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Cord Blood Stem Cells - FAQs

What is cord blood?

What are stem cells and how are they used?
What types of diseases are treated with stem cell transplantation?
Are cord blood stem cells different than other stem cells?
Why are doctors turning to cord blood instead of bone marrow?
What is proposed in terms of cord blood transplants in the future?
What is graft vs. host disease (GVHD)?
What is HLA-matching?

What is cord blood?

Cord blood, which is also called "placental blood," is the blood that remains in the umbilical cord and placenta
following birth and after the cord is cut. Cord blood is routinely discarded with the placenta and umbilical cord. Your
baby's umbilical cord blood is a valuable source of stem cells, which are genetically unique to your baby and
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What are stem cells and how are they used?

Stem cells are the body's "master" cells because they create all other tissues, organs, and systems in the body.
The stem cells found in cord blood are the building blocks of your blood and immune system and most readily
replicate into:
Red Blood Cells - which carry oxygen to all the cells in the body,
White Blood Cells - which fight infection, and
Platelets - which aid in clotting in the event of injury.
There are three sources where stem cells are commonly found, they are:

Bone Marrow,
Peripheral Blood (the blood that circulates through your body), and
Umbilical Cord Blood.

The ability of cord blood stem cells to differentiate, or change into other types of cells in the body is a new
discovery that holds significant promise for improving the treatment of some of the most common diseases such as
heart disease, stroke, and Alzheimer's.
Currently, stem cells are primarily used in transplant medicine to regenerate a patient's blood and immune system
after they have been treated with chemotherapy and/or radiation to destroy cancer cells.
At the same time the chemotherapy and radiation destroys the cancer cells in a patient, they also destroy stem
cells. Therefore, an infusion of stem cells or a stem cell transplant is performed after the chemotherapy and/or
radiation treatment. The stem cells then migrate to the patient's bone marrow where they multiply and regenerate
all of the cells to create a new blood and immune system for the patient.

The promise of using stem cells for medical treatments has been the focus of research projects that are showing
encouraging results.

Cord blood stem cells have been "triggered" to differentiate into neural cells, which could lead to
treatments for diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
They have also proven their ability to turn into blood vessel cells, which could some day benefit
treatments for heart disease, allowing patients to essentially "grow their own bypass."

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What types of diseases are treated with stem cell transplantation?

The link below reflects all of the types of diseases that have treatments involving stem cell transplantation. Not all
diseases amenable to stem cell transplantation have been treated specifically with cord blood stem cells.
Some of the research currently being conducted using stem cells for treatment in cellular repair and regeneration
are listed under Potential Future Stem Cell Applications.
Diseases Treated With Stem Cells
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Are cord blood stem cells different than other types of stem cells?
Yes. Umbilical cord blood stem cells are the "youngest," safely available stem cells and they are the product of
another miracle - a live birth. Freezing these cells essentially stops the clock and prevents aging and damage that
may occur to the cells later in life. Another source of stem cells, embryonic stem cells, has been at the heart of
heated debate. Currently, embryonic stem cells are not being used to treat humans. A third category of stem cells
is adult stem cells, such as those found in bone marrow. Adult stem cells serve very specialized roles in children
and adults and are not as proliferative as those found in cord blood.
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Why are doctors turning to cord blood instead of bone marrow?

Easier to match -- higher survival
Bone marrow is difficult to match between the donor and recipient because a "perfect match" is usually required.
Cord blood immune cells, however, are less mature than in bone marrow and can be successfully used even when
there is only a half-match. This means there is more opportunity for transplants between family members when
cord blood is stored. Some studies have shown that overall survival rates for related transplants are more than
double that of transplants from unrelated donors.
Immediate availability
Banking cord blood ensures that these stem cells can be immediately available if they are needed for treatment.
Early treatment of many illnesses can minimize disease progression. According to researchers at Duke University,
cord blood transplants could provide possible survival that is unlikely with the more time consuming process of
unrelated marrow donation.

Overall, patients who receive cord blood transplants from a relative experience significantly less Graft vs. Host
Disease (GVHD), a transplant rejection that is the leading cause of death in stem cell transplant patients.
According to one study, the three-year cumulative incidence of chronic GVHD was 6% for matched siblings who
received cord blood transplants versus 15% for matched siblings who received bone marrow transplants.
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What is proposed in terms of cord blood transplants in the future?

To date, umbilical cord blood has been used in more than 8,000 transplants for children and adults. In many cases,
the cord blood was used by the baby's sibling. Other transplants have occurred for the newborn himself, the
newborn's mother, father, and the newborn's cousin.
In the past two years alone, research has demonstrated that cord blood stem cells can differentiate into other types
of cells in the body. The regenerative qualities of stem cells have been brought to the forefront in the field of
cellular repair. Stem cells have been labeled an important biological resource and researchers are conducting
more and more studies to unlock the potential of umbilical cord blood stem cells in future applications for diseases
like Alzheimer's, diabetes, heart and liver disease, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injury, and
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What is graft vs. host disease (GVHD)?

GVHD is one of the most common and life threatening side effects of a stem cell/bone marrow transplant. GVHD
occurs when the transplanted stem cells recognize the recipient's body as foreign, and "reject" it. Cord blood
transplants have had a noticeable lack of GVHD because the stem cells from the donor do not need to match the
recipient as closely as with bone marrow.
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What is HLA matching?

Matching refers to six proteins called Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) that appear on the surface of white blood
cells and other tissues in the body. These six HLA points, or loci, determine tissue compatibility between a patient
and a donor. Although a perfect match would be best, studies have shown that cord blood transplants are
successful, even when only three of the six loci match. With cord blood, the immune cells are less mature than
those in bone marrow, and therefore siblings are twice as likely to be able to use each other's cord blood,
compared to bone marrow.
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Banking Cord Blood FAQs About Saving Your Babys Cord Blood Stem

What are my options for saving my baby's cord blood?

Why do families choose to collect and store their baby's cord blood?
Should I save cord blood for all of my children?
How do I donate my baby's cord blood to a public bank?

Shouldn't I choose a cord blood bank that is close to my home?

I'm planning to adopt. How does that change the process?
What if there is someone in my family who is sick now and needs my child's cord blood?

What are my options for saving my baby's cord blood?

