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(cell phone 240-506-1556)

To: All veterans

Date: 2015


Topic: Fly in Expert witness at Hearings

Independent Veteran Medical Opinion (IMO)
Veteran Medical Nexus Opinion (VMNO)

Craig N. Bash, M.D.


Pages: 1
NPI or UPIN-1225123318- lic #--D43471
4938 Hampden lane, Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: (301) 767-9525 Fax: (301) 365-2589
E-Mail: drbash@doctor.com

I have done many VA hearing as a medical subject matter expert concerning complex medical issues
because the Judges, DROs, raters (The Deciders), service officers and patients are not physicians. The
issues involved in any typical veteran claim (that makes it to any appeal level) are usually complex as the
medical problems extend often over decades and are thus also often associated with many primary and
secondary complications.
The following is a list of ways that the medical expert can be beneficial at any hearing;
1. Expert can order additional medical nexus testing prior to the hearing.
2. Expert can review the most recent copy of the claims file.
3. Expert can work with lawyer or service officer advocate to gather pertinent documents.
4. Expert can examine the patient at the hearing for benefit of The Deciders.
5. Expert can decipher medical records and CP/QTC/private examination reports.
6. Expert can comment of the value of other medical nexus opinions in the file (referee).
7. Expert can present and explain medical imaging/lab test and pathology report/consults.
8. Expert can address real time any questions that The Deciders might have.
9. Expert can address any questions that the service officer or patient or patients family might have.
10. Expert can explain the pathophysiology, anatomy and the diagnoses involved in the rating.
11. Expert can relieve any of the patients anxiety over the hearing process and potentially not being
able to present the medical facts.
12. Expert can, after the hearing, order any new tests needed to satisfy quarries by The Deciders.
13. Expert can, after the hearing, provide a written explanation of issues discussed.
1. All veterans with complicated cases should consider having an expert witness fly to their hearings for a
professional medical nexus explanation.
2. I am available to fly to hearings depending on my schedule.
Craig Bash M.D. Associate Professor

drbash@doctor.com cell 240-506-1556

Independent Veteran Medical Opinion (IMO)Veteran Medical Nexus Opinion (VMNO) based on Veterans
medical records

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