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OBAMA=One Big Assed Mistake America!

I got into the drive-thru line at the bank last evening and the single entry lane opens up
into four lanes, one for each teller machine. I just happened to get behind a rather large
GMC pick-up with the rear bumper plastered from one end to the other with weather
worn Obama-Biden bumper stickers. Ironically, the tailgate bore a much larger, freshly
painted sign that said, " OBAMA= One Big Assed Mistake America!"

Like so many of us, myself included, who were very proud of the American people for
having overcome racial bias in electing President Obama in hopes of getting away from
"politics as usual", the GMC driver has lost his/her enthusiasm for Obama's "change you
can trust". I can not say I disagree.

I was really hoping that Obama was the real deal. Truly interested in only what is best for
the nation as a whole, in the long run, and therefore willing to consider only real
bipartisan solutions that would unite the nation in solving the numerous problems that
plague us today. So far, he has done nothing except disappoint me with his "Chicago
style" tyrannical approach to all political matters. I don't now how he managed to keep a
straight face when he proudly declared how great it was that Congress had done their job
and presented him with a budget to sign that was "without any Pork!" Really, did you buy
that? Did he even read what was proposed? He couldn't have because you can't miss
seeing over 800 pork barrel, special interest projects! Then declaring that it is pork
free insults the intelligence of all America! The country is in an economic crises and he is
turning a blind eye to billions in pork! Praising Congress for a job well done! Yikes!!!
What arrogance, and it is contagious judging by the actions and utterances of Pelosi and
Reid. Who are these people representing? No one I know for sure.

Then we got a look at his "change you can believe in" appointments and it was 1994 all
over again in the White House, sans Bill and Hillary! How many of his appointees got
past the scrutiny of his screening process without disclosing past indiscretions that
subsequently became embarrassments? Yet, their inability to ascertain this
compromising information from non-hostile screening interviews apparently taught
them/him nothing, because they are pushing to have their concepts of "interrogation"
become the official standard, even when dealing with terrorists! That should go well in
safeguarding the nation from attack. Not!

I have found the demonizing tactics against opponents of his policies to be very
distasteful. What happened to being champions of free speech? When did forming an
independent thought or conclusion become a criminal act? When did making a profit
become a crime? What is the "American Dream" that brought so many of our ancestors
here in the first place? Have we lost sight of the spirit and initiative that drove our
ancestors to risk everything they had, including their lives, for the promise of freedom to
pursue life, liberty and happiness in a new world? How did we get from being a people of
such strength, determination and self reliance that we were willing to take on the
wilderness, attack the Rockies and the Sierra Nevada in horse drawn wagons, fight the
elements along with wild animals and hostile native inhabitants, to a society of
entitlements who can not function without governmental assistance, regulation and
control? How? Power hungry politicians preying on the weakest of our citizens, and
falling prey to the offerings of special interests and their own egos, leading to corruption
and an insatiable struggle for POWER, that is how!

.I remember candidate Barack promising the American people: transparency in

government; open debate of all pending legislation on C-SPAN; posting of pending bills
on the internet for at least five days before voting, so everyone could get a chance to
examine and, hopefully understand, what was being proposed; the elimination of
lobbyists and special interest groups in the formulation of policy during his
administration; and the relentless pursuit of Bin Laden until he was captured, dead or
NONE OF THE ABOVE. Can we now assume that we were duped by the consummate
politician who will say anything to get elected and then call us stupid for believing him?
A lie, no matter how artfully articulated, is still just a lie! We have been sold a lot of them
in the last year.

Now we have the results of the Massachusetts Special Senatorial election to fill the seat
formally “owned” by Ted Kennedy. As candidate Scott Brown said, “It is the people’s
seat, not Ted Kennedy’s seat”. Brown’s win was a clear message from all of America to
the Obama administration that the American public will not put up with the lies and
sleazy politics issuing forth from Washington! The message is directed at everyone in the
legislature, not just the Democratic Majority. Pandering to special interests to buy their
support is unacceptable! I salute the people of Nebraska and their Governor for coming
forward and rejecting the deal that their Senator made in exchange for his vote, even
though it would have saved them hundreds of millions of dollars, had the measure been
enacted into law. That is the kind of American independent spirit that made this country
the greatest nation on earth. Shame on the senator from Louisiana! She sold out her vote
for more “pork”. Likewise, shame on all the union “bosses”. They are an embarrassment
to their membership. Hard working American laborers built, and fought to preserve, this
nation. They never asked for, nor expected, any special privileges, just for their fair share
of the “American Dream”. What an insult it is, in times like these, to imply that the
backbone of the American workforce needs to be bribed in order to participate in
furthering the nation’s recovery.

Having said all that isn’t it somewhat bewildering that Obama still does not get it? He
conducted a “town hall” style forum in small Ohio steel town yesterday, and admonished
those in attendance for not realizing how hard he was working just for them! In
addition, he vowed to continue the fight for healthcare reform on their behalf, until it was
accomplished. The message he got from Senator Browns victory in Mass. on Tuesday
was that Brown won on Tuesday for the same reason he won the race against McCain in
November of ’08; because the American people are frustrated with Congress not being
able to accomplish much of anything. He seems to refuse to accept the fact that his
approval ratings have tanked, and that the majority of the American people do not agree
with his actions! He acknowledged that he had received some criticism for not putting
more emphasis on job creation throughout 2009. He claimed that the criticism was unfair
because jobs were his number one concern, every minute of every day, since having
taken office. (No one asked him if that included the time he spent visiting Copenhagen to
try and win the Olympics for Detroit, or to accept the Nobel Peace Prize?) He was very
aggressive, and in my judgment, away out of touch with the mood and focus of most of

We need to reject big government entitlement programs, rein in spending, demonstrate

fiscal responsibility reinforce State Rights! I, for one, am unwilling to surrender control
over how I live my life to some incompetent Washington bureaucratic hack!

The public has been duped by slick talking politicians who think that if they repeat the
same lies often enough, and with great sincerity, it will pass for the truth. The problem
becomes critical when decisions are made and accepted based on a previous lie and
absolutely nothing is what it seems to be. The solution is to clean house. Elect a whole
new group of representatives in both houses of Congress and mandate that serving self
interests will lead to recall. It really does not matter who is President or what party he/she
belongs to if the public refuses to put up with incompetence or corruption on any level.

It is looking like the GMC driver was right, OBAMA does equal One Big Assed
Mistake America!!!

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