There are two types of banks; family banks (for one's own family's use) and public donor banks (unrelated or nonfamily use i.e. "public"). Every parent has the option of saving cord blood for their baby and family, while only a
small number of people may be able to donate their baby's cord blood stem cells.
Cord Blood Registry is the world's most experienced and trusted cord blood stem cell bank. We have established
the gold standard in cord blood banking and have stored thousands of client samples.
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Why do families choose to collect and store their baby's cord blood?
Tens of thousands of families have chosen to save their baby's cord blood stem cells with Cord Blood Registry.
Most of CBR's clients have no family history of disease, but see the current and future potential of their newborn's
cord blood stem cells as a biological resource.
Once-in-a-Lifetime Opportunity - Only at Birth
At an increasing rate, expectant parents are storing cord blood for their families, not only as a potential life-saving
resource for current uses of stem cells, but also for their future potential. Some families have more defined risk
factors, but most often, parents bank for the security in knowing the health benefits stem cells may someday offer
their children, themselves, or other family members.
Recent clinical studies support the unique suitability of cord blood stem cells for a number of developing
technologies. Doctors are especially enthusiastic about the potential use of cord blood stem cells in the emerging
fields of gene therapy and cellular repair. When you bank your baby's cord blood stem cells, you are saving what
may be a key component to potential future medical treatments and cures.
Additional considerations and unique birthing circumstances include:
Family History
Cord blood banking is a prudent choice if you or your spouse/partner have any family history of a disease that is
treatable with stem cells, such as leukemia, lymphoma, or myeloma. It is important to remember, however, that for
many cancers and diseases, the causes are unknown and they occur even when there is no family history of the
Ethnic or Mixed Ethnicity
Ethnic minorities and families of mixed ethnicity have greater difficulty finding stem cell donors when needed. Many
genetic diseases such as sickle cell anemia and thalassemia are more common in certain ethnic populations. Both
of these diseases have been successfully treated with stem cells from cord blood.
Newborn Adoption
Families preparing to adopt a newborn choose cord blood banking because, if ever needed, the cord blood may be
the only available genetic source of stem cells for the adopted baby. In addition, depending upon the terms of the
adoption, complete family medical histories are not always available.

In Vitro Pregnancies
Couples using fertility treatments bank cord blood because they face the possibility of not having another
opportunity to secure a genetically related sample of cord blood stem cells for their child.
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Should I save cord blood for all of my children?

Just as each child is genetically unique, so is that child's cord blood stem cell sample. Parents save cord blood for
each of their children to ensure that an exact genetic match is available. In addition, it increases the likelihood of a
useful match between family members. The stem cells in a sibling's cord blood are up to twice as likely to be useful
for transplant compared to stem cells from the same sibling's bone marrow. In the case of identical twins, it is still
important to save as many stem cells as possible, and it is recommended that cord blood be collected for both
babies. In general, the collection volume per baby in multiple births is smaller, so collecting for both babies helps
ensure an adequate stem cell yield for transplantation if ever needed. Generally, each child's cord blood is banked
separately even in the case of identical twins.
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How do I donate my baby's cord blood to a public donor bank?

Unfortunately, cord blood collection for public donation can only be accommodated at specified hospitals in limited
regional locations. This is primarily due to funding constraints of many public banks. In addition, a lot of families are
ineligible for donation for a variety of reasons including family health history, maternal exposure to viruses, and
international travel. Hopefully in the future we will see funding sources step forward and help out with significant
funding required.
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Shouldn't I choose a cord blood bank that is close to my home?

It is not important for a cord blood bank to be close to your home. The safety and viability of your baby's stem cells
are far more important than the proximity of the storage location. The most important thing for your family is to
make sure that your baby's cord blood collection yields the greatest number of stem cells possible and that the
cells are viable and available if they are ever needed for transplant. It is also important for the bank's laboratory
and storage facility to be in a location that is not subject to major environmental disasters such as hurricanes,
earthquakes, and tornadoes.
Cord Blood Registry's collection and processing techniques have been published in leading medical journals and
have been proven in over 105 transplants to date. Should they be needed, your stem cells can quickly be shipped
to any medical center in the world.
Finally, since most families will require long-term storage, you will want to choose a cord blood bank that is
financially stable and will be around in the future to ensure your baby's stem cells will be available if needed.
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I'm planning to adopt. How does that change the process?

Cord Blood Registry sends a contract to you as well as the birth mother. Both parties must authorize the contracts
before a kit can be sent. Many times the privacy of both parties is a requirement. Cord Blood Registry has
participated in hundreds of adoption collections for our clients and we are very experienced with confidentiality and
other unique issues surrounding the adoption process as it relates to cord blood collection and storage.
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What if there is someone in my family who is sick now and needs my child's cord blood?
Our Designated Transplant Program (DTP) provides cord blood collection, processing, and storage at no cost to
families with a medical need. Qualifying families may apply for the DTP with a letter from their hematologist or
oncologist recommending cord blood banking as a treatment option for the family.
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Collecting Cord Blood Stem Cells - FAQs

How new is cord blood collection?

When and how is the cord blood collected?
Is collection amount important?
How many doctors have collected for Cord Blood Registry?
Is there any risk to my child or myself during collection?
What About C-Section Deliveries?
Does the hospital need to provide any materials for collection?

How new is cord blood collection?

The first cord blood transplant was performed in 1988. Since then, more than 8,000 transplants have occurred.
The opportunity for expectant families to collect and store their newborn's umbilical cord blood stem cells has only
been widely available since late 1995. Currently, thousands of parents are taking advantage of this once-in-alifetime opportunity.
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When and how is the cord blood collected?

Cord blood is collected from the umbilical cord immediately after the birth of the baby and after the cord has been
cut. This blood is routinely discarded and collecting it does not alter normal birthing procedures. The collection can
only take place at the time of delivery and is normally performed by your caregiver.
Our goal at CBR is to help your doctor collect as much cord blood as possible for your family. We offer a choice of
either the syringe or blood bag collection methods.
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Is collection amount important?

Yes. Larger stem cell samples have shown better survival rate in transplant.
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How many doctors have collected for Cord Blood Registry?

More than 25,000 doctors have collected cord blood for our clients at more than 3,000 hospitals and birthing
centers throughout the U.S., and in more than 72 countries. We have provided extensive educational resources
and training to first-time collecting physicians, midwives, and hospitals to ensure a simple and effective collection.
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Is there any risk to my child or myself during collection?

