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-u URL

objetivo URL


conexin directa a la base de datos

objetivos en un archivo


analizar desde Burp/WebScarab

cadena de datos que se enviar a travs POST

carcter que se utiliza para dividir los valores de parmetro
encabezados de cookie HTTP


carcter que se utiliza para dividir los valores de cookie


archivo que contiene las cookies en Netscape/wget formato


ignorar encabezado Set Cookie de respuesta






Bsico, Recopilacin, NTLM o PKI


name:password = Nombre: contrasea


Archivo de clave privada PEM


--proxy-cred=PRO.. name:password = Nombre: contrasea

--proxy-file=PRO.. lista de un archivo --ignore-proxy ignorar la configuracin del sistema

--tor --tor-port=TPORT

--tor-type=TYPE HTTP (dflt), SOCKS4, SOCKS5


comprobar para ver si Tor se utiliza correctamente.


retraso en segundos entre cada solicitud HTTP


segundos a esperar antes de tiempo de espera (por defecto 30)


reintentos cuando los tiempos de espera de conexin (por defecto 3)


cambiar aleatoriamente valor para el parmetro determinado (s)

Direccin URL a visitar con frecuencia durante la prueba

--safe-freq=SAFREQ solicitudes de prueba entre dos visitas a una determinada URL segura

omitir la codificacin URL de los datos de carga til


forzar el uso de SSL/HTTPS


utilizar contaminacin parmetro HTTP

evaluacin previsto en el cdigo Python antes de la solicitud (por
ejemplo, "import hashlib;id2=hashlib.md5(id).hexdigest()")


cargar archivo de solicitud HTTP -g GDORK Google dork como objetivo

-c CONFIGFILE opciones de carga de una configuracin INI archivo
Solicitud: (especificar cmo conectarse a la direccin URL de destino)

SQLMap v1.0


Ayuda/Ayuda avanzada --version Mostrar el nmero de versin
-v VERBOSE Nivel de detalle : 0-6 (por defecto 1)
Objetivo: (Por lo menos una de estas opciones tiene que ser proporcionado)


turn on all optimization switches


use persistent HTTP(s) connections


retrieve page length without actual HTTP response body


max number of concurrent HTTP(s) requests (default 1)

predict common queries output


testable parameter(s)
skip testing for given parameter(s)


force back-end DBMS to this value


DBMS authentication credentials (user:password)


force backend DBMS OS to this value


use big numbers for invalidating values


use logical/random for invalidating values


turn off payload casting/escaping


injection payload prefix/suffix string

use given script(s) for tampering injection data

Detection: (used to customize/improve the detection phase)


level of tests to perform (1-5, default 1)

risk of tests to perform (0-3, default 1)

--string=STRING/--not-string=NOT.. match when query is evaluated to True/False

regexp to match when query is evaluated to True


HTTP code to match when query is evaluated to True


compare pag based only on the textual content/ titles

Techniques: (used to tweak testing of specific SQL injection)


SQL injection techniques to use (default "BEUSTQ")

seconds to delay the DBMS response (default 5)


range of columns to test for UNION query SQL injection


character to use for bruteforcing number of columns


table to use in FROM part of UNION query SQL injection


domain name used for DNS exfiltration attack


table to use in FROM part of UNION query SQL injection


domain name used for DNS exfiltration attack


resulting page URL searched for second-order response

Enumeration: (enumerate the back-end database, structure and data contained)


Fingerprint: -f, --fingerprint

perform an extensive DBMS version fingerprint
Brute Force: --common-tables/--common-columns check common tables/columns
retrieve DBMS current user/database/hostname User-defined function injection:


enumerate DBMS users / users password hashes


enumerate DBMS users privileges/roles


enumerate DBMS dbs/tables/columns/schema

-a, --all retrieve everything


--is-dba check if user is DBA


retrieve num of entries for table(s)

retrieve banner

--search search column(s), table/db name

--udf-inject inject custom functions --shared-lib=SHLIB local path of the shared lib

File system access:

--file-read=RFILE/--file-write=WFILE read/write local file on the DBMS file system

back-end DBMS absolute filepath to write to

--dump-all dump all DBMS dbs tables entries

--dump dump DBMS db table entries

Operating system access:


DBMS user to enumerate

--exclude-sysdbs exclude system dbs


execute an operating system command


retrieve DBMS comments

-X EXCLUDECOL table column(s) to not enum


prompt for an interactive operating system shell

prompt for an OOB shell, meterpreter or VNC
stored procedure buffer overflow exploitation

-D DB / -T TBL / -C COL

DBMS database to enumerate / tables / columns


use WHERE condition while table dumping



first/last query output entry to retrieve



database process user privilege escalation

first/last query output word character to retrieve --priv-esc
--msf-path=MSFPATH/--tmp-path=TMPPATH local Metasploit/Remote tmp path
execute SQL statements from given file(s)


prompt for an interactive SQL shell

-s SESSIONFILE load session from .sqlite file

execute SQL statements from given file(s)


never ask for input

one click prompt for an OOB shell, meterpreter or VNC

Windows registry access:


read/write/delete a win registry key value


--reg-value=REGVAL win reg key value

win registry key


log all HTTP traffic

--reg-data=REGDATA win reg key data


display for each eta


save options to a configuration INI file --update
update sqlmap
force character encoding used for data retrieval

crawl the website starting from the target URL


delimiting character used in CSV output (default ",")


format of dumped data (CSV (default), HTML or SQLITE)


flush session files for current target


parse and test forms on target URL


ignore query results stored in session file


use DBMS hex function(s) for data retrieval


custom output directory path


parse and display DBMS error messages from responses


pivot column name


regexp to filter targets from provided proxy log


select tests by payloads and/or titles (e.g. ROW)

SQLMap v1.0

--reg-type=REGTYPE win reg key value type


use short mnemonics (e.g. "flu,bat,ban,tec=EU")


run host OS command(s) when SQL injection is found


set question answers (e.g. "quit=N,follow=N")


WAF/IPS/IDS protection
clean up the DBMS from sqlmap specific UDF and tables


check for missing (non-core) sqlmap dependencies


Use Google dork results from specified page number


imitate smartphone through HTTP User-Agent header


display page rank (PR) for Google dork results


safely remove all content from output directory


conduct through tests only if positive heuristic(s)



if sql injection is found.

wizard interface for beginner users


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