowing.
light are both the flow of energy, so propagate at the same speed. If they slow down or speed up,
they do so in tandem.
21) IF THE EXPANSION OF THE UNIVERSE (flow of the energy force) is accelerating, the
speed of time is accelerating, because the flow of the energy force is time
22) LIFE IS ELECTRIC The life of our body started with the union of an egg from our mother, and a
sperm from our father The egg and the sperm each had a single strand of DNA, but neither could
survive for very long by themselves, each would have died without the other It was the union of the two
strands of DNA from the egg and sperm into a single unity that created a life force, activating the single
cell of the fertilized egg, causing it to divide and multiply, growing from that single cell (the egg) into a full
term baby.
The DNA of the egg has a positive charge, and the DNA of the sperm has a negative charge the egg
exerts an electromagnetic attraction on the sperm (in the same way that a positive pole of a magnet
attracts the negative pole of another magnet), this is why the sperm is attracted to the egg, and why it
knows where to find the egg this is why the sperm when it reaches the egg, enters the egg, and joins
its DNA to the DNA of the egg this is how the life of our body began.
The fertilized egg now has 2 strands of DNA forming a double helix the mothers DNA (from the egg)
has a positive charge the fathers DNA (from the sperm) has a negative charge this double helix
of DNA (with one positively charged coil, and one negatively charged coil) is now a tiny
induction coil, generating a subtle two way (positive and negative) flow of electricity
through the united DNA, that activates the united DNA (making it alive), and giving the single
cell of the egg the energy flow that starts the single cell dividing and multiplying, growing
into a baby If the negative charge of the sperms DNA is stronger than the positive charge of the
eggs DNA, the baby will be a boy If the positive charge of the eggs DNA is stronger than the negative
charge of the sperms DNA, the baby will be a girl.
Newtons assumption that gravity was radiation, that propagated at infinite speed was a false
assumption but because he used the inverse square law which only measured the strength of
gravity, not the direction or speed of gravity, the mathematics still gave him an accurate answer and
because the mathematics gave an accurate answer for the strength of gravity, it was considered proof
that the assumption (that gravity was radiation) was true, and that the conclusion (that gravity
propagated at infinite speed) was true and so it was considered a proven fact that gravity was
radiation that propagated at infinite speed, until Einstein declared that it was impossible for gravity to
propagate at infinite speed but Einstein still accepted as a fact, the false assumption that gravity

was radiation, and so he reached the false conclusion that gravity could not be a force instead,
he said that gravity was the curvature of 4-dimensional space-time, and so he then created the
mathematics (true logic) to describe gravity as the curvature of space-time and so our understanding
of gravity was still blocked and even today as you read this, it is still considered a scientific fact that
gravity is radiation it is this false assumption that has made it impossible for physics and
astronomy to understand gravity, since Isaac Newton published his Principia in 1687 and unless
you understand gravity, it is not possible for you to understand the unity of the universe it is only by
questioning and rejecting some of the assumptions and conclusions of contemporary scientific
wisdom, that physics and astronomy can remove the barriers (false assumptions and false conclusions)
that impede further understanding of the universe
Seeger Carbajal

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