No. The cord blood is collected after your baby has been born and the umbilical cord has been clamped and cut.
The cord blood that is being collected is blood that would routinely be thrown away. The collection is painless,
easy, and safe for mother and baby. Your caregiver will not alter their normal birthing process in any way, except to
collect your baby's cord blood. The average time for cord blood collection is about 5 minutes.
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What About C-Section Deliveries?

CBR introduced in 2001 the first fully sterile cord blood collection kits for use in c-sections. These kits have
provided more C-section collections than all others combined.
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Does the hospital need to provide any materials for collection?

No. You will receive a collection kit for your baby's cord blood stem cells. Your kit contains all the items your
caregiver will need to collect your baby's cord blood. However, you must remember to take the kit with you to the
hospital when you deliver.
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Cord Blood Shipping & Handling - FAQs

How does C-section affect the cord blood collection process?

How is my baby's cord blood sent to your laboratory?
How long will my baby's cord blood stem cells remain viable in the kit after collection?
Do the cord blood stem cells have to be kept at room temperature before shipping?
What if I do not live in the U.S.?

How does C-section affect the cord blood collection process?

C-section collections are drawn directly from the cord, or your doctor can deliver the placenta into a sterile tray and
then draw from the fetal side of the placenta. Studies comparing vaginal vs. cesarean delivery show that the
collection volumes are comparable.
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How is my baby's cord blood sent to your laboratory?

The One-Step Shipping SM service makes returning your baby's kit to our lab as simple as a single phone call. After
the collection, the labor and delivery staff will return the collection kit to you or a designated family member. The
collection kit is pre-labeled and is ready to be shipped "as-is."
To take advantage of One-Step Shipping through Quick International, simply call the courier after your baby's birth,
and then relax with your new baby. With one simple phone call, your collection kit will be picked up directly from
your hospital room. CBR's automated tracking system will monitor your shipment until it is safely delivered to our
lab. You will receive confirmation from us as soon as your sample is received and processed.
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How long will my baby's cord blood stem cells remain viable in the kit after collection?
In general, the larger the sample collected, the longer the time allowance. For the best results, we want our clients
to have the largest collection possible and to get the sample back to us as soon as possible. We request that each
sample be received at our laboratory between 24 to 32 hours after collection. To be safe, we should receive the
sample no later than 36 hours after the collection is performed. The One-Step Shipping option through Quick
International Courier, typically delivers collection kits to CBR's Arizona facility from anywhere in the U.S., in less
than 24 hours.
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Do the cord blood stem cells have to be kept at room temperature before shipping?
Yes, the cells should be kept at room temperature. Not surprisingly, stem cells like body temperature. Never
refrigerate the kit, expose it to freezing temperatures or extreme heat like in a closed vehicle or car trunk.
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What if I do not live in the U.S.?

We proudly serve clients in nearly all countries around the world. International couriers are available to provide
customs clearance and guarantee delivery to our laboratory within 36 hours of collection.
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Cord Blood Banking and Processing - FAQs

Where are my baby's cord blood stem cells stored and how do I know they are stored safely?
Are your processing methods and results published?
How do you protect my baby's cord blood stem cells against potential contamination from other samples?
What testing is performed by Cord Blood Registry?
How long can cord blood stem cells be stored in liquid nitrogen?
Does Cord Blood Registry perform HLA typing on the cord blood samples?
Will I receive confirmation that my baby's cord blood has been stored successfully?
How do I know that my baby's cord blood sample will not be confused with someone else's?
What federal or state guidelines or regulations do you follow?
If my family ever needs the cord blood sample how do we retrieve it?
Have any of your cord blood samples been requested for use in transplant?

Where are my baby's cord blood stem cells stored and how do I know they are stored
Our state-of-the-art laboratory and storage facility is located in Tucson, Arizona, a location that
historically has not been subject to major environmental disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes,
and tornadoes.
Our laboratory is overseen by Scientific Director, David Harris, Ph.D, one of the world's foremost
experts on cord blood stem cell banking. Our laboratory features back-up generators, computer
monitoring systems that limit entry to the cryogenic vault strictly to authorized personnel; and
paging, computer, and faxing systems that maintain constant contact with our technicians while
monitoring the laboratory and storage areas. The facility and systems are monitored twenty-four hours a day, 365
days a year, to ensure the long-term security of your family's stem cells. In short, we have not only secured a safe
location, but also have rigorously designed our systems to ensure the security and safety of your baby's cord blood
stem cells.
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Are your processing methods and results published?

Yes. Cord Blood Registry's collection method, processing procedure, banking results, and success rates have
been published in the following journals and forums:
Harris, D.T., Schumacher, M.J., Rychlik, S., et al., "Collection, Separation and Cryopreservation of Umbilical Cord
Blood for Use in Transplantation," Bone Marrow Transplantation, 1994
Harris, D.T., "Cord Blood Banking for Transplantation," Canadian Journal of Clinical Medicine, March 1997
ACOG Abstracts 2002 ACM, Los Angeles
Harris, D.T., "Collection Processing and Banking of Umbilical Cord Blood for Clinical Use," The Journal of the
Bellevue Obstetrical & Gynecological Society, Spring 2002
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How do you protect my baby's stem cells against potential contamination from other
Each client sample is suspended in vapor-phase cryogenic isolation, which protects your family's cells and
eliminates the risk of cross-contamination from other samples that can occur in liquid phase storage.
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What testing is performed by Cord Blood Registry?

Cord Blood Registry tests incoming blood before and after processing as part of our quality control to ensure the
sample is contaminant-free on arrival and continues to be during processing in our laboratory. Our blood screening
exceeds FDA regulations for testing and quality control. Our laboratory's strict internal quality control measures
require that the liquid nitrogen in the cryogenic vaults be tested on a monthly basis.
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How long can cord blood stem cells be stored in liquid nitrogen?
"There is no evidence at present that [cord blood stem] cells stored at minus 196 degrees Celsius in an
undisturbed manner lose either in vitro-determined viability or biological activity. Therefore, at the current time, no
expiration date need be assigned to cord blood stored continuously under liquid nitrogen." Or in vapor phase at
minus 196 C liquid nitrogen temperatures.
----Guidelines for Collection, Processing and Storage of Cord Blood Stem Cells; New York State Department of
Current data reflects that cord blood cells stored for fifteen years have the same composition as they did at the
time of storage. All science involving cryogenic storage of cells also indicates that the cells should remain viable
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Does Cord Blood Registry perform HLA typing on the cord blood samples?
No. CBR does not do any HLA typing prior to storage because it is not necessary until the sample is retrieved for
use. At that point in time, your insurance provider would cover the costs of this test for both the donor and the
recipient, which will determine if the sample is a match for the patient. The testing we do is performed to ensure
sample safety, processing quality assurance, and sample viability.
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Will I receive confirmation that my baby's cord blood has been stored successfully?
When you provide CBR with your e-mail address, you will receive instant notification the moment your sample is
received at our lab and you will also be contacted by phone the next business day after the sample has been
processed. Your baby's Certificate of Deposit will arrive within two to three weeks for your records.

