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12. Start a Cygwin Terminal window by clicking on the icon in start menu or on desktop,
then run the following commands: (start program cygwin)
Create the following 3 files in your /home/youruserid directory: .bashrc, .inputrc, and
.Xdefaults This can be done with the commands:
touch .bashrc
touch .inputrc
touch .Xdefaults
13. Go to the directory C:\Cygwin\home\youruserid (from windows explorer) and open the
following 3 files in a text editor: In the .bashrc file, put the following lines: (click right button
and open with word pad)

(delete all and copy all from .bashrc working file.)

export PS1="\[\033[1m\][\w]\\$\[\033[0m\] "
alias ls=ls -FX
set -o notify
set -o ignoreeof
shopt -s cdspell
shopt -s cdable_vars
shopt -s checkhash
shopt -s checkwinsize
shopt -s sourcepath
shopt -s histappend
export PATH=$PATH:/home/yourid/moshell (edit yourid)
The last line appends the moshell directory to your $PATH. This will enable you to call
moshell from any directory. In the .inputrc file, put the following lines: (click right button and
open with word pad)
(delete all and copy all from .inputrc working file.)
set bell-style visible
set convert-meta Of
set output-meta On
set input-meta On

set completion-ignore-case on
set completion-query-items 150
set mark-directories on
set visible-stats On
set show-all-if-ambiguous On
set expand-tilde On
"\e[D": backward-char
"\e[C": forward-char
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward
"\e[7~": beginning-of-line
"\e[8~": end-of-line
"\e[1~": beginning-of-line
"\e[4~": end-of-line
"\e[3~": delete-char
"\e[2~": menu-complete
"\M-[2~": paste-from-clipboard # Insert
"\M-q": menu-complete
"\C-d": delete-char
"\C-l": clear-screen
"\C-xdf": dump-functions
"\C-xdv": dump-variables
"\C-xdm": dump-macros
(Type man bash if you want to get more information about what these lines do) In the
.Xdefaults file, put the following lines: (copy all from .Xdefauts working file.)
Rxvt*background: Black
Rxvt*foreground: White
Rxvt*saveLines: 65535
Rxvt*termName: xterm
Rxvt*geometry: 143x64+0+0
Rxvt*loginShell: true
Rxvt*font: "Lucida Console-11"
Rxvt*cutchars: "&()*,;<=>? []{|}
These are just examples of terminal properties, you can change them to fit your needs. Type
man rxvt to view all available properties.
14. Open a new cygwin terminal window. The window should be black with white text and

the prompt should like this: [~]$

If not, then go through the last 4 steps again and make sure you havent missed out
15. Moshell installation (run program cygwin)

Follows these steps if you already have a working Cygwin environment.

Put the moshellxxx.zip file in c:\cygwin\tmp (copy moshell7.0zip file here)
Open the cygwin shell and go the /tmp directory. Run the following:
cd /tmp
unzip -o moshellxxx.zip(unzip o moshell7.0zip)
bash moshell_install
# Go home (C:/cygwin/home) copy moshell and moshell logfile folder from working file.
16. Running moshell for the first time If you have set the PATH variable correctly in your
~/.bashrc~/.bashrc~/.bashrc~/.bashrc file, you should be able to run moshell from any
directory. E.g:
moshell <ip address>
# If unknown command --- go home (C:/cygwin/home/moshell) check jarxml file and copy
from working jarxml file.

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