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How do I know that my baby's cord blood sample will not be confused with someone
Your sample ID is ensured through a triple identification system:


The first is a unique identifier and barcode. When you enroll with Cord Blood Registry, your baby's
collection kit is assigned a unique identifier (barcode), and this same identifier always remains with your
baby's cord blood kit, paperwork, and sample. Each sample is encased in an outer protective layer to
ensure the barcode never detaches from the sample.
The second identifier is a client I.D. label which is permanently attached to each vial.
Third is the storage location of your baby's unique sample. This information is stored in our computer
system, which is backed up daily, via optical disk and a hardcopy system.

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What federal or state guidelines or regulations do you follow?

The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) has issued regulations, and the States of New York, New Jersey and
Maryland have mandatory licensing for cord blood banking. The stringent laboratory processes, record keeping,
quality control and quality assurance of Cord Blood Registry are designed to meet all federal (FDA) and state
guidelines and regulations. CBR is accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks.
Click here for FDA Guidelines
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If my family ever needs the cord blood sample how do we retrieve it?
Should the need arise, Cord Blood Registry's client services department and your physician would make
arrangements for confirmatory testing, release, and transportation of your baby's stem cells to a designated
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Have any of your cord blood samples been requested for use in transplant?
Yes. We have more experience providing cord blood samples for use in transplant than any other family bank. To
date, Cord Blood Registry has provided over 105 samples for use in transplantation. In all cases, the stem cells
proved viable for transplant - the ultimate validation of our collection, processing, and storage procedures. While
most samples have been used for siblings, our samples have been used in two other notable transplants:

Newborn to Mom. A newborn's cord blood stem cells were transplanted to her mother to treat chronic
myelogenous leukemia (CML).
Newborn's Own Use. Cord Blood Registry facilitated a transplant for a child who was diagnosed with
aplastic anemia at age two. His own cord blood stem cells were used in his transplant.

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FAQs About Cord Blood Registry

Do you own your laboratory?

Who directs your laboratory?
How many cord blood samples has your company stored?
How many samples from your bank have been used for transplants?
What is unique about Cord Blood Registry?
Is Cord Blood Registry a financially stable company?
Does Cord Blood Registry have academic affiliations with research institutions?

Do you own your laboratory?

Yes, we own our laboratory. Our staff has been processing and storing cord blood since 1992. It was the location of
the first family cord blood bank in the world and is currently one of the largest and most modern laboratory facilities
dedicated and designed exclusively for cord blood stem cell processing and storage. We take full responsibility to
ensure that the processing, quality control, and quality assurance metrics are in accordance with FDA regulations
and AABB (formerly the American Association of Blood Banks) accreditation.
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Who directs your laboratory?

Dr. David Harris, a professor in the University of Arizona's department of microbiology and immunology and
pioneer in cord blood banking is a recognized stem cell expert and serves as the Laboratory Director.
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How many cord blood samples has your company stored?

More than 240,000 babies have their cord blood stem cells entrusted to Cord Blood Registry.
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How many samples from your bank have been used for transplants?
To date, CBR has facilitated 105 transplants for client families and in all cases, the stem cells were viable and
chosen by the transplant physician as the preferred source for treatment. The use of our samples in treatment is
the ultimate validation of our cord blood collection, processing, and storage techniques.
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What is unique about Cord Blood Registry?

In addition to having more experience than any other family cord blood bank, CBR has many advantages and
benefits. CBR offers 100% sterile collection kits, One-Step Shipping(SM), and proven long term storage methods.
For more information click here to download our "Track Record and Transplant Summary" document.
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Is Cord Blood Registry a financially stable company?

Cord Blood Registry's corporate and financial stability is unparalleled in this industry. We are excited to offer our
clients the stability of a large client base, a history of profitability, and an affiliation with a leading university.
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Does Cord Blood Registry have academic affiliations with research institutions?
Cord Blood Registry is affiliated with the University of Arizona in cord blood research as well as cord blood
banking. Recently, CBR along with the Cord Blood Donor Foundation and Stanford University, partnered with the
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation to analyze cord blood for possible predisposing ethnic factors and
correlation with the incidence of breast cancer.
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Enrolling with Cord Blood Registry - FAQs

How do I enroll with Cord Blood Registry to save my baby's cord blood?
How much does it cost to save my baby's cord blood stem cells?
Is there special pricing for multiple births?
When should I enroll with CBR?
Will I be charged a fee by my caregiver for the collection?
How does CBR ensure the confidentiality of my personal information?

How do I enroll with Cord Blood Registry to save my baby's cord blood?
Enrollment is quick and easy. We offer two methods of enrollment for your convenience. You can enroll either
online or over the phone. To sign up using a payment plan, please enroll by phone.
Click here to enroll online, available 24-hours a day
Call 1-888-932-6568 Mon. - Fri. between 6am to 9pm PST or Sat & Sun 7am - 4pm PST and enroll over the
We will ship your baby's cord blood collection kit immediately.
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How much does it cost to save my baby's cord blood stem cells?
Click here to view our pricing
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Is there special pricing for multiple births?

CBR has special pricing available In the event of a multiple births (twins, triplets, etc.). Click here to view our
multiple birth pricing.
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When should I enroll with CBR?

Half of all babies arrive before their due date, so its best to decide early. You have just one opportunity to bank
your baby's cord blood, so we strongly recommend making the decision during your second trimester if possible.
It's never too late in your pregnancy to enroll, however.
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Will I be charged a fee by my caregiver for the collection?

Your caregiver will most likely charge a fee to collect your baby's cord blood. Some insurance carriers cover this
fee. Through our Patient Rebate Program we will rebate up to $125 to our clients for collection fees not covered by
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How does CBR ensure the confidentiality of my personal information?

Cord Blood Registry maintains strict confidentiality of all client information. All CBR employees sign confidentiality
agreements because of the sensitive nature of your family's medical information. We are subject to government
regulations (as are your caregivers and insurers) that may require disclosure of certain, limited information under
certain circumstances. Click here to view our privacy policy.
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"Doctors would never treat the child with his or her own cord blood
because it would contain the disease."


Thousands of autologous stem cell transplants (using one's own cells) are performed every
year for diseases such as leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, and many solid tumors.
Research from the Journal of Clinical Oncology reports that even with early-onset disease
(within twelve months of birth), the child's stem cells are still recommended for use in
In the study, autologous stem cell treatments for infants with acute leukemia were just as
successful as allogeneic sibling transplants. Autologous cord blood stem cells have many
advantages as a transplant source, including no risk of graft vs. host disease (GVHD-a
leading cause of death for transplant patients), immediate availability, and low risk of the
cells being contaminated with disease. In April 2001, a ten-month-old baby in Canada
received the first-ever autologous cord blood transplant to treat retinoblastoma (eye cancer)
that had spread to his spinal cord. His parent's foresight to preserve his cord blood provided
him with his best chance for survival.

"... stem cells in cord blood should be normal and free of malignancy, giving them a potential advantage over
autologous cells collected during hematologic remission from a patient with malignancy."
- J. M. Wiley, M.D., and J. A. Kuller, M.D.
"Storage of Newborn Stem Cells for Future Use"
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vol. 89, No. 2, February 1997



"Odds that a family will ever need their banked cord blood are so low
that people shouldn't bother doing it."
Considering that the cause of most cancers is unknown and that the science of stem cell
therapy is expanding rapidly, it is difficult to accurately calculate the odds that a family will
use the cord blood or benefit from new treatments. However, according to medical research,
the odds that a child will someday need to use his or her own newborn stem cells for current
treatments are estimated at 1 in 400*. Odds that the newborn or a family member may
benefit from banked cord blood are estimated at 1 in 200*. These odds do not include the
emerging and potential use of newborn stem cells to treat heart disease, diabetes,
Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and spinal cord injury. The continued progress in medical
treatments would greatly increase the likelihood of use by your baby throughout her life.
Based on current data, there is no "expiration date" for newborn stem cells.
* Pasquini MC, Logan BR, Verter F, Horowitz MM, Nietfeld JJ. The Likelihood of
Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (HCT) in the United States: Implications for
Umbilical Cord Blood Storage. Blood 2005; 106(11): 1330.

"What was a discard has become valuable-indeed priceless to many children with leukemia, and perhaps in the
future to children with AIDS and autoimmune diseases, such as diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis."
- Science, Vol. 268, May 12, 1995



"The baby or siblings will never need the cord blood stem cells if my
family doesn't have a history of cancer."
People choose to bank their babies' cord blood in order to provide themselves and their
families with an additional safeguard-just in case. The causes for most cancers and
diseases are unknown, and in some cases, certain types of cancers are growing at alarming
rates.(1) Recent reports indicate that one in 630 children will get cancer by age fifteen.(2)
Additionally, treatments for cancer only reflect current uses and do not consider the
increasing applications and promising cord blood transplant therapies that are in
1. Lichtenstein, P., et al. Environmental and Heritable Factors in the Causation of Cancer.
New England Journal of Medicine. 2000;343(2):78-85.
2. Freedberg, L. Cancer Rates for Children Worry Experts. San Francisco Chronicle.
September 17, 1997.





"If I bank my baby's cord blood stem cells, I will be taking it away from
the public donor banks."
Currently, only a small percentage of the four million births every year in the U.S. result in
family-banked cord blood, and even if that percentage increases, there will always be a
generous cord blood supply for the public banks-if funding is available. More than 90
percent of families do not have access to a public cord blood bank that accepts donations.
Other factors also significantly limit cord blood donation eligibility, such as maternal
exposure to viruses, tattoos, and international travel. In fact, recent reports from public
banks convey that only 30 percent of donated cord blood ends up being banked. The limited
cord blood supply in public banks is 100 percent due to lack of funding-not private banks.

"There is no reason for me to bank my baby's own cord blood stem cells
when public banks can provide donated samples."
If autologous cells are not available, or cannot be used, stem cells from a relative
(preferably a sibling) are usually the best treatment option. In fact, according to a study in
The New England Journal of Medicine, the one-year survival rate for patients treated with a
sibling's cord blood stem cells is approximately 63 percent. With cord blood from an
unrelated donor, the survival rate drops to 29 percent. In addition, unrelated cord blood also
puts the patient at a much greater risk for developing potentially fatal GVHD (20 percent vs.
5 percent). Related cord blood also reduces the risk that the transplant sample may harbor
genetic problems that could cause disease in the recipient because the family will know the

genetic history. More importantly, because cord blood cells are less mature than adult stem
cells, they have a 50 percent likelihood of being a suitable HLA match between siblings,
compared to only 25 percent for bone marrow. Public banks can help ensure an adequate
sample for transplant but not the best or most preferable sample. When the issue is
survival, this is significant. The families who bank cord blood stem cells want to help ensure
the BEST chance of survival if the cells are needed, not just A chance.







"I can donate to a public bank and retrieve the cord blood stem cells
later if needed."
If the sample was banked and has not been used for research or by someone else, a family
might be able to retrieve their donated sample. For families to make an informed decision, it
is important for them to understand that not all donated samples are banked. Multiple
studies have shown that more than half of potential cord blood donors are not eligible for
donation. As many as 71 percent of donations may be rejected by public banks based on
family medical history, maternal medical history, collection volume, and examination of the
maternal blood sample (Transfusion, January 2000, Vol. 40:1, 124).

"Cord blood collection takes important blood away from my baby."

Cord blood is normally discarded with the umbilical cord after it is clamped and cut. When
you ask to have your baby's cord blood collected, the one and only change from the normal
procedure is that after birth-after the cord is cut-the baby's cord blood is collected rather
than thrown away. Collections can take place even after the placenta has delivered.

"The cord blood stem cells may not remain viable after long-term
The New York State Health Department Guidelines for cord blood banking state that
umbilical stem cells can be stored indefinitely under liquid nitrogen. The policy states,
"There is no evidence at present that cells stored at -196C in an undisturbed manner lose
either in-vitro determined viability or biologic activity. Therefore, at the current time, no
expiration date need be assigned to cord blood stored continuously under liquid nitrogen."
Current data reflects that cord blood cells that have been stored for fifteen years have the
same composition as they did at the time of storage.(3) All science involving cryogenic
storage of cells also indicates that the cells should remain viable indefinitely.
3. Kobylka, P. Preservation of Immunological and Colony-Forming Capacities of Long-Term

(15 years) Cryopreserved Cord Blood Stem Cells. Transplantation. 1998;65(9):1275-1278.



"Future uses for cord blood are limited."

Many experts describe the current time as an "inflection point" in science and medicine and
believe that individuals who bank their cord blood stem cells will be in a position to take
advantage of the many developing technologies involving stem cells. New approaches to
treating and curing disease may be borne from the genome project and the infrastructure
that is being built. An exciting area of stem cell research is that surrounding tissue
regeneration. Cord blood has already been demonstrated to contain cells that may promote
blood vessel growth ("Japanese Study Hints of Home-Grown Heart Bypasses," Reuters,
November 7, 1999) and contains stem cells that can be redirected to grow into neural
tissue, which was demonstrated at the University of South Florida. Recently, umbilical cord
blood helped repair brain damage from stroke in rats.

Mas cikkek

Stem Cell Research; Subpopulation of Umbilical Cord Blood Cells

Have Potential to Become Neural Cells
Blood Weekly
09 February 2006
2006 FEB 9 - (NewsRx.com) -- A subpopulation within umbilical cord blood cells have the potential to
become neural cells.
According to a study from the United States, "The mononuclear fraction from human umbilical cord blood
(HUCB) contains a significant number of stem/progenitor cells that in theory could become any cell in the
body, including neurons.
"Taking into consideration that transdifferentiation would be a very rare event and also knowing that
overlapping genetic programs for hematopoiesis and neuropoiesis exist, we undertook a characterization of
the HUCB mononuclear fraction, including analysis of cellular subpopulations and their morphology, cell
viability, proliferation, and expression of neural and hematopoietic antigens."
"Two cell populations were apparent-adherent and floating fractions. The adherent fraction was mainly
lymphocytes (similar to 53%) expressing hematopoietic antigens. Upon replate, the floating population had
many cells that expressed stem cell antigens.
"More of the cells in this subfraction expressed neural proteins. Neurotrophin receptors trkB and trkC were
present in both cell fractions, although expression was higher in the floating fraction," N. Chen and
colleagues at the University of South Florida reported.
Scientists concluded, "Our initial characterization suggests that a subpopulation of cells exists within the
HUCB mononuclear fraction that seems to have the potential to become neural cells, which could then be
used in the development of cell-based therapies for brain injuries and diseases."
Chen and colleagues published the results of their research in Stem Cells (Human umbilical cord blood
progenitors: The potential of these hematopoietic cells to become neural. Stem Cells, 2005;23(10):15601570).

For additional information, contact N. Chen, University of S Florida, College Med, Dept. Neurosurgery,
Center Excellence Aging & Brain Repair, 12901 Bruce B Downs Blvd., Tampa, FL 33612, USA.
The publisher of the journal Stem Cells can be contacted at: Alphamed Press, 318 Blackwell St., Ste. 260,
Durham, NC 27701-2884, USA.
Keywords: Tampa, Florida, United States, Hematopoiesis, Neural Cells, Umbilical Cord Blood Cell
Subpopulation, Mononuclear Fraction, Cell Therapy.
This article was prepared by Blood Weekly editors from staff and other reports. Copyright 2006, Blood
Weekly via NewsRx.com.

Sanfilippo syndrome type B is caused by -N-acetylglucosaminidase (Naglu) enzyme

deficiency leading to an accumulation of undegraded heparan sulfate, a
glycosaminoglycan (GAG). Cell therapy is a promising new treatment and human umbilical
cord blood (hUCB) cell transplantation may be preferred for delivery of the missing
enzyme. We investigated the ability of mononuclear hUCB cells administered into the
lateral cerebral ventricle to ameliorate/prevent histopathological changes in mice
modeling Sanfilippo syndrome type B. These are the first results supporting enzyme
replacement by administered hUCB cells. In vivo, transplanted hUCB cells survived longterm (7 months), migrated into the parenchyma of the brain and peripheral organs,
expressed neural antigens, and exhibited neuron and astrocyte-like morphology.
Transplant benefits were also demonstrated by stable cytoarchitecture in the
hippocampus and cerebellum, and by reduced GAGs in the livers of treated mutant mice.
A hUCB cell transplant may be an effective therapeutic strategy for enzyme delivery in
Sanfilippo syndrome type B.

Glossary of Stem Cell-Related Terms

Adult stem cells
Stem cells found in different tissues of the developed, adult organism that remain in an
undifferentiated, or unspecialized, state. These stem cells can give rise to specialized cell
types of the tissue from which they came, i.e., a heart stem cell can give rise to a functional
heart muscle cell, but it is still unclear whether they can give rise to all different cell types of
the body.
Allogeneic transplantation
Cell, tissue or organ transplants from one member of a species to a genetically different
member of the same species.
Autologous transplantation
Cell, tissue or organ transplants from one individual back to the same individual. Such
transplants do not induce an immune response and are not rejected.

A very early embryo consisting of approximately 150 cells. The blastocyst is a spherical cell
mass produced by cleavage of the zygote (fertilized egg). It contains a fluid-filled cavity, a
cluster of cells called the inner cell mass (from which embryonic stem cells are derived) and
an outer layer of cells called the trophoblast (that forms the placenta).
Bone marrow stromal cell
Also known as mesenchymal stem cells, bone marrow stromal cells are a mixed population
of cells derived from the non-blood forming fraction of bone marrow. Bone marrow stromal
cells are capable of growth and differentiation into a number of different cell types including
bone, cartilage and fat.
Cell line
Cells that can be maintained and grown in culture and display an immortal or indefinite life
Cell type
A specific subset of cells within the body, defined by their appearance, location and function.
i) adipocyte: the functional cell type of fat, or adipose tissue, that is found throughout the
body, particularly under the skin. Adipocytes store and synthesize fat for energy, thermal
regulation and cushioning against mechanical shock
ii) cardiomyocytes: the functional muscle cell type of the heart that allows it to beat
continuously and rhythmically
iii) chondrocyte: the functional cell type that makes cartilage for joints, ear canals, trachea,
epiglottis, larynx, the discs between vertebrae and the ends of ribs
iv) fibroblast: a connective or support cell found within most tissues of the body. Fibroblasts
provide an instructive support scaffold to help the functional cell types of a specific organ
perform correctly.
v) hepatocyte: the functional cell type of the liver that makes enzymes for detoxifying
metabolic waste, destroying red blood cells and reclaiming their constituents, and the
synthesis of proteins for the blood plasma
vi) hematopoietic cell: the functional cell type that makes blood. Hematopoietic cells are
found within the bone marrow of adults. In the fetus, hematopoietic cells are found within the
liver, spleen, bone marrow and support tissues surrounding the fe tus in the womb.
vii) myocyte: the functional cell type of muscles
viii) neuron: the functional cell type of the brain that is specialized in conducting impulses
ix) osteoblast: the functional cell type responsible for making bone
x) islet cell: the functional cell of the pancreas that is responsible for secreting insulin,
glucogon, gastrin and somatostatin. Together, these molecules regulate a number of
processes including carbohydrate and fat metabolism, blood glucose levels and acid
secretions into the stomach.
The process in which an organism produces one or more genetically alike copies of itself by
asexual means. Cloning may occur by propagation of cuttings, as in the case of plants;
continual budding, as in the case of hydra; fission, as in the case of bacteria and protozoa;
parthenogenic asexual reproduction as in the case of aphids; or somatic cell nuclear transfer,
as in the case of higher order animals such as mammals. The term cloning can also be
applied to a group of cells undergoing replication by repetitive mitoses (cell divisions).
Also see entries for Reproductive cloning and Therapeutic cloning below.

The part of the cell not including the nucleus.
The process of development with an increase in the level of organization or complexity of a
cell or tissue, accompanied with a more specialized function.
The outer of three germ layers of the early embryo that gives rise in later development to the
skin, cells of the amnion and chorion, nervous system, enamel of the teeth, lens of the eye
and neural crest.
The product of a fertilized egg, from the zygote until the fetal stage.
Embryoid bodies
Spheroid colonies seen in culture produced by the growth of embryonic stem cells in
suspension. Embryoid bodies are of mixed cell types, and the distribution and timing of the
appearance of specific cell types corresponds to that observed within the embryo.
Embryonic germline cells
Embryonic germline cells, also called EG cells, are pluripotent stem cells derived from the
primitive germline cells (those cells that give rise to eggs and sperm). Their properties are
similar to those of embryonic stem cells.
Embryonic stem cell
Also called ES cells, embryonic stem cells are cells derived from the inner cell mass of
developing blastocysts. An ES cell is self-renewing (can replicate itself), pluripotent (can form
all cell types found in the body) and theoretically is immortal.
The inner of three germ layers of the early embryo that gives rise in later development to
tissues such as the lungs, the intestine, the liver and the pancreas.
The stage in development from the end of the embryonic stage, 7-8 weeks after fertilization,
to developed organism that ends at birth.
Germ layers
The three germ layers are the endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm and are the three
precursory tissue layers of the early, primitive embryo (which form at approximately two
weeks in the human) that give rise to all tissues of the body.
Hematopoietic stem cells
The precursors of mature blood cells that are defined by their ability to replace the bone
marrow system following its obliteration (for example, by g-irradiation) and can continue to
produce mature blood cells.
Hematopoietic cell transplantation
The transplantation of hematopoietic stem cells with blood-forming potential. Hematopoietic

stem cells provide rapid and sustained reconstitution of blood formation and are found in
adult bone marrow, umbilical cord blood, peripheral blood and in fetal liver.
Not homologous or uniform. In the context of cells, heterologous is a mixed or divergent cell
population or of a divergent origin.
A tissue or organ from a donor (the person giving the organ or tissue) that will not be rejected
by the recipient (the patient in whom the tissue or organ is transplanted). Rejection is caused
because the immune system of the recipient sees the transplanted organ or tissue as foreign
and tries to destroy it. Tissues from most people are not histocompatible with other people.
In siblings, the probability of histocompatibility is higher, while identical twins are almost
always histocompatible.
Similar or uniform, often used in the context of genes and DNA sequences. In the context of
stem cells, the term homologous recombination is a technique used to disable a gene in
embryonic stem cells.
Homologous recombination
A technique used to inactivate a gene and determine its function in a living animal. The
process of homologous recombination is more efficient in embryonic stem cells than in other
cell types. It is achieved by introducing a stretch of DNA that is similar or identical
(homologous) to part of a gene and to some of the DNA surrounding the gene, but different
(not homologous) to a specific section of the gene. The DNA is then introduced into the stem
cells and the stretch of homologous DNA will recognize the similar sequences of the gene
within the cell, and replace it. But the cell is then left with a piece of DNA in the gene that has
the wrong sequence and this interrupts the function of the gene. The gene is then said to be
knocked out. From these embryonic stem cells, an entire mouse can be made by injecting
the altered stem cells into a blastocyst, and implanting the blastocyst into a female mouse.
This is one way to make genetically manipulated mice and other animals with altered gene
function. These experiments are crucial to understand how specific genes work and interact
in living animals.
Human embryonic stem cell
A stem cell that is derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst and can differentiate into
several tissue types in a dish. They are similar to embryonic stem cells from the mouse;
however, in the mouse, it is possible to inject those cells into a blastocyst, to make a new
mouse, while this is not, and should not, be possible in humans for ethical reasons. Human
embryonic stem cells are harder to grow than mouse embryonic stem cells.
Inner cell mass
A small group of cells attached to the wall of the blastocyst (the embryo at a very early stage
of development that looks like a hollow ball). Embryonic stem cells are made by isolating and
culturing the cells that make up the inner cell mass. In development. it is the inner cell mass
that will eventually give rise to all the organs and tissues of the future embryo and fetus, but
do not give rise to the extra-embryonic tissues, such as the placenta.
In vitro fertilization
A procedure where an egg cell (the oocyte) and sperm cells are brought together in a dish
(i.e. in vitro), so that a sperm cell can fertilize the egg. The resulting fertilized egg, called a

zygote, will start dividing and after a several divisions, forms the embryo that can be
implanted into the womb of a woman and give rise to pregnancy.
Mesemchymalstem cell
Also known as bone marrow stromal cells, mesenchymal stem cells are rare cells, mainly
found in the bone marrow, that can give rise to a large number of tissue types such as bone,
cartilage (the lining of joints), fat tissue, and connective tissue (tissue that is in between
organs and structures in the body).
The middle of three germ layers that gives rise later in development to such tissues as
muscle, bone, and blood.
Study of the shape and visual appearance of cells, tissues and organs.
Multipotentstem cells
Stem cells whose progeny are of multiple differentiated cell types, but all within a particular
tissue, organ, or physiological system. For example, blood-forming (hematopoietic) stem
cells are single multipotent cells that can produce all cell types that are normal components
of the blood.
Neural stem cell
A type of stem cell that resides in the brain, which can make new nerve cells (called neurons)
and other cells that support nerve cells (called glia). In the adult, neural stem cells can be
found in very specific and very small areas of the brain where replacement of nerve cells is
A part of the cell, situated more or less in the middle of the cell, that is surrounded by a
specialized membrane and contains the DNA of the cell. This DNA is packaged into
structures called chromosomes, which is the genetic, inherited material of cells.
Oligopotent progenitor cells
Progenitor cells that can produce more than one type of mature cell. An example is the
myeloid progenitor cell which can give rise to mature blood cells, including blood
granulocytes, monocytes, red blood cells, platelets, basophiles, eosinophiles and dendritic
cells, but not T lymphocytes, B lymphocytes, or natural killer cells.
A form of reproduction where an egg develops without the fusion of sperm with the egg cell.
Parthenogenesis occurs commonly among insects and other arthropods. Artificially inducing
parthenogenesis with human eggs may be a means to isolate stem cells from an embryo,
without fertilization.
A phenomenon used to describe a cell that is capable of becoming a specialized cell type of
different tissue. For example, when the same stem cell can make both new blood cells and
new muscle cells.

The description of the characteristics of a cell, a tissue or an animal; as black and white fur of
a mouse are two phenotypes that can be found. The phenotype is determined by the genes
(or the genotype) and by the environment. For example, short stature is a phenotype that
can be genetically determined (and therefore inherited from the parents), but can also be
caused by malnourishment during childhood (and therefore be caused by the environment).
Pluripotent stem cells
Stem cells that can become all the cell types that are found in an implanted embryo, fetus, or
developed organism, but not embryonic components of the trophoblast and placenta (these
are usually called extra-embryonic).
Post-implantation embryo
Implanted embryos in the early stages of development until the establishment of the body
plan of a developed organism with identifiable tissues and organs.
Pre-implantation embryos
Fertilized eggs (zygotes) and all of the developmental stages up to, but not beyond, the
blastocyst stage.
Progenitor cell
A progenitor cell, often confused with stem cell, is an early descendant of a stem cell that can
only differentiate, but it cannot renew itself anymore. In contrast, a stem cell can renew itself
(make more stem cells by cell division) or it can differentiate (divide and with each cell
division evolve more and more into different types of cells). A progenitor cell is often more
limited in the kinds of cells it can become than a stem cell. In scientific terms, it is said that
progenitor cells are more differentiated than stem cells.
Regenerative medicine
Medical interventions that aim to repair damaged organs, most often by using stem cells to
replace cells and tissues damaged by aging and by disease.
Reproductive cloning
Somatic cell nuclear transfer used for the production of a fetus and delivery of a live offspring
that is genetically identical the donor of the somatic cell DNA.
Also see entries for Cloning and Therapeutic cloning.
Somatic cells
All the cells within the developing or developed organism with the exception of germline (egg
and sperm) cells.
Somatic cell nuclear transplant
A technique in which the nucleus of a somatic cell (any cell of the body except sperm cells
and egg cells) is injected, or transplanted, into an egg, that has had its nucleus removed. If
the new egg is then implanted into the womb of an animal, an individual will be born that is a
clone. The clone has the identical genetic material as the somatic cell, which supplied the
nucleus that carries the genetic material. This procedure is very inefficient and was first
developed for agricultural purposes. However, in human medicine, this technique can be
used to isolate embryonic stem cells from eggs that undergo nuclear transplant. When the
somatic cell is supplied from the cells of a person, the stem cells isolated from the
developing eggs can be used to make a tissue that will not be rejected by that person,

because they have the same genetic material. In this way, 'customized' embryonic stem cells
could be made for everyone who needed them.
Stem cells
Cells that have both the capacity to self-renew (make more stem cells by cell division) as
well as to differentiate into mature, specialized cells.
Therapeutic cloning
Somatic cell nuclear transfer for the isolation of embryonic stem cells. The embryonic stem
cells are derived from the blastocyst (before it becomes a fetus) and can be instructed to
form particular cell types (e.g. heart muscle) to be implanted into damaged tissue (e.g. heart)
to restore its function. If the stem cells are placed back into the individual who gave the DNA
for the somatic cell nuclear transfer, the embryonic stem cells and their derivatives are
genetically identical and thus immunocompatible (they will not be rejected).
Also see entries for Cloning and Reproductive cloning.
Totipotent stem cells
Stem cells that can give rise to all cell types that are found in an embryo, fetus, or developed
organism, including the embryonic components of the trophoblast and placenta required to
support development and birth. The zygote and the cells at the very early stages following
fertilization (i.e., the 2-cell stage) are considered totipotent.
The ability of a particular cell of one tissue, organ or system, including stem or progenitor
cells, to differentiate into a cell type characteristic of another tissue, organ, or system; e.g.,
blood stem cells changing to liver cells.
Transplantation biology
The science that studies the transplantation of organs and cells. Transplantation biologists
investigate scientific questions to understand why foreign tissues and organs are rejected,
the way transplanted organs function in the recipient, how this function can be maintained or
improved, and how the organ to be transplanted should be handled to obtain optimal results.
The tissue of the developing embryo responsible for implantation and formation of the
placenta. In contrast to embryonic stem cells, the trophoblast does not come from the inner
cell mass, but from cells surrounding it.
Umbilical cord stem cells
Hematopoietic stem cells are present in the blood of the umbilical cord during and shortly
after delivery. These stem cells are in the blood at the time of delivery, because they move
from the liver, where blood-formation takes place during fetal life, to the bone marrow, where
blood is made after birth. Umbilical cord stem cells are similar to stem cells that reside in
bone marrow, and can be used for the treatment of leukemia, and other diseases of the
blood. Efforts are now being undertaken to collect these cells and store them in freezers for
later use. However, one problem is that there may not be enough umbilical cord stem cells in
any one sample to transplant into an adult.
Unipotentstem cells
Stem cells that self-renew as well as give rise to a single mature cell type; e.g.,
spermatogenic stem cells.

The cell that results from the union of sperm and egg during fertilization. Cell division begins
after the zygote forms.
Updated: October 17, 2